Bumped into a protest yesterday at 4 th street Berkeley Tesla. Kind of funny that the preening halo seeking Tesla owners are now villains in their own morality play
At first, we loved it," said Susan Helmrich of Berkeley, who purchased a white Tesla Model 3 in 2021. "It has a lot of amazing features. Everything about it was great until about a year ago when Elon Musk came more into the public domain. At that point, I couldn't stand driving it, particularly when Musk and Trump became partners. I couldn't stand having anything to do with the Trump administration. Helmrich attached a small "regret magnet" on her Tesla that read: "I bought this before I knew how awful he was." She later attached a larger one. "
At first, we loved it," said Susan Helmrich of Berkeley, who purchased a white Tesla Model 3 in 2021. "It has a lot of amazing features. Everything about it was great until about a year ago when Elon Musk came more into the public domain. At that point, I couldn't stand driving it, particularly when Musk and Trump became partners. I couldn't stand having anything to do with the Trump administration. Helmrich attached a small "regret magnet" on her Tesla that read: "I bought this before I knew how awful he was." She later attached a larger one. "