White House has settled in

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tRump is nothing less than an agent of the Russians:

Exclusive: White House cyber memo warns of new network risks - Axios

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Another Bear said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Bring back mandatory life sentences for utter stupidity.

It';s not just Mexicans that are part of the immigration crisis. It's the New Mexicans. We gotta keep them out of our country.
So you don't like Mexicans?
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Another Bear said:

What obstruction of justice looks like in real time, executed by 30 GOP house members. October 23, 2019.

Reality check: Closed-door hearings are routine for committees, which include both Republicans and Democrats.

As former Rep. Trey Gowdy told former Rep. Darrell Issa when barring him from a Benghazi hearing in 2015, non-committee members aren't allowed, and "those are the rules and we have to follow them, no exceptions made." Axios
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Another Bear
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

Another Bear said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Bring back mandatory life sentences for utter stupidity.

It';s not just Mexicans that are part of the immigration crisis. It's the New Mexicans. We gotta keep them out of our country.
So you don't like Mexicans?

Nice self-portrait there Professor.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

What obstruction of justice looks like in real time, executed by 30 GOP house members. October 23, 2019.

Reality check: Closed-door hearings are routine for committees, which include both Republicans and Democrats.

As former Rep. Trey Gowdy told former Rep. Darrell Issa when barring him from a Benghazi hearing in 2015, non-committee members aren't allowed, and "those are the rules and we have to follow them, no exceptions made." Axios
Well that makes sense...Issa is criminal.
Another Bear
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

It';s not just Mexicans that are part of the immigration crisis. It's the New Mexicans. We gotta keep them out of our country.
I'm not saying New Mexico is full of criminals, but . . .

Cal Junkie
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sycasey said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

It';s not just Mexicans that are part of the immigration crisis. It's the New Mexicans. We gotta keep them out of our country.
I'm not saying New Mexico is full of criminals, but . . .

And don't fergit dem Texicans while yer at it.
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Another Bear said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

Another Bear said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Bring back mandatory life sentences for utter stupidity.

It';s not just Mexicans that are part of the immigration crisis. It's the New Mexicans. We gotta keep them out of our country.
So you don't like Mexicans?

Nice self-portrait there Professor.

His real self portrait:

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Another Bear
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So I go and look for some Kinison nut job rant and find this...and the ad that loaded up before playing was a MAGA support Trump ad. Yeah, sure the Professor is Bernie Bros...by way of Petrograd.
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OaktownBear said:

dajo9 said:

Sad that humor like that gets good play but when Hillary calmly and firmly explained to the country in 2016 that Russia was working to get Trump elected she was widely criticized.

I don't disagree, but it is a political campaign. They kept saying people who knew the real Hillary personally loved her, but they spent 26 years trying to keep her personality from coming through. She was extremely guarded and fearful of being or doing things that a woman can't get away with. She didn't connect to the voters and like it or not, that is important. Would this type of humor have worked? I don't know. But at least she could have lost knowing she did so being who she was.

Remember two of the key points in Bill's campaign was saxophone on Arsenio Hall and boxers or briefs on MTV. Bill won because voters thought he "feels your pain".

I dont know Hillary's real personality but I do know this:
1- Many millions of dollars have been spent to publicly trash her since 1992.
2- Hillary Clinton is the most investigated and vindicated person in the history of the world.
3- The people spending the millions and running the phony investigations have never been held to account formally or just in the public eye.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
Another Bear
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What Benghazi? Her email?

Jesus F. Christ...they just concluded ANOTHER HRC email investigation. My guess is this keeps up 45 years after she passes.
Another Bear
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This guy is good.

Say stupid, and get a standing o.
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Mattis said he'd 'rather swallow acid' than watch Trump's military parade: book | TheHill


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dajo9 said:

OaktownBear said:

dajo9 said:

Sad that humor like that gets good play but when Hillary calmly and firmly explained to the country in 2016 that Russia was working to get Trump elected she was widely criticized.

I don't disagree, but it is a political campaign. They kept saying people who knew the real Hillary personally loved her, but they spent 26 years trying to keep her personality from coming through. She was extremely guarded and fearful of being or doing things that a woman can't get away with. She didn't connect to the voters and like it or not, that is important. Would this type of humor have worked? I don't know. But at least she could have lost knowing she did so being who she was.

