graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
So you're saying there aren't other very wealthy people around here or that wealth IS the only element of success?movielover said:graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
Wow. Just wow.
graguna said:
come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.
Masters: We are in a dogfight in Arizona. My race will be very close. It's going to be decided by a few thousand votes either way but there are hundreds of thousands of ballots outstanding that haven't been counted
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 12, 2022
Eastern Oregon Bear said:So you're saying there aren't other very wealthy people around here or that wealth IS the only element of success?movielover said:graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
Wow. Just wow.
Either way: Wow. Just wow.
DiabloWags said:
Just wow.
Someone that has spent hours and hours stepping on his own dick in public . . . is talking about SELF AWARENESS.
graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
This year was the first midterm year that a party in power has not lost control of a single state legislative chamber since 1934. Instead, Democrats gained control of many chambers.
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) November 11, 2022
How did Trafalgar do in 2022? Using their last poll released for each Senate race, they overestimated Republicans by 7.5% on average across 13 states.
— Logan Phillips (@LoganR2WH) November 12, 2022
wraptor347 said:
AP calling Arizona senate race for Mark Kelly.
Looking likely that Dems also win Nevada Senate which would give them 50 even without Georgia.
calbear93 said:wraptor347 said:
AP calling Arizona senate race for Mark Kelly.
Looking likely that Dems also win Nevada Senate which would give them 50 even without Georgia.
Arizona GOP is an absolute mess. Disastrously bad candidates. I can rest easier once Lake is defeated. Thank goodness an election denier was not elected Secretary of State.
okaydo said:
Stanford sends their best.Masters: We are in a dogfight in Arizona. My race will be very close. It's going to be decided by a few thousand votes either way but there are hundreds of thousands of ballots outstanding that haven't been counted
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 12, 2022
dimitrig said:
Mitt Romney lost me when he admitted to driving cross country with his dog strapped to the roof of his car.
Yes, it was in a carrier, but who the hell does that?
graguna said:come on now. both of you. There are people reading this thread that have far more wealth than either of you. This just looks silly. Besides; wealth is only one element of success and arguable one of the less important.dajo9 said:I made a killing and that burns you up. It's like a worm in your brain that you can't get rid of. I rode a huge ride up on Long Term Treasuries, sold at the top in 2020 and bought equities at the bottom in 2020, then made all that equity money too. I posted the trades in real-time on Growls. I hogged up all the gains from Treasuries and about 2/3's of the gains from equities from 2017 on. You lie about it over and over and over again. Get a life.calbear93 said:What do I care about your puny career? I was told you were a consultant, which was more than what I actually thought you do. You are a petty, insignificant loser with no actual insight. I could not care less what you do. It is not anything that gives you insight or knowledge.dajo9 said:calbear93 said:dajo9 said:calbear93 said:tequila4kapp said:The jab that just won't stop...dajo9 said:I bet Mitt Romney thinks anyone who has worked the past ten years is either a multi-millionaire or financially illiterate.tequila4kapp said:True story - I met Mitt Romney while escorting my son's 8th grade class to DC. He was adjacent to us in the airport and on the tram. He is among the biggest a**holes I've ever encountered in my life, politics or not politics. Just dripping in arrogance and not to be bothered by interacting with the peasants who are below his place in life. He refused a picture with the boys and did it in a way that was really just not nice. His wife realized what an a-hole he was being, jumped in and got him to do it. I seriously do not like that guy. If he died in a plane crash this morning I … well, I wouldn't shed a single tear. Yes, he made that much of a negative impression in just 10-15 minutes. Terrible terrible human.sycasey said:tequila4kapp said:
Let's be honest, there's no Republican you guys are going to like. That's fine, but if that's the case this exercise in proving why DeSantis is bad is kind of pointless.
From a policy perspective? No, I don't like Republicans, except maybe on the occasional individual issue.
But just as people? There are plenty who don't seem like a**holes. Mitt Romney, for example.
I admit, that was funny. Not nearly in the wealth zone of Romney so he would have said something even more out of touch like couple of billions. But I bet he wouldn't have called the peak of equities in 2017, called the inflation transitory or claimed modern data shows printing money does not affect inflation, or proclaim that treasuries were good investment right before interest rate hikes. Maybe he did but never posted them on BI. And if he did post those nonsense on BI, he wouldn't continue to pretend to be an expert in finance despite getting every single prediction wrong.![]()
How is your recession treating you? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
The difference between you and me is that I address my mistakes about my future predictions.
You get things wrong in real time then lie and argue and get hysterical, denying it. You also lie about me and continue to lie about me. You also show that you still don't understand the issue. If the last 13 years have taught us anything it is that printing money is NOT necessarily inflationary. Putting money into the hands of regular Americans with fiscal policy can be inflationary. Also, the war in Ukraine really exacerbated this inflationary period, which none of us knew about at the time of the original discussion. So, bully for you.
My retirement is going very well, thank you very much. I am enjoying serving on a public board and enjoying seeing the regulatory developments on nominating and governance committee and audit committee. I get insight from those with actual expertise and not just those playing one here like you.
