The Official Russian Invasion of Ukraine Thread

804,635 Views | 9692 Replies | Last: 23 hrs ago by Cal88
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Big C said:

bear2034 said:

The Ghoul said:

"If you look at the history of American foreign policy, it's very hard to make the case that our principal goal has been to protect freedom and democracy. The U.S. has a rich history of overthrowing democracies around the world and we have a rich history of siding with some of the world's biggest dictators. This idea that we're out there protecting freedom and democracy as our principal goal doesn't mesh with reality."

I largely agree with Mearsheimer here, except to add that what U.S. foreign policy protects is U.S. interests. Sometimes that is freedom and democracy, but a lot of times it is military security or just plain $$$. That is not necessarily a bad thing though: Most of us appreciate military security and $$$!
In this case, the overriding "U.S. Interests" at play here are the control of Ukraine's LNG pipelines, which supply Eastern Europe, and the never-ending supply of U.S. Taxpayers' $$$ going to U.S. "defense" contractors.

This is why Burisma was, and is, so critical to Ukraine.

As always, Follow The Money (FTM).

This is not to say that the GOP accusations of Joe Biden deriving any illegal benefit from Burisma, or anyone associated with Burisma, have merit. As POTUS, Joe Biden can get his hands on all the $$$ he wants, through entirely legal means. Given that Trump's focus has always been on acquiring $$$, his accusations of "illegal" payments to Hunter Biden, and then to Joe, are more projection than reality.

The sense of urgency is more about U.S. intentions from the very beginning of the Ukraine 'project' -- starting with the propaganda campaign that led to the 'Orange Revolution' in 2004.

IF you want to know who's looking for a Refund from their investment in the U.S./Ukraine 'Public / Private Partnership', then take a look at the Donors & Sponsors of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (

Then, once again, check out Deputy Sec of State Victoria Nuland as she celebrates the huge Maidan protests that she organized and created through massive private and Public (via National Endowment for Democracy) investments. When she gave this speech in December 2013, the public & private investments totaled $5 Billion. [Note the main sponsors of the US-Ukraine Foundation on the board behind her -- Chevron and Exxon Mobil.]

Victoria Nuland's Victory Lap at the US-Ukraine Foundation (Dec 13, 2013)

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Snyder is a joke.


Russia can lose this war, and should. A defeated Russia means not only the end of senseless losses of young life in Ukraine. It is also Russia's chance to become a country where Russians might be protected by law and able to cast meaningful votes.
It's between Snyder and U2S as far as who can pack so many whoppers in a couple of sentences tighter than in a can of sardines.

-Russia cannot lose.
-Obsessing on Russia and prolonging this senseless war is what is killing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men - policy pushed by people like Snyder.
-Not just young men dying, it's an army of middle aged men, perhaps the oldest army in the entire history of human warfare!
-77% of Russians voted in last month's Russian election, 87% of them for Putin, you have to be some kind of an idiot to believe that their election was not legit.

Compare with the American dean of geopolitics, Mearsheimer - lucid analysis, well-rounded perspective relying on his military background, everything he says here has turned out to be true, or will. If you really want to understand what is going on in Ukraine, Gaza etc, listen to this man:

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Cal88 said:

Great article from Snyder, thanks for sharing.
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This is some solid fantasy my guy. We have the evidence Biden was taking money from Ukraine. Unless you just want to stick your head in the sand and pretend the "Big Guy" isn't Sleepy Joe. The laptop is damning to the entire Biden Family and if we had a real DOJ, there would be arrests. They obviously aren't going to arrest a sitting president because it would be an embarrassment to the establishment.
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MinotStateBeav said:

This is some solid fantasy my guy. We have the evidence Biden was taking money from Ukraine. Unless you just want to stick your head in the sand and pretend the "Big Guy" isn't Sleepy Joe. The laptop is damning to the entire Biden Family and if we had a real DOJ, there would be arrests. They obviously aren't going to arrest a sitting president because it would be an embarrassment to the establishment.
Again -- Where is this so-called evidence? IF "we" have it, why wasn't it put into the Congressional Record? Why is there such widespread agreement about "having" such "evidence" if this evidence can't be produced in a Congressional investigation?

Even IF "Big Guy" Joe Biden got $$ from Burisma, how is that substantially different from Trump getting $$ from the Saudis, or anyone in Congress getting $$ from any country or corporation? Isn't this what we collectively chose with our current SCOTUS and their disastrous Citizens United v FEC decision? Huge corporations throughout the world funneling gobs of $$$ and gold bars to the bank accounts and freezers of U.S. politicians in exchange for favorable policies for donors, at the expense of U.S. Taxpayers, Workers, & Consumers. Isn't that just how Washington, D.C. works?

Besides, why would Biden risk taking $$ illegally from anyone, when he has access to nearly unlimited legal $$ from the likes of Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, JPM Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc??

