fun monster homework assignment for the 3.7 gpa brent & 3.5 gpa wade
u both want ur moms & dad to share in ur collegiate gamedays, right?
so calculate all the costs for cal & iowa state's next home games, ok?
cal plays usc this saturday at 1:00 pm at memorial stadium in berkeley...ur parents can wake up & catch the 1st flight from corona to oakland on southwest, then take bart to berkeley & then fly home that evening...no costly hotels or rental vehicles...and yeah the flight is 1 hour each way
iowa state gamedays are gonna require expensive all day flights on friday from lax with connecting flights to iowa, then a car rental to drive to ames, checking into a hotel for friday & saturday nites and finally flying home for 10 hours if there are weather delays on sunday
do u luv ur parents or wut?