cal's monster class - thread CLOSED - PLEASE do not post here

3,359,718 Views | 11555 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearGreg
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visited with women's head coach lindsay gottlieb who was in the haas tonite along with her tightly bonded team & miramonte high school's sabrina ionescu who drove the 15 minutes from home with her siblings to berkeley for an unofficial visit

as the #4 ranked player in the 2016 class sabrina is quite literally the final necessary piece of the puzzle for the bears to return to the final four during the next several upset #8 ranked louisville on the road in front of 16,000+ loud fans sunday, the bears got a bright future but ionescu is the pivotal key to an unlimited future, she is the elite guard that the coach gottlieb need to compete with connecticut for a potential future national championship(s)

yeah, sabrina was smiling a lot tonite at haas

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including walnut creek)

history in the making?#
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south bender;842593346 said:

Regarding Shocky's account of what was said to Bird at the Santa Barbara game past, who knows how accurate it is? Certainly it is not a full version of Monty's coaching of Bird. Moreover, Bird has often in the past been a defensive liability.

And that game was "Monty's...debacle"? Please.

Soooo, if I understand you correctly, you're saying Shocky is not a credible source?
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Shocky1;842594142 said:

visited with women's head coach lindsay gottlieb who was in the haas tonite along with her tightly bonded team & miramonte high school's sabrina ionescu who drove the 15 minutes from home with her siblings to berkeley for an unofficial visit

as the #4 ranked player in the 2016 class sabrina is quite literally the final necessary piece of the puzzle for the bears to return to the final four during the next several upset #8 ranked louisville on the road in front of 16,000+ loud fans sunday, the bears got a bright future but ionescu is the pivotal key to an unlimited future, she is the elite guard that the coach gottlieb need to compete with connecticut for a potential future national championship(s)

yeah, sabrina was smiling a lot tonite at haas

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including walnut creek)

history in the making?#

Certainly would be AWESOME BABY!!!!
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spoke to tonite's tv broadcaster mike montgomery before this evening's told me that his son john is working long hours in hawaii & is maybe only getting to the beach for a sunday morning walk...john is the director of recruiting for the rainbows & is looking to expand the team's talent by aggressively targeting europe (keep in mind he was the 1st cal coach on former silent commit jakob poeltl) along with australia & new zealand because of their proximity to the of the unique challenges apparently of rainbows recruiting is to figure out which guys are serious about signing with hawaii & which guys just want a free all expenses trip to the aloha state...the montgomery family including anne my former partner in bears crowd noise will be visiting john during the christmas holidays

while checking my voice messages on the way out of haas tonite, there were several messages including one from taylor stating that during the broadcast mike mentioned several times that the bears need to do a much better job of getting the ball to ivan rabb in the low post if the team is going to reach it's full potential

mike montgomery is witty, sarcastic & one of the great minds in the history of college montgomery laid the foundation of the current basketball program with recruitments of t-wall & cal's monster class (2013) and coach martin & his talented staff are taking that talent & integrating it with cal's diamonds are forever class (2015) to take the program to the next level

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shareef abdur rahim in the haas tonite

"he just said he was coming and that i'd better do something"
-jaylen brown

"he's always been very supportive behind the scenes...he went to school here, he takes pride in that"
-coach martin

fell in the california sun#
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Shocky1;842581031 said:

what is the biggest area of much critically needed improvement for the cal basketball team if it's going to achieve it's unlimited potential during the upcoming season?

