bishop odowd's 4 yr team manager lucas cortez who has a heart defect challenge finally got into the dragon's fri nite game vs berkeley
check out this video to see what happened cortez=man of steel
ivan rabb's reaction (#23) tells you a lot about his character & his mad love for his teammates
theo, can you get lucas (and his teammates) to another cal game this season & show this video on the big screen?
go dragons#
30 minutes after the ucla game, the majority of the 10,000+ haas crowd has dissipated into the nite...the bruins kicked the bears azzs sideways, jay john told the club room pre game audience that the bruins are excellent passers, disruptive on d with their length & most importantly, all really good shooters...jj was absolutely right on all accounts
but next year is gonna be a different deal after the wear twins graduate, anderson & lavine have both told nba sources that they are declaring after this season & adams still undecided about returning to westwood...with no pg on the roster (bryce alford is a 2), steve alford ain't gonna get another free pass with howland's players & the bruins might lose 20+ games particularly if adams bails too...but right now ucla is the best team in the pac 12 & the better team won last nite
anyways, my buddy rogg machine & i are doing the hang by the cal bench while the bleachers are being systematically cleaned up for the next event at haas
bod hc lou richie is standing around with his dragons & i ask him if my idol lucas cortez is in the house...richie introduces me to the man of the hour & i tell an enthusiastic lucas that he's got a sweet j & that he is an inspiration to everyone...the personable lucas is articulate & he then humbly introduces me to the guy he says deserves all the credit, his teammate who took the video...i tell his teammate that his video going viral on the internet is gonna result in him being a hollywood producer someday riding in stretch limos...the dragons are laughing in agreement on that

lucas cortez=man of steel

meanwhile theo robertson is talking with a smiling ivan rabb...ivan is nodding a lot during their conversation

several of the cal wbb team players come over & bod alum (current frosh at cal) kc waters gives ivan a huge hug...dragons forever

so then ivan is sitting on a high stool & holding court (i told you rabb has game) with several of the laughing wbb millionaire matchmaker instincts tell me that ivan & courtney range would be a cute couple

ivan is clearly enjoying the whole after hours cal family scene at haas...jabari's parents carl & tonya are sitting in the 1st row underneath the basket waiting for their son to come out so they can continue their post game tradition of spending time together as a family

will ivan also decide that he wants to spend his 1-2 yrs of college (assuming there isn't a career ending injury) at the #1 ranked public university in the world & sharing those college experiences with mom tammi, dad & little bro after cal games?

#5 decided that cal was the right school for him & j has told me he has no regrets about staying home for college & spending time with his family (kidd's dad steve died a couple of yrs later...real talk, our parents aren't going to live forever) & friends before earning almost $200,000,000 in the nba

cal family#
after hours#