Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

519,468 Views | 5341 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
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dimitrig said:

If the next pandemic involves a disease more deadly than COVID-19 I wonder if these anti-vaxxers will change their tune?

These people have a platform because it turns out that COVID-19, while deadly, isn't as deadly as we feared in 2020.

I bet that if half of everyone who has caught COVID-19 by now had died these people would be singing a different tune.

If covid was deadlier in general or if it mutated to be as contagious as Omicron and deadly as alpha, more people would absolutely get vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. As it stands, it is not, unless you are older or have other issues making you vulnerable. The 55+ in Bearister's graphic who aren't getting vaccinated are unnecessarily risking their lives. I don't feel the same way about athletes choosing to not get vaccinated.
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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Great article in the Atlantic about the anti-vax death cult.


The Anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America

Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.

Whether they were convinced that COVID wasn't real; that if it was, God would keep them alive or, alternatively, use COVID to kill them on schedule; that vaccines are "Satan's syrup" or make you sterile or worse; that in any case vaccination mandates are, like gun regulation, a tyrannical plot by liberals and globalists; or that the Omicron variant was introduced to deflect public attention from Ghislaine Maxwell's trial (and, by the way, omicron and delta combined are an anagram for media control)whatever their reasons, millions of Americans have been persuaded by the right to promote death, and potentially to sacrifice themselves and others, ostensibly for the sake of personal liberty but definitely as a means of increasing their tribal solidarity and inclination to vote Republican.

Almost 4k Americans sacrificed themselves yesterday alone as a result of choosing to remain unvaccinated. Imagine if we could have prevented 911 with just a few jabs. Imagine that happening on a daily basis.

3143, which is a shame. I wish more people would get vaxxed and more would take covid seriously. However, I do believe Biden declaring covid a disease of the unvaccinated the same way right wingers have a hard line of abstinence to prevent pregnancy. Connect with that 30% instead of going to war with them. You could learn that too.
NYTimes says it's 3,895.

Blaming this on Biden is pathetic. Talk about false equivalences by bringing evangelical moralizing on abstinence into the equation is risible.

Here's what Biden said. It was in September, months after conservative tribalists had become entrenched in their death cult. This isn't on Biden, it's on them. It's on their leaders. It's on the people who continue to provide false and misleading information to them. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?


This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it's caused by the fact that despite America having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans
who have failed to get the shot.

And to make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19. Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and mask up, they're ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying from COVID in their communities. This is totally unacceptable.

Third, if you wonder how all this adds up, here's the math: The vast majority of Americans are doing the right thing. Nearly three quarters of the eligible have gotten at least one shot, but one quarter has not gotten any. That's nearly 80 million Americans not vaccinated. And in a country as large as ours, that's 25 percent minority. That 25 percent can cause a lot of damage and they are.

There have been a lot of things throughout this process that have undermined trust in vaccines, such as the 75 years argued by the FDA to hide the Pfizer approval documents. There has clearly been safety signals that have been bypassed/ignored with mrna and jnj approvals because of the emergencies of covid 19.

My figures are from by the way.
Please tell us when you think people became hardened against COVID vaccines.

Then stop pretending like anything that happened after that date was responsible for the pre-existing antagonism. You continue to mention things that are well beyond that date. In a few months you will probably point to things that haven't even happened yet.

As for the numbers, not sure why there is a discrepancy between worldometers and NYT. I suppose it could be due to one or more states purposefully not publicizing their numbers - like Florida - in order to downplay the continuing toll of the pandemic. It now takes several months before Florida reports all of their deaths, and even then it's hard to trust that they aren't monkeying with the data. I check every once in a while and it looks like Florida's August death toll is still rising (their peak was below 400 for a while and now is at 426 from August 28). Another reason they do that is so that anti-public health people can continue to claim that Florida's numbers are improving when we really have no idea. Right now Florida is showing January 7 as it's deadliest day of the current wave, with 76 deaths. Anyone want to hazard a guess what we will see for January 7 in a few months? Or when the deaths will actually peak?

