I understand your personal journey with regard to being antivax and now appreciate it and respect it even though I occasionally resist the sources relied upon to try convince the rest of us we are morons poisoning ourselves.
The mask resistance is purely political and childish. The study that said top quality masks don't work was debunked. Every major teaching medical center and hospital in the world supports mask usuage when indicated.
I understand the boilerplate motive ascribed to those same institutions for advocating for the Covid vaccine: they are corrupt and making billions off Big Pharma.
What in God's green acre is the motive for recommending masks when indicated if they are useless? What is the support for that theory.
The Asian countries have been utilizing masks for decades. I hate to racially profile here, but do you think the Deplorables and the politicians that represent them are smarter than those people in Asia? I'm going to go out on a limb here: I don't.
Some Hospitals Are Requiring Masks Again. Will Other Public Places Be Next?
https://time.com/6588785/hospitals-masks-requirement-2024/"Masks aren't perfect, and some are more effective than others, but studies show that they do reduce transmission on the whole. In the latest analysis, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases in January, researchers led by Dr. Francesca Torriani at University of California San Diego report that almost no infections were transmitted within that health facility (where there was a mask mandate) in the early days of the Omicron wave. In fact, they found that the only areas where transmission occurred were in break areas or during gatherings when people removed their masks to eat."
" Please protect yourself, your loved ones, and the greater Harvard community by reducing your risk of contracting respiratory illness. Wear a high-quality face mask in crowded indoor settings, practice appropriate hand hygiene, and test if you feel unwell.
https://huhs.harvard.edu/2024/01/11/an-update-to-masking/" Effective April 3, wearing masks is now optional, but recommended, in all areas except those where patients are present, including elevators and lobbies where clinical services are provided.
Masking on campus shuttles and elevators is no longer required but recommended."
https://coronavirus.ucsf.edu/masking-policies-campus-and-health-facilities" Face masks
Stanford strongly recommends masking indoors and in crowded outdoor settings.
"Masking is required in healthcare facilities, including Vaden Health Center, Stanford University Occupational Health Center, and Stanford Hospitals and Clinics. Effective Oct. 24, 2022, face masks are no longer mandatory in classrooms. However, individual instructors have the option of requiring masks in classes. Instructors who require masking should inform students in advance on Canvas, the university's learning management system, and by email."
https://news.stanford.edu/report/current-policies-status/ Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
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I got some friends inside
“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.