What's up with all this RFK Jr business these days?

31,722 Views | 298 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by Cal88
Big C
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So, conventional wisdom would say that RFK Jr, running as an independent, would pull more votes from the Dems than from the GOP. And I would have to say, yeah probably. But maybe not, as he's sounding more and more whacko.

Here's a far out idea: Maybe he's running to be Trump's VP.
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….and in addition to being an anti vaxxer, he is vociferously
against the use of PEDs, steroids or HGH.

…..as is his buddy, Sean Penn.

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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Naked Selfie of Joe Biden's Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website:


Is there any Biden who isn't a POS scumbag?
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BearHunter said:

Naked Selfie of Joe Biden's Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website:


Is there any Biden who isn't a POS scumbag?

What is it about this story that makes Frank Biden a pos scumbag? He's actually a victim here.
Lets Go Brandon 17
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dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

Naked Selfie of Joe Biden's Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website:


Is there any Biden who isn't a POS scumbag?
What is it about this story that makes Frank Biden a pos scumbag? He's actually a victim here.
He's related to Joe Biden
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calbear93 said:

dajo9 said:

calbear93 said:

BearHunter said:

calbear93 said:

BearHunter said:

The Democratic Party have standards when it comes to the highest offices in the land. See Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Don't forget, these two were originally anti-vaxxers and then they flip flopped.
Only when Trump was pushing it as a counter to a permanent shutdown. But then the far right strangely took over the mantle when Biden became president. And the Democrats then took the mantle of mocking the shutdown when implemented by China and zero-COVID policy.

Of course, Biden is going to now say he did not trust Trump and not that he did not trust the COVID vaccines whose development accelerated under Trump. So, are the Republicans now entitled to distrust vaccines because Biden is pushing it? Biden was the first one to make the COVID vaccine a political and not a scientific matter. For me, I was not going to trust any political hack on medical advice. I trusted scientists and my doctors who told me to get the vaccine, and so I did, And I am glad I did just like I am glad I am vaccinated against whole gamut of diseases we have overcome through progress.

The Overton window has been shifting to the left for some time, there is no major representation of the far right in DC.

The political and media hacks you say you distrust are sometimes the very ones who quote the scientists and doctors you trust. This pandemic was never about trusting the science, it was about trusting the scientists that the media and ruling class favored.

The far right seems too much like the nationalistic, immigration hating left from when I became a conservative.

A sentence like this is perplexing to me. I don't think we are very much different in age. Yet I would say the nationalistic, immigrant hating right is part of why I became a liberal.
Unions and fear of immigrants taking jobs from middle class or lowering wages for Americans. Bernie Sanders was the typical, union-protecting liberal as opposed to open competition, global economy and trade treaties and bringing the smartest to innovate that was more common to fiscal conservatives who wanted more favorable conditions for corporations to compete globally. His position was more closely aligned with social conservatives who didn't want the social impact from immigration. However, the general republican position was similar to what Reagan, Bush, etc. supported, which was robust LEGAL immigration to stimulate economy, generate innovation, and reduce cost of living.

Look up Bernie Sanders' immigration position and how it has evolved only recently when he ran for president. The far left position was anti-immigration and protecting manufacturing and farm jobs in the US. Bernie's position was that having an open border will make us poor and put Americans out of employment.

Bernie was, and is, FOR keeping wages & salaries high, thru unions and limited, legal immigration.

Reagan wanted low wages. That's why he hated unions & LOVED "illegal" immigration.

After his inauguration, he advised law enforcement & courts that he didn't want the laws prohibiting the illegal *hiring* of undocumented workers to be enforced. That started the first wave of undocumented workers from Mexico & Central America to El Norte.

This was the first battle of Capital's War On Working Americans. Wages plummeted, especially in constrtuction & meat packing industries.

Note: It's *still* illegal to hire undocumented workers, but prosecutions are extremely rare.