It's been a few days so thought I would get an update. Worldometers is now showing an additional 300 deaths from January 26. Jan 7 now shows 8k deaths. Jan 14 now shows 116 deaths. Wonder how high it will ultimately climb but I guess we need to wait a month or two for that. Meanwhile Desantis gets to pretend things are much better than they are by withholding timely data that Florida used to report.
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Speaking of data, nobody hides it more in this pandemic than Pfizer, Moderna, Regeneron, and JnJ.

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oski003 said:

Speaking of data, nobody hides it more in this pandemic than Pfizer, Moderna, Regeneron, and JnJ.

I watch his channel a lot now, he's good at explaining stuff.
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oski003 said:

Speaking of data, nobody hides it more in this pandemic than Pfizer, Moderna, Regeneron, and JnJ.

His videos started to pop into my youtube feed right before Omicron reached the U.S..
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Dr. Malone Warns Dems' 'Universal Vax Strategy' Risks the Evolution of a More Deadly COVID Variant

Sweden decides against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11. Sweden leads the way in looking at the data, the evidence, the science.

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

New study: 133x risk of myocarditis after COVID vaccination
Comparisons with myocarditis rates following infection now irrelevant as vaccination no longer prevents infection.

Israel, where many have received 3rd and 4th boosters, reports 69,104 new cases of Covid-19. The country has again recorded the highest rate of daily cases of the disease per capita in the world.

Man dies after developing autoimmune disease from vaccine

Lockdowns Did Not Save Lives, Concludes Meta-analysis

Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

"The Truth is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself." - Dr. Robert Malone
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BearForce2 said:

Dr. Malone Warns Dems' 'Universal Vax Strategy' Risks the Evolution of a More Deadly COVID Variant

Sweden decides against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11. Sweden leads the way in looking at the data, the evidence, the science.

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

New study: 133x risk of myocarditis after COVID vaccination
Comparisons with myocarditis rates following infection now irrelevant as vaccination no longer prevents infection.

Israel, where many have received 3rd and 4th boosters, reports 69,104 new cases of Covid-19. The country has again recorded the highest rate of daily cases of the disease per capita in the world.

Man dies after developing autoimmune disease from vaccine

Lockdowns Did Not Save Lives, Concludes Meta-analysis

Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

"The Truth is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself." - Dr. Robert Malone

Despite having all the Pfizer vaccines they could ask for, Israel just ordered 5 million Novavax protein vaccines. There is no guarantee that they are more effective or safer than mRNA, but at least they acknowledge that having mRNA as basically the only option just does not work. Fyi, their total population is 9 million.
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Minot need to set this guy straight. Should be easy to do right?

B.A. Bearacus
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This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

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Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
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Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.
Big C
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I have occasionally been accused of being a "transhumanoid". Why didn't I ever think to simply shrug my shoulders and exclaim "Quantum entanglement!"

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More info for the "do your own research crowd". Natural immunity may not be that strong from Omicron.

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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
Amazing how shameless you are in spreading lies about VAERS. These unverified reports purportedly are submitted because something bad happened to someone after a vaccine was administered. At this point, you know it's mostly garbage.

This past summer you (as quoted above) claimed there were 11k "vaccine deaths" in VAERS. Now you're saying 8k. Obviously the number hasn't grown even though tens of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered in the US since then.

It's incredibly false and misleading to use VAERS data the way you are doing but because you are reckless and agenda-driven you will continue to do it. It's only a matter of time before Deathsantis appoints you as his new surgeon general.
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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
Amazing how shameless you are in spreading lies about VAERS. These unverified reports purportedly are submitted because something bad happened to someone after a vaccine was administered. At this point, you know it's mostly garbage.

This past summer you (as quoted above) claimed there were 11k "vaccine deaths" in VAERS. Now you're saying 8k. Obviously the number hasn't grown even though tens of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered in the US since then.

