sycasey said:
The current Nazi Ukrainian government and its Jewish president.
The whole thing is preposterous.
admitted in March that the whole denazification thing was a ruse. If Putin and Russia wanted to do something about nazis, they should start with their own military. They didn't seem to have any problem with Prigozhin's partner Utkin who is a former Russian special forces commander who
worships the third reich. This entire talking point is disingenuous and is similar to the laughably false propaganda about Ukraine being in league with ISIS because a few Ukrainian soldiers had ISIS patches that they had taken as trophies.
There are pro-Nazi right wing extremists the world over. They share many of the same xenophobic view points with other far right extremists, and we see many of those viewpoints expressed on BI - so it's laughable when these same people pretend they get the vapors at the very thought of someone being a nazi.
I recently said that I don't like to make projections but I will make one now. Whenever this dumb criminal invasion ends, "denazification" will not factor in whatsoever. There will be no timetable for denazification and it will not be in whatever peace agreement is signed. It was a completely fabricated pretext by a corrupt criminal leader in order to help generate support for an incredibly stupid 3-day war which has turned into a 500+ slow-motion train wreck for Putin.
Here's Prigozhin from a
few weeks ago:
The invasion was nothing more than a massive land grab by the Russian oligarchy, Prigozhin charged, designed to enrich the country's powerful elites while poor Russians served as cannon fodder. Russian claims that a Nazi regime in Ukraine, backed by NATO, was about to attack Russia were lies, Prigozhin said. The war was started by the Russian oligarchy to benefit themselves and gain power. In his rant, Prigozhin did not criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin by name, focusing instead on the broader Russian elite, and specifically on his personal enemy Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
"The Ministry of Defense is trying to deceive the public and the president and spin the story that there were insane levels of aggression from the Ukrainian side and that they were going to attack us together with the whole NATO bloc," Prigozhin said on his Telegram channel on June 23. The truth, he said, was that "there was nothing extraordinary happening on the eve of February 24," the day last year when Russian invaded. Ukraine was not planning any kind of attack against Russia, he added.
Russia's invasion "was started for a completely different reason," Prigozhin said. "What was the war for? The war was needed for Shoigu to receive a hero star. … The oligarchic clan that rules Russia needed the war," he said. "The mentally ill scumbags decided: 'It's OK, we'll throw in a few thousand more Russian men as cannon fodder. They'll die under artillery fire, but we'll get what we want.'"
"Shoigu killed thousands of the most combat-ready Russian soldiers in the first days of the war," Prigozhin said, adding that the invasion began even as Zelenskyy and Ukraine were eager for peace. The Ukrainian leader "was ready for agreements. All that needed to be done was to get off Mount Olympus and negotiate with him."
When you run a corrupt sh(thole kleptocracy that is attacking your peaceful neighbor, you have to make up a bunch of reasons to justify your invasion because you can't possibly admit the truth. The fact that there are useful idiots amplifying the made up stuff doesn't make it any more credible.
Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are anti-semites and Nazi supporters in Ukraine, just like there are in Russia, the US, and the world over. Anti-semitism is a sickness that the world is unlikely to ever be free from. But it has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.