"When it comes to the suggestion that Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill in the 1980s, there's nothing to litigate and no need to throw up your hands in confusion: He plainly did it and he plainly got away with it.
…. Three Hill friends -- Susan Hoerchner, Ellen Wells and John Carr -- testified under oath that she had told them about Thomas' conduct as it happened between 1981 and 1983. "Anita said that Clarence Thomas had repeatedly asked her out ... that he wouldn't seem to take 'no' for an answer,'' Hoerchner told senators. "The thing Anita told me that struck me particularly and that I remember almost verbatim was that Mr. Thomas had said to her, 'You know, if you had witnesses, you'd have a perfect case against me.'"
….. Upon learning of Hill's claims, another former Thomas employee, Angela Wright, who had worked under him as director of public affairs at the EEOC, wrote a column -- not meant for publication and intended only to show potential employers at a North Carolina newspaper that she could turn around a fast and topical piece -- outlining the inappropriate behavior he'd exhibited toward her. Somehow, Judiciary Committee investigators learned of the column, contacted Wright, and convinced her to sit for a phone interview, during which she detailed a pattern of harassing behavior, including an instance in which Thomas asked her what her bra size was.
….. In a letter to the committee, a former aide to Thomas at the EEOC, Sukari Hardnett, wrote that many black women at the agency felt they were "an object of special interest" to their boss. "If you were young, black, female and reasonably attractive," her letter read, "you knew full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female.
….. The authors, after interviewing acquaintances as far back as his college years at Holy Cross, report that he often recounted sexually explicit films in lurid detail. Kaye Savage, a former colleague, reports that the walls of his bachelor apartment were covered with Playboy nude centerfolds. The owner of a video store near the EEOC said Thomas was a regular customer for pornographic movies."
… At his confirmation hearings, Thomas had specifically denied ever engaging in workplace discussions about pornography.
…. Thomas not only had the video equipment in his apartment, but he also habitually rented pornographic movies from Graffiti during the years Anita Hill worked for him.
….. McEwen said that Thomas had been "obsessed with porn" and "would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting." She also said that Thomas would tell her about the women he worked with -- even commenting to her about one's bra size. "He was always actively watching the women he worked with to see if they could be potential partners," McEwen told the Post. "It was a hobby of his."
How we know Clarence Thomas did it | Salon.com
https://www.salon.com/2010/10/27/anita_hill_clarence_thomas/* The details above can be reduced to one sentence: Clarence Thomas is a sexual harasser of women and an aficionado of pornography that perjured himself onto the SCOTUS all the while portraying himself as a victim.
* I also consider it karma that he ended up with a drunken cow Q believing wife and that he wears his self loathing on his face.
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