White House has settled in

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bearister said:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders declares God wanted tRump to be POTUS:

There is not a single person who has ever spoken to God so the proposition that anyone "knows" what God thinks is self-serving hogwash. But, if there is anyone who does know what God wants, that person is most certainly not Sarah.
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!
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blungld said:

..There is not a single person who has ever spoken to God.....

I'm kinda thinking you didn't the memo:

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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Another Bear
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Nicholas and Woods can go drink and shower in some TrumPutin Pee.

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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"Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called "willful ignorance" when presented with analyses generated by America's $81 billion-a-year intelligence services. The officials, who include analysts who prepare Trump's briefs and the briefers themselves, describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible."

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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"The massive leak of President Trump's private schedules, which dropped yesterday in the weekly Axios Sneak Peek newsletter, set off internal finger-pointing and speculation more fevered than any since the anonymous op-ed.

The three months of schedules, Alexi McCammond and Jonathan Swan report, give unprecedented visibility into how this president spends his days.
The schedules show that Trump has spent around 60% of his scheduled time over the past three months in unstructured "Executive Time," which includes tweeting, newspaper-reading, TV-watching and phone calls.
White House insiders said the leak sowed chaos:

Cliff Sims, the former White House official who wrote the dishy "Team of Vipers," told me: "There are leaks, and then there are leaks. If most are involuntary manslaughter, this was premeditated murder. People inside are genuinely scared." Axios
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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bearister said:

Cliff Sims, the former White House official who wrote the dishy "Team of Vipers," told me: "There are leaks, and then there are leaks. If most are involuntary manslaughter, this was premeditated murder. People inside are genuinely scared." Axios
I wish they would
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B.A. Bearacus said:

At the end when she bowed her head, I thought she was going to stand up, break into a smile, and take a bow.
"Nailed it, been rehearsing that speech for 2 weeks!"

That said, I agree.
And I just realized, there's not much difference between me and them. I, too, have hatred in my heart. Except, I have no power.
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bearister said:

,"Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called "willful ignorance" when presented with analyses generated by America's $81 billion-a-year intelligence services. The officials, who include analysts who prepare Trump's briefs and the briefers themselves, describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible."


maybe one of them will do something
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I'm stunned that Tiger would allow himself to do this.
I have lost whatever bit of respect I had left for him.
Same for Jack, who I previously hadn't a reason to dislike him.

Sex addiction and cheating on your wife is one thing.
Supporting trump is on a totally different level, which is unforgivable.
B.A. Bearacus
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I stand by my contention that Trump die-hards and the Republicans who tolerate him quite well would only turn on him if he engaged in a sex act, post-inauguration, that was seen as clearly gay. Incest, adultery, murder, fraud, etc... are all forgivable.
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So, How many will go down there and get arrested?
Trump is willfully going to do whatever it takes to shove it up our assets. He doesn't care about the law. He doesn't care about working collegiality. He is a tyrant.
Mussolini time, people!
Mueller and Dem House investigations are taking WAY to long.
Sure, the Aliies defeated Hitler and set the prisoners free at Auschwitz, Dachau, etc. But 6 million say we arrived a smidge too late.
How many years must we endure???
How did MLK and his people endure for hundreds of years?
My goodness.
No, Bearister, that photo does not make me think "America is great."
Like Obama's reverend, "*********America!"

HOUSTON (AP) The U.S. government is preparing to begin construction of more border walls and fencing in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley, likely on federally owned land set aside as wildlife refuge property.

Heavy construction equipment was expected to arrive starting Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. A photo posted by the nonprofit National Butterfly Center shows an excavator parked next to its property.
Congress last March approved more than $600 million for 33 miles (53 kilometers) of new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley. While President Donald Trump and top Democrats remain in a standoff over Trump's demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has pushed ahead with building what's already funded.

That construction was often described as fencing, and the government funding bill that included construction was supported by some Democrats in the House and Senate. CBP refers to what it plans to build as a "border wall system."

According to designs it released in September , CBP intends to build 25 miles (40 kilometers) of concrete walls to the height of the existing flood-control levee in Hidalgo County next to the Rio Grande, the river that forms the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. On top of the concrete walls, CBP will install 18-foot (5.5-meter) steel posts and clear a 150-foot (45-meter) enforcement zone in front.

Maps released by CBP show construction would cut through the butterfly center, a nearby state park, and a century-old Catholic chapel next to the river.

Many landowners oppose a border wall and have vowed to fight the U.S. government if it tries to seize their property through eminent domain. Court fights over condemning land could take weeks if not months.
CBP said in its statement that it intends to start construction on federally owned land. Environmental advocates expect the government to use land that's part of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge.
The refuge consists of dozens of parcels of land purchased over the last 40 years to create a corridor for endangered species and other wildlife.

