39,004 Views | 419 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by BearForce2
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"Until he turned white with sorrow."
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"Howl" by Allen Ginsberg
San Francisco, 1955-56

Will take some time....
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Are you recommending Moby Dick, too?
B.A. Bearacus
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In other news, Smollett completely vindicated and exonerated. Sorry all you Smollett haters. You lost.

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Wrong thread.

Edit: oh wait! I see what you did there.
Very clever!
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Listen here for more lies, spin, twisting of the truth.
She's incredible.
Never before has there been a woman who could do this. (In fact, very few men, too.)
Specialized breeding.

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There was a ton of talk before the election in 2016 that trump was setting up to launch a media company after he lost.
Turns out, he simply took over FoxNews, getting his media company without the hassle of launch.
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this thread got really weird.
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concordtom said:

There was a ton of talk before the election in 2016 that trump was setting up to launch a media company after he lost.
Turns out, he simply took over FoxNews, getting his media company without the hassle of launch.

Golden One
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concordtom said:

Golden One said:

concordtom said:

Kelly, I see you've been following party orders.
Trump said it, Graham said it, and now you.
Is this what FoxNews is putting out today, too? No doubt.
They are going on the attack.

I listened to this while driving, and wanted to slug the liar.
Lindsay Graham is as bad as Mitch McConnell.
We have sick sick men running our country.
I wish they'd all just die. Of natural causes.

Seems like you want everyone who holds views different from yours to die. You are really sick, man.
Yeah, I know.
I just can't imagine how so many people have been brainwashed and misled.
I used to think that good would prevail over bad, that travesties like WW and the Holocaust were in the past, that we were on a path toward the 60's hippy utopia world my mother raised me in.

Now I see that man is but a child, playing with matches, fumbling around.

There is no way that Trump represents a step forward. And yet, so many of you fine folks are seemingly just as convinced he is. It's been a very sad 3 years of witness for me.

I have a novel inside about Paradise Lost. I'll sign a copy for you when it's printed.
Just please understand that my hyperbolic desperation is not an actual wish for anyone to die. It represents the death of hope that has already died inside me by what I've witnessed. The idealist who resides with a thousand pounds of dirt on top of him would never actually wish that upon another.
My apologies. But I suppose the book of Revelation was right. Another storm is coming. It's bound to; look whose got the matches. Look at the ice caps. Look at the rainforest. Look at the growing global population.
Hold true to your principles and core beliefs, CT. I just ask that you refrain from wishing death on anyone.
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wifeisafurd said:

this thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
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okaydo said:

concordtom said:

There was a ton of talk before the election in 2016 that trump was setting up to launch a media company after he lost.
Turns out, he simply took over FoxNews, getting his media company without the hassle of launch.

Hmmm, okaaaay.... Interesting.
Well, perhaps George Soros, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates will put in a bid for it.
I suspect any of those 3 could do a hell of a lot of good for the world with that money.
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wifeisafurd said:

kelly09 said:

wifeisafurd said:

bearister said:

Within an hour of learning the findings," the WashPost reports, "Trump called for an investigation of his critics and cast himself as a victim."

"Aides say Trump plans to ... call for organizations to fire members of the media and former government officials who he believes made false accusations about him."

Don Jr., the president's eldest son, tweeted: "How this farce started and snowballed ... into one the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the America should be discovered. Those responsible should be held accountable."

And Rudy Giuliani said on Fox News: "[T]here has to be a full and complete investigation, with at least as much enthusiasm as this one, to figure out where did this charge emanate, who started it, and who paid for it." Axios

...and so we proceed down the road to totalitarianism. First seize he presses, throw them into the street and roll the tanks over them. Next come the journalists...

What to Make of Bill Barr's Letter

To harken back, the original intent of the investigation was to find out the extent of Russian influence. There is ample evidence that Congress was right in investigating Russian influence and Rosenstein was right in ordering the Mueller investigation. There is a Russian problem. Trump may think everything is about him, but it isn't. Congress would do well to focus on the Russian problem, since the FBI total F'ed it up.

