Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
oski003 said:
Unit2Sucks said:
B.A. Bearacus said:
oski003 said:
She was triple vaccinated, never infected with covid, and her career is over. She got silver at euro championships, had swiss record, and competed in marathon at the Olympics. Truly sad.
It would be helpful and more persuasive if you posted links from news sources that didn't fall in the category of "the worst news sources."
003 forgot to mention that more than 2000 Americans committed suicide by COVID today and no longer have to worry about myocarditis.
He likes to talk about careers being over to make it seem like myocarditis is the worst thing that can happen to someone. That's anti-vaxxer playbook 101.
Debate with facts, not emotional pleas. You used to argue that there was no evidence that the vaccines caused myocarditis. Then you argued that myocarditis isn't serious. Now, you argue that covid caused death is worse than this Olympic athlete's career ending vaccine injury. You are correct. Death is worse. However, nobody is arguing that it isn't. Nor am I generally arguing against getting vaccinated against covid 19.
You have no factual basis to claim that her career is over. She doesn't seem to think so but your agenda demands that you make the claim. You are beholden to your hysterics, facts be damned.
Remember a couple of months ago when you baselessly claimed Florian Dagoury's career was over? He's competing again and says he's back to normal. You don't care about facts, just about making convenient claims to further your ridiculous assault on lifesaving vaccines. You should be ashamed of yourself for continuing to spread false and misleading information. Meanwhile, thousands are now dying every day because like you they think vaccines are more dangerous than COVID. Well, they no longer have to worry about vaccines.
Links and quotes please regarding the diver and runner competing again. I have stated numerous times to you in this thread that covid is more dangerous than mRNA vaccines, even though I specifically don't trust mRNA vaccines. Please bundle up your emotions and keep it honest.
You are the one who claimed their careers were over without any basis and now you want me to inject reality?
Why don't you do your own research and check what the athletes have said rather than relying on unreliable anti-vaxxer propaganda sites?
Just point me in the direction of what you are asserting. I think you are capable of doing such. Thanks.
I made a good faith effort to find evidence of usucks' assertions that Dagoury is downplaying her myocarditis or the freediver is competing again. I could not find anything. However, I did find a tweet from another marathon runner who hasn't been able to compete for almost two years since alleged vaccine caused myocarditis.
Apparently your search skills are much stronger for misinformation than facts.
Dagoury is the free diver but I could see how you would be confused with all of the misinformation you are working with. He said this in December: "my daily and resting heart rate are now back to normal."
Schlumpf (the runner who you reported misinormation about) said this: "I hope to be back soon, chasing my dreams%85 and competitors." According to this article, "Schlumpf does not suspect a connection between myocarditis and the Covid vaccine", although that reportedly came from another newspaper so I can't say whether it's accurate or not. What I know is not accurate is your baseless and irresponsible categorical claim that her career is over.
If you spend 5 minutes looking on any search engine you would have been able to find this information. Unless the only search engine you use is limited to ant-vax misinformation, which at this point is what it's starting to feel like.
Also, lol if you believe that we should trust a person who claims they are suffering heart problems from a COVID vaccine from April 2020. You are smarter than this, when you choose to be. Maybe the person got COVID, I don't know, but I am pretty damn sure they didn't get a pfizer or moderna jab in April 2020.
1) April 2021
2) I used Google. Thank you for stopping to provide some sort of evidence for your assertions. I will check them out later.
3) I will try to find Dagoury's quote.
4) I will try to find a quote from the runner regarding not connecting the myocarditis to her vaccines.
I'm still a bit skeptical of the random tweet you posted from the guy who says he can't run any more when the picture he posted clearly shows a medal from a half marathon that happened in October 2021.
When I google Dagoury (and Schlumpf), I was able to locate their IGs which is a common way people communicate now. You can read more from them there.