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…and fresh in from the Oops! This Wasn't Suppose to Happen Department:

New donors and Republicans are powering RFK Jr.'s 2024 campaign - POLITICO


"His large-dollar donor base has a clear Republican lean. That also fits with limited polling that suggests Kennedy might draw more support from Republican-leaning voters."

*Sean is on roids/HGH and has a "hair system." Bronson was just an old school bad @$$.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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Plastic surgeon-to-stars reveals 12 celebs who may have used steroids

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Big C
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LOL, I remember when we were fifteen and used to stand with our arms folded like that, with our fists underneath our biceps, pushing them out to make them look bigger. Those were the good ol' days!

Then we grew up and became adults...
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Big C
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Grow the eff up, Arnold! (actually one of the few Republicans this century that I've had any respect for)
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Big C said:

Grow the eff up, Arnold! (actually one of the few Republicans this century that I've had any respect for)

"During an interview on The Howard Stern Show, the actor revealed feeling like 'damaged goods' and admitted that seeing signs of aging 'sucks.'
The actor and former California governor shared that he's struggled with the body he now sees in the mirror after spending most of his life in rock-solid shape as a bodybuilding champion and action hero of Hollywood.

'I kind of just smile because everyday I do look in a mirror and I say, 'Yea, you suck. Look at this body. Look at those pectoral muscles that used to be firm and perky and really powerful with a striation in there. Now they're just hanging there.'"
-Daily Mail

Time waits for no one
No favors has he
Time waits for no one
And it won't wait for me
-Keith Richards / Mick Jagger
Time Waits for No One, 1974
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Big C
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bearister said:

Big C said:

Grow the eff up, Arnold! (actually one of the few Republicans this century that I've had any respect for)

"During an interview on The Howard Stern Show, the actor revealed feeling like 'damaged goods' and admitted that seeing signs of aging 'sucks.'
The actor and former California governor shared that he's struggled with the body he now sees in the mirror after spending most of his life in rock-solid shape as a bodybuilding champion and action hero of Hollywood.

'I kind of just smile because everyday I do look in a mirror and I say, 'Yea, you suck. Look at this body. Look at those pectoral muscles that used to be firm and perky and really powerful with a striation in there. Now they're just hanging there.'"
-Daily Mail

Time waits for no one
No favors has he
Time waits for no one
And it won't wait for me
-Keith Richards / Mick Jagger
Time Waits for No One, 1974

RFK Jr's pecs don't just hang there because he has eschewed pec-withering vaccines!
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Unit2Sucks said:

The big difference is that the GOP is so deep in looney tunes land that they could never conceive of pretending to support a "normal" democrat who they disagree with - say someone like Jared Polis, Dick Durbin or whatever - so they gravitate towards people who aren't really democrats, don't support democrat policies, constantly criticize democrats and have some other wacky beliefs and would embarrass us on the daily like all of the nutjob GOPers that have all of the juice in their party.

What is a normal Democrat?
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What's more likely?

a. Dick Durbin doesn't know what the issue is regarding Epstein.
b. John Kerry deeply cares about climate change.
c. Al Gore invented the internet.
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bearister said:

Whose War? - The American Conservative

Interesting article!

We're on the precipice of "Clash of Civilizations" Version 2.0 -- just what the NeoCons and the Likudniks have been desperately wanting for years.

Most of us anti-war / proponents of sanity-types saw this coming; we'd sized up the NeoCons early in 2000, and gave them the name "Chicken-Hawks." So my biggest smile of the day came when I saw this: "[A] NeoCon is more familiar with the inside of a think tank than an Abrams tank." LOL!!

I first thought to follow your link with a direct quote from the NeoCon Manifesto -- but I'll just link to my response. It's all there.

Your previous post of that "Whose War" article appears in response to my reply (linked above).

The big difference between 2003 and now is that back then, the NeoCons were all Republicans. But when Trump took over the GOP in 2015-16, he drew roars from the MAGA crowd when he proclaimed "The Vietnam War was a disaster" or "The Iraq War was a disaster."