The Department of Homeland Security can waive environmental restrictions to construct a border wall and issued its waiver for Hidalgo County in October . A coalition of environmental groups has sued DHS over its use of waivers, arguing that wall construction would endanger ocelots, rare birds and other wildlife that rely on refuge land for habitat. That lawsuit is still pending.

Congress last March required CBP not to build in the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge after a public outcry. But it didn't exempt the Lower Rio Grande Valley refuge.
"Santa Ana was not a big enough refuge to sustain all the wildlife down here," said Jim Chapman, a longtime resident of the Rio Grande Valley and member of the group Friends of the Wildlife Corridor.
The National Butterfly Center released the text of an email sent by an attorney from the U.S. Department of Justice. The lawyer, Cliff Stevens, says in the email that construction will begin in mid-February "on federally owned land east of Bentsen State Park."

Directly east of Bentsen State Park is a refuge tract called El Morillo Banco, which is between the state park and the butterfly center. DOJ declined to comment on the email, and CBP did not respond to several requests for comment.
Land already in the hands of the government becomes an easier place to start construction quickly, said U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo. Cuellar has introduced a proposal that would instruct CBP not to build border walls in several places that have environmental and cultural significance.

"The easiest way, historically, is to go to public lands, because who's going to fight them?" he said.
Protesters were walking Monday along the river levee where CBP intends to start construction. The butterfly center said on Facebook that a local police officer had declared all their property south of the levee to be off limits. The center says it intends to take legal action.
Chapman said that despite months of protests and meetings, he hadn't seen "any attempt" from the U.S. government "to acknowledge and to take the needs of wildlife into account."
"If you were going to design a border wall with maximal impact, you would do exactly what they were doing," Chapman said. "You couldn't do it worse."

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I stand by my contention that Trump die-hards and the Republicans who tolerate him quite well would only turn on him if he engaged in a sex act, post-presidency, that was seen as clearly gay. Incest, adultery, murder, fraud, etc... are all forgivable.
Deep Fakes.
Let's go!

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Donald Trump's Gay Amnesia
Do you remember his convention speech? Does he?

President Trump at a rally in Greeley, Colorado in 2016 holding a flag that says "LGBTs for Trump," from a supporter in the audience.

It is, oddly, the part of Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016 that I remember best mostly because it surprised me but also because I had a personal stake in it.
"As your president," Trump thundered, "I will do everything in my power to protect our L.G.B.T.Q. citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology." He enunciated that consonant cluster with extra crispness, as if especially proud of himself.
The audience applauded, prompting him to add: "I have to say, as a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said."

But what precisely had he said? And what were those cheers really for? Hindsight tells a story different from the one at the time.
The T refers to transgender people, and several of my Times colleagues reported last weekend that the Department of Health and Human Services is proposing that gender be defined strictly within federal civil rights law "as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with." This move follows other efforts by the Trump administration to marginalize transgender people. The president, for example, has tried to bar them from military service but has been rebuffed by courts.

Meanwhile the Justice Department, under the direction of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has argued that anti-discrimination protections in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should not extend to gay people. The Obama administration took the opposite tack.
How, then, to interpret Trump's convention speech in retrospect? One takeaway is that those remarks were classic campaign-trail drivel, neither deeply felt nor remotely prophetic. Another is that Trump hadn't yet committed firmly to a low-road approach of pleasing hard-core fans on the far right at the possible expense of less durable supporters in the middle.
But another is that his words at the convention re-examine them closely weren't about L.G.B.T. people, whom he didn't promise to protect, period. He was focused on what he has frequently called "radical Islamic" beliefs and terror, and was saying that gay people needn't fear the spread of those into America on his watch. He probably feels that he made good on his pledge with the successive versions of his Muslim travel ban.

So here we are. By "we" I mean Americans generally but L.G.B.T. Americans specifically I'm one of them. That's the personal stake.
With the Supreme Court's 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, I felt such a potent mix of gratitude, satisfaction and hope. Please read the column I wrote that day.
President Trump has eroded that elation, signaling to me and other minorities that our dignity and welfare matter less than the political points that he can score off us. I'm still confident about the long run. But the present isn't pretty.

Frank Bruni has been with The Times since 1995.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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Cal Junkie
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I stand by my contention that Trump die-hards and the Republicans who tolerate him quite well would only turn on him if he engaged in a sex act, post-inauguration, that was seen as clearly gay. Incest, adultery, murder, fraud, etc... are all forgivable.
Nahhh. Gavin McInnes shoved a dildo up his butt to demonstrate his disgust with shoving things up one's bum. They still rally around him.

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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Sounds like the GOP has started to care about lies. Better late than never. Kudos GOP.

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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Repubs, how much a-hole-tinged willful stupidity can you stomach?