There's no doubt that Biden, Trump, and nearly every member of Congress are as corrupt as the day is long. How, then, does a Congressional investigation committee gather evidence of a "crime" that they, themselves, are committing at the same time?

Whatever Biden (Joe &/or Hunter) is accused of doing in Ukraine, isn't Jared Kushner's $2 Billion real estate deal with the Saudis for 666 5th Ave 100x worse??

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was getting his gold bars & luxury Mercedes from Egypt, instead of Saudi Arabia or Israel. Is that why he was indicted?? Just asking...
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Minot is the kind of moron that thinks if he really, REALLY wants something to be true, and many of his fellow cultists feel the same way, that's evidence!
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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That's still a lot better than the moron who
-barges in uninvited into a thread
-adds zero content to the conversation
-is irremediably pugilistic in the most juvenile and emotionally immature manner.
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Cal88 said:

That's still a lot better than the moron who
-barges in uninvited into a thread
-adds zero content to the conversation
-is irremediably pugilistic in the most juvenile and emotionally immature manner.

+100000. aunbear is an angry idiot with a small *****.
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Cal88 said:

That's still a lot better than the moron who
-barges in uninvited into a thread
-adds zero content to the conversation
-is irremediably pugilistic in the most juvenile and emotionally immature manner.
Uninvited? Are invitations going out?

aunbear applies the messaging this board deserves. That makes him the best poster here.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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You "invite" yourself to a thread by bringing relevant content and adding to the discussion, and by, hopefully, not being a canned message board automaton.
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Cal88 said:

You "invite" yourself to a thread by bringing relevant content and adding to the discussion, and by, hopefully, not being a canned message board automaton.

It is not surprising that dajo9 loves aunbear.
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Last I read the Democrat Brownshirts (FBI) have the laptop. Posobiec claimed to have a copy, I believe the computer shop repairman kept copies for protection, there are probably dozens of copies in the Intelligence Community. An official copy will likely never surface.

It's not that easy for Chevron to wire $5 Million to a former vice president. That's why he sent his bagman drug-addicted son all over the world (specifically to a highly corrupt country (Ukraine) and to Communist China) tempting the Grim Reaper.

Why didn't he send his brother or wife or daughter? The whole family was pimping Hunter and risking his life so they could become the poor imitation of the Kennedys 2.0.
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cbbass1 said:

Besides, why would Biden risk taking $$ illegally from anyone, when he has access to nearly unlimited legal $$ from the likes of Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, JPM Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc??
You seem to have many unanswered questions. You can also add to your list: "why does no one seem interested in finding Nicole Simpon's killer?"
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Cal88 said:

You "invite" yourself to a thread by bringing relevant content and adding to the discussion

So why do you keep showing up uninvited? None of your content is factual, as you post nothing but opinion and cherry picked data, and thus you are irrelevant; you add nothing new to discussions as your opinions are will known and your sources are well curated to support your cherished beliefs.

You are no different from Yogi.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
Big C
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So many different types of morons are allowed to post here, you would think we have our own BI executive-level DEIB+ officer! Hell, they've let me post here more than 25,000 times!
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Cal88 has posted a wealth of military knowledge.

Russia threatens using nukes if a NATO country enters the war. SHORT CLIP.

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Cal88 has posted a wealth of military knowledge.

Russia threatens using nukes if a NATO country enters the war. SHORT CLIP.

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AunBear89 said:

Cal88 said:

You "invite" yourself to a thread by bringing relevant content and adding to the discussion

So why do you keep showing up uninvited? None of your content is factual, as you post nothing but opinion and cherry picked data, and thus you are irrelevant; you add nothing new to discussions as your opinions are will known and your sources are well curated to support your cherished beliefs.

You are no different from Yogi.

Facts that a person with a tiny ***** feels is biased > tantrums from a person with a tiny *****
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You keep talking about my unit. Not that there's anything wrong with that - you do you. But your public advances are unwanted and bordering on harassment.

Perhaps you should have a long discussion with your poor wife about your recent obsession with my cock.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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Business Insider: Russia's jamming of American weapons in Ukraine is showing the US what it needs to be ready for in a future fight

"Russia's electronic warfare has repeatedly foiled American precision weapons in Ukraine. ...

"Precision systems such as Excalibur and GMLRS, which can be fired from US-provided M777 howitzers and HIMARS, respectively are seeing shockingly decreased accuracy because of jamming....

"Daniel Patt, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, wrote in a statement to Congress in March that the 155mm GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shell "had a 70% efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine" but that "after six weeks, efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic warfare systems to counter it."...

"The war in Ukraine has, as a defense expert previously told BI, been an "intelligence bonanza" and is giving the US an opportunity to learn how its precision weapons perform under modern threats such as electronic warfare. It's not theoretical. Instead, the US is watching a rival power engage its weapons in a real war....
Big C
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movielover said:

Business Insider: Russia's jamming of American weapons in Ukraine is showing the US what it needs to be ready for in a future fight

"Russia's electronic warfare has repeatedly foiled American precision weapons in Ukraine. ...

