Will the NRA's grip on the GOP diminish in your lifetime? (Y/N)

98,707 Views | 772 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by sycasey
Another Bear
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The problem with the conservative rabbit hole is that when you think you've hit bottom, there is always someone else deeper.

About 100 protesters, many wearing T-shirts emblazoned with "NRA = Not Real Activists," marched through the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Dallas in May to slam the powerful gun lobby as too conciliatory on gun rights and rally for their candidate for the board.

Adam Kraut, a gun rights lawyer, fell about 4,000 votes short of the 71,000 needed for election, but earned 5,000 more than the previous year, a sign of the growth of the Second Amendment purists within the NRA known to many as "gundamentalists."

With opinion polls showing U.S. public support for more gun control growing in the wake of mass shootings in recent years, the NRA is facing internal pressure from this little-known force that is demanding that the leadership concede zero ground to gun-control advocates.

Also, do these Gundamentalists realize virtually nothing has been done with regards to gun control? Can these people go about their day without being in crisis mode?

Is there a liberal equivalent that I'm just unaware of?
Another Bear
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There's no liberal equivalent because the NRA's no-compromise extremism is similar to Nazis...it's all or nothing and thus it's not the norm. The NRA plays the "you'll have to rip the gun from my cold dead hand" game. The end play is total demise or popping cyanide in the bunker. Not much fun and a rather fccked up way to live. You can sense the total nihilism and cynicism in whatever they do. You can see in the eyes of LaPierre and trigger chick Dana Loesch.

Whatever pressure the state of NY is using, I hope it kills off the NRA. Also a Democratic house could bring pressure.
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golden sloth said:

Is there a liberal equivalent that I'm just unaware of?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
Another Bear
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CNN)In a lawsuit against Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state of New York, the National Rifle Association says it will have to close its headquarters, shut down its online media presence and stop holding rallies and conventions if it is stymied by the state from doing business with banks and insurers:

Cuomo's response: "Too bad."
The state of NY shut down the NRA's use of Carry Guard insurance, aka murder insurance.
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golden sloth
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So private enterprise has silenced one avid gun-supporter (and general shihead and embarrassment to the country) Alex Jones:


(Reuters) - Apple Inc, YouTube, Facebook Inc and Spotify all took down podcasts and channels from U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, saying on Monday that the Infowars author had broken community standards.

The Alex Jones Channel on Alphabet Inc's YouTube on Monday displayed a banner saying the account had been terminated for violating community guidelines, and a spokesperson added by email that repeated violation of policies such as those prohibiting hate speech and harassment led to termination of accounts.

Apple deleted most Infowars podcasts and a spokeswoman said in a statement that the company "does not tolerate hate speech" and publishes guidelines that developers and publishers must follow.

"Podcasts that violate these guidelines are removed from our directory making them no longer searchable or available for download or streaming," Apple said in a statement. "We believe in representing a wide range of views, so long as people are respectful to those with differing opinions."

This is notable to me, and probably a good step in reigning in the reach of the just plain stupid. I understand the arguments of free speech, but if that speech is not based in reality (like how the democrats were plotting a coup on the 4th of July) and just angers and enrages people to show up at pizza parlors with guns to shut down pedo rings, that speech is not adding or worthwhile to the national conversation and harmful and dangerous to society at large, thus should be removed from these company's websites.
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I don't care that there's no magazine in the gun, Ronnie, you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
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BearsWiin said:

I don't care that there's no magazine in the gun, Ronnie, you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
Obviously you've never handled a fake gun on a Hollywood set before
"They're eating the pets"
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dajo9 said:

BearsWiin said:

I don't care that there's no magazine in the gun, Ronnie, you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
Obviously you've never handled a fake gun on a Hollywood set before
Your post is funny, because I actually have. Well, not quite, they were real guns
Another Bear
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You're going to have to forgive Ronnie, he was senile at the time. Nancy took the magazine, god bless her heart!

Now...JUST SAY NO!!!
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Take away all the guns.

B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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YO...within my lifetime... Ya think that Russkie money dried up?

The NRA Just Reported Losing $55 Million in Income

The gun-rights group has its biggest champion in the White House. But its financial situation has worsened in the age of Trump
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BearsWiin said:

I don't care that there's no magazine in the gun, Ronnie, you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
I don't know the weapon in Ronnies left hand, but aren't most automatics designed for right handed firing? Shooting left handed could eject hot shells into your body or face if using a scope.
golden sloth
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Wow! A measure Donald Trump's administration has initiated that I actually support! It also may show another crack in the NRA's grip on the political landscape. I also know that this is a minor step in the right direction, but I will take any steps possible.


President Donald Trump's administration is set to ban bump stocks, which effectively let semiautomatic weapons mimic machine guns, in the coming days, according to reports from CNN and the New York Times.

In March, the administration introduced a regulation that would ban the devices, essentially bringing bump stocks into a broader federal ban on machine guns. According to CNN, the new rule will force people who own bump stocks to turn in or destroy the devices within 90 days.

The bump stock ban originally came up in response to the Las Vegas shooting last year, in which a shooter used the devices to kill 58 people and injure hundreds more. The gunman still may have carried out the shooting without bump stocks, but the devices made the shooting much deadlier by turning his semiautomatic weapons into guns that closely simulated automatics.

I have to say, I still want Trump out of office, but kudos to him for this.
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sp4149 said:

BearsWiin said:

I don't care that there's no magazine in the gun, Ronnie, you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.
I don't know the weapon in Ronnies left hand, but aren't most automatics designed for right handed firing? Shooting left handed could eject hot shells into your body or face if using a scope.

