bearister said:
The author of Whose War? Pat Buchanan, is an isolationist and was tRump before tRump was. Isolationism is emotionally appealing, but dangerous if you never deviate from it, until it's too late (see Neville Chamberlain).
With regard to putting our troops in harm's way, a wise man once said that any war worth fighting and dying for, is worth fighting and dying for by all socio economic segments of the society. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan didn't pass that test.
"Isolationism" is a prime example of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), an instance of politically-motivated wordcraft to manipulate the conversation. In this case, using a pejorative, loaded word in order to smear opponents of imperialistic interventionism.
John Adams on this subject:
[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.
She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.
She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force....
She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit....
[America's] glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is the march of the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is, Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been her Declaration: this has been, as far as her necessary intercourse with the rest of mankind would permit, her practice. "
Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on Foreign Policy (July 4, 1821)
John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State