BearDevil;842357457 said:
-Lily King is kind of a mystery, but may end up at a non-traditional power (Texas A&M or Notre Dame).
Lilly King [COLOR="#808080"]14 Sept[/COLOR]
Once a Hoosier, always a Hoosier ❤️❤️ #committed

BearDevil;842357457 said:
-Lily King is kind of a mystery, but may end up at a non-traditional power (Texas A&M or Notre Dame).
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842359295 said:
Lilly King [COLOR="#808080"]14 Sept[/COLOR]
Once a Hoosier, always a Hoosier ❤️��❤️ #committed
tedbear;842359382 said:
UAC, I don't think we were ever on Lilly King's radar. Our best chance for a breaststroker was Riley Scott and we know how that turned out. I'm hoping that Kong, Garcia, and Roses can show steady improvement, and make a big difference next year.
tedbear;842359382 said:
UAC, I don't think we were ever on Lilly King's radar. Our best chance for a breaststroker was Riley Scott and we know how that turned out. I'm hoping that Kong, Garcia, and Roses can show steady improvement, and make a big difference next year.
BearDevil;842359551 said:
Cal needed Lilly, but she wasn't interested in leaving Indiana. That's why it's called recruiting and not a draft. Baker's faster than Lilly and Scott in the 100 breast and likely swims the breast leg on both medley relays at least as a freshman if she becomes a Bear. Not likely to swim either breast as an individual event for Cal.
socaliganbear;842360298 said:
Welcome Kathleen Baker!!!!!
tedbear;842360306 said:
WooHoo! :gobears:
obear073akasmfan;842360312 said:
ditto!! Go bears!
I posted on the bootleg board because I know they were anxious to find out too :plongseeker;842360315 said:
i already posted on swim swam welcoming kathleen
BearDevil;842357457 said:
FWIW, talked to someone who is extremely well connected in swimming with both good and bad news for the Bears:
-Cal is very confident that Baker will commit.
-Weitzeil is leaning toward 'SC. Her club coach is close with 'SC's Dave Salo. May be a package deal with her boyfriend, Cole Cogswell.
-Bilquist is split between 'Zona and Cal. Has no problem going to the same school as Baker.
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842357800 said:
[COLOR="#FF0000"][SIZE=4]Katrina Konopka Latest to Verbally Commit to Arizona; Making 7 Total So Far[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="#696969"]"For all of the early recruiting success that the Arizona Wildcats have had so far, this weekend is a huge one for Rick DeMont in his first year as head coach.
They have no-fewer-than three huge recruits on campus: [U]Amy Bilquist[/U], Victoria Toris, and Katrina Konopka, the latter of whom couldn't even wait to return home to make her decision.
Konopka, from the Y-Spartaquatics Swim Club in South Carolina, pledged her intent to swim for Arizona for at least the next four years, giving Arizona the #13 recruit in the class of 2015."[/COLOR]
BearDevil;842360457 said:
UTC-Oski (and Mrs Robinson) loves you more than you will know for your Twitter sleuthing, but you did miss one broad hint from Australia.
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842360497 said:
[COLOR="#3366ff"][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]tbh not exactly competent at the social media detective word. Don't even have a twitter account or "follow" anyone, so it's just a mechanical job of clicking on twitter once every so often for updates...very old school :p
Actually I've misread an awful lot of things too! Had made mention on the US Nationals topic of feeling rather uncomfortable with all the joyful celebrations between Missy, Boots & Liz on the 100 back podium, as this seemed to have left 4th place Kathleen completely ignored instead of welcomed. Instead, in hindsight, the furtive glances Kathleen kept directing at the celebratory trio may have stemmed more from a desire to be a part of that close bond which Teri & Kristen have fostered in the Cal family! Seems like Missy & Liz's friendly mentorship as well as being great role models during the Australian trip may have also played a role in helping Kathleen & Katie to cement their decisions on the choice of college.
Hopefully this will extend to having also had a positive impact on Abbey! Hadn't known she was on campus a 2nd time last week, after the offcial visit the week before? Someone posted in the Swimswam comments section that Abbey had declined her SC trip and was now considering Zona, hmmm... FWIW, don't know how many recruiting trips Weitzeil has taken so far, but college visits wise, she has only publicly shared the photo of her with Liz @ Memorial Stadium.