Trump sent the NeoCons packing from the GOP. They promptly set up shop in the "Democratic" Party, using MSNBC as their propaganda platform.

And now they're 100% in charge of foreign policy.

Everything that they're doing now is designed to provoke a wider war in the Middle East. And that war will ruin the U.S. economy -- and probably take the world economy with it.

Take a look at the recent UN votes to stop the genocide in Gaza. It's basically U.S. & Israel against the Rest of the World (ROW).

IF the fighting is with conventional forces, the U.S. will get its a-- kicked. We couldn't even supply Ukraine with enough artillery shells to fight Russia. There's not enough time to build the capacity that we need for a World War.

So expect this broader war to go nuclear fairly soon.

Oh yeah -- how ya gonna pay for that?

The NeoCons will be a boat anchor that's tied to Joe Biden, and will eventually sink him. This will be the central issue of the 2024 Presidential campaign.

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The author of Whose War? Pat Buchanan, is an isolationist and was tRump before tRump was. Isolationism is emotionally appealing, but dangerous if you never deviate from it, until it's too late (see Neville Chamberlain).

With regard to putting our troops in harm's way, a wise man once said that any war worth fighting and dying for, is worth fighting and dying for by all socio economic segments of the society. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan didn't pass that test.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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bearister said:

The author of Whose War? Pat Buchanan, is an isolationist and was tRump before tRump was. Isolationism is emotionally appealing, but dangerous if you never deviate from it, until it's too late (see Neville Chamberlain).

With regard to putting our troops in harm's way, a wise man once said that any war worth fighting and dying for, is worth fighting and dying for by all socio economic segments of the society. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan didn't pass that test.

"Isolationism" is a prime example of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), an instance of politically-motivated wordcraft to manipulate the conversation. In this case, using a pejorative, loaded word in order to smear opponents of imperialistic interventionism.

John Adams on this subject:

"[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.

She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.

She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force....

She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit....

[America's] glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is the march of the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is, Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been her Declaration: this has been, as far as her necessary intercourse with the rest of mankind would permit, her practice. "

Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on Foreign Policy (July 4, 1821)
John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State

Big C
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cbbass1 said:

bearister said:

Whose War? - The American Conservative

Interesting article!

We're on the precipice of "Clash of Civilizations" Version 2.0 -- just what the NeoCons and the Likudniks have been desperately wanting for years.

Most of us anti-war / proponents of sanity-types saw this coming; we'd sized up the NeoCons early in 2000, and gave them the name "Chicken-Hawks." So my biggest smile of the day came when I saw this: "[A] NeoCon is more familiar with the inside of a think tank than an Abrams tank." LOL!!

I first thought to follow your link with a direct quote from the NeoCon Manifesto -- but I'll just link to my response. It's all there.

Your previous post of that "Whose War" article appears in response to my reply (linked above).

The big difference between 2003 and now is that back then, the NeoCons were all Republicans. But when Trump took over the GOP in 2015-16, he drew roars from the MAGA crowd when he proclaimed "The Vietnam War was a disaster" or "The Iraq War was a disaster."

Trump sent the NeoCons packing from the GOP. They promptly set up shop in the "Democratic" Party, using MSNBC as their propaganda platform.

And now they're 100% in charge of foreign policy.

Everything that they're doing now is designed to provoke a wider war in the Middle East. And that war will ruin the U.S. economy -- and probably take the world economy with it.

Take a look at the recent UN votes to stop the genocide in Gaza. It's basically U.S. & Israel against the Rest of the World (ROW).

IF the fighting is with conventional forces, the U.S. will get its a-- kicked. We couldn't even supply Ukraine with enough artillery shells to fight Russia. There's not enough time to build the capacity that we need for a World War.

So expect this broader war to go nuclear fairly soon.

Oh yeah -- how ya gonna pay for that?

The NeoCons will be a boat anchor that's tied to Joe Biden, and will eventually sink him. This will be the central issue of the 2024 Presidential campaign.