Remember two of the key points in Bill's campaign was saxophone on Arsenio Hall and boxers or briefs on MTV. Bill won because voters thought he "feels your pain".
I dont know Hillary's real personality but I do know this:
1- Many millions of dollars have been spent to publicly trash her since 1992.
2- Hillary Clinton is the most investigated and vindicated person in the history of the world.
3- The people spending the millions and running the phony investigations have never been held to account formally or just in the public eye.
4. She is the worst campaigner in the history of the presidential election. Was only able to win the Democratic nomination by having the party infrastructure give her every possible benefit, then managed to blow an easy victory to a crackpot by giving the people not one good reason to believe she was ever going to do anything for anybody other than her rich white investment banker buddies.

She has never earned anything she's gotten in the political world and constantly assumed it would all be gifted her. I cry for the country being subjected to Trump, but I have zero tears for her. She fully deserves to be the political joke that she will be for all time for losing to this clown.
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

dajo9 said:

OaktownBear said:

dajo9 said:

Sad that humor like that gets good play but when Hillary calmly and firmly explained to the country in 2016 that Russia was working to get Trump elected she was widely criticized.

I don't disagree, but it is a political campaign. They kept saying people who knew the real Hillary personally loved her, but they spent 26 years trying to keep her personality from coming through. She was extremely guarded and fearful of being or doing things that a woman can't get away with. She didn't connect to the voters and like it or not, that is important. Would this type of humor have worked? I don't know. But at least she could have lost knowing she did so being who she was.

Remember two of the key points in Bill's campaign was saxophone on Arsenio Hall and boxers or briefs on MTV. Bill won because voters thought he "feels your pain".
I dont know Hillary's real personality but I do know this:
1- Many millions of dollars have been spent to publicly trash her since 1992.
2- Hillary Clinton is the most investigated and vindicated person in the history of the world.
3- The people spending the millions and running the phony investigations have never been held to account formally or just in the public eye.
4. She is the worst campaigner in the history of the presidential election. Was only able to win the Democratic nomination by having the party infrastructure give her every possible benefit, then managed to blow an easy victory to a crackpot by giving the people not one good reason to believe she was ever going to do anything for anybody other than her rich white investment banker buddies.

She has never earned anything she's gotten in the political world and constantly assumed it would all be gifted her. I cry for the country being subjected to Trump, but I have zero tears for her. She fully deserves to be the political joke that she will be for all time for losing to this clown.

I'm sorry that even after all this time you know nothing about Hillary Clinton and her years of putting in the hard work and putting forward policies for average Americans like national health care and CHIP among others
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

...she ..then managed to blow an easy victory to a crackpot by giving the people not one good reason to believe she was ever going to do anything for anybody other than her rich white investment banker buddies....

Even a birdbrain like tRump knew that the way to get elected is to convince the Working Class that you are going to help them even though your intent is to increase the wealth of your Crime Family and rich White buddies once you seize the reins of power.

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Trump's presidency is built on lies. Does he actually believe them?


" From the phantom peace in Syria to the phantom wall on the Mexican border, the Trump presidency is based on the theory that reality is created by mere assertion."
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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I know a girl, a girl called Party, Party girl
I know she wants more than a party, Party girl
And she won't tell me her name, oh no, not me

*One of my favorite U2 songs
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sycasey said:

If the last transcript is any indication, I'm not sure the Republicans actually want these hearings taking place in public.

There are full transcripts of these private hearings? Where can I find them?
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oski003 said:

sycasey said:

If the last transcript is any indication, I'm not sure the Republicans actually want these hearings taking place in public.

There are full transcripts of these private hearings? Where can I find them?

He's referring to the transcriptorandum released by the White House of the "perfect" call.

There are no transcripts for these private hearings just like there were none from the Benghazi hearings. These hearings are being administered under the 2015 rules passed by Republicans and signed by Boehner. None of this is news to you since you generally seem to be well acquainted with current events but you also seem to enjoy employing the Socratic method instead of making affirmative statements.

Once the closed hearings are complete, it is expected that there will be open hearings which will be unfortunate for a Republicans because they will no longer be able to pretend that there is some deficiency in the process of evaluating Trump's unconstitutional behavior which somehow excuses said behavior. It's sad what the GOP has been reduced to by this charlatan. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of gentlemen.
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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

sycasey said:

If the last transcript is any indication, I'm not sure the Republicans actually want these hearings taking place in public.

There are full transcripts of these private hearings? Where can I find them?

He's referring to the transcriptorandum released by the White House of the "perfect" call.

There's also Bill Taylor's full opening statement.