As for Amy, not privvy to her protected tweets, but maybe UofA's already close to their quota with the 8 signings - wishful thinking haha, since Bilquist's their #1 target & priority haha[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
BearDevil;842360521 said:
'Zona's kinda screwed themselves by filling up on too many appetizers and not having enough room for the entree.
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842360332 said:
Kathleen Baker [COLOR="#808080"]16 Sept[/COLOR] [COLOR="#696969"]- Baby Bear in training����[/COLOR]
After careful consideration, I couldn't be more excited to commit to Cal Berkley and swim for the Golden Bears������
BearDevil;842360521 said:
I butchered your name (UAC) in my last post, can't properly link a tweet, and you've bailed me out multiple times when I've screwed up links. We're all good.
The stuff about Abbey Weitzeil coming back to Berkeley on her own dime following her official and bailing on 'SC is extremely interesting. Abbey would be a huge coup, and Durden wouldn't be too upset if she brought Cogswell along too. Teri's played her hand masterfully with this recruiting class. She focused on a few elite recruits, got them to Berkeley early (and screwed Texas who also planned a big football weekend), and is closing fast. Georgia has got to be hurting . Two of their top three targets (Baker, Konopka) committed before even visiting and their other top target (Bilquist) looks like she's part of a package deal (with Victoria Toris). Teri would obviously like to have both Weitzeil and Bilquist, but she probably won't take Toris to make it happen if she feels she's got a decent shot at Weitzeil. Toris is a very good swimmer, but I still think Teri wants to be able to offer Mary Pelton a reasonable amount of money and keep the door open with NBAC for Becca Mann, Sierra Schmidt, and Easop Lee down the line. 'Zona's kinda screwed themselves by filling up on too many appetizers and not having enough room for the entree. OTOH everyone but UofA would have to overpay for Toris since she'll be out of state everywhere else.
tedbear;842360633 said:
The recent news on Abbey has me very excited again after thinking that it was a foregone conclusion that she was going to SC. Keep the dream team alive!
So Bear Devil, with so much scholly money available after this year, you don't think we could offer the Toris/Bilquist package deal? I was thinking that could be a real possibility. Is the Mary Pelton to Cal a done deal since you seem to be saving money for her already. And what's the latest on Siobhan Haughey? Is she even a realistic possibility?
tedbear;842360633 said:
And what's the latest on Siobhan Haughey? Is she even a realistic possibility?
stanfurdbites;842360561 said:
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! First order of business: get her to spell Berkeley correctly
tedbear;842360633 said:
The recent news on Abbey has me very excited again after thinking that it was a foregone conclusion that she was going to SC. Keep the dream team alive!
So Bear Devil, with so much scholly money available after this year, you don't think we could offer the Toris/Bilquist package deal? I was thinking that could be a real possibility. Is the Mary Pelton to Cal a done deal since you seem to be saving money for her already. And what's the latest on Siobhan Haughey? Is she even a realistic possibility?
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842360683 said:
[SIZE=3][COLOR="#0066ff"][FONT=Times New Roman]After all the poor dear, along with Katie, already had to put up with some truly cringe-inducing & horribly nasty comments from the cowardly peanut gallery on Swimswam, who dared to jealously insinuate that neither star student-athletes had the smarts or good enough qualifications to be accepted down over at the Farm, hence their choosing us instead??!!! :headbang[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
BearDevil;842360702 said:
Off the top of my head, there are at least a half dozen elite recruits who Teri either passed on completely or backed off during recruiting in recent years because they wouldn't be good fits at Cal. Reading between the lines, Teri's had enough turnover at Cal that she puts a much higher value on harmony and fit for Cal than building the textbook perfect team by stroke group. It's why her teams have been out of balance in back and fly, but also how she can get the most high profile recruit in swimming history to swim off events. Know virtually nothing about Tonis other than the swim world's conventional wisdom is that she's the key part of Bilquist to Tuscon. She may be a terrific girl, but Teri wouldn't be recruiting her purely based on her individual merit. McKeever wants to minimize cliques within the team, so I seriously doubt that Kathleen and Katie will room together as freshmen or that Cal will automatically become SwimMAC West with zero regard to institutional fit. Medley relays of Bootsma/Pelton, Baker, Katie/Noemie, Weitzeil aren't just NCAA championship favorites, but NCAA record potential. Not insinuating that Bilquist is strong arming Teri, but Teri still wants control of the process. Georgia doesn't care as much about left coast karma feng shui and they're a lot more desperate than Cal and LSJU at this point.
