blungld said:
I really do not understand the Putin apologists. Why do they work so hard to excuse the Russian aggression? Why do they seem to actually be rooting for Russia to destroy Ukraine and "win" against the US and NATO? They are not just discussing the complexity of the region and all the factors at play, they are actively anti-Ukriane and Pro-Russia. I just can't for the life of me get it. How do you live through the last 30 years and see all the criminality and anti-democratic actions of the Putin oligarchy and be cheering for them?
Are they just anti whatever they perceive as the Liberal agenda or talking points? Like we could all be cheering for Putin and they would suddenly be pro-Ukraine?
Are they just showing pure tribalism? The right wing media wants to push back on Ukraine support because that might make Biden look successful, might make Trump's praise of Putin look bad, and because through Trump's "perfect" blackmail of Ukraine and love fest with Putin calling for and getting Russian propaganda assistance in the election, that Russia has emerged as a type of cause celebre or ally?
Or is this just another step in the march to authoritarianism. Attraction to the "strong men" in Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, North Korea, US, and Russia?
There is no tone to their posts that we are all fellow Americans attempting to do what is best for our national security and our ethical humanitarian obligations, no objective talk of pros and cons and seeking agreement, instead just trumpeting their supposed expertise; adopting contrarian and argumentative positions that reward and excuse Russian aggression; and posting memes, tweets, and quotes from hardline military sites with "cold logical reality of inevitable Russian victory." I don't get the motivation. I don't understand the lens. And I don't understand the lack of empathy for people who are being killed trying to survive and secure the nation they have worked so hard to make independent.
I'm not "pro-Russia." I'm anti-NeoCon. I'm against the U.S. hegemonists & unipolarists who've hijacked U.S. foreign policy. I'm also FOR small-d democracy and AGAINST authoritarianism here in the U.S., because that's where I live, love, work, and VOTE. I'm also FOR small-d democracy in other countries, so I'm against OUR incessant interventionism and OUR overthrow of democratically-elected governments and leaders elsewhere in the world.
I'm also FOR FDR/New Deal capitalism, and the taxation, regulation, Labor, and trade policies that Made America Great in the first place, and created the largest & most prosperous Middle Class in economic history. I'm AGAINST Milton Friedman / Neoliberal / trickle-down / globalist economic & trade policies, because they're unsustainable. They cause the massive income inequality that we experience today.
So of course, I'm AGAINST the forcible export, at gunpoint, of these unsustainable policies to the rest of the world.
Simply put, I'm FOR FDR/JFK-style anti-fascist, peacemaking U.S. foreign policy, and AGAINST the Alan Dulles/ CIA / pro-war / regime change / military-industrial complex / corporate / fascist / NeoCon foreign policy.
I can see with clear eyes all of the criminality and anti-democratic actions of the Putin oligarchy.
What you & sycasey are apparently
not seeing is that the criminality and the anti-democratic actions of the U.S., over the last 70+ years, are 10x more numerous, and 10x worse. Most Americans aren't even aware of the regime change operations that we've done, nor the names of the elected leaders we've deposed or assassinated, nor how many millions of innocent civilians that we've killed, or caused to be killed. All done in OUR name, with OUR tax Dollars, and OUR "manufactured consent," thanks to corporate media.
I was against the pointless Vietnam War since I was 8 years old, watching piles of bodies on the evening news.
I was against our violent / genocidal, anti-democratic interventions with the Contras & right-wing death squads in Central America. I was horrified by our approval & participation in the 1973 coup in Chile (complete with the assassination of democratically-elected Salvador Allende, and the imprisonment, torture, and murder of thousands of dissidents).
And I was 100% against OUR illegal invasion & destruction of Iraq, and our regime change in Libya. We have a nasty habit of influencing other nations, changing the leadership, and leaving authoritarian governments and failed states in our wake. Both Iraq & Libya were thriving, modern, secular states -- with oil -- before we got involved with them. Both nations are now failed states, with widespread death, destruction, and poverty.
What's infuriating -- for me -- is that working individual U.S. taxpayers are paying for more than
half of this death, destruction, and the export of failed economic policy, but the benefits of this massive spending go primarily to corporations, defense contractors, shareholders, and oligarchs -- all done in secret, in OUR name, with OUR money.
And all of this "defense" spending makes us LESS SAFE, not more... Every innocent civilian that we kill or imprison creates 2 or more "terrorists." And so it goes...
And somehow, the people who insist on these aggressive, unsustainable, anti-democratic, murderous, destructive, and wrong-headed policies keep rising to the top positions in government, regardless of political party, and are never held to account. While their critics -- who were right all along -- are dismissed, cancelled, demoted, destroyed, or killed.
If you
really want to understand why I hold the positions that I do, check these out. I don't expect you to
agree -- but at least you might
How the U.S. Gets What it WantsOverthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nicaragua to Hawaii to Cuba[url=]The Shock Doctrine [2009] Documentary by Naomi Klein[/url]
What JFK tried to do before his assassination w/Jeffrey Sachs | The Chris Hedges ReportUS Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About UkraineAll Lost, Total Failure Achieved | Scott RitterJEFFREY SACHS ON RISING: MSM Is HIDING The Truth About Zelesnky & Ukraine