heartofthebear said:
Most of my information comes from Robert Morse (I am referring to his book not his videos), Colin Campbell (The China Study) and True North Health Clinic in Santa Rosa in addition to my personal experience, especially since 2015.
So just to prove that I won't crap on every source you bring up, I looked at some of this.
T. Colin Campbell seems pretty reputable and I won't dispute his findings. I will note that (AFAIK) he is advocating plant-based whole foods as a way of
preventing disease, not as an after-the-fact treatment for it. As I noted earlier, I have no problem with that. I think there is a lot of interesting research about how the typical modern diet doesn't totally suit us.
True North Health Clinic has some stuff going on that I find a bit fishy. For example, their main founder, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, is a real doctor, but
his real doctorate is in chiropractic, not medicine or nutrition or biology or anything. He, like Morse, also claims to be a "naturopathic" doctor. I don't accept that as a real doctorate. However, as far as I can tell they don't give out the same kind of dangerous advice to cancer patients and new mothers that Morse does, so if people wanna pay them
$150 to $400 bucks a day to stay at their clinic for treatments that may or may not be effective they can knock themselves out.
Morse is still a con artist.