getting the ball to ivan rabb down low in the paint where he can do something offensively with his vast but currently underutilized scoring skills

this is totally on the bears guards & cal coaching staff, wake the **** gotta special talent, try sharing the ******* basketball with him, ok?...guards gotta look for ivan & the coaches gotta scheme better for rabb too

i could tell ivan was getting frustrated during the 1st half with the minimal amount of touches so i yelled at young ivee "ivan, finish with the ball, be selfish baby" as he ran downcourt by me...ivan actually looked at me with a pained look & said "i'm trying"

i feel young ivee's pain...he played for 4 years at bishop o'dowd with his montera middle school best friend point guard paris austin who unselfishly shared the ball with his mcdonald all american teammate in places that ivan could do severe & permanent damage to opponents

then the **** hit the fan...i attended ivan's post high school national high school all star games which were remarkable for the guards like allonzo trier absolutely never sharing the ball, just jacking up off balance 3 pointers...the only way for bigs to score in these playground games is offensive boarding put backs

then the bears went to australia & more of the same with young ivee not put in positions to be successful

let's be real here, if them callifornia golden bears don't figure out a way to feature my boy ivan rabb offensively, then both young ivee & myself are gonna transfer to tami rabb's former school, them sacramento state hornets

and yeah, then i'll start a thread entitled "sacramento state's monster class"

go hornets#

young ivee in front of his high school coach lou richie & his cute girlfriend scored 12 points on 1-3 fgs, a perfect 10-10 fts & only 3 rebounds ("ivan's gotta do better"-coach richie) along with 2 blocks & a steal

another mediocre effort by ivan's teammates & the coaching staff with respects to putting ivan in positions down low that he can be successful, 3 shots in 18 minutes isn't gonna create the post interior presence & necessary spacing for this year's team to reach it's full potential

the bears gotta force the issue & stubbornly if necessary scheme opportunities for ivan to exploit his panther like quickness against much less athletic's also on rabb to demand the ball & finish strong and not pass the ball out so quickly or settle for fadeaways

the season is still young, these issues will be resolved...our players & coaches are smart guys

work in progress#
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Shocky1;842594165 said:

another abysmal effort by ivan's teammates & the coaching staff with respects to putting ivan in positions down low that he can be successful, 3 shots in 18 minutes isn't gonna create the post interior presence & necessary spacing for this year's team to reach it's full potential

Not so bad considering his 10 free throws were equivalent to 5 more shots.
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stu;842594169 said:

Not so bad considering his 10 free throws were equivalent to 5 more shots.

stu, mike montgomery among others would disagree with you

the bears are doing great in building relationships with arguably the #2 ranked player in the 2018 class jordan brown...richard midgley told me that jordan brown is "absolutely" an ivan rabb level impact player...young ivee reaching his full potential while at cal is important to the program for multiple reasons
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Shocky1;842594175 said:

stu, mike montgomery among others would disagree with you

Mike Montgomery is from the era before coaches realized 3 is more than 2. Cal was getting wide open 3s almost every time down the floor. That is a better offensive option (in general if not tonight when everyone but Mathews was off) than feeding Raab, who is frankly not a great post player. I would rather see Rabb doing more screening and rolling rather than playing a traditional low post role.

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Shocky1;842594142 said:

visited with women's head coach lindsay gottlieb who was in the haas tonite along with her tightly bonded team & miramonte high school's sabrina ionescu who drove the 15 minutes from home with her siblings to berkeley for an unofficial visit

as the #4 ranked player in the 2016 class sabrina is quite literally the final necessary piece of the puzzle for the bears to return to the final four during the next several upset #8 ranked louisville on the road in front of 16,000+ loud fans sunday, the bears got a bright future but ionescu is the pivotal key to an unlimited future, she is the elite guard that the coach gottlieb need to compete with connecticut for a potential future national championship(s)

yeah, sabrina was smiling a lot tonite at haas

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including walnut creek)

history in the making?#

Any relation to the famous playwright, Eugene Ionescu?
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mikecohen;842594181 said:

Any relation to the famous playwright, Eugene Ionescu?

i don't think so

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Shocky1;842594175 said:

stu, mike montgomery among others would disagree with you

the bears are doing great in building relationships with arguably the #2 ranked player in the 2018 class jordan brown...richard midgley told me that jordan brown is "absolutely" an ivan rabb level impact player...young ivee reaching his full potential while at cal is important to the program for multiple reasons

Seemed like he was open a number of times, ball was on wing and Wallace would look to him and then pass back to top of key. I was waiting for raab to be in post, get the ball and face and pull up for short jumper or fake and drive.
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sluggo_Cal;842594177 said:

Mike Montgomery is from the era before coaches realized 3 is more than 2. Cal was getting wide open 3s almost every time down the floor. That is a better offensive option (in general if not tonight when everyone but Mathews was off) than feeding Raab, who is frankly not a great post player. I would rather see Rabb doing more screening and rolling rather than playing a traditional low post role.