There has been a hawkish/interventionist wing of the Democratic Party going back well over a half a century. It's got nothing to do with NeoCons, who are the hawkish/interventionist wing of the Republican Party. Of course, the two groups are both part of the military-industrial complex, so there's that.

I don't expect there to be another world war coming up, neither conventional nor nuclear... and definitely not US/Israel against "ROW". In a conventional world war, the US, the EU, Japan and S. Korea would mop the floor with the ROW. You don't think we could make more shells, if the stakes were high enough? But cooler heads will prevail.

Too bad there aren't cooler heads in the Israeli government right now, because that **** is crazy: At what price, revenge?
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We've had 2 years and still haven't figured how to provide 'surge capacity' for ammunition. Shows you how incompetent 44 PC 4 star generals are. Probably more concerned with DEI and MIC goals.
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Eastern Oregon Bear
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movielover said:

Wow! I had no idea RFK Jr. was in the business of child slavery! Despicable!
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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bearister said:

I can't believe RFK Jr. spent $7,000,000 to air a recreation of a commercial nobody under 75 will remember.
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bearister said:

more deets - no wonder he is so popular with Republicans. Trump's VP pick?

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movielover said:

Is that real? Actual child slave labor?
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Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

more deets - no wonder he is so popular with Republicans. Trump's VP pick?

Bobbie Shriver strongly doesn't like RFK's view on the mRNA vaccines. Got it.
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RFK,JR's older brother, Joe, went to Cal in '72 for a quarter or two before dropping out….but not before he crashed his Jeep on Durant by Top Dog.
In 1973 he crashed his Jeep (same one?) on Nantucket paralyzing his brother, David's (who OD'd) girlfriend.

Joe basically drove like Popeye Doyle in French Connection.

Joe in 1972
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

more deets - no wonder he is so popular with Republicans. Trump's VP pick?

Bobbie Shriver strongly doesn't like RFK's view on the mRNA vaccines. Got it.

I'm guessing Shriver had a mid-six figure at his Gates-funded gifter-eugenicist foundations, that might have had some influence here in his being so hostile to his cousin...


In 2006, Bobby Shriver and Bono also co-founded (RED) to bring the world's biggest companies into the fight against AIDS and generate money for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


Corruption and misuse of funds

In January 2011, the Associated Press reported vast corruption in some programs financed by the Global Fund, citing findings of the Global Fund Office of the Inspector General an auditing unit independent from the Global Fund Secretariat that up to two-thirds of funds in some of the reviewed grants were lost to fraud. The Office of the Inspector General report showed that systematic fraud patterns had been used across countries.
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Unit2Sucks said:

more deets - no wonder he is so popular with Republicans. Trump's VP pick?

I don't take RFK Jr seriously so I guess I had no idea just how well aligned he is with Trump/MAGA in terms of criminality.

He was convicted of possessing heroin in 1983 (apparently he used heroin on his way to rehab lol). Sounds like he was a heroin addict for more than 2 decades. Don't worry, since he was a Kennedy he didn't do any time.

In 2002, he was convicted of cocaine trafficking and sentenced to 5.5 years of prison (which I think he didn't serve) and soon after he lied to a grand jury and was convicted of perjury. He appealed both convictions and lost both times.

To my knowledge he has never been convicted of money laundering or fraud but he was a senior adviser to a PE group that which is under investigation for laundering large sums of money for Venezuelan officials. That's a pretty thin connection so the accusation is Hunter Biden-esque.

I wasn't aware of his philandering either. Apparently he proposed to his second wife before telling his first wife (who stood by his side through all the drug stuff) he was divorcing her. He married his second wife (who was 6 months pregnant) just 3 weeks after his divorce finalized. His second wife did go on to hang herself but it's not quite as simple as the tweet makes it sound. While he reportedly did have an "astronomical" number of affairs, she didn't hang herself until several years after their divorce, and it appears to be before his diaries of his astronomical affairs leaked to the NY Post.