It's incredibly false and misleading to use VAERS data the way you are doing but because you are reckless and agenda-driven you will continue to do it. It's only a matter of time before Deathsantis appoints you as his new surgeon general.

I explained why the number is 8,000. It is actually slightly higher as both have more than 4,000. Learn to read and comprehend something outside of your bubble,
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
Amazing how shameless you are in spreading lies about VAERS. These unverified reports purportedly are submitted because something bad happened to someone after a vaccine was administered. At this point, you know it's mostly garbage.

This past summer you (as quoted above) claimed there were 11k "vaccine deaths" in VAERS. Now you're saying 8k. Obviously the number hasn't grown even though tens of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered in the US since then.

It's incredibly false and misleading to use VAERS data the way you are doing but because you are reckless and agenda-driven you will continue to do it. It's only a matter of time before Deathsantis appoints you as his new surgeon general.

I explained why the number is 8,000. It is actually slightly higher as both have more than 4,000. Learn to read and comprehend something outside of your bubble,
It's much closer to zero since you can't point to more than a tiny fraction of verified reports. Thanks for continuing to be so obviously agenda driven that no discerning person could take you seriously. We all want better vaccines but the mRNA ones have been incredibly effective and have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if not more. Continuing to pretend like the vaccines have killed thousands of people is pathetic.
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Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
Amazing how shameless you are in spreading lies about VAERS. These unverified reports purportedly are submitted because something bad happened to someone after a vaccine was administered. At this point, you know it's mostly garbage.

This past summer you (as quoted above) claimed there were 11k "vaccine deaths" in VAERS. Now you're saying 8k. Obviously the number hasn't grown even though tens of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered in the US since then.

It's incredibly false and misleading to use VAERS data the way you are doing but because you are reckless and agenda-driven you will continue to do it. It's only a matter of time before Deathsantis appoints you as his new surgeon general.

I explained why the number is 8,000. It is actually slightly higher as both have more than 4,000. Learn to read and comprehend something outside of your bubble,
It's much closer to zero since you can't point to more than a tiny fraction of verified reports. Thanks for continuing to be so obviously agenda driven that no discerning person could take you seriously. We all want better vaccines but the mRNA ones have been incredibly effective and have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if not more. Continuing to pretend like the vaccines have killed thousands of people is pathetic.

Flu vaccines are actually close to zero. Continuing to ignore the mrna data is pathetic. The reports verifying causes of death will come out in a few years as they are purposely delayed. There is a reason the vaccine companies hide their data from the public. Do you deny that they are hiding data? Did you read the BMJ article or watch the video I posted?
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oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

This is a pretty good representation of the anti-vaxxer base and the sorts of people who agree with Ron Johnson.

There are many who are pro vaccine but do not like mRNA.

How many people die from flu shots in the United States every year?

*No exact numbers seem to be available. However, the two most common causes of death due to a flu shot are anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and from the information given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is possible to work out an approximate number.

The CDC reports 1.31 cases of anaphylaxis per million flu shots given, so that would be about 183 cases per year in the US (on average, around 140 million Americans a year receive a flu shot). Anaphylaxis has a fatality rate of between 0.25% and 0.33%, so on average that would be one death every two or three years.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a reaction of the central nervous system to bacterial or viral infection, most commonly food poisoning. It causes paralysis, usually temporary, and may result in a hospital stay of up to six weeks. A small number of people are permanently impaired, and approximately 3% -5% die. According to the CDC, only one or two people in a million will develop GBS as a result of the flu shot. That gives a range of between 4 (140 x 3%) and 14 (280 x 5%) deaths a year from flu-shot related GBS.

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 201011 through 201314).


How many people die from covid shots in the United States every year?