I disagree. Having a player who can set up on the block and play a bit with his back to the basket is an element we've lacked for a long time, and will help open opportunities for other players, particularly 3s from the wing and corners. Rabb can do that, from the couple of moves I saw him make last night. The main thing big men have to work on is getting low and wide, so the ball can be delivered to them. I see Rabb working on that, so I'm hopeful this aspect of our game will improve as the season moves on.
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shocky, sad to see you walking to your seats after tipoff, and blocking my 2nd row floor seat views as you rudely walked in front of me. #dumbazzesgettotheirseatsaftertipoff
south bender
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sluggo_Cal;842594177 said:

Mike Montgomery is from the era before coaches realized 3 is more than 2. Cal was getting wide open 3s almost every time down the floor. That is a better offensive option (in general if not tonight when everyone but Mathews was off) than feeding Raab, who is frankly not a great post player. I would rather see Rabb doing more screening and rolling rather than playing a traditional low post role.



Last night's game, where we shot 6 for 22 from 3 (and 3 for 16 not counting Mathews' 3 for 6), is not a great example of the value of the 3. We were 19 of 29 within the arc. Moreover, what team has anyone the equivalent of Curry?

I am extremely impressed with Wallace's improvement this year, but I still don't see quick, instinctive passes from him into Rabb or anyone else in the post.

To me, Ty is still a two playing the one by default. At the same time, he continues to improve at a position that does not come to him naturally. Given his ability to refine/improve his game, there is reason to believe his upward trajectory will continue throughout this season.

Go Bears!
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Jeff82;842594322 said:

I disagree. Having a player who can set up on the block and play a bit with his back to the basket is an element we've lacked for a long time, and will help open opportunities for other players, particularly 3s from the wing and corners. Rabb can do that, from the couple of moves I saw him make last night. The main thing big men have to work on is getting low and wide, so the ball can be delivered to them. I see Rabb working on that, so I'm hopeful this aspect of our game will improve as the season moves on.

Agreed. Rabb might not be a great post player yet, but he has the makings of being pretty good down there eventually. He does need to realize that those one dribble moves and the fading shot won't work at this level. He'll need counter moves and needs to keep his dribble alive. I'd actually like to see him catch the ball mid-post, face his man up and use his quickness.

And even if he doesn't score on every attempt with his back to the basket, he can get to the line and he is a very good passer. To say we shouldn't dump it down low to him is something I vehemently disagree with.
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He needs to get better at blocking out his man for the inside pass AND everyone else needs to force the issue and get him the ball down low. At least three times last night he was working his guy then gave up and came all the way out to the three point line for the pass, got it, then realized, now what? We need to get him the ball down low. And I agree he can and should be able to refine his post moves so he's not shooting a fadeaway. No more of that Ivan. Get to the rim.
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Shocky1;842594175 said:

stu, mike montgomery among others would disagree with you

I'm not going to argue the point with Mike Montgomery, so please explain it to me. My thought was a pass to Rabb where he gets a shot is a good thing. He'll probably make the shot and the opponents will have to pay more attention to him on the next possession. But what about a pass to Rabb where he attempts a shot but gets fouled? He'll probably make the 2 free throws (he's not Mark McNamara) and the opponents will still have to worry about him. The opponents will also have picked up another foul.

