The "I see you through the smokey air" Coogs vs Golden Bears Game Thread

69,179 Views | 760 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by PtownBear1
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TandemBear said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Yeah, I see your point. But we let the third world produce our consumer goods at a HUGE environmental and health cost for those countries. Bejing enjoys air worse than this on a regular basis, thanks most certainly to the production they do on our behalf. Millions of lives are cut short thanks to lax environmental laws and lower production costs to keep our consumer goods cheap. Have you protested this travesty?

Do you camp? Have you breathed the campfire smoke that most campers endure on a daily basis throughout the summer? Horrible air quality. But everyone wants the quintessential campfire experience, so it continues. Personally, I'd like to see campfires become a thing of the past.

And I sure hope you don't have a fireplace you use to burn wood. Man, that's some serious pollution. And a gas leaf blower or lawnmower? Or a "high-mileage" scooter that spits out all sorts of pollution? Whenever I ride or drive behind a scooter I can't imagine HOW these things can possibly be legal.

But then I drive and see diesel trucks spew ungodly amounts of smoke & soot. It's a game diesel truck drivers play - when they drive alongside cyclists, they floor it and smoke the CRAP out of them. (Search YouTube for "rolling coal" for some real laughs.) Don't you find it rather absurd that everyone with a fuel-efficient gas engine has to meet smog emission standards. But the yahoos in 8 liter diesel trucks get to pollute with absolute abandon? And diesel-sipping high mileage passenger vehicles were prohibited in California for years, but fuel-wasting, pollution hog trucks were A-OK! Now THAT's worth protesting.

I'm thinking playing this game isn't THAT big of a deal.

I have to say that Beijing does not suffer air pollution because of production done for the west. When I was there a little before the Olympics, there were still many homes where the only means of heating was burning bricks of coal in an unfiltered stove. Beijing's air pollution is because of China, not the US. China has been trying to clean up in recent years especially since the people have become keenly aware of the impact on their health.
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BearGoggles said:

TheFiatLux said:

Cal88 said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Sorry Ken, but this is ridiculous, you make it sound like we just played a game in Chernobyl.

People have lived in smoky caves since the discovery of fire, and today nearly half of humanity still lives, works, plays and sleeps in smoky, polluted environments. It takes years of exposure for smoke pollution to have a health impact, not 3 hours of a mostly anaerobic sport. It's like thinking that one pack of cigarettes that you had when you were 20 is going to have an impact on your health.
Sorry, but you're missing the bigger picture. With all due respect, i have far greater visibility into this than you do. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes people know more about something than we do. It's good to listen to them. This wasn't just a three hour game. Since we played, I love we got the win, for the players. But this could have played oiut very differently. I'm not going to convince you, so keep on keepin' on.
Here's something you really need to hear - it is not always about you or your opinions, wants and desires. You bring way too much of that to this board, whether it is starting a crusade to have the game postponed, insisting you were right after the game was played (which serves no purpose other than to demand that people pay attention to you), or campaigning to be mic man. Seriously, get over yourself. Cal had a great win tonight and we don't need to re-litigate another thread you posted about why the air quality was bad. Just stop.

What a bullshyte personal attack. If you didn't want to relitigate the issue maybe you should take it up wit the poster who actually BROUGHT IT UP that he RESPONDED to. Or the guy that extended the conversation 2 hours after he dropped it. The latter is easy to find. He is in the mirror.

It was perfectly reasonable to respond to a post that clearly implied the win justified the decision to zing those that argued for canceling the game. He did. He posted a couple of times. He and Souse came to a reasonable conclusion. You and Mr. "Bugger off" had to jump in and get insulting when the adults had finished a short, reasonable conversation.