This is the point in the conversation where you acknowledge that you had no reasonable basis to declare that their careers were over and that you will try not to make these sorts of misrepresentations in the future. If you want to build credibility here, than acknowledging when you are wrong is a good start. Taking minimal steps not to continually post anti-vax misinformation from obvious sketchy anti-vax websites would be even better.
Yeah, the marathon runner has a half marathon medal pictured in his group of medals from late 2021. I would be skeptical as well although I wouldn't make assumptions either way.
As for Dagoury, he appears to have partially recovered from the vaccine induced myocarditis. I found the entire quote after going to his instagram. He said his recovery is hard and it is "average." whatever that means,
I believe his goal is to get back to 10 minutes and 30 seconds + and he has kind of worked his way back to 8 minutes. He is motivated.
"Not a bad performance
Very hard breath hold though, I had to push myself a lot. Unfortunately my mind wasn't clear enough to remove facial equipment, make an OK signal and say "I am Ok". I did it in the wrong order and got disqualified. The good news is that I feel the power coming back. I'm sure within the next 3 months I will be back at 9 minutes+. Heart rate during breath holds is still high and for some reason I barely have any bradycardia which stops me from relaxing deeply. My breath holds in training start with 100bpm and ends at 85bpm. When I was doing 10+ minutes static hold it was 60-30bpm. However I'm not worried because my daily and resting heart rate are now back to normal. I walk around at 60ish bpm, and sleep at 40bpm. Lots of progress have been made in this recovery journey."
As for Schlumpf, here is what she just wrote, "I still have to be careful and patient but spending time in the nature gives me so much positive energy. Thanks to all the people who wished me a speed recovery, it means a lot."
So, I will backtrack and say that Schlumpf's career as an olympic athlete is likely over as opposed to is over. Free diving is a little bit looser, but I doubt he will be able to meet his previous records. It does seem possible that both can resume normal lives (possibly without extreme exertion), despite their heart injuries.
Unsurprising response. You quibble over details after pathetically posting misinformation with no mea culpa.
Let's go through each of your responses regarding these athletes. With the random unknown runner who recently ran a half marathon you quibble by posting that he is a marathon runner who ran a half marathon. Ok bud. The mistake riddled tweet said this: "I haven't been able to run more than 5miles for chest, heart and breathing issues from suspected myocarditis" and posted a picture of a medal from a half marathon he ran 2 months ago. You shouldn't have posted it and if you had any intellectual honesty you would acknowledge it. But instead you quibble.
You say that Dagoury has "kind of worked his way back to 8 minutes" and cropped the portion of the comment you posted to remove the fact that he said he was at 8:30 in his first competition. I don't think Dagoury cares that you "doubt" he will meet his previous record (which he set a year and a half before his vaccine so he wasn't exactly peaking before his myocarditis, although honestly I don't know anything about free diving) but you of course have no problem making uninformed predictions like when you predicted that his career was over after myocarditis. You should let him know that you think it's "possible" that he can resume his normal life.
Similarly, you are making an uninformed prediction about Schlumpf because ... reasons. She recently said "I hope to be back soon, chasing my dreams... and competitors." I look forward to you directly responding to her on instagram that you think her career is over and that it's only possible she can resume her normal life.
We all know that you are doing what you are doing because myocarditis is the only problem you can even remotely hang on mRNA vaccines and your rabid agenda demands you do so. You know quite well how to dismiss unreliable information you disagree with but you will scour the internet for any random tweet claiming that the vaccine caused a person some unverified problem, even obviously flawed statements.
Why would anyone trust anything you say at this point?
Everything you are saying here is pure lawyer spin. Myocarditis, durability, and tolerabity are my main concerns with mRNA vaccines; therefore, I discuss them.
You use sleazy language about me hanging my hat on myocarditis. You treat myocarditis like it is not serious. You recite facts like most recovered after 3 days (in the hospital) to support your arguments that myocarditis is "mild.". You have constantly been wrong when questioning my durability concerns. At this point, it is pretty clear that mRNA covid vaccines lack durability. The only question exists is whether all covid vaccine technologies would do so as well. Regardless, the lack of durability absolutely changes the argument on the cost benefit of boosting. You only see it one way because you defend defend defend these vaccines despite evidence presented to you. You view real factual criticism of the vaccines as an attack by anti-vaxxers because you feel vaccines are somehow your client. Why would anyone trust what you say at this point?