Dunno if Mary Pelton's a done deal, but Liz is a stud who's well-liked within the team and has been working hard as a recruiter. Doubt she'd be as selfless if there were no room in the manger for her sister. Getting close to parity with Georgia at NBAC would be an added benefit. It's in Teri's best interest if she can pick and choose the best Cal fits from the best clubs in America. The only piece of the puzzle that's missing is NCAP (Ledecky and Selskar).
Always assumed that Siobhan would be a Golden Bear if she chooses to swim at an American college. Sherry Tsai, Hannah Wilson, Au, and Kong are all from Hong Kong. Dunno enough about Hong Kong's educational system, but I thought she was still 1 to 2 years away from finishing high school?!? The 2016 glass is already more than half full with potentially Marsh, Mykkanen, Siobhan, Becca Mann, Stanzi Mosely, and Katie Drabot on the radar.
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842360664 said:
Speaking of which, Siobhan will be repping HK at the [U]2014 Asian Games[/U] starting this Sunday the 21st in Korea, so we'll see if she was fully tapered at YOGs or whether she'll go faster at these games which represent the pinnacle of meets for most of the Asian countries, rivalling even the Olympics for many of these nations! (esp. China)
[U]Siobhan[/U]'s entered in the 50/100/200 free + 200 IM + all 3 relays, against some really stiff competition from the Chinese (Tang Yi & Shen Duo in the frees, Ye Shiwen in the IM).
[U]Yvette[/U] (50/100/200 breast + medley relay) & [U]Stephanie[/U] (50/100/200 back + all 3 relays) will also be competing for Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Released 2014 Asian Games Roster
INCHEON 2014 - 17th Asian Games
BearDevil;842360702 said:
Always assumed that Siobhan would be a Golden Bear if she chooses to swim at an American college. Sherry Tsai, Hannah Wilson, Au, and Kong are all from Hong Kong. Dunno enough about Hong Kong's educational system, but I thought she was still 1 to 2 years away from finishing high school?!? The 2016 glass is already more than half full with potentially Marsh, Mykkanen, Siobhan, Becca Mann, Stanzi Mosely, and Katie Drabot on the radar.
BearDevil;842360702 said:
McKeever wants to minimize cliques within the team, so I seriously doubt that Kathleen and Katie will room together as freshmen or that Cal will automatically become SwimMAC West with zero regard to institutional fit. Medley relays of Bootsma/Pelton, Baker, Katie/Noemie, Weitzeil aren't just NCAA championship favorites, but NCAA record potential.
OBear073akaSMFan;842360879 said:
I'm surprise but Camille Cheng is swimming for HK too! Thought she was from China but she is listed 100free, 400 & 800 relays.
BearDevil;842360521 said:
The stuff about Abbey Weitzeil coming back to Berkeley on her own dime following her official and bailing on 'SC is extremely interesting. Abbey would be a huge coup, and Durden wouldn't be too upset if she brought Cogswell along too
tedbear;842360633 said:
The recent news on Abbey has me very excited again after thinking that it was a foregone conclusion that she was going to SC. Keep the dream team alive!
OBear073akaSMFan;842360887 said:
Birthday of Siobhan is Oct 31, 1997, which is 4 years after both Camille & Yvette (1993). BD wise, this would put her as a 2015 recruiting but don't know where she stands in school though.
UrsusArctosCalifornicus;842361965 said:
Prob reading into something that isn't there or which is completely irrelevant lol...FWIW I did notice that Abbey had "liked" the team photos posted by Cierra, Maija, Liz, Boots & Melanie from Cal Poly... :p
BearDevil;842368679 said:
Mary Pelton visited UCLA this weekend, so she may have decided she doesn't want to follow in Liz's footsteps. Can't see her turning down an official visit when her sister was honored as a national champion. There's no way Teri wouldn't recruit her and risk alienating one of her best swimmers and potentially jeopardizing relationships at North Baltimore.