White House has settled in

753,886 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by cbbass1
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Unit2Sucks said:

Seriously, I don't even particularly like AOC or her policies but this video makes her more endearing.

I guess this is like how conservatives who were conned by Trump say that democrats are to blame for vilifying Trump that made him just so attractive to them.

In a similar way, AOC's profile within the progressive moment grows the more she's attacked by conservatives.
Next thing they'll tell me Beto O'Rourke used to be in a punk band! Oh no! That'll stop him!
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golden sloth said:

They are not trying to handle her, or appeal to her supporters, they are not trying to convert anyone they don't already have. They are simply trying to make her a bogey-man for all the impressionable old white people out there, and give them somebody to both be afraid of and communally make fun of. Their comments don't have to be accurate, true, or even overly threatening, all they need to do is make her into 'the other' and deride her in an attempt to create anger and bond over her mockery.
Sure. And it's not working. They're just increasing her visibility.
B.A. Bearacus
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sycasey said:

sycasey said:

The conservative attacks on Ocasio-Cortez really seem like weak sauce to me. I think they've underestimated how likable a politician she is, because she's young, female, and non-white (so exactly the the kind of person who doesn't run much in Republican circles).

You can disagree with her left-wing ideology, that's fine -- but assuming she's stupid seems like a bad approach.
Just to return to this point:

Seems like the latest attack on AOC is to show that she . . . was once a teenager who used to make silly dancing videos with her friends? Like this is supposed to make her LESS likable?

They really don't know how to handle her.
What a bunch of numb nuts. They are so out of touch they don't even recognize that she is doing the Breakfast Club dance sequence..."silly dances"?

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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blungld said:

sycasey said:

sycasey said:

The conservative attacks on Ocasio-Cortez really seem like weak sauce to me. I think they've underestimated how likable a politician she is, because she's young, female, and non-white (so exactly the the kind of person who doesn't run much in Republican circles).

You can disagree with her left-wing ideology, that's fine -- but assuming she's stupid seems like a bad approach.
Just to return to this point:

Seems like the latest attack on AOC is to show that she . . . was once a teenager who used to make silly dancing videos with her friends? Like this is supposed to make her LESS likable?

They really don't know how to handle her.
What a bunch of numb nuts. They are so out of touch they don't even recognize that she is doing the Breakfast Club dance sequence..."silly dances"?

If the past year has taught us nothing else, it's that truly honorable public servants spend their teenage years getting drunk and assaulting girls.
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sycasey said:

If the past year has taught us nothing else, it's that truly honorable public servants spend their teenage years getting drunk and assaulting girls.
It's also taught us that those entrenched in power are completely disconnected culturally and experientially from constituents they serve. And no, it's not the "elitist" Liberals who are out of touch, it is old white dudes who seriously have no clue about any cultural touch points that "we" experience and share every day, the internet, changing values, and the realities of being an American today.

They are dinosaurs making laws to preserve an era passed, and they literally have zero context and understanding of the way the world has shifted.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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sycasey said:

Strykur;842856431 said:

I think what comes next after Trump will be worse.

Well, to be accurate, that image is what precedes trump's exit.
And what comes next will be Hallelujah!
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sycasey said:

blungld said:

sycasey said:

sycasey said:

The conservative attacks on Ocasio-Cortez really seem like weak sauce to me. I think they've underestimated how likable a politician she is, because she's young, female, and non-white (so exactly the the kind of person who doesn't run much in Republican circles).

You can disagree with her left-wing ideology, that's fine -- but assuming she's stupid seems like a bad approach.
Just to return to this point:

Seems like the latest attack on AOC is to show that she . . . was once a teenager who used to make silly dancing videos with her friends? Like this is supposed to make her LESS likable?

They really don't know how to handle her.
What a bunch of numb nuts. They are so out of touch they don't even recognize that she is doing the Breakfast Club dance sequence..."silly dances"?