Everything is not about his opinion but he has just as much right to express his opinion as anyone else. I don't see that he abuses that right any more than anyone else. Certainly not more than you or I do
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Only thing I want to post about this...I coached at a rural farming school. Late august all the farmers burned their fields making the air quality really bad during our practices. I would argue it was way worse than in Berkeley. Our kids were fine. We obviously didn't do a ton of post practice running. Just understand it is not an ideal situation, but as a football team you deal with it. There was no danger to the football players. If a kid showed any signs of breathing problems we would of took him out of practice. I imagine Cal's coaches and trainers were uniquely aware of the situation and would of took out any kid showing breathing issues.
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OaktownBear said:

BearGoggles said:

TheFiatLux said:

Cal88 said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Sorry Ken, but this is ridiculous, you make it sound like we just played a game in Chernobyl.

People have lived in smoky caves since the discovery of fire, and today nearly half of humanity still lives, works, plays and sleeps in smoky, polluted environments. It takes years of exposure for smoke pollution to have a health impact, not 3 hours of a mostly anaerobic sport. It's like thinking that one pack of cigarettes that you had when you were 20 is going to have an impact on your health.
Sorry, but you're missing the bigger picture. With all due respect, i have far greater visibility into this than you do. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes people know more about something than we do. It's good to listen to them. This wasn't just a three hour game. Since we played, I love we got the win, for the players. But this could have played oiut very differently. I'm not going to convince you, so keep on keepin' on.
Here's something you really need to hear - it is not always about you or your opinions, wants and desires. You bring way too much of that to this board, whether it is starting a crusade to have the game postponed, insisting you were right after the game was played (which serves no purpose other than to demand that people pay attention to you), or campaigning to be mic man. Seriously, get over yourself. Cal had a great win tonight and we don't need to re-litigate another thread you posted about why the air quality was bad. Just stop.

What a bullshyte personal attack. If you didn't want to relitigate the issue maybe you should take it up wit the poster who actually BROUGHT IT UP that he RESPONDED to. Or the guy that extended the conversation 2 hours after he dropped it. The latter is easy to find. He is in the mirror.

It was perfectly reasonable to respond to a post that clearly implied the win justified the decision to zing those that argued for canceling the game. He did. He posted a couple of times. He and Souse came to a reasonable conclusion. You and Mr. "Bugger off" had to jump in and get insulting when the adults had finished a short, reasonable conversation.

Everything is not about his opinion but he has just as much right to express his opinion as anyone else. I don't see that he abuses that right any more than anyone else. Certainly not more than you or I do
Couldn't agree more. I've been wrestling with what to say here since late last night, but I didn't want to draw more attention to this ugly personal attack.

Suffice it to say that we all bring something to this board. Colorado has amazing insights into the media deals Cal has made and our likely broadcast outcomes, Okaydo is more on top of social media than any other person I know, killa22 and Beardog know an amazing amount about the X's and O's of the game and Oaktown brings an extraordinary level of critical analysis and, for want of a better term, "fearlessness" to our discussions. Come to think of it, I'm probably one of the people on here adding the least to the conversations. Need to work on that.

What Ken brings is an unparalleled love of Cal. He's got more passion for the university in his little finger than most of us have in our entire beings. Moreover, he is personal friends with a large number of the players and has more insights into what they are thinking than the rest of us combined. If he says the team was not psyched about spending a week practicing in Dickensian England then you should believe him.

Anyway, I couldn't disagree more with shouting down people because they bring "too much of themselves" onto this board. That's really alll any of us have to bring.
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IMO, people are reacting critically to fiat lux because a lot of his posts lately seem to be extremely self-serving, both regarding the smoke issue and the yell leading issue.

I doubt anyone here questions his love of Cal for a minute but nobody likes agendas and lately it seems that many of his posts have been riddled with an agenda and that seems to have set some people off. I can't help but think that this passionate Cal fan has let a little bit of bitterness seep into his consciousness and we're all paying the price for it.
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dafuq happened to this thread?
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socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.
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socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.