If that logic makes sense then Rabb got the equivalent of 8 shots in his 18 minutes. I understand that since Rabb should shoot a high percentage, more than 8 shots should be better - I'm not quarreling with that.

For comparison the other 4 starters combined made of 22 of 39 (56%) from the field and 17 of 25 (68%) from the line. Counting 2 FTA as 1 FGA the other 4 starters got 8.7 shots per 18 minutes, a little more than Rabb got. Like you I'd rather see Rabb get a little more than the others, not a little less.

Also for comparison on last season's women's team star post Reshanda Gray shot 57% from the field with 373 FGA and 240 FTA in 921 minutes. Counting 2 FTA as1 FGA that works out to 9.6 shots per 18 minutes, 20% more than Rabb got last night. By the same formula the rest of the women's team took only 5.7 shots per 18 minutes. Even though Reshanda shot way better than the rest of the team (57% to 41% on FG, 69% to 60% on FT)) the coaches were constantly criticized on our women's forum for pounding the ball in to Reshanda too much. Go figure.
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south bender;842594346 said:


Last night's game, where we shot 6 for 22 from 3 (and 3 for 16 not counting Mathews' 3 for 6), is not a great example of the value of the 3. We were 19 of 29 within the arc. Moreover, what team has anyone the equivalent of Curry?

I am extremely impressed with Wallace's improvement this year, but I still don't see quick, instinctive passes from him into Rabb or anyone else in the post.

To me, Ty is still a two playing the one by default. At the same time, he continues to improve at a position that does not come to him naturally. Given his ability to refine/improve his game, there is reason to believe his upward trajectory will continue throughout this season.

Go Bears!

As I said, it did not work last night, but shooting open 3s is the right play over the course of the season. 3>2. Plus Rabb does not really know what to do when he gets the ball. He has very quick feet, but, for instance, he does not seem to know how to take a drop step to the baseline to beat the defender. Neither could Kravish or Solomon until they were seniors, so it could take time.

I think Wallace was great last year but had to force the issue. This year he is a little better (shot is smoother), but mostly he looks better because he can defer. He is never going to be a great passer. He does not have the vision of a player like Singer. I do think he is looking to pass first, which is all that can be asked of him.

south bender
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sluggo_Cal;842594535 said:

shooting open 3s is the right play over the course of the season. 3>2. Plus Rabb does not really know what to do when he gets the ball. He has very quick feet, but, for instance, he does not seem to know how to take a drop step to the baseline to beat the defender.


Partly I responded to your prior post on this thread because of its disparagement of Monty, as if he would prefer two points to three.

No one is going to argue that two points are better than three. Probably not even Naismith, if he were with us.

Your assessment of Rabb is a good one. However, practice does make perfect and Rabb is a good passer, a selfless player. Getting the ball into him, particularly in these games when there is opportunity to practice and learn without risking a loss, is important. I can see where, with repetition, Rabb can be both an important passer out of the post and a more accomplished post player. He handles the ball so much better than Solomon or Kravish (even as seniors) that there is strong reason to see him being important as a distributor as well as an inside scorer.

I am sure that you agree that you can set up the open 3 better if you have a significant post presence.
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left to right, richard midgley, the shockster & lou richie

bears at haas#
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south bender;842594596 said:

Partly I responded to your prior post on this thread because of its disparagement of Monty, as if he would prefer two points to three.

No one is going to argue that two points are better than three. Probably not even Naismith, if he were with us.

Your assessment of Rabb is a good one. However, practice does make perfect and Rabb is a good passer, a selfless player. Getting the ball into him, particularly in these games when there is opportunity to practice and learn without risking a loss, is important. I can see where, with repetition, Rabb can be both an important passer out of the post and a more accomplished post player. He handles the ball so much better than Solomon or Kravish (even as seniors) that there is strong reason to see him being important as a distributor as well as an inside scorer.

I am sure that you agree that you can set up the open 3 better if you have a significant post presence.