If the past year has taught us nothing else, it's that truly honorable public servants spend their teenage years getting drunk and assaulting girls.
She's hot!
And this was Boston college, or Boston university...
Totally innocent and appropriate for the age and stage.
All this does is make her look better, not worse and the "leak" was designed to do.
She's hot!
But I like that she mostly downplays that as a politician, from what I can tell. Hard to keep that under wraps sometimes, but appropriate to do so!
She's hot!
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Cal88 said:

dajo9 said:

Cal88 would never advocate going to renewables because Russia is a big oil producer (ok he'll probably do it once to refute this post but then no more).
Renewables are intermittent sources that require significant backup in hydrocarbon powered generators (mostly natural gas), they can't possibly come close to replacing oil, gas and coal in the short term. As well their cost is prohibitive, consumers in countries that have heavily invested in renewables like Spain, Denmark or Germany pay up to 4-5 times as much as US consumers for their heating KWs.

France has succeeded in securing its energy independence by building the most ambitious nuclear energy program in the West, but the country is not prone to natural catastrophes like Japan or the US, and it has traditionally had a technocratic culture which would not sacrifice public safety for quarterly shareholder profits. In any case under the current financial climate, that program wouldn't be feasible today, it was accomplished back when the French state could issue funds interest free for large infrastructure projects.

The US and Canada have enough crude oil for well over a century's worth of domestic consumption, and that's just with today's technology and today's proven reserves. You want to **** with Russia dajo? Pump as much oil as you can, and depress one of their main sources of income. By doing this you also become competitive with Europe and China with a lower-energy cost industrial base. And guess what - that's precisely what Trump has done, the US is now a net oil exporter for the first time in history. We no longer need mideastern oil for our consumption, we're just there for Israel and geopolitical leverage over China and the rest of the world.
Dude, the US has been expanding its oil production in North Dakota and elsewhere for many many years.
Giving trump credit for that is so foolish of you, I could even say it's a lie or propaganda. What is your name? I need to take note of that nonsense from you.
Ah, Cal88. Duly noted.
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concordtom said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

sycasey said:

sycasey said:

The conservative attacks on Ocasio-Cortez really seem like weak sauce to me. I think they've underestimated how likable a politician she is, because she's young, female, and non-white (so exactly the the kind of person who doesn't run much in Republican circles).

You can disagree with her left-wing ideology, that's fine -- but assuming she's stupid seems like a bad approach.
Just to return to this point:

Seems like the latest attack on AOC is to show that she . . . was once a teenager who used to make silly dancing videos with her friends? Like this is supposed to make her LESS likable?

They really don't know how to handle her.
What a bunch of numb nuts. They are so out of touch they don't even recognize that she is doing the Breakfast Club dance sequence..."silly dances"?

If the past year has taught us nothing else, it's that truly honorable public servants spend their teenage years getting drunk and assaulting girls.
She's hot!
And this was Boston college, or Boston university...
Totally innocent and appropriate for the age and stage.
All this does is make her look better, not worse and the "leak" was designed to do.
She's hot!
But I like that she mostly downplays that as a politician, from what I can tell. Hard to keep that under wraps sometimes, but appropriate to do so!
She's hot!
"I hate her. She's hot. I hate her. She's hot." This seems to be the thing running through right-wingers' heads on a loop about AOC. They freakin' BOOED her on the floor of the House!

She's in their heads something fierce.
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concordtom said:

Cal88 said:

dajo9 said:

Cal88 would never advocate going to renewables because Russia is a big oil producer (ok he'll probably do it once to refute this post but then no more).
Renewables are intermittent sources that require significant backup in hydrocarbon powered generators (mostly natural gas), they can't possibly come close to replacing oil, gas and coal in the short term. As well their cost is prohibitive, consumers in countries that have heavily invested in renewables like Spain, Denmark or Germany pay up to 4-5 times as much as US consumers for their heating KWs.