"Precision systems such as Excalibur and GMLRS, which can be fired from US-provided M777 howitzers and HIMARS, respectively are seeing shockingly decreased accuracy because of jamming....

"Daniel Patt, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, wrote in a statement to Congress in March that the 155mm GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shell "had a 70% efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine" but that "after six weeks, efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic warfare systems to counter it."...

"The war in Ukraine has, as a defense expert previously told BI, been an "intelligence bonanza" and is giving the US an opportunity to learn how its precision weapons perform under modern threats such as electronic warfare. It's not theoretical. Instead, the US is watching a rival power engage its weapons in a real war....

This is about 27.6% of the reason were involved in this war. Other percentages...

40%: deplete Russia and send a message to all that we can at least make things costly for them and crank up our MIC
30%: it's the right thing to do
27.6%: see above
2.4%: other
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Interesting breakdown, but I'd have to recalibrate all numbers due to your omissions.

25% - Military Industrial Complex / Wall Street graft, including kickbacks to US Congress

15% - Ukranian graft, including kickbacks to US Congress

15% - Wall Street / Blackrock / Big Ag - wanting to profit off of rebuilding Ukraine (Biden's WH Blackrock), and Big Ag wanting to acquire the best dirt in the world for a pittance
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^ Ukraine is going to go through its new batch of ATACMS pretty quick, because they know that the Russians will be able to jam them in a matter of weeks, use them now or lose them.

Russia has a strong tradition in maths and physics, not unlike say chess or ballet, one of the main reasons they are the best in the world at electronic warfare, signals processing is maths. It's a heritage they share with France and a handful of other European countries, where mathematics are taught in a rigorous classical methodology and framework.

The other manifestation of that cultural background is in their adoption of Jean-Pierre Petit's theories based around magnetohydrodynamic drive (MHD), which resulted in their development of hypersonic missiles and supercavitating torpedoes, which travel in seawater at 300mph.

Petit is a brilliant French physicist, who was marginalized in France by the scientific and academic establishment, whose MHD theories formulates in the 1980s were sidelined in France, UK and W. Germany but enthusiastically picked up by Russian mathematicians, leading to their adoption by the Russian MIC. As a reult, the Russians are today at least a decade ahead over the rest of the world in this technology.

Jean-Pierre Petit on his technology:


2019 commentary of Petit on Russia's new generation of weapons based on his theories:

(english subtitles available through CC + settings)

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OT but I wonder if they have made any progress with MHD for power generation to replace steam turbines. I've read a little bit about it and it sounds like a game changer if it could ever be perfected: no moving parts, higher efficiency, reduced capital costs, etc.
The Ghoul
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Sounds like the defenders of democracy aren't living up to their own fictional laurels.
Big C
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^ Honest question: I keep hearing about Georgia this and Georgia that, but a lot of it almost doesn't make sense, like there are two different Georgia's or something! Probably just my imagination. Maybe North Georgia and South Georgia are way different. Of course, if that were true, why not just be two separate states, like the Dakotas?!?

I just hope Biden wins all of Georgia again! And if Russia ever tries to take over Georgia, that's nuclear time! If you don't believe me, go read Monroe and his doctrine
The Ghoul
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It's always a great day to remind blungld, dajo9, and sycasey that the U.S. is losing their proxy war and sentencing tens of thousand of Ukrainians to their deaths because they're bitter that Hillary blew an election.

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I just spent over an hour chatting with an educated, friendly Ukranian couple and their two sons (14 and 10). I'll share their thoughts and comments in a little bit.
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Big C
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movielover said:

I just spent over an hour chatting with an educated, friendly Ukranian couple and their two sons (14 and 10). I'll share their thoughts and comments in a little bit.

Nice preview/tease for your upcoming post: You're piquing our interest!
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Big C said:

movielover said:

I just spent over an hour chatting with an educated, friendly Ukranian couple and their two sons (14 and 10). I'll share their thoughts and comments in a little bit.

Nice preview/tease for your upcoming post: You're piquing our interest!
He'll post it just as soon as Lord Bebo finishes dictating it to him.
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The forced conscription posts are getting more extreme and desperate every day.

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Just have to hold out for six more months until after the election. Then they can abandon Ukraine. Russia taught a lesson, mission accomplished. Next.
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The timing is bad, November is a long time from now and this Summer looks decisive with the Russians starting to inject their reserves into the frontlines, they are now pressing towards Kharkov, the 2nd largest city, with a 5km advance. This is significant as Kharkov is only about 40km from the border.

The Russians might be using this attack on Kharkov to draw Ukrainian reserves from other fronts, I don't think they want to get mired into an urban fight in a city this large.
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