Didn't think I could be shocked anymore by the Putz In Chief, but watching his incoherent comments after the Secretary of Labor resigned was incredible as he lurched from topic to topic. At one point he brought up Paul Ryan tenure as Speaker of the House, Epstein, MS 13, Veterans, Tariffs, Mueller's impending Testimony, Joe Biden as a presidential candidate, North Korea, no collusion or obstruction, his great AG, Article II of the Constitution, immigration, the drug crisis, the fact that Acosta went to Harvard, was a great student and was Hispanic which he greatly admires, AOC, Amazon, tthat Pelosi is not a racist, the great detention centers, Boarder Patrol, the fake New York Times being an enemy of the people, the ICE raids which he foolishly announce ahead of time, his loss of billions of dollars because he became POTUS, and Iran.
Just ****ing amazing. Somebody check his medication.