France has succeeded in securing its energy independence by building the most ambitious nuclear energy program in the West, but the country is not prone to natural catastrophes like Japan or the US, and it has traditionally had a technocratic culture which would not sacrifice public safety for quarterly shareholder profits. In any case under the current financial climate, that program wouldn't be feasible today, it was accomplished back when the French state could issue funds interest free for large infrastructure projects.

The US and Canada have enough crude oil for well over a century's worth of domestic consumption, and that's just with today's technology and today's proven reserves. You want to **** with Russia dajo? Pump as much oil as you can, and depress one of their main sources of income. By doing this you also become competitive with Europe and China with a lower-energy cost industrial base. And guess what - that's precisely what Trump has done, the US is now a net oil exporter for the first time in history. We no longer need mideastern oil for our consumption, we're just there for Israel and geopolitical leverage over China and the rest of the world.
Dude, the US has been expanding its oil production in North Dakota and elsewhere for many many years.
Giving trump credit for that is so foolish of you, I could even say it's a lie or propaganda. What is your name? I need to take note of that nonsense from you.
Ah, Cal88. Duly noted.
Cal88 has been sprouting Putin's propaganda on this site for years. Why? I have no idea.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
Another Bear
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AOC is going inflict some pain on those idiot GOPers just by showing the world they're out of touch from reality. They're totally clueless. Yes, I see the building a bogey-woman aspect but I see her defending herself in a way Hillary could never, or would never. See HRC was an insider and that made her clapping back a little more difficult and it's not her. AOC...not an insider. An outlier on many levels, age, generation, ethnicity...AND she gets and rips on social media.

But it's not just AOC. Whole new generation of Democrat women reps. Rashida Tlaib told the crowd at her post induction to congress that they were going to impeach the MOTHERF*CKER. Trump has lashed out. This is her response:

Here's the thing...the Democrats bench is young and stocked with talent and a cause and there are many. Democrats have a farm system. Resistence just got serious. Trump is facing a wall now and they have the energy, will and reason. Trump has Russia and corruption on his neck...and it will drag him down.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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sycasey said:

concordtom said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

sycasey said:

sycasey said:

The conservative attacks on Ocasio-Cortez really seem like weak sauce to me. I think they've underestimated how likable a politician she is, because she's young, female, and non-white (so exactly the the kind of person who doesn't run much in Republican circles).

You can disagree with her left-wing ideology, that's fine -- but assuming she's stupid seems like a bad approach.
Just to return to this point:

Seems like the latest attack on AOC is to show that she . . . was once a teenager who used to make silly dancing videos with her friends? Like this is supposed to make her LESS likable?

They really don't know how to handle her.
What a bunch of numb nuts. They are so out of touch they don't even recognize that she is doing the Breakfast Club dance sequence..."silly dances"?

If the past year has taught us nothing else, it's that truly honorable public servants spend their teenage years getting drunk and assaulting girls.
She's hot!
And this was Boston college, or Boston university...
Totally innocent and appropriate for the age and stage.
All this does is make her look better, not worse and the "leak" was designed to do.
She's hot!
But I like that she mostly downplays that as a politician, from what I can tell. Hard to keep that under wraps sometimes, but appropriate to do so!
She's hot!
"I hate her. She's hot. I hate her. She's hot." This seems to be the thing running through right-wingers' heads on a loop about AOC. They freakin' BOOED her on the floor of the House!

She's in their heads something fierce.
Republicans have made AOC a superstar. She's a bit more liberal than me but I like strong advocacy on the left - it pushes the whole dialogue to the left. I think she is awesome and thanks to Republicans she will be a leading voice for Democrats for years to come. I would have no idea who she is if it weren't for Republican idiocy.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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It's ironic that the conservative attempted demonization of a politician from Queens is driving her popularity in a similar fashion that demonization (by democrats and everyone with half a brain) of a pathetic dotard from Queens led to the white house.