I love that you think that telling the truth is "pure lawyer spin." You get caught with your pants down time and time again spreading misinformation and yet you say I use "sleazy language."
Everyone wants better vaccines. We all want the COVID pandemic to end, well those of us who recognize that it exists. You have quite obviously mounted an ideological attack against mRNA vaccines which you believe justifies any means necessary. Accordingly you continuously post information which you either know to be incorrect or you recklessly choose to disregard all indicia of unreliability.
I'm a normal person, I don't carry water or plant flags for any particular vaccine technology. I have no hill to die on. I defend the use of lifesaving vaccines because they prevent idiots from dying. More than 2,100 Americans committed suicide by COVID today, the vast majority of whom fell for the same exact misinformation that you regularly amplify on BI and presumably elsewhere.
At this point, mRNA vaccines have outperformed all comers - J&J, AZ, Sinovac, Sinopharm, etc. have all performed worse in practice and had we relied on them in the US we would have had more deaths than we already have. It's possible that the new Hotez team vaccine or that Novavax or Inovio will be proven more effective (and at least as safe or safer) but that does not justify anyone waiting to get them. Had hundreds of millions of Americans waited for whatever vaccine clears your theoretical minimum hurdle, we would likely have a few million dead instead of just 900k so far. And we don't even know if your hurdle will ever be met. Not that any of this matters since the vast majority of the few hundred thousand COVID suicide victims aren't waiting for your pet vaccines. They are so opposed to vaccines, based in part on the same misinformation that you propagate, that they will never take any COVID vaccine. And now their anti-COVID vaccine hysterics are spreading to previously trusted vaccines.
Your entire movement is intentionally detrimental to public health in the US and you still seem to pretend that something else is going on. You think you're the hero but you're the heel. I'm just here to point out your obvious lies and misinformation but I don't pretend that I'm making a difference. Anyone dumb enough to fall for your lies is already screwed. They're the same idiots who fell for HCQ and horse dewormer and are probably starting to drink their own urine. Next week maybe they'll just cut out the middle man and play russian roulette rather than waiting for COVID to kill them.

So, countries like the USA, who are flooded with mRNA vaccines and little other alternatives, have better death rates against covid? After all, mRNA vaccines have outperformed all comers, right?
This is one of the dumbest things you've ever posted. Despite being "flooded" with mRNA vaccines we still have thousands of unvaxxed people dying every day because they believe in the same misinformation that you are obsessed with spreading. Vaccines only work for people who take them.
Thought I would revisit this in light of all of the recent misinformation. Since 003's agenda isn't served by
following up on his baseless claims, I figured I should do it.
In November, 003 claimed that Florian Dagoury's breath holding career had been ended by a bad reaction to a
COVID vaccine. I last provided an update a few months later showing that he was on the recovery path and that 003's statement that his career was over was bogus.
For some context, the breath holding discipline that Dagoury competes in has seen 6 people in history make it
over 10 minutes, with Dagoury being the only one to do so in the last 4 years. Three weeks ago (eg just a few
months after 003 declared his career over), Dagoury, posted on IG that he was back at 9:20 and expected to be
back over 10 minutes in 1-2 months, a feat no one else in the world has accomplished in years.
I'm sure 003 will be happy to hear that his reckless assertion was incorrect. And I'm also sure that 003 would
never have provided this information of his own accord because the anti-vaxxer misinformation websites he uses
to generate his hot takes are not interested in letting people become aware that myocarditis cases really do
typically resolve with no permanent damage. Remains to be seen whether Dagoury, has suffered any permanent damage, but it would be reckless to definitively claim that he has.
[for some reason it keeps saving without taking my post. hopefully this works.]