You'd better have posted that in a cab on the way downtown to meet me.
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beartothebone said:

IMO, people are reacting critically to fiat lux because a lot of his posts lately seem to be extremely self-serving, both regarding the smoke issue and the yell leading issue.

I doubt anyone here questions his love of Cal for a minute but nobody likes agendas and lately it seems that many of his posts have been riddled with an agenda and that seems to have set some people off. I can't help but think that this passionate Cal fan has let a little bit of bitterness seep into his consciousness and we're all paying the price for it.
To be clear, the site has been ASKING ME for two years to post about being the micman. I have declined. Even after i posted it, which could not have been more positive, I removed it. I deleted the post. I was then asked again to have it published. I agreed. I think maybe you should examine why you read an agenda into something as innoccuous as that. In that thread there was one truly rude post directed towards me, which I don't think i could have handled any nicer. Having said that, listen, I'm not going quietly into the night nor am I going to accept either age discrimination or other opaque rationale for decisions against me (which are further exasperated by the chutzpah of asking me for money). Should you face this sort of stuff, you shouldn't go quietly either.

My agenda for this game was the players health. It could not have been less about me. The idea i have a personal agenda re this is ludicrous, when in fact my very public statements, with full knowledge they are from me, may hurt my standing.

So there you have it. The two issues you cite, both wrong. Not sure what price you're paying. These are two threads, out of many i have started. both of which by the way are the highest non-game view threads on the board for pages, so there seems to be some interest in both these topics. But other than these two threads I have posted photos of campus, of road trips, of classes, of whatever. I think you can put up with two threads.

As I said somewhere else, my goal of coming back on the site wasn't to get into petty arguments with people. While I can't control how other people behave, I can control my own behavior. Thanks.
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socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.

You'd better have posted that in a cab on the way downtown to meet me.
I thought you didn't have time to get together!!! :-)
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TheFiatLux said:



socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.

You'd better have posted that in a cab on the way downtown to meet me.
I thought you didn't have time to get together!!! :-)

Well, after last nights late shenanigans, I promptly rescheduled all work for today and took the day off. Lol. Please, if you've the time and inclination, meet is in Chelsea to watch some games and have some afternoon drinks.
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TheFiatLux said:

beartothebone said:

IMO, people are reacting critically to fiat lux because a lot of his posts lately seem to be extremely self-serving, both regarding the smoke issue and the yell leading issue.

I doubt anyone here questions his love of Cal for a minute but nobody likes agendas and lately it seems that many of his posts have been riddled with an agenda and that seems to have set some people off. I can't help but think that this passionate Cal fan has let a little bit of bitterness seep into his consciousness and we're all paying the price for it.
To be clear, the site has been ASKING ME for two years to post about being the micman. I have declined. Even after i posted it, which could not have been more positive, I removed it. I deleted the post. I was then asked again to have it published. I agreed. I think maybe you should examine why you read an agenda into something as innoccuous as that. In that thread there was one truly rude post directed towards me, which I don't think i could have handled any nicer. Having said that, listen, I'm not going quietly into the night nor am I going to accept either age discrimination or other opaque rationale for decisions against me (which are further exasperated by the chutzpah of asking me for money). Should you face this sort of stuff, you shouldn't go quietly either.

My agenda for this game was the players health. It could not have been less about me. The idea i have a personal agenda re this is ludicrous, when in fact my very public statements, with full knowledge they are from me, may hurt my standing.

So there you have it. The two issues you cite, both wrong. Not sure what price you're paying. These are two threads, out of many i have started. both of which by the way are the highest non-game view threads on the board for pages, so there seems to be some interest in both these topics. But other than these two threads I have posted photos of campus, of road trips, of classes, of whatever. So by a lot, you mean these two threads.

As I said somewhere else, my goal of coming back on the site wasn't to get into petty arguments with people. While I can't control how other people behave, I can control my own behavior. Thanks.

In other words, Ken, you are supposed to just say Go Effin' Bears and otherwise not be a person with opinions.

