golden sloth said:
Just because you disagree with someone, and don't acquiesce to a minority faction does not mean you hate them.
However, when that minority faction is Trump and his enablers who are f---ing up America while proclaiming that they are making it great, hate is not only a distinct possibility, but a necessary emotion in order to repel and overcome them.
While Jesus' loving and forgiving his enemies was certainly a noble thing, let's not forget the fact that he was murdered by them.
In other words, perhaps the Jews/OldTestament had it right: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Trump would slap you across the face and then also gladly take the shirt off your back. Hitler, too. We hanged his enablers. That has seemed to be an effective response.
We might not have so many people hiding behind "executive privilege" and failing to testify if there were consequences.
(Note: Sloth's post was defending Pelosi. I've traveled elsewhere.)