Also would be remiss if I didn't mention that the loser who originally posted the video has since deleted his account. Such winning!
Another Bear
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Here's what I like about AOC and Rashida Tlaib, they're not taking any crap and they fire back and they know how to fire back. They aren't afraid and won't be kowtowing to the old order of old men and staying in your place. I'd argue Hillary was limited by this and she played that game as an insider. Elizabeth Warren to some degree as well. This new generation will have none of that and it's about freaking time.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

Here's what I like about AOC and Rashida Tlaib, they're not taking any crap and they fire back and they know how to fire back. They aren't afraid and won't be kowtowing to the old order of old men and staying in your place. I'd argue Hillary was limited by this and she played that game as an insider. Elizabeth Warren to some degree as well. This new generation will have none of that and it's about freaking time.
Yup. I agree with dajo's argument -- I wouldn't necessarily agree with everything they propose, but for too long the only real extreme ideological arguments in Washington were being made on the right. We need some coming from the left too, just to get actual liberal ideas on the table.
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sycasey said:

Another Bear said:

Here's what I like about AOC and Rashida Tlaib, they're not taking any crap and they fire back and they know how to fire back. They aren't afraid and won't be kowtowing to the old order of old men and staying in your place. I'd argue Hillary was limited by this and she played that game as an insider. Elizabeth Warren to some degree as well. This new generation will have none of that and it's about freaking time.
Yup. I agree with dajo's argument -- I wouldn't necessarily agree with everything they propose, but for too long the only real extreme ideological arguments in Washington were being made on the right. We need some coming from the left too, just to get actual liberal ideas on the table.

These young liberals are for the first time in a very long while articulating progressive ideas that have more mass appeal. I also don't agree with everything, but do appreciate the energy and intelligence behind them.
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sycasey said:

Another Bear said:

Here's what I like about AOC and Rashida Tlaib, they're not taking any crap and they fire back and they know how to fire back. They aren't afraid and won't be kowtowing to the old order of old men and staying in your place. I'd argue Hillary was limited by this and she played that game as an insider. Elizabeth Warren to some degree as well. This new generation will have none of that and it's about freaking time.
Yup. I agree with dajo's argument -- I wouldn't necessarily agree with everything they propose, but for too long the only real extreme ideological arguments in Washington were being made on the right. We need some coming from the left too, just to get actual liberal ideas on the table.

These young liberals are for the first time in a very long while articulating progressive ideas that have more mass appeal. I also don't agree with everything, but do appreciate the energy and intelligence behind them.
I love how she is depicted as so radical...only to out of touch Conservatives. She only says what I would expect any decent or intelligent person to say. It's not anything i don't hear all the time in my professional and social life. She is what a huge percentage of Americans sound like and think. She isn't some fringe element. She is in touch and current.

Just taking a guess, I bet 30% or more Americans like and agree with her positions. That's a "base" that matches Trumps. Again, not some 3% commie socialist elitist leftist radical--it's tomorrow's America. It's the segment of America who should be determining the future, not the uneducated regressive spiteful deplorables.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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sycasey said:

"I hate her. She's hot. I hate her. She's hot." This seems to be the thing running through right-wingers' heads on a loop about AOC. They freakin' BOOED her on the floor of the House!

She's in their heads something fierce.
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Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

Pence was allowed to swear in Sinema all by himself because his wife was allowed to watch.

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B.A. Bearacus said:

bearister said:

Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

Pence was allowed to swear in Sinema all by himself because his wife was allowed to watch.

She probably was getting hot and bothered too and needed her own chaperone.
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Another Bear
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bearister said:

Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

They have matching hair...just need some black leather S/M gear. They'd look like a perfectly kinky couple!

Peanut Gallery Consultant
Another Bear
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Peanut Gallery Consultant
B.A. Bearacus
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"With the departure of White House chief of staff John Kelly, the misinformation emanating from President Trump has only escalated.

Alumni of this White House see a possible reason: Although Kelly was thwarted in many of his efforts to control the president, one place he made authentic inroads was clamping down on the paper flow to the Oval Office.
"Anyone who circumvented that process was going to have a serious problem," said a former official who saw the transformation up close.
"It has devolved into anarchy," added another alumnus of Trump's White House.

