Bearlyamazing, to be clear on your position, do you agree that Trump should release his tax returns and testify under oath to the public in order to finally put all these untrue accusations to rest?
Also, thought experiment, if I were to say, yes next week let's have Hillary come in under oath and be inestigated on TV (though she already has) and the next day we do the same with Trump, would you say this is great and all my objections and concerns have been met? Can questions and investigation of the sitting president only happen if the same thing happens to an American citizen who ran for president and lost and who holds no position and who has been investigated? For some reason you have seemingly connected that there should be no curiosity or investigation of our CURRENT president unless the same things are done to a past candidate. Okay. Lets do that. Are we good?
So please give a direct response to the two questions. If you would like to make other points or raise other issues, do that in another post. Just make a post that only has an answer to the two simple questions. Again:
1) Should Trump provide tax returns and public testimony under oath?
2) If Hillary testifies to Senate again, should Trump?
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!