In fairness, he was an environmental activist/lawyer in between bouts of heavy drug use and adultery. And of course there is all the crazy anti-vaxxer stuff over the years.

All in all, he's like the elite rich political dynasty version of Forrest Gump who gives even Hunter Biden a run for his money. Given how many MAGAts worship Hunter as the alpha male of their dreams, it's no wonder they are so into RFK Jr, even if he hasn't been convicted of financial fraud yet.
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RFK Jr. considering Jesse Ventura, Aaron Rodgers for VP | The Hill


Is this symptomatic of being the buffoon his family thinks he is and this is just a troll move, or is this a 3 dimensional chess move by a prototypical Anti Lib Populist, Smartest Guy in the Room who is actually a sage, like Mose Allison.

*As I previously stated, under the universally revered Lesser of Two Evils Theory, I would vote for Flipper or Koko the Ape over tRump, but I would vote for RFK Jr and AR over Flipper and Koko.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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My stab at explaining RFK Jr.'s possible strategy and motive in running for POTUS (if he can get on the ballots) and putting Fellini movie cast members Jesse Ventura's and Aaron Rodgers' names in the mix:

1. Like the Smothers Brothers launching their employee/cast member Pat Paulsen's faux presidential run*in 1968, Kennedy is mocking what he considers a corrupt and rigged political system;

2. He is discussing Jesse Ventura and Aaron Rodgers as potential VP selections because they bring lots of publicity to his bid for the presidency, and he figures either of them could maximize his votes in light of the fact the electorate has already proven it's stupidity by electing to the presidency a failed game show host with the intellect and emotional maturity of 10 year old;

3. RFK Jr. figured he will take more votes away from Biden than tRump. I don't see tRump's Evangelical base casting votes for that f@ucking Irish Catholic kid (as lapsed as he may be). And I don't see the Deplorables falling for another rich guy swindler. tRump has that slot secured.

By siphoning off votes from Biden, he can help to secure tRump's victory and give the Democrat Party the spanking it so justly deserves for persecuting the Progressives (see Bernie) and governing from the middle to middle right. This sentiment is explained in Matt Taibbi's quote below regarding the Lesser of Two Evils Theory.** I suppose Taibbi's end game is that if enough moderate Democrats can be torpedoed and then lose elections, the party will advocate for the Progressive wing as it's only chance of survival over the long haul.


** "The next little thing about this vote-for-the-lesser-evil trick, of course and this is no secret to anyone anymore is that it drives all the "serious" candidates toward what is commonly referred to as the "moderate center," even if these serious candidates aren't, in fact, moderate or centrist in any meaningful sense and the so-called center moves further to the right with each election cycle. For nearly two decades now this process has been steadily advancing on the Democratic side, as liberals are trained to accept the idea that the national majority will never accept a true labor party, or any candidate perceived as "soft" on defense."
Matt Taibbi
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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LOL when RFK Jr and his GOP admirers pretend that he's not an anti-vaxxer. But almost as important, it's painful to listen to the guy speak. I know he's got a disability, but for the love of god can we have a POTUS who can actually speak well? In the last 30 years, only Obama and Clinton were good public speakers. The rest were awful. RFK probably would be the worst - America would never want to listen to this guy, not that it's relevant since the only people who like him are nutjob conservatives and those nutjobs prefer Trump.

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Do you think the Democrats are worried about RFK Jr.?
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Unit2Sucks said:

LOL when RFK Jr and his GOP admirers pretend that he's not an anti-vaxxer. But almost as important, it's painful to listen to the guy speak. I know he's got a disability, but for the love of god can we have a POTUS who can actually speak well? In the last 30 years, only Obama and Clinton were good public speakers. The rest were awful. RFK probably would be the worst - America would never want to listen to this guy, not that it's relevant since the only people who like him are nutjob conservatives and those nutjobs prefer Trump.

What about Nicole?
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