As for an investigation, not going to happen. The FBI is in bad enough shape after this. Barr will find away to distance the FBI and Justice from engaging in a witch hunt. The media that screamed about Trump colluding with the Russians already took a credibility hit, we don't need to sacrifice the First Amendment with some stupid investigation over people gun jumping and making what turned out to be incorrect remarks. That happens to us all at some point (or at least me).
Barr has got to go forward on invetigations into the DOJ, FBI and Brennan's CIA.The behavior or these entities in getting involved in American politics was despicable. It goes beyond that. Flynn's unmasking, the use of the Dossier and leaking of classified materials to an anti Trump media. All of this was bad and has to be dealt with.
The FBI went though an extensive internal investigation and fired agents who were overtly acting political against Trump or Clinton for that matter under Trump appointees. The agency has taken a huge hit for actions under Comey (I know some people love him). What more do you want? What purpose does it serve?

As for the CIA, any changes or investigations will not see the light of day. They are the deep state. I'm just trying to see what any investigations will accomplish, other than further damaging the FBI as an institution?
The bolded section is actually incorrect. The FBI may have gone through an extensive internal investigation and fired those who acted against Trump (including releasing all their questionable texts and activities, etc. to the public) but we have no idea what was done to those, other than Comey, who acted against Hillary (and Comey was fired after acting against Trump though he acted against Hillary before that). FBI agents were leaking information to the Trump campaign in 2016 and that has been investigated but the FBI refuses to release any information about the investigation, in violation of the law. My guess is the perps are still gainfully employed after a minor slap on the wrist.

This is the grave concern many of us have been warning about. Law enforcement organizations like the FBI are being purged of people, but not people who were favorable to Trump. Once law enforcement is completely in the hands of Trumpies (rather than the array of civil servants we expect), we cease to operate as a free country.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
Another Bear
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An overwhelming 84% of Americans including 75% of Republicans want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

  • A whopping 84% of American voters said special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation report should be made public, a new poll found.
  • 75% of Republicans and 93% of Democrats want the report to be released publicly.
  • A majority of Americans 55% say Mueller's investigation was conducted fairly, but 43% agree with the president that the probe was a "witch hunt."

This will be an on-going issue into the election. GOP seems hyped right now...but this will drag on and drag them down. But kudos to the GOP who want the report released in full. Until it's released, I'm calling it a cover up by Barr. Also how the heck can you take his word on anything he wrote in the letter...without the source material available? 22 months...hundreds of thousands of documents, and we get a 4 page letter that clears up nothing.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

An overwhelming 84% of Americans including 75% of Republicans want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

  • A whopping 84% of American voters said special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation report should be made public, a new poll found.
  • 75% of Republicans and 93% of Democrats want the report to be released publicly.
  • A majority of Americans 55% say Mueller's investigation was conducted fairly, but 43% agree with the president that the probe was a "witch hunt."

This will be an on-going issue into the election. GOP seems hyped right now...but this will drag on and drag them down. But kudos to the GOP who want the report released in full. Until it's released, I'm calling it a cover up by Barr. Also how the heck can you take his word on anything he wrote in the letter...without the source material available? 22 months...hundreds of thousands of documents, and we get a 4 page letter that clears up nothing.
The Republican respondents will change their opinions after a few weeks of Fox News telling them to. Media will swoon that public is turning against seeing the Mueller report, even though 60% will still want to see it.

I'll just say there are already a number of reasons why I would personally support impeaching Trump, even though I don't think it's a politically good idea to do so right now. But if a Democratic President attempted a cover-up of a legitimate investigation like is being done right now, I would support impeaching that Democratic President.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
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I assume that whatever is in the report will eventually be leaked regardless of what the administration "officially" does (the Trump White House has not been good at keeping a lid on things), so it would probably be better for them to get out ahead of things and do it soon.