Basketball analytics were not taken seriously until about five years ago. Specifically, it was discovered that many, many more 3 points shots should be attempted. It was also seen that post players clog the lane, and that it is often better not to have one. It is truly amazing that almost no coaches played this way for 30 years. I stick by my point that old school coaches do not give good strategic advice.

Rabb could be a perfect modern big who does not be spend time in the post, but rather runs screen and rolls. He should not have to live in the past. There might be times when playing inside/outside helps set up the 3, but last night guys were taking wide open 3s rather than feeding the post. They should be applauded rather than scolded.

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richard midgley told me that his experienced & talented modesto christian crusaders will potentially compete for another nor cal open championship this season...their 1st game of the year will be a huge epic matchup as his squad will meet the folsom bulldogs led by jordan ford on november 28th at the prep2prep tip off classic at newark memorial high school

yeah, richard won a ncca game for cal with a 3 point moneyball, earned a cal degree, played basketball professionally overseas, is one of the top young high school coaches in california with a powerhouse program & married a curvy brunette yoga female vanessa that got a cal haas biz degree (like the shockster) they got a cute little baby & midgley's days of solid sleep are over, baby

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lou richie told me his bishop o'dowd dragons are gonna be very young this season with the graduations of ivan rabb & paris austin but thinks they will be nationally ranked again in a season or two as guys get some experience...2018 true point guard elijah hardy got a cal offer & is a high risk facilitator & distributor for them dragons

richie is absolutely passionate about creating academic opportunities for the youth of oakland & told me that a lot of young boys are hearing about young ivee going to cal & that it's a positive role model for them as many of them will be the 1st person in their families to attend college

one thing that is clear in speaking to lou is that he's as passionate about lucas cortez being a part of the cal basketball program as he is ivan rabb...and when ivan picked up the ball for the ref & handed it to him when a timeout was called, richie proudly pointed at that moment to me, told me that it's a reflection of the way tami rabb is raising her sons

yeah, lou richie is like a dad to a lot of these young guys

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who really is ivan rabb?

former bishop o'dowd's team manager/assistant coach & current cal team manager lucas cortez has a heart defect which is kinda surprising because he seems to have the heart of 10,000 ferocious golden bears

so when the then senior (lucas is #14) finally got into a game late in the season, check out the reaction of rabb (#23) when something magical happenes, you could not make this stuff up


ivan's ecstatic celebration (1st teammate to storm the court) tells you all you gotta know about him, young ivee is unselfish & loves his teammates

go dragons#
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who really is ivan rabb?

young ivee is a friend of ronald

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notice how young ivee misses the celebratory arm swing five with the young fan in the gold pants & blue shirt but then has the thoughtfulness to go back & connect/share the love with the little guy after winning the california state championship game at haas pavilion with an ice in his veins free throw vs mater dei

honestly that's all the **** you need to know about ivan rabb


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Hey Shocky1, what is the visitor section for the Virginia game? Is the athletic department selling tickets for the game?

Thinking of going with stubhub, but want to know where all the Cal fans are setting
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BoaltBear;842594401 said:

He needs to get better at blocking out his man for the inside pass AND everyone else needs to force the issue and get him the ball down low. At least three times last night he was working his guy then gave up and came all the way out to the three point line for the pass, got it, then realized, now what? We need to get him the ball down low. And I agree he can and should be able to refine his post moves so he's not shooting a fadeaway. No more of that Ivan. Get to the rim.

