Anarchistbear said:
Who are these people you keep demonizing in knee jerk stereotypical fashion- gay hating, Nazis, brown shirts, low information, etc. I know Trump voters- a lot of them as I live in the South for part of the year-but they are complicated human beings. Are these the Trump voters you know? Or are you dealing in cartoons?
And why do those Trump voters who benefit financially or are hard core GOP get a pass? Why aren't WIAF and others also brown shirt low information voters preyed on by an authoritarian cult ? Or is it just the unknown and uneducated who are demonized?
I know exactly who the Trump supporters are. They litter my family, and the suburban streets I grew up on. Yet, I still believe they live in a fantasy world. A lot of this is based on the fact the people I know have always lived in a suburb, and a wealthy suburb at that. Because of that, they have no first hand knowledge of how scary the world is not. How MS-13 is not on every street corner and not flooding into the cities. How immigrants are not living the welfare dream. How the world is not collapsing into a state of utter anarchy. They stay in their suburban bubble, consume the ratings-driven fear-mongering local TV news, they develop that 'other', an 'other' that they begin to fear, an 'other' that is going to destroy the safe little bubble they live in by turning it brown and filling it with crime, thus the 'other' they need to stop.
Or they can be like my uncle, who lived an unremarkable life. Someone who is not that intelligent, not that ambitious, and doesn't have great people skills. He never really developed in a professional world and ended up working at a low-paying low-skill dead-end job. His wife divorced him because financial concerns stressed the marriage, and he never really had many friends he could lean on. He would look out and see other people with successful careers, reasonably happy families, and a group of people he could spend time with and he would get jealous and frustrated that he didn't have that life. But instead of going to night school, developing people skills, or moving out of that small Midwestern town he lived in, he sat in his own little bubble and started to blame. His ego wouldn't allow him to think he needed to grow or develop as a person or that technology had passed his town by, instead he blamed the outside world, the 'other' for why his life was so pathetic.
I'm not against Republicans in general (I have a good amount of respect HW Bush), I believe fiscal responsibility is important for our government, but the hard core Trump supporters are ignorant in their knowledge of the world at large, yet have a sense of entitlement to what they believe is owed to them, and lack accountability for why they don't have that which they believe they are entitled to.