I would point out that when I was a student my memory was we had a team of micmen/women that were out of their depth who ended a tirade with "if you think you can do better come down and try!" And next thing I know some ballsy ******* from the crowd has don't just that. Takes one arrogant sob to think he can pull that off. Or at least one who cares enough to try.

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This whole kerfuffle is ridiculous. One can care about the team, as well as their well being and be ecstatic about the victory despite playing in difficult circumstances. It is not a binary decision.
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TheFiatLux said:



socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.

You'd better have posted that in a cab on the way downtown to meet me.
I thought you didn't have time to get together!!! :-)

Well, after last nights late shenanigans, I promptly rescheduled all work for today and took the day off. Lol. Please, if you've the time and inclination, meet is in Chelsea to watch some games and have some afternoon drinks.
either send me a PM or connect with me on social. i assume you have all my contact, i think everyone does :-)
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TheFiatLux said:


TheFiatLux said:



socaliganbear said:

dafuq happened to this thread?

Cal fans aren't used to good outcomes.

You'd better have posted that in a cab on the way downtown to meet me.
I thought you didn't have time to get together!!! :-)

Well, after last nights late shenanigans, I promptly rescheduled all work for today and took the day off. Lol. Please, if you've the time and inclination, meet is in Chelsea to watch some games and have some afternoon drinks.
either send me a PM or connect with me on social. i assume you have all my contact, i think everyone does :-)

Beer on me.

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This whole kerfuffle is ridiculous. One can care about the team, as well as their well being and be ecstatic about the victory despite playing in difficult circumstances. It is not a binary decision.

You said kerfuffle heh heh heh heh
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All this in board fighting with back story and history that many of us don't know (or care) about makes for fascinating reading. It's a shame the board doesn't enable messages so people can resolve their personal disputes in private. Oh well. Hey, anyone know what happened with the game last night? I hear we hosted the number 8 team in the country. Probably didn't work out so well for our Bears...
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TheFiatLux said:

beartothebone said:

IMO, people are reacting critically to fiat lux because a lot of his posts lately seem to be extremely self-serving, both regarding the smoke issue and the yell leading issue.

I doubt anyone here questions his love of Cal for a minute but nobody likes agendas and lately it seems that many of his posts have been riddled with an agenda and that seems to have set some people off. I can't help but think that this passionate Cal fan has let a little bit of bitterness seep into his consciousness and we're all paying the price for it.
To be clear, the site has been ASKING ME for two years to post about being the micman. I have declined. Even after i posted it, which could not have been more positive, I removed it. I deleted the post. I was then asked again to have it published. I agreed. I think maybe you should examine why you read an agenda into something as innoccuous as that. In that thread there was one truly rude post directed towards me, which I don't think i could have handled any nicer. Having said that, listen, I'm not going quietly into the night nor am I going to accept either age discrimination or other opaque rationale for decisions against me (which are further exasperated by the chutzpah of asking me for money). Should you face this sort of stuff, you shouldn't go quietly either.

My agenda for this game was the players health. It could not have been less about me. The idea i have a personal agenda re this is ludicrous, when in fact my very public statements, with full knowledge they are from me, may hurt my standing.

So there you have it. The two issues you cite, both wrong. Not sure what price you're paying. These are two threads, out of many i have started. both of which by the way are the highest non-game view threads on the board for pages, so there seems to be some interest in both these topics. But other than these two threads I have posted photos of campus, of road trips, of classes, of whatever. I think you can put up with two threads.

As I said somewhere else, my goal of coming back on the site wasn't to get into petty arguments with people. While I can't control how other people behave, I can control my own behavior. Thanks.
I'm sure you're a nice guy and no doubt have love for Cal, but there's a lot of "me" and "I" in how you go about showing your love for Cal. It's weird that in the same post you claim to not have an agenda, you then confirm you do: "you won't go quietly" to fight the unfair "decisions against you" and separately made "very public statements" to get your way (i.e., have the game cancelled). That, my friend, is a personal agenda. You seem to conflate what's good for you (or what you want) as being good for Cal.
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Sebastabear said:

OaktownBear said:

BearGoggles said:

TheFiatLux said:

Cal88 said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Sorry Ken, but this is ridiculous, you make it sound like we just played a game in Chernobyl.