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I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

Here's ABs post from yesterday in another thread:

Next week National Security Council staffers are set to testify at the House Intel comm. I think there's going to be three more weeks of fact finding and testimony, just don't know who yet but there's a long line. After that, the Dems have said they'll start public hearings to make things more transparent.

Here's what I gather from this:
A) Continue to own the news cycle, rendering Trump useless.
B) Present Americans with impeachment information, 24/7. Flood the zone.
C) Ride the media circus for all its worth, whip the country into a frenzy,
D) Give Trump enough rope to strangle himself...hoping for another Ukraine admission.
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oski003 said:

I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

If you want to bet that the public testimony will be any better for Trump, I will happily take that bet.
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sycasey said:

oski003 said:

I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

If you want to bet that the public testimony will be any better for Trump, I will happily take that bet.
Then the republicans wouldn't be able to pretend that they haven't had an opportunity to participate in the process. If people bothered to find out the truth, they would learn that republicans are being provided the opportunity to ask questions in these closed-door hearings with equal time.

If oski003 were genuinely interested in having a discussion about this, he wouldn't choose to ignore information and play Socrates.

Here is some more info from the failing LA Times:


Forty-seven Republican lawmakers from three House committees Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight have been allowed to attend and participate in all of the depositions of the eight diplomats and government officials brought in to testify so far. The 57 Democrats from those three committees also may attend, but no other lawmakers from either party may enter.


Anywhere from about six to several dozen GOP members have shown up each day, sometimes walking in and out of daylong depositions, usually slightly fewer than the number of Democrats in attendance, according to several lawmakers in the room.

Some of the president's strongest allies, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), have been in the room for nearly every minute of the depositions, according to GOP aides. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), former chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and a Trump ally, is there nearly as often. The trio have asked the majority of the questions on behalf of Republican members, Rouda said.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has vowed to release the transcripts of the depositions at some point and to hold public hearings, though so far he has not signaled when that might be.

The majority of the questioning at the hearings is done by staff lawyers, with occasional interruptions from lawmakers, according to several people in the room. Democratic lawyers get the first hour of questioning, followed by an hour from Republicans. They continue in that cycle in 45-minute increments with occasional breaks.
Another Bear
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Yup there's talk about the "Big Three" (Bill Taylor, Marie Yovanovitch, John Bolton) giving public testimony. As has been pointed out by the news media...big difference from Mueller and Russiagate because you have three creditable Americans testifying on a case that happened within 5 months. If the Trump people are hijacking hearings, they wont' survive this. They're already scared and running away.

Another Bear
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p.s. I noticed the Trump Impeachment onslaught has reduced the numbered troll set traffic here. Way to go Trump, making 'Merica great again...
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Unit2Sucks said:

sycasey said:

oski003 said:

I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

If you want to bet that the public testimony will be any better for Trump, I will happily take that bet.
Then the republicans wouldn't be able to pretend that they haven't had an opportunity to participate in the process. If people bothered to find out the truth, they would learn that republicans are being provided the opportunity to ask questions in these closed-door hearings with equal time.

If oski003 were genuinely interested in having a discussion about this, he wouldn't choose to ignore information and play Socrates.

Here is some more info from the failing LA Times:


Forty-seven Republican lawmakers from three House committees Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight have been allowed to attend and participate in all of the depositions of the eight diplomats and government officials brought in to testify so far. The 57 Democrats from those three committees also may attend, but no other lawmakers from either party may enter.


Anywhere from about six to several dozen GOP members have shown up each day, sometimes walking in and out of daylong depositions, usually slightly fewer than the number of Democrats in attendance, according to several lawmakers in the room.

Some of the president's strongest allies, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), have been in the room for nearly every minute of the depositions, according to GOP aides. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), former chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and a Trump ally, is there nearly as often. The trio have asked the majority of the questions on behalf of Republican members, Rouda said.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has vowed to release the transcripts of the depositions at some point and to hold public hearings, though so far he has not signaled when that might be.

The majority of the questioning at the hearings is done by staff lawyers, with occasional interruptions from lawmakers, according to several people in the room. Democratic lawyers get the first hour of questioning, followed by an hour from Republicans. They continue in that cycle in 45-minute increments with occasional breaks.