Not that the Trump Administration shows great understanding of what is politically popular either.
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concordtom said:

okaydo said:

concordtom said:

There was a ton of talk before the election in 2016 that trump was setting up to launch a media company after he lost.
Turns out, he simply took over FoxNews, getting his media company without the hassle of launch.

Hmmm, okaaaay.... Interesting.
Well, perhaps George Soros, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates will put in a bid for it.
I suspect any of those 3 could do a hell of a lot of good for the world with that money.

Disney just paid Rupert Murdoch $71.3 billlion last week for nearly all of Fox's assets, EXCLUDING the Fox network and Fox News. So Murdoch is holding onto Fox News. But Lachlan may be realizing how far things have gone, thus why Judge Jeanine has been off the air for the past 2 weeks.
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I'd suggest they get rid of some other big names (you know who) while they're at it, but then they'd have no assets left to sell.
So, maybe we consider it a warning shot across the bow to sanction her speech as they did.
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Another Bear said:

An overwhelming 84% of Americans including 75% of Republicans want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

  • A whopping 84% of American voters said special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation report should be made public, a new poll found.
  • 75% of Republicans and 93% of Democrats want the report to be released publicly.
  • A majority of Americans 55% say Mueller's investigation was conducted fairly, but 43% agree with the president that the probe was a "witch hunt."

This will be an on-going issue into the election. GOP seems hyped right now...but this will drag on and drag them down. But kudos to the GOP who want the report released in full. Until it's released, I'm calling it a cover up by Barr. Also how the heck can you take his word on anything he wrote in the letter...without the source material available? 22 months...hundreds of thousands of documents, and we get a 4 page letter that clears up nothing.
It would be funny if Mueller were to say just one sentence: "America should see the report."
Can you imagine?!!
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okaydo said:

Disney just paid Rupert Murdoch $71.3 billlion last week for nearly all of Fox's assets, EXCLUDING the Fox network and Fox News....

That's a pity. Otherwise they could have replaced Sean Hannity with Goofy.
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
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concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

An overwhelming 84% of Americans including 75% of Republicans want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

  • A whopping 84% of American voters said special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation report should be made public, a new poll found.
  • 75% of Republicans and 93% of Democrats want the report to be released publicly.
  • A majority of Americans 55% say Mueller's investigation was conducted fairly, but 43% agree with the president that the probe was a "witch hunt."

This will be an on-going issue into the election. GOP seems hyped right now...but this will drag on and drag them down. But kudos to the GOP who want the report released in full. Until it's released, I'm calling it a cover up by Barr. Also how the heck can you take his word on anything he wrote in the letter...without the source material available? 22 months...hundreds of thousands of documents, and we get a 4 page letter that clears up nothing.
It would be funny if Mueller were to say just one sentence: "America should see the report."
Can you imagine?!!
Mueller will say that the country should see as much of the report as legally possible (which btw is Barr's position). More is coming following redaction. I got a feeling it is nothing burger since Trump and his lawyers are c calling for the report's release. Former prosecutors actually understand the legal imitations that prevent the release of the full report. If redacted portions are leaked, it will be by Mueller's staff since only two other guys have seen the report. And to Mueller's credit, there have been essentially no leakage so far. The irony that Trump called this a witch hunt is rather ironic.
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Assange will release it.

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concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

this thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.
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dajo9 said:

wifeisafurd said:

kelly09 said:

wifeisafurd said:

bearister said:

Within an hour of learning the findings," the WashPost reports, "Trump called for an investigation of his critics and cast himself as a victim."

"Aides say Trump plans to ... call for organizations to fire members of the media and former government officials who he believes made false accusations about him."

Don Jr., the president's eldest son, tweeted: "How this farce started and snowballed ... into one the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the America should be discovered. Those responsible should be held accountable."