People have lived in smoky caves since the discovery of fire, and today nearly half of humanity still lives, works, plays and sleeps in smoky, polluted environments. It takes years of exposure for smoke pollution to have a health impact, not 3 hours of a mostly anaerobic sport. It's like thinking that one pack of cigarettes that you had when you were 20 is going to have an impact on your health.
Sorry, but you're missing the bigger picture. With all due respect, i have far greater visibility into this than you do. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes people know more about something than we do. It's good to listen to them. This wasn't just a three hour game. Since we played, I love we got the win, for the players. But this could have played oiut very differently. I'm not going to convince you, so keep on keepin' on.
Here's something you really need to hear - it is not always about you or your opinions, wants and desires. You bring way too much of that to this board, whether it is starting a crusade to have the game postponed, insisting you were right after the game was played (which serves no purpose other than to demand that people pay attention to you), or campaigning to be mic man. Seriously, get over yourself. Cal had a great win tonight and we don't need to re-litigate another thread you posted about why the air quality was bad. Just stop.

What a bullshyte personal attack. If you didn't want to relitigate the issue maybe you should take it up wit the poster who actually BROUGHT IT UP that he RESPONDED to. Or the guy that extended the conversation 2 hours after he dropped it. The latter is easy to find. He is in the mirror.

It was perfectly reasonable to respond to a post that clearly implied the win justified the decision to zing those that argued for canceling the game. He did. He posted a couple of times. He and Souse came to a reasonable conclusion. You and Mr. "Bugger off" had to jump in and get insulting when the adults had finished a short, reasonable conversation.

Everything is not about his opinion but he has just as much right to express his opinion as anyone else. I don't see that he abuses that right any more than anyone else. Certainly not more than you or I do
Couldn't agree more. I've been wrestling with what to say here since late last night, but I didn't want to draw more attention to this ugly personal attack.

Suffice it to say that we all bring something to this board. Colorado has amazing insights into the media deals Cal has made and our likely broadcast outcomes, Okaydo is more on top of social media than any other person I know, killa22 and Beardog know an amazing amount about the X's and O's of the game and Oaktown brings an extraordinary level of critical analysis and, for want of a better term, "fearlessness" to our discussions. Come to think of it, I'm probably one of the people on here adding the least to the conversations. Need to work on that.

What Ken brings is an unparalleled love of Cal. He's got more passion for the university in his little finger than most of us have in our entire beings. Moreover, he is personal friends with a large number of the players and has more insights into what they are thinking than the rest of us combined. If he says the team was not psyched about spending a week practicing in Dickensian England then you should believe him.

Anyway, I couldn't disagree more with shouting down people because they bring "too much of themselves" onto this board. That's really alll any of us have to bring.
Shouting down? Seriously? This is an internet bulletin board - that is literally impossible. Next I'll be told it was a micro-aggression and hate speech. If he wants to bring personal crusades to be Mic-Man and cancel the game (among other things) to this board, then it is perfectly reasonable for me to comment on it. And an "unparalleled love for Cal" doesn't make him immune from criticism.

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Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
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How come no one noticed or said anything about the Madonna song reference in my thread title???

I thought it was creative....

Anyway, great game Bears!!!! Complete team effort in every phase of the game .... Onward and upward

Go Bears!!!!! Always!!!!!
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Great News! From Ken's Facebook page:

#TBT #micman style! If you go to the Cal football game this Saturday, no, you haven't stepped into a time machine. That voice you'll be hearing in the 2nd Quarter will in fact be mine. After 25 years I'll be back on the mic with my fellow undergrads (and i guess some grad students!) in the student section!!! and you can be sure when I tell you to GIVE ME A C!!!! that first one is going to suck and you'll have to do it again!!! GO BEARS!!!!

