Another Bear said:
Rick Perry says Trump is the Chosen One by god...
I stated this elsewhere, but what is LESS likely: God chose Trump to be the Chosen One, or God chose Rick Perry to to know that God picked Trump to be the Chosen One?
The whole "God chose a flawed man" thesis is so FKing stupid. By that standard, EVERYONE can claim to have been chosen by God.
And really, the the omnipotent, omniscient being is like "hey, curve ball, I'm going to pick the worst representative of my values to carry out my plans. You know, just o confuse everyone and make it that much harder for my plan to be believed and followed. It would be way to simple to chose a really smart and ethical person who inspires everyone with their charity, kindness, and goodness."
If you are so stupid to believe this justification by the person claiming it, you deserve to be conned: "Yes, I know it looks like I am robbing the bank, but really I am...uh...carrying out God's plan to make me rich. He works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?"