*We do not know. However, VAERS lists more than 8,000 deaths related to mRNA covid shots. This number is leaps and bounds higher than the VAERS listings for flu shot related deaths combined over the last 22 years.
More dangerous false and misleading information. You know that the VAERS data doesn't list a single death related to mRNA COVID vaccines because that's not what VAERS data is. You have no credibility when you present such incredibly disingenuous information.

By the way, you may as well claim that the video above isn't anti-vax but rather anti vaccines that involve quantum entanglement and are intended to turn people into trans humanoids with IP addresses.

You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending that VAERS data can be used the way you repeatedly do but your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.

I haven't gone back and found all the times 003 posted fake news re VAERS data but I will point this one out.

oski003 said:

By the way, 2,000 alleged vaccine deaths were added to VAERS today. We are now up to 11,000. 4,000 were added in a two week period.

So 003 now has great news - according to VAERS, mRNA vaccines have brought 3,000 people back from the dead. How else to account for the fact that he previously cited 11k deaths and now cites only 8k? I'm sure he posted a higher number at some other point so maybe mRNA has brought back even more from the dead.

I am specifically talking Moderna and Pfizer here (mRNA). Results are filtered out if no brand is selected or if it is JnJ. Sorry to destroy your stupid feckless argument.


You are just living in denial. Your agenda is so strong that you don't appear to care about anything else.
Amazing how shameless you are in spreading lies about VAERS. These unverified reports purportedly are submitted because something bad happened to someone after a vaccine was administered. At this point, you know it's mostly garbage.

This past summer you (as quoted above) claimed there were 11k "vaccine deaths" in VAERS. Now you're saying 8k. Obviously the number hasn't grown even though tens of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered in the US since then.

It's incredibly false and misleading to use VAERS data the way you are doing but because you are reckless and agenda-driven you will continue to do it. It's only a matter of time before Deathsantis appoints you as his new surgeon general.

I explained why the number is 8,000. It is actually slightly higher as both have more than 4,000. Learn to read and comprehend something outside of your bubble,
It's much closer to zero since you can't point to more than a tiny fraction of verified reports. Thanks for continuing to be so obviously agenda driven that no discerning person could take you seriously. We all want better vaccines but the mRNA ones have been incredibly effective and have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if not more. Continuing to pretend like the vaccines have killed thousands of people is pathetic.

Flu vaccines are actually close to zero. Continuing to ignore the mrna data is pathetic. The reports verifying causes of death will come out in a few years as they are purposely delayed. There is a reason the vaccine companies hide their data from the public. Do you deny that they are hiding data? Did you read the BMJ article or watch the video I posted?
I'm not going to play your stupid games when you continue to intentionally spread false and misleading information. Everyone once in a while you will admit that you've done so and then you go back to doing it again. Pretending that VAERS data is determinative of anything is pathetic and you know it. On the other hand, maybe people like you are right and we are all transhumanoids due to quantum entanglement, though I suppose if it's not in a VAERS report you may not believe it.

Big C
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Here's some info that will likely send a chill up the spine of those sheeple who have drunk the Pfizer/Moderna kool-aid:

On a podcast just this morning, a Presidential historian opined that none of the four US Presidents who were assassinated while in office had refused a dose of the mRNA vaccine on the morning they were killed.

Now, I may not be some fancy scientist, but I can sure as hell connect the dots. How do I report this on that VAERS thing?
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Unit2Sucks said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

oski003 said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Great article in the Atlantic about the anti-vax death cult.


The Anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America

Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.

Whether they were convinced that COVID wasn't real; that if it was, God would keep them alive or, alternatively, use COVID to kill them on schedule; that vaccines are "Satan's syrup" or make you sterile or worse; that in any case vaccination mandates are, like gun regulation, a tyrannical plot by liberals and globalists; or that the Omicron variant was introduced to deflect public attention from Ghislaine Maxwell's trial (and, by the way, omicron and delta combined are an anagram for media control)whatever their reasons, millions of Americans have been persuaded by the right to promote death, and potentially to sacrifice themselves and others, ostensibly for the sake of personal liberty but definitely as a means of increasing their tribal solidarity and inclination to vote Republican.