"Someone mentioned to me a few days ago it's like the old [pre-Kelly] days of the administration, just with less people," this former official continued.
"The wild, wild west. ... At least during the early days, he had a bit of a buffer with Hope [Hicks] and [longtime bodyguard] Keith [Schiller] there." Axios
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""How Mark Burnett Resurrected Donald Trump as an Icon of American Success ... With 'The Apprentice,' the TV producer mythologized Trump then a floundering D-lister as the ultimate titan, paving his way to the Presidency":

"[T]he entire premise of 'The Apprentice' was ... something of a con. ... 'The Apprentice' portrayed Trump ... as a plutocrat with impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth a titan who always seemed to be climbing out of helicopters or into limousines."
"When producers were searching for office space in which to stage the show, he vetoed every suggestion, then mentioned that he had an empty floor available in Trump Tower, which he could lease at a reasonable price." The producers took it.
"At the end of each episode, Trump determined which competitor should be 'fired.' But ... Trump was frequently unprepared for these sessions, with little grasp of who had performed well."

"Sometimes a candidate distinguished herself during the contest only to get fired, on a whim, by Trump."
"[T]he editors were often obliged to 'reverse engineer' the episode, scouring hundreds of hours of footage to emphasize the few moments when the exemplary candidate might have slipped up, in an attempt to assemble an artificial version of history in which Trump's shoot-from-the-hip decision made sense." Axios

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Another Bear
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This is how Trump got his cameo roles, which lead to The Apprentice.



Have you ever scrolled through Donald Trump's IMDb page? Owing to his background as a New York City socialite, Trump has appeared as himself in many talk shows and entertainment news segments; at last count, Trump has approximately 266 appearances in movies and televisions shows ranging from Late Night With David Letterman to his many, many appearances on the various iterations of The Howard Stern Show.


The deal was that if you wanted to shoot in one of his buildings, you had to write him in a part.
Martin Brest had to write something in
Scent of a Woman and the whole crew was in on it. You have to waste an hour of your day with a bullst shot: Donald Trump walks in and Al Pacino's like, 'Hello, Mr. Trump!' you had to call him by name and then he exits. You waste a little time so that you can get the permit, and then you can cut the scene out. But I guess in Home Alone 2 they left it in.

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

bearister said:

Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

They have matching hair...just need some black leather S/M gear. They'd look like a perfectly kinky couple!

Pence would benefit greatly by loosening up.
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"Exclusive: This year's single biggest global risk
Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer, giving Axios an exclusive preview of his annual Top 10 global risks, says the #1 geopolitical danger of 2019 will be the crises we ignore, "setting ourselves up for trouble down the road. Big trouble."

Bremmer calls them "bad seeds."

"The geopolitical environment is the most dangerous it's been in decades ... and at a moment when the global economy is faring well," Bremmer and Eurasia Group chairman Cliff Kupchan write.
"The world's decision-makers are so consumed with addressing (or failing to address) the daily crises that arise from a world without leadership that they're allowing a broad array of future risks to germinate, with serious consequences for our collective midterm future."
Among them: "The strength of political institutions in the US and other advanced industrial economies. The transatlantic relationship. US-China. The state of the EU. NATO. The G20. The G7. The WTO. Russia and the Kremlin. Russia and its neighbors. Regional power politics in the Middle East. Or in Asia."

Why it matters: "Every single one of these is trending negatively. Every single one. And most in a way that hasn't been in evidence since World War II." Axios
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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

bearister said:

Pence's thoughts during this: "I'm a dirty Vice President. I'm a dirty Vice President."

Pence was allowed to swear in Sinema all by himself because his wife was allowed to watch.

She probably was getting hot and bothered too and needed her own chaperone.
Rather, I think it was like a joke to her.
"watch me make this man squirm".
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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