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
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oski003 said:

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
I thought you said you wanted more public disclosure. Why does the disclosure of this information bother you?
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

sycasey said:

oski003 said:

I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

If you want to bet that the public testimony will be any better for Trump, I will happily take that bet.
Then the republicans wouldn't be able to pretend that they haven't had an opportunity to participate in the process. If people bothered to find out the truth, they would learn that republicans are being provided the opportunity to ask questions in these closed-door hearings with equal time.

If oski003 were genuinely interested in having a discussion about this, he wouldn't choose to ignore information and play Socrates.

Here is some more info from the failing LA Times:


Forty-seven Republican lawmakers from three House committees Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight have been allowed to attend and participate in all of the depositions of the eight diplomats and government officials brought in to testify so far. The 57 Democrats from those three committees also may attend, but no other lawmakers from either party may enter.


Anywhere from about six to several dozen GOP members have shown up each day, sometimes walking in and out of daylong depositions, usually slightly fewer than the number of Democrats in attendance, according to several lawmakers in the room.

Some of the president's strongest allies, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), have been in the room for nearly every minute of the depositions, according to GOP aides. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), former chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and a Trump ally, is there nearly as often. The trio have asked the majority of the questions on behalf of Republican members, Rouda said.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has vowed to release the transcripts of the depositions at some point and to hold public hearings, though so far he has not signaled when that might be.

The majority of the questioning at the hearings is done by staff lawyers, with occasional interruptions from lawmakers, according to several people in the room. Democratic lawyers get the first hour of questioning, followed by an hour from Republicans. They continue in that cycle in 45-minute increments with occasional breaks.

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
Can you point to your complaints about Republicans selectively leaking info from the Benghazi and Email investigations. If not, you should go ahead and keep your mouth shut about this.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
I thought you said you wanted more public disclosure. Why does the disclosure of this information bother you?

Are you being serious? Are you suggesting that a prosecutor leaking testimony to the media is public disclosure? This is dangerous. There is nothing wrong with this process but for the fact that it is a media assassination. They should investigate. Assuming what has leaked holds up to scrutiny, they should impeach and then it will all become public.
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dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

sycasey said:

oski003 said:

I thought he was referring to the transcript of Taylor's opening statement, which conveniently has been broadcast to the public, unlike the rest of his testimony. Schiff leaks. AB loves the strategy.

If you want to bet that the public testimony will be any better for Trump, I will happily take that bet.
Then the republicans wouldn't be able to pretend that they haven't had an opportunity to participate in the process. If people bothered to find out the truth, they would learn that republicans are being provided the opportunity to ask questions in these closed-door hearings with equal time.

If oski003 were genuinely interested in having a discussion about this, he wouldn't choose to ignore information and play Socrates.

Here is some more info from the failing LA Times:


Forty-seven Republican lawmakers from three House committees Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight have been allowed to attend and participate in all of the depositions of the eight diplomats and government officials brought in to testify so far. The 57 Democrats from those three committees also may attend, but no other lawmakers from either party may enter.


Anywhere from about six to several dozen GOP members have shown up each day, sometimes walking in and out of daylong depositions, usually slightly fewer than the number of Democrats in attendance, according to several lawmakers in the room.

Some of the president's strongest allies, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), have been in the room for nearly every minute of the depositions, according to GOP aides. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), former chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and a Trump ally, is there nearly as often. The trio have asked the majority of the questions on behalf of Republican members, Rouda said.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has vowed to release the transcripts of the depositions at some point and to hold public hearings, though so far he has not signaled when that might be.

The majority of the questioning at the hearings is done by staff lawyers, with occasional interruptions from lawmakers, according to several people in the room. Democratic lawyers get the first hour of questioning, followed by an hour from Republicans. They continue in that cycle in 45-minute increments with occasional breaks.

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
Can you point to your complaints about Republicans selectively leaking info from the Benghazi and Email investigations. If not, you should go ahead and keep your mouth shut about this.

I'm not justifying anything done regarding Benghazi and Email as that is not the discussion. You are advising me to keep my mouth shut just because I offer a different perspective and that is despicable.
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Bull***** Don't assume. I question the leaks. Obviously some Republicans get to be there. This is a secure room. Why does the media get to blast Taylor's opening statement.
I thought you said you wanted more public disclosure. Why does the disclosure of this information bother you?

Are you being serious? Are you suggesting that a prosecutor leaking testimony to the media is public disclosure? This is dangerous. There is nothing wrong with this process but for the fact that it is a media assassination. They should investigate. Assuming what has leaked holds up to scrutiny, they should impeach and then it will all become public.
What is this gobbledygook argument.
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