They usually eject up and back with a little bit of force to them, so unless you've holding it against your left hip, it ought to eject the casings over your head with room to spare.

I think my SKS is designed to eject cases randomly so others can't tell by the case ejections where somebody is firing from. Or maybe that's just what the SKS lovers like to say to defend their love for a much cruder weapon than the American-made ARs and M1A/M14/Mini14 types.
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Just don't tell me he is cracking down on Barrett's.

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Methinks this is why the NRA lost half its revenues and might be dying, they're tied to the Trump Russkie stuff. My guess is big donors got a whiff and realized they better pull out. Let's hope it's fatal...and OH GODDAMM...wouldn't it be great if the Russkie stuff took out both Trump and the NRA?

Documents Point to Illegal Campaign Coordination Between Trump and the NRA


Trump and the gun group used the same consultants to spearhead TV ad blitzes at the height of the 2016 election, likely in violation of federal law.
Another Bear
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The NRA Is Now Under Investigation For Illegally Supporting Trump

The NRA is now under congressional investigation for illegally funneling money through shell companies to support Trump and Republican Senators.

The Trace reported on the investigation that is being led by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD):

"The evidence shows the NRA is moving money through a complex web of shell organizations to avoid campaign finance rules and boost candidates willing to carry their water," Whitehouse told The Trace. "And if the NRA can weave such a web, so can Vladimir Putin and others trying to undermine our democracy. We need the truth about this scheme or else special interests like the gun lobby or foreign interests like Russia can flaunt the law and erode the integrity of our elections."


The NRA is forbidden by law from supporting political candidates, so what the organization did was use a series of shell companies to launder the money through and get it to their campaigns of their candidates.
The NRA is already under investigation by the FBI and Robert Muellerfor potentially laundering Russian cash and getting it into the Trump campaign. The congressional investigation is picking up on that same thread. If the NRA was illegally funneling money to Trump and Republica Senators, the next logical question is where did the money come from?

It is already known that the Russians infiltrated the NRA. What remains unknown is the size and scope of the Russian influence over the Republican Party, and how many of Putin's criminal tentacles have touched Republican officeholders.

Wow...the NRA might go down because I don't know how they survive all this and no more Russkie money. Mueller is going to grab these morons by the throat and shake them down.

Peanut Gallery Consultant
Another Bear
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The NRA's big, bad financial mismanagement crisis, explained


The NRA is low on cash and embroiled in complex lawsuits.
Good read. Nothing like internal incompetence and corruption to kill an org...and that's what it looks like is happening. They're bleeding money from stupid decisions, like "Carry Guard" the fatality insurance in case you kill someone that was suppose to be a revenue stream but it's been deemed illegal. They're paying a lawyer $1.5mil per month to fight it.

I guess the Russkie money finally dried up. The State of NY is going after their non-profit status. Looks like a massive self-inflicted wound.
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Thoughts and prayers to Red Maria in prison.
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Another Bear said:

Thoughts and prayers to Red Maria in prison.

tRump's production company is in talks with Maria Butina and Anna Chapman about doing a a reality TV show called Russian Carrot Patches and the Men Who Love Them.

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If you want to save lives via gun legislation that seeks to ban one type of firearm, then it's obvious it should be hand guns, since they are the overwhelming gun of choice in homicides and armed robberies. Yet that's never proposed. Wonder why.
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Because of the gun lobby? And the fact that or country is full of gun nuts who think their hand gun will make them safer? And because it's harder to argue under the second amendment that hand guns should be eliminated?

Why do you think? I have a feeling I know what you are going to say ...
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DC vs Heller
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Unit2Sucks said:

Because of the gun lobby? And the fact that or country is full of gun nuts who think their hand gun will make them safer? And because it's harder to argue under the second amendment that hand guns should be eliminated?

Why do you think? I have a feeling I know what you are going to say ...
The gun lobby would oppose any and all firearm-specific ban legislation. Try again.

I'm talking about The Left never seriously invoking hand guns as the #1 firearm deaths.
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Heller was a bizarre opinion. How Scalia got to a place where he could claim the second amendment didn't protect automatic machine guns but did protect handguns and other weapons and yet continue to pretend that the words and original intent are all that matters is beyond me. It's almost as if he backsolved for what he wanted regardless of the text. Nahh, couldn't possibly be that.

GBear4Life said:

The gun lobby would oppose any and all firearm-specific ban legislation. Try again.

I'm talking about The Left never seriously invoking hand guns as the #1 firearm deaths.

This is a hilarious take. If you could get it through, gun control proponents would love to limit handguns. The gun nut culture has made this impossible, even were it not for Heller and the 2nd amendment. No one disagrees that handguns are the most common killer (and don't forget suicide).

Why do you think "the left" hasn't "invoked" hand guns? Show us your work.
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I'll just quote dajo from earlier in the thread:
dajo9 said:

I think we should ban assault rifles and every time somebody says, well what about "x", then the law should be expanded to include "x".
To hell with the gun lobby, they are clearly losing power anyway.

If SCOTUS spikes popular legislation, so be it. That will help drive public opinion that SCOTUS also needs to be reformed.
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I don't recall notable Dems advocating banning hand guns. If it's happened, I missed it.

They're not because it's both unpopular, will never pass Congress, and would be rendered unconstitutional if passed (it will never, even with a super majority in congress and a Dem in the WH).
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GBear4Life said:

I don't recall notable Dems advocating banning hand guns. If it's happened, I missed it.

They're not because it's both unpopular, will never pass Congress, and would be rendered unconstitutional if passed (it will never, even with a super majority in congress and a Dem in the WH).
sounds like you don't really wonder why then.
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