What did I lie about when I wrote my predictions here for everyone to see? You predicted peak in 2017 and claimed you made money on bonds when they were one of the worst performers (everything made money but you lost out on one of the biggest runs) in 2017. Instead, I wrote then (all there in posting history) to invest in DHR, APPL, Amazon back in 2017. I started a thread in February 2021 about the risk of inflation and how I was selling growth stocks and going into cyclicals and energy because of upcoming inflation and recession. You said inflation does not exist, demand for treasuries would make printing money irrelevant. You probably had no idea what I was writing about when I wrote (all there) that my friends had communicated even back then that they had never seen supply chain constraints that bad in their years of leadership and lead time as long all coming from accelerated demand and shut down in manufacturing from COVID. I wrote at the beginning of this summer that there is still rough waters for equity and that this was a bear rally but that long term investors should just hold on. Companies were going to go into cost cutting measures as demand slows down, risk accelerated, layoffs planned and excess inventory is worked through. Please point to one thing that I missed or lied about. It was all there. You are an amateur on these things and have no resources or insight but just play one here to impress those who think you know anything. Then you say you were going in on treasury earlier this year when Fed indicated it will start fighting inflation. Who does that? You suck at this. We all know it. Either fire your financial advisor or get a real one.
How's your recession going that you said we are in? Don't you want to hear about my consulting job?
I'll just start with my 2017 - 2020 trade that you are obsessed with and that I made a killing on and posted on in real time. Your approach to that is to now just talk about 2017 as if what happened in that singular year matters to a long term investor.
I could go on, but who cares. You aren't going to stop with your lies.
Whatever you are doing, you have no insight into actual industrial leaders and secular trends. Ask someone with actual experience like Unit2 how the tech spending and employment markets are. Ask industrial companies whether there are hiring freezes and restructuring planned. You have no clue all of the headwinds, from currency exchange rate, inflation, continuing supply chain despite some inventory excess (you only need on of you key component to be out to hold off production), EU energy driven recession, China's continuing COVID shut downs, etc. Your kind of idiocy is what led you to proudly claim that inflation is transitory and that people are better off.
You sold all your equity in 2017.Let's see what my large holdings in DHR, APPL, Amazon, Roper (which is only the discretionary holdings I do apart from what is managed for me by my financial advisor for legacy reasons) did since 2017, all of the stocks I said were better than your bond rotations coming out of equity. Go check. You are pathetic. It's like someone who made $1 dollar return while everyone made $1,000 and claiming that they made a killing. YOU MISSED OUT ON THE BIGGEST RUN IN EQUITY BECAUSE YOU CALL THE TOP IN 2017. You also missed out on getting out before the bear market when you mocked my call in February 2021 that inflation is coming and that even this Fed will be forced to act, that growth stocks that are valued based on future earnings will get their multiples whacked, etc. You suck. We all know it.
I will put up my wealth and my returns, my investments, etc. against yours anytime. It is clear to me that you have absolutely no insight or practical knowledge. You clearly have no dealings with those who actually run or operate companies. People who don't deal with industries may think you know what you are talking about. Those who have practical and actual experience know you are full of *****
Earlier this year I talked about rebalancing my portfolio, which required adding long term Treasuries and you seem to be obsessed about that too. Really. Get a life. I am not comparing myself to you. I don't care about your trades. I never bring them up. I am happy for you that you are making money.
This is one of the strangest and most offputting videos ever put out by a campaign
— cityafreaks (@cityafreaks) November 12, 2022
okaydo said:This is one of the strangest and most offputting videos ever put out by a campaign
— cityafreaks (@cityafreaks) November 12, 2022
That was beyond creepy. You should never go full American Psycho, but he did.okaydo said:This is one of the strangest and most offputting videos ever put out by a campaign
— cityafreaks (@cityafreaks) November 12, 2022
Also, this guy is the Managing Editor of the Babylon Bee, in case you have any questions about that undercurrent you sometimes pick up from their joke
— Popehat (@Popehat) November 12, 2022
Anyway, everything about Blake Masters is as creepy as eel turds, including the fact that his statement looks like it was issued from a dot-matrix printer in 1987. Peter Thiel, please come pick up your abandoned property.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) November 12, 2022
Unit2Sucks said:
I'm sure the GOP will be fine - they have some great thought leaders who are really on top of their problems and will no doubt craft a sensible path forward.Also, this guy is the Managing Editor of the Babylon Bee, in case you have any questions about that undercurrent you sometimes pick up from their joke
— Popehat (@Popehat) November 12, 2022
23 precincts in Harris County ran out of paper for voting and all 23 are Republican stronghold precincts. That doesn’t happen by chance that comes by cheating.
— First Words (@unscriptedmike) November 11, 2022
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 12, 2022
When Republicans had control of every branch of government (2016-2018), all they needed was cohesion behind their leader. The only thing that could stop them then was a weasel in the woodpile. Not naming names, of course.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 11, 2022
wraptor347 said:
Well since this guy paid $8 for a checkmark, it must be true!
Unit2Sucks said:
What's great about movie lover is that he drives "reasonable" GOPers crazy.
He proves they lost and that their party won't be saved anytime soon.
Any time anyone wants to pretend the GOP is a party of deep thinking traditional conservatives, ml is here to show them what it's really become. Conspiracy theories, cultism, nonsensical beliefs, etc. What a joke.