Also, I've seen, enough times to form a pattern, Ivan running down the floor fast at an angle with a step on his defender open to receive a well-timed pass as he crosses into the paint, and no one with the ball able to manage the pass to him.
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dejan vasiljevic will no longer be visiting cal

as the world turns#
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watermelon;842594335 said:

shocky, sad to see you walking to your seats after tipoff, and blocking my 2nd row floor seat views as you rudely walked in front of me. #dumbazzesgettotheirseatsaftertipoff

watermelon, my sop is arriving 30 minutes before each game & watching the guys warm up...drinking with the donors at the bar isn't my thing at all, just give me 2 water bottles

i sit in my usual floor seats & then at the 5 minute time out break move closer to my dream seats 1 & 2 in section 17 if they're unoccupied at that time, that's what you saw when midgley, richie along with buddy & his cute girlfriend & myself started moving around

let's say hello, ok? say "what up, dumbazz?" & we're good to go...are you gonna wear your arizona bear down t-shirt this friday nite?

off to the races#
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MiZery;842594898 said:

Hey Shocky1, what is the visitor section for the Virginia game? Is the athletic department selling tickets for the game?

Thinking of going with stubhub, but want to know where all the Cal fans are setting

mizery, that's awesome you're gonna be there, realize it's tough to watch cal basketball in person living on the east coast

don't really think there is an official cal section, don't think the ticket office is selling road game tixs but i'll check on that

maybe a cal pregame and/or post game spot should be established
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Shocky1;842483508 said:

who are these guys on the california golden bears basketball team?

alan crabbe-3.3 gpa@price (currently playing w/portland trail blazers)
justin cobbs-3.39 gpa@bishop montgomery
richard solomon-3.5 gpa@price
jeff powers*-3.6 gpa@delasalle
ricky kreklow*-3.72 gpa@rocky bridge
david kravish*-4.1 gpa@lee's summit north
tyrone wallace-3.5 gpa@bakersfield
christian behrens*-3.5 gpa@tahoma
jabari bird-3.0+gpa@salesian
jordan mathews-3.55 gpa@santa monica
sam singer-3.4 gpa@ransom everglades
kameron rooks-3.5 gpa@mission hills
roger moute a bidias-3.0+ gpa@notre dame
kingsley okoroh-3.0+ gpa@westwind prep/findlay prep
stephen domingo-3.4 gpa@st ignatius
brandon chauca-3.85 gpa@shannon forest christian school
cole welle-4.37 gpa@aptos
nick hamilton-4.2 gpa@westchester
brenden glapion-4.1 gpa@washington
dwight tarwater*-3.9 gpa@webb school
xavier valdes-4.0 gpa@woodlands
ivan rabb-3.15 gpa@bishop o'dowd
jaylen brown-3.1 gpa@wheeler
nick kerr-3.9 gpa@torrey pines
roman davis-3.5 gpa@winward
tyson jolly-3.1 gpa@putnam city west

*will graduate/graduated from cal joining 2012 grads bak bak, brandon smith & robert thurman

cal fans can expect every player listed above to either leave cal with a degree and/or a nba contract..patrick christopher, justin cobbs & richard solomon all have around one remaining semester of schoolwork necessary to earn their cal the wise marco harris once told me, men take care of their business

of the 300+ ncaa d1 bb teams, cal is among the most academically elite programs along with stanford and the ivy leagues most noteably harvard

the above is the MOST IMPORTANT stat sheet in cal basketball

this is the difference between basketball factories that use up & then discard their workers (leaving them unemployable on the streets) in today's highly competitive global economy and legitimate collegiate institutions of higher learning with an academic purpose...if you go to an academically mediocre school like kentucky or arizona & get injured you are ******

academic ambition is a beautiful thing, it will open doors in business after your basketball days are over & help you meet the girl of your dreams (and you're not thinking about it now but it will also help you raise intellectually curious children someday) can be limitless mentally

hot girls from academically mediocre schools wanna date & marry cal, stanford & ivy league grads when they leave their school & enter the real world, that's just the way of the world

don't be a dumb azz#

tyson, welcome to the cal basketball family, you're earning a diploma is gonna be your #1 priority so you can make moms proud & take care of her like the good son that you already are

and yeah, we're gonna win some basketball games too

let's do this, let's relentlessly compete
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nurse wicked of cal's top notch medical staff has thoroughly examined in every way possible nick hamilton & is gonna clear him for playing in 30 days...taylor is thrilled with this news

the smartest bear of them all#
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