And Rudy Giuliani said on Fox News: "[T]here has to be a full and complete investigation, with at least as much enthusiasm as this one, to figure out where did this charge emanate, who started it, and who paid for it." Axios

...and so we proceed down the road to totalitarianism. First seize he presses, throw them into the street and roll the tanks over them. Next come the journalists...

What to Make of Bill Barr's Letter

To harken back, the original intent of the investigation was to find out the extent of Russian influence. There is ample evidence that Congress was right in investigating Russian influence and Rosenstein was right in ordering the Mueller investigation. There is a Russian problem. Trump may think everything is about him, but it isn't. Congress would do well to focus on the Russian problem, since the FBI total F'ed it up.

As for an investigation, not going to happen. The FBI is in bad enough shape after this. Barr will find away to distance the FBI and Justice from engaging in a witch hunt. The media that screamed about Trump colluding with the Russians already took a credibility hit, we don't need to sacrifice the First Amendment with some stupid investigation over people gun jumping and making what turned out to be incorrect remarks. That happens to us all at some point (or at least me).
Barr has got to go forward on invetigations into the DOJ, FBI and Brennan's CIA.The behavior or these entities in getting involved in American politics was despicable. It goes beyond that. Flynn's unmasking, the use of the Dossier and leaking of classified materials to an anti Trump media. All of this was bad and has to be dealt with.
The FBI went though an extensive internal investigation and fired agents who were overtly acting political against Trump or Clinton for that matter under Trump appointees. The agency has taken a huge hit for actions under Comey (I know some people love him). What more do you want? What purpose does it serve?

As for the CIA, any changes or investigations will not see the light of day. They are the deep state. I'm just trying to see what any investigations will accomplish, other than further damaging the FBI as an institution?
The bolded section is actually incorrect. The FBI may have gone through an extensive internal investigation and fired those who acted against Trump (including releasing all their questionable texts and activities, etc. to the public) but we have no idea what was done to those, other than Comey, who acted against Hillary (and Comey was fired after acting against Trump though he acted against Hillary before that). FBI agents were leaking information to the Trump campaign in 2016 and that has been investigated but the FBI refuses to release any information about the investigation, in violation of the law. My guess is the perps are still gainfully employed after a minor slap on the wrist.

This is the grave concern many of us have been warning about. Law enforcement organizations like the FBI are being purged of people, but not people who were favorable to Trump. Once law enforcement is completely in the hands of Trumpies (rather than the array of civil servants we expect), we cease to operate as a free country.
Nice try.

It is unfortunate that the top people in the Trump investigation were also the main guys in the Clinton e mail scandal. Comey was fired by Trump in May 2017 after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein helped write a memo that was critical of how Comey and other lead agents including Peter Strzok handled the FBI's probe into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for official business. Source: WSJ, NT Times, LA Times, ad nauseam. Lead on the Clinton investigation was Peter Strzok, who was the agent the was was fired by Mueller teem (where he had been transferred), and then fired by the FBI when e mails critical of Trump came out.The revelation of the text messages led Republican congressmen and right wing media to start pushing conspiracy theories to the effect that Strzok was involved in a secret plot to undermine the Trump presidency. Lost in all this is Rosenstein recommended that Comey and Strzok be fired for how they death with the Clinton e mail nothing burger (many government official continue to conduct official business on their personal computer).

You may be right that all the people are being fired who don't like with Trump in the FBI - I'm not really aware of mass firings, and I suspect the majority of agents dislike Trump given his barrage of insults and conspiracies against the FBI. But in this bizarre thread in this bizarre corner of the internet, why the hell not? I stand by my statement that guys on the Clinton investigation were fired.
Another Bear
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wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

this thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.

March 25, 2019. No need for poetry. GOP congressmen are reading "Mein Kampf" on the House floor. Can't make this sh*t.

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks reads from Hilter's 'Mein Kampf' while bashing Democrats, media
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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That congressman wants to get into an argument over two things:

1) "Barr says the Mueller report proves nothing, so everything Trump has said and done is good."
Incorrect, buddy.