I'm so happy that Ken will lead cheers! I've been waiting for this since Ken told us he was going back to school to get his undergrad degree!


Cal-i-for-nia. (Clap, Clap)(Clap, Clap, Clap)

B.A. Bearacus
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Calfans said:

Great News! From Ken's Facebook page:

#TBT #micman style! If you go to the Cal football game this Saturday, no, you haven't stepped into a time machine. That voice you'll be hearing in the 2nd Quarter will in fact be mine. After 25 years I'll be back on the mic with my fellow undergrads (and i guess some grad students!) in the student section!!! and you can be sure when I tell you to GIVE ME A C!!!! that first one is going to suck and you'll have to do it again!!! GO BEARS!!!!

I'm so happy that Ken will lead cheers! I've been waiting for this since Ken told us he was going back to school to get his undergrad degree!


Very cool, Fiat! Hope you have an amazing time!
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This whole kerfuffle is ridiculous. One can care about the team, as well as their well being and be ecstatic about the victory despite playing in difficult circumstances. It is not a binary decision.
Which was exactly how FL and those in agreement with him were saying when attacked by the "Cal won - see how stupid FiatLux is!" crowd.

The outcome of the game, and a fan's joy over that outcome, has ZERO to do with concerns about AQ. Period. Unless one takes the quirky superstitious opinion that poor AQ was the determining factor in that outcome (as in, Cal couldn't possibly have beaten WSU without the assistance of wildfire smoke, a position which I and many other will be more than happy to shed to bits), there is ZERO overlap or contradiction between being happy with the outcome and being unhappy with how this situation was handled/ concern over player well-being.

But hey, if someone wants to pop their head up and start a discussion about how the wildfires were the only, or even primary, reason Cal won that game, go ahead. And get ready to have your head ripped off and stuck up your other end, because that position is both stupid and insane.
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BearGoggles said:

Sebastabear said:

OaktownBear said:

BearGoggles said:

TheFiatLux said:

Cal88 said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Sorry Ken, but this is ridiculous, you make it sound like we just played a game in Chernobyl.

People have lived in smoky caves since the discovery of fire, and today nearly half of humanity still lives, works, plays and sleeps in smoky, polluted environments. It takes years of exposure for smoke pollution to have a health impact, not 3 hours of a mostly anaerobic sport. It's like thinking that one pack of cigarettes that you had when you were 20 is going to have an impact on your health.
Sorry, but you're missing the bigger picture. With all due respect, i have far greater visibility into this than you do. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes people know more about something than we do. It's good to listen to them. This wasn't just a three hour game. Since we played, I love we got the win, for the players. But this could have played oiut very differently. I'm not going to convince you, so keep on keepin' on.
Here's something you really need to hear - it is not always about you or your opinions, wants and desires. You bring way too much of that to this board, whether it is starting a crusade to have the game postponed, insisting you were right after the game was played (which serves no purpose other than to demand that people pay attention to you), or campaigning to be mic man. Seriously, get over yourself. Cal had a great win tonight and we don't need to re-litigate another thread you posted about why the air quality was bad. Just stop.

What a bullshyte personal attack. If you didn't want to relitigate the issue maybe you should take it up wit the poster who actually BROUGHT IT UP that he RESPONDED to. Or the guy that extended the conversation 2 hours after he dropped it. The latter is easy to find. He is in the mirror.

It was perfectly reasonable to respond to a post that clearly implied the win justified the decision to zing those that argued for canceling the game. He did. He posted a couple of times. He and Souse came to a reasonable conclusion. You and Mr. "Bugger off" had to jump in and get insulting when the adults had finished a short, reasonable conversation.

