Shocky1;842401965 said:
gonna pull my fashionista daughter taylor out of school today at noon (yeah, i'm the dad of the year) so we can fly together to the cal season opener at 7:00 pm tonite vs alcorn state as haas arena...nothing better than sharing your interests & passions with your children, to spark a flame in them to relentlessly pursue their own dreams
say hi to us, we're very friendly people...i'll be the only dumb azz with a fuschia (it's not pink) shirt...if you wanna an icy stare, ask taylor if she got her jacket at wal mart

So, my brother took the tickets and went. Sent me a photo of the new squad from behind the bench late in the game during a timeout. I just went back to look for it - "hey, wait! where's the fuchsia shirt?" I scanned the opposite sideline, not finding anything next to MM, where you were previously next to big Walton. BUT, there IS a fuchsia shirt over to the right, in front of the Straw Hat Band. Is that you? I can't tell b/c the image is too blurry to see your face. It looks like Taylor ditched you, and whomever is on the other side of you. You look lonely in your seated pose. Bored, perhaps is a better word. Clearly, Acorn State was not worth the flight. They need to practice their transition D, for starters. MM, by the way, called a good game. You could see how he clearly cares about the guys.
He called Singer a reluctant shooter. I wanted to ask him back, "Mike, how does a kid who averaged over 30 in hs become a "reluctant shooter"???