2) "I'll yell at you, saying you are a liar, cheater, framer, idiot, and then you yell at me that I'm a liar, cheater, framer, idiot. We go back and forth like this until exhaustion, after which time the majority of voters will hopefully be confused and scared into voting for the status quo. Fear and anger are the incumbent's friends."
Okay, you're a liar and an idiot.

The take down at the end was good.
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wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Fthis thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.
I only get poetic when I'm soul searching, or pondering the nature of man. But thanks, glad you liked it.

I don't need to do either to call trump as I see him.

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concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Fthis thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.
I only get poetic when I'm soul searching, or pondering the nature of man. But thanks, glad you liked it.

I don't need to do either to call trump as I see him.

I'm sure those with relatives who died or who are survivors of the horrors Hitler and the Nazi's inflicted appreciate you trivializing their anguish for your obsession over Trump.

In fact, comparing someone to Hitler to validate one's point on the internet is so popular it's been given its own fake Latin name, the reductio ad Hitlerum - a play on the very real logic term reductio ad absurdum. It's mostly used to point out the fallacy of comparing almost anyone to Hitler.

But I digress. You are in fine company. Trump has done the exact same thing himself - comparing the US intelligence agencies to "Nazi Germany." I guess you both see things the same way.

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wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Fthis thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.
I only get poetic when I'm soul searching, or pondering the nature of man. But thanks, glad you liked it.

I don't need to do either to call trump as I see him.

I'm sure those with relatives who died or who are survivors of the horrors Hitler and the Nazi's inflicted appreciate you trivializing their anguish for your obsession over Trump.

In fact, comparing someone to Hitler to validate one's point on the internet is so popular it's been given its own fake Latin name, the reductio ad Hitlerum - a play on the very real logic term reductio ad absurdum. It's mostly used to point out the fallacy of comparing almost anyone to Hitler.

But I digress. You are in fine company. Trump has done the exact same thing himself - comparing the US intelligence agencies to "Nazi Germany." I guess you both see things the same way.

Comparing our current situation to historical parallels is completely legitimate. And as parallels, they don't have to intersect. Our current climate, call it "Trump's America," isn't exactly the same as Hitler's Germany, but there are parallels: the movement towards authoritarianism, the racism, the ethnic myths, the dehumanizing language, the radicalization, the propaganda, the polarization, fascism, calls to violence, political rallies, loyalty demands, destruction of democratic institutions....the list goes on. To pretend the only possible point of comparison between Trump's America and Hitler's Germany is the worst thing perpetrated by the Nazis, the actual act of the Holocaust, is just a rhetorical trick on your part. The "reductio ad Hitlerum" is an even less convincing attempt at such.
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sycasey said:

I assume that whatever is in the report will eventually be leaked regardless of what the administration "officially" does (the Trump White House has not been good at keeping a lid on things), so it would probably be better for them to get out ahead of things and do it soon.

Not that the Trump Administration shows great understanding of what is politically popular either.
Well, that was a short period before Trump did something politically stupid to drive his "vindication" off the front page:

Opinion | President Trump just can't stop shooting himself in the foot

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wifeisafurd said:

sycasey said:

I assume that whatever is in the report will eventually be leaked regardless of what the administration "officially" does (the Trump White House has not been good at keeping a lid on things), so it would probably be better for them to get out ahead of things and do it soon.

Not that the Trump Administration shows great understanding of what is politically popular either.
Well, that was a short period before Trump did something politically stupid to drive his "vindication" off the front page:

Opinion | President Trump just can't stop shooting himself in the foot
Yup, exactly the thing I was thinking about. Sure, return to the thing that drove your approval ratings to their lowest point (trying to repeal Obamacare). That'll work out well.
B.A. Bearacus
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wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Fthis thread got really weird.
Only half as weird as the Republican Party and their narcissistic leader, who 37% of the nation follows mindlessly, just as the Germans followed to Nazi Party to hell without a thought of it.
and getting weirder. For consistency sake, shouldn't your post be in poetry while you compare this country to Nazi Germany.
I only get poetic when I'm soul searching, or pondering the nature of man. But thanks, glad you liked it.