Everything is not about his opinion but he has just as much right to express his opinion as anyone else. I don't see that he abuses that right any more than anyone else. Certainly not more than you or I do
Couldn't agree more. I've been wrestling with what to say here since late last night, but I didn't want to draw more attention to this ugly personal attack.

Suffice it to say that we all bring something to this board. Colorado has amazing insights into the media deals Cal has made and our likely broadcast outcomes, Okaydo is more on top of social media than any other person I know, killa22 and Beardog know an amazing amount about the X's and O's of the game and Oaktown brings an extraordinary level of critical analysis and, for want of a better term, "fearlessness" to our discussions. Come to think of it, I'm probably one of the people on here adding the least to the conversations. Need to work on that.

What Ken brings is an unparalleled love of Cal. He's got more passion for the university in his little finger than most of us have in our entire beings. Moreover, he is personal friends with a large number of the players and has more insights into what they are thinking than the rest of us combined. If he says the team was not psyched about spending a week practicing in Dickensian England then you should believe him.

Anyway, I couldn't disagree more with shouting down people because they bring "too much of themselves" onto this board. That's really alll any of us have to bring.
Shouting down? Seriously? This is an internet bulletin board - that is literally impossible. Next I'll be told it was a micro-aggression and hate speech. If he wants to bring personal crusades to be Mic-Man and cancel the game (among other things) to this board, then it is perfectly reasonable for me to comment on it. And an "unparalleled love for Cal" doesn't make him immune from criticism.

No. He's not immune from criticism. And neither are you. And your defensive response to that criticism of your argument (which was mostly a personal attack and offered little substance, if any) suggests this is more of a personal issue with FL than a substantive disagreement on how to best handle the air quality situation.

If you really feel his posts are nothing but self-serving drivel, maybe you'd be better served just ignoring them and moving on.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Uthaithani said:

BearGoggles said:

Sebastabear said:

OaktownBear said:

BearGoggles said:

TheFiatLux said:

Cal88 said:

TheFiatLux said:

TheSouseFamily said:

bearsandgiants said:

Tonight was the greatest recruiting advertisement in the history of cal football. Also, I've never been more proud of my Bears, from top to bottom. Also, thank god they didn't call this game on a count of smoke.

Are you sure about that? I thought I heard earlier that the whole game was a huge PR disaster and that no parent would ever send their kid to Cal as a result.
I give you maybe too much credit. You can't be so dense as to think that a fun outcome like that justifies the means, and that all those pictures of people wearing masks, and ash falling, etc are good, either from a perception standpoint, or fpr what they actually, really indicate. I just know you can't be.
Sorry Ken, but this is ridiculous, you make it sound like we just played a game in Chernobyl.

People have lived in smoky caves since the discovery of fire, and today nearly half of humanity still lives, works, plays and sleeps in smoky, polluted environments. It takes years of exposure for smoke pollution to have a health impact, not 3 hours of a mostly anaerobic sport. It's like thinking that one pack of cigarettes that you had when you were 20 is going to have an impact on your health.
Sorry, but you're missing the bigger picture. With all due respect, i have far greater visibility into this than you do. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes people know more about something than we do. It's good to listen to them. This wasn't just a three hour game. Since we played, I love we got the win, for the players. But this could have played oiut very differently. I'm not going to convince you, so keep on keepin' on.
Here's something you really need to hear - it is not always about you or your opinions, wants and desires. You bring way too much of that to this board, whether it is starting a crusade to have the game postponed, insisting you were right after the game was played (which serves no purpose other than to demand that people pay attention to you), or campaigning to be mic man. Seriously, get over yourself. Cal had a great win tonight and we don't need to re-litigate another thread you posted about why the air quality was bad. Just stop.

What a bullshyte personal attack. If you didn't want to relitigate the issue maybe you should take it up wit the poster who actually BROUGHT IT UP that he RESPONDED to. Or the guy that extended the conversation 2 hours after he dropped it. The latter is easy to find. He is in the mirror.