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Lol at Richard Stingel !!!!
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Sounds like the GOP has started to care about lies. Better late than never. Kudos GOP.

This is hilarious.
Hilariously sad!!!
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bearister said:

I once tried explaining these figures on Facebook to my religious right Trump loving cousins in Texas. I had charts of the stock market, interest rates, employment. One (cousin's wife) said, statistics can be twisted to fool and distort. I guess she didn't understand what any of it meant. I'm left with bewilderment.

I'm not very impressed with the human race.
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From The Guardian about John Oliver:

The Donald Trump presidency, John Oliver observed in 2017, is a marathon. "It's painful, it's pointless and the majority of you didn't even agree to run it; you were just signed up by your dumbest friend," he told viewers. "And though you're exhausted and your whole body is screaming for you to give up and your nipples are chafing for some reason, the stakes are too high for any of us to stop."

"John Oliver ran a comparison between Trump's stream-of-consciousness ramblings and the predictive-text feature on a phone, concluding that the latter would make a more coherent president."

"This is a confoundingly difficult presidency to cover, just because so much of what they say is not just flagrant nonsense, but also stuff that you know deep down they don't believe, or retract the next month. It's amazing to be in a position where you can't really fully trust a single word that comes out of the president's mouth, because he doesn't believe it himself." John Oliver
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
golden sloth
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bearister said:

From The Guardian about John Oliver:

The Donald Trump presidency, John Oliver observed in 2017, is a marathon. "It's painful, it's pointless and the majority of you didn't even agree to run it; you were just signed up by your dumbest friend," he told viewers. "And though you're exhausted and your whole body is screaming for you to give up and your nipples are chafing for some reason, the stakes are too high for any of us to stop."

"John Oliver ran a comparison between Trump's stream-of-consciousness ramblings and the predictive-text feature on a phone, concluding that the latter would make a more coherent president."

"This is a confoundingly difficult presidency to cover, just because so much of what they say is not just flagrant nonsense, but also stuff that you know deep down they don't believe, or retract the next month. It's amazing to be in a position where you can't really fully trust a single word that comes out of the president's mouth, because he doesn't believe it himself." John Oliver
It is a marathon, and I hope the middle and left have enough energy left for the 2020 elections. I do worry about outrage fatigue and apathy settling in.
Yogi Is King
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golden sloth said:

bearister said:

From The Guardian about John Oliver:

The Donald Trump presidency, John Oliver observed in 2017, is a marathon. "It's painful, it's pointless and the majority of you didn't even agree to run it; you were just signed up by your dumbest friend," he told viewers. "And though you're exhausted and your whole body is screaming for you to give up and your nipples are chafing for some reason, the stakes are too high for any of us to stop."

"John Oliver ran a comparison between Trump's stream-of-consciousness ramblings and the predictive-text feature on a phone, concluding that the latter would make a more coherent president."

"This is a confoundingly difficult presidency to cover, just because so much of what they say is not just flagrant nonsense, but also stuff that you know deep down they don't believe, or retract the next month. It's amazing to be in a position where you can't really fully trust a single word that comes out of the president's mouth, because he doesn't believe it himself." John Oliver
It is a marathon, and I hope the middle and left have enough energy left for the 2020 elections. I do worry about outrage fatigue and apathy settling in.
I have plenty of outrage left for 2020.
golden sloth
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I'm trying to pace myself, to peak around October of 2020.
Another Bear
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The marathon of resistance is going to become a lifestyle. Just have to man up, face it, push back and stomp it out.

On a more positive note, net approval rating for Trump from 2017 and 2019. Not looking good at all. After the tax returns come back I imagine the numbers will tank further. When they get that low, impeachment might be in play. West Coast representing...


Peanut Gallery Consultant
golden sloth
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FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.
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golden sloth said:

FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.

And most likely the turmoil in VA has subsided by November 2020.

Agree, those numbers look pretty bad for the Electoral College.
Yogi Is King
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sycasey said:

golden sloth said:

FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.

And most likely the turmoil in VA has subsided by November 2020.

Agree, those numbers look pretty bad for the Electoral College.
If people thought the wizarding world celebrated after Voldemort lost his powers (the first time), that ain't gonna be nothing like the public celebration on November 4, 2020.
Another Bear
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golden sloth said:

FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.
Those double digit (20 +/-) point swing in the Rust Belt, like Illinois and Pennsylvania, are huge and very telling. Don't think the Dems are going to blow that by not setting up a campaign. Nice to know the Midwest figured out the fake news and hacking. I think Virginia can be fixed. Even if it can't, Illinois and Pennsylvania are big electoral college states.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Thought this was worth posting. Not sure if it is a booth. It's brilliant how she makes it seem like she is interrogating someone, given that the witness is on her side. Regardless, it brings up interesting points.

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