I don't need to do either to call trump as I see him.

I'm sure those with relatives who died or who are survivors of the horrors Hitler and the Nazi's inflicted appreciate you trivializing their anguish for your obsession over Trump.

In fact, comparing someone to Hitler to validate one's point on the internet is so popular it's been given its own fake Latin name, the reductio ad Hitlerum - a play on the very real logic term reductio ad absurdum. It's mostly used to point out the fallacy of comparing almost anyone to Hitler.

But I digress. You are in fine company. Trump has done the exact same thing himself - comparing the US intelligence agencies to "Nazi Germany." I guess you both see things the same way.

Lol, I'm laughing with you. That was a good response, and honestly I can't tell if you were making up the Latin **** or not. I suspect so, which makes me chuckle. Clever.

It's both valid and invalid to compare.
Santayana's famous quote comes to mind: those who cannot learn from the past are destined to repeat it.

Trump does display some tendencies, and the whole mantra repetition design to lead the masses toward an opinion.... studies have shown that people do soak in information that way. It could be fact, it could be trivial, it could be a lie. The power of suggestion. It's what advertising and commercials (think radio jingles like Nationwide is on your side) is all about. So, hitler whipped everyone up in his rallies with his rhetoric, and so does trump.

Another hitler-like tactic is blaming another social group. For hitler it was Jews. For trump it's latinos, or muslims. Both figured out how to use xenophobic tendencies within humans (our tribalistic nature, perhaps) to their political advantage.

I could go on with armchair dissertation, but will spare us both.

As for why it's improper to compare: true, we do not have mass murder going on. Armies are not marching. Therefore, my compare becomes a hyperbolic accusation.

But again, Santayana warns us - yo, there was a car once that went off THAT cliff once, so beware if you see a curve in the road with loose gravel. And that's what's happening here. I'm sure a non-partisan mind would consider the comparative assertions of the dissertation, accepting some. The partisan mind is closed and has already made up its mind.

As for trivializing, woah! I don't agree that that is what is happening here. Are you trying to own the Holocaust and say that I cannot study it, consider it? I am tremendously weeping with you if you do own the Holocaust as part of your family history! But it's fair to suggest that all of humanity owns the Holocaust to some extent, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that any other way. We cannot forget the past.

I've been to Auschwitz and been so so deeply touched. Last year, I went to hear a survivor speak to 800 people in Roseville, and took my children. I don't want them to forget, and think it was something from long ago that doesn't apply today. It wasn't long ago, and could happen again. Beware! The people of Rwanda appreciate the attempt to learn from the past. The Rohingya of Myanmar... and more:

We need to be vigilant against our inner demons.
I'm not "trivializing".
Civil wars happen all the time!

I've played this for my kids a few times to explain the nature/history of man. I think it's a fair lesson. It plays best on big screen as you can read the wars by name as they pop up. It actually causes us a bit of a (sad) chuckle.

So, considering all that, you think I'm simply trivializing trumps speech and rhetoric?
No, he uses warlike rhetoric. Full stop.
And consider the music of the video my poetry for this post.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Conspiracy cover up suspicions against Barr will linger and grow until the full unredacted report is released.

But again, we don't need the Mueller report to know that Trump is unfit.

The Republicans would do themselves a favor by having someone successfully run against trump in their primary. "This is not who we are. This is not what we stand for."
It is pathetic and sad that the political structure in America requires that everyone swallow either the Blue Pill or the Red Pill. Some countries have a dozen political parties. It allows people to shape shift more, and not be beholden to one. It requires people to negotiate.

Law in this country is written in a way that the two parties always automatically get a candidate on the ballot. Everything is designed to reduce competition down to two solitary conforms. It's not healthy, actually.
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