It was perfectly reasonable to respond to a post that clearly implied the win justified the decision to zing those that argued for canceling the game. He did. He posted a couple of times. He and Souse came to a reasonable conclusion. You and Mr. "Bugger off" had to jump in and get insulting when the adults had finished a short, reasonable conversation.

Everything is not about his opinion but he has just as much right to express his opinion as anyone else. I don't see that he abuses that right any more than anyone else. Certainly not more than you or I do
Couldn't agree more. I've been wrestling with what to say here since late last night, but I didn't want to draw more attention to this ugly personal attack.

Suffice it to say that we all bring something to this board. Colorado has amazing insights into the media deals Cal has made and our likely broadcast outcomes, Okaydo is more on top of social media than any other person I know, killa22 and Beardog know an amazing amount about the X's and O's of the game and Oaktown brings an extraordinary level of critical analysis and, for want of a better term, "fearlessness" to our discussions. Come to think of it, I'm probably one of the people on here adding the least to the conversations. Need to work on that.

What Ken brings is an unparalleled love of Cal. He's got more passion for the university in his little finger than most of us have in our entire beings. Moreover, he is personal friends with a large number of the players and has more insights into what they are thinking than the rest of us combined. If he says the team was not psyched about spending a week practicing in Dickensian England then you should believe him.

Anyway, I couldn't disagree more with shouting down people because they bring "too much of themselves" onto this board. That's really alll any of us have to bring.
Shouting down? Seriously? This is an internet bulletin board - that is literally impossible. Next I'll be told it was a micro-aggression and hate speech. If he wants to bring personal crusades to be Mic-Man and cancel the game (among other things) to this board, then it is perfectly reasonable for me to comment on it. And an "unparalleled love for Cal" doesn't make him immune from criticism.

No. He's not immune from criticism. And neither are you. And your defensive response to that criticism of your argument (which was mostly a personal attack and offered little substance, if any) suggests this is more of a personal issue with FL than a substantive disagreement on how to best handle the air quality situation.

If you really feel his posts are nothing but self-serving drivel, maybe you'd be better served just ignoring them and moving on.
Rather ironic that you're calling me defensive after you accused me of "shouting down" an internet poster. And you obviously are having a hard time understanding my original post - I wasn't making a substantive argument about FL's air quality arguments - I really wasn't following the scientific/technical issues and, in any event, it was after the game so it seemed moot. I was taking a position that he brings too much of his personal agenda to the board in a way that is more about him than Cal, as evidenced by him continuing to post about it after the game, in the game thread. It seems your personal affinity for FL is blinding you to what I'm actually saying.

Hopefully you realize we (you, me, FL) are posting in a game day thread and my original post was the night of the game (technically early morning). I responded when FL posted in the game thread - AFTER the game was over - repeating his assertion that the game should never been played blah blah blah -- for which there was already another thread that he had started (as well as other threads on the topic). I'll stand by my criticism that by bringing that issue into the game thread - after the game had been played - he was bringing his personal ish and agenda to the forefront.

And for the record, I did entirely ignore FL's mic man and pre-game "don't play" threads (I clicked on them once to read the gist of it, never went back and never posted). But the act is tiresome when FL is beating a dead horse after a great win - in the game thread. And I'll stand by my larger point - when you convince yourself that Cal needs a middle-aged mic man (in part because of the "great publicity for FL Cal" that was already conveniently set up in advance) and that your opinion regarding game cancellation is paramount leading to a social media campaign . . then maybe its time to step back and realize its "not about you." Of course, you're free to disagree and no doubt, FL will and should do what he wants. I'm free to comment on that.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
calgldnbear said:

How come no one noticed or said anything about the Madonna song reference in my thread title???

I thought it was creative....

Anyway, great game Bears!!!! Complete team effort in every phase of the game .... Onward and upward

Go Bears!!!!! Always!!!!!

Never heard the song but I liked the title
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