Almost 4k Americans sacrificed themselves yesterday alone as a result of choosing to remain unvaccinated. Imagine if we could have prevented 911 with just a few jabs. Imagine that happening on a daily basis.

3143, which is a shame. I wish more people would get vaxxed and more would take covid seriously. However, I do believe Biden declaring covid a disease of the unvaccinated the same way right wingers have a hard line of abstinence to prevent pregnancy. Connect with that 30% instead of going to war with them. You could learn that too.
NYTimes says it's 3,895.

Blaming this on Biden is pathetic. Talk about false equivalences by bringing evangelical moralizing on abstinence into the equation is risible.

Here's what Biden said. It was in September, months after conservative tribalists had become entrenched in their death cult. This isn't on Biden, it's on them. It's on their leaders. It's on the people who continue to provide false and misleading information to them. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?


This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it's caused by the fact that despite America having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans
who have failed to get the shot.

And to make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19. Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and mask up, they're ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying from COVID in their communities. This is totally unacceptable.

Third, if you wonder how all this adds up, here's the math: The vast majority of Americans are doing the right thing. Nearly three quarters of the eligible have gotten at least one shot, but one quarter has not gotten any. That's nearly 80 million Americans not vaccinated. And in a country as large as ours, that's 25 percent minority. That 25 percent can cause a lot of damage and they are.

There have been a lot of things throughout this process that have undermined trust in vaccines, such as the 75 years argued by the FDA to hide the Pfizer approval documents. There has clearly been safety signals that have been bypassed/ignored with mrna and jnj approvals because of the emergencies of covid 19.

My figures are from by the way.
Please tell us when you think people became hardened against COVID vaccines.

Then stop pretending like anything that happened after that date was responsible for the pre-existing antagonism. You continue to mention things that are well beyond that date. In a few months you will probably point to things that haven't even happened yet.

As for the numbers, not sure why there is a discrepancy between worldometers and NYT. I suppose it could be due to one or more states purposefully not publicizing their numbers - like Florida - in order to downplay the continuing toll of the pandemic. It now takes several months before Florida reports all of their deaths, and even then it's hard to trust that they aren't monkeying with the data. I check every once in a while and it looks like Florida's August death toll is still rising (their peak was below 400 for a while and now is at 426 from August 28). Another reason they do that is so that anti-public health people can continue to claim that Florida's numbers are improving when we really have no idea. Right now Florida is showing January 7 as it's deadliest day of the current wave, with 76 deaths. Anyone want to hazard a guess what we will see for January 7 in a few months? Or when the deaths will actually peak?

It's been a few days so thought I would get an update. Worldometers is now showing an additional 300 deaths from January 26. Jan 7 now shows 8k deaths. Jan 14 now shows 116 deaths. Wonder how high it will ultimately climb but I guess we need to wait a month or two for that. Meanwhile Desantis gets to pretend things are much better than they are by withholding timely data that Florida used to report.
Jan 14 has added 20 more deaths and now Jan 15 is up to 139 deaths. Not even close to final.
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Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.
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This guy is pretty impressive. He's talking about how we use numbers to make decisions without looking at the meaning of life and what we want out of life and he ties it back to covid decisions.

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sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
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bearister said:

sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
Yeah, we would try to isolate but with kids this young it's not really practical. So if we get it, we get it. Just trust that the vaccines work.

So far all my son has had is a cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever (like 99 degrees). Physically I think we'll be okay. Mentally, from having to keep these kids at home for five days minimum? We'll see.
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I also engaged in conduct that triggers psychotic rage and mass murder: I wore a mask in the house for a few days (but I've got a few years on you).
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sycasey said:

bearister said:

sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
Yeah, we would try to isolate but with kids this young it's not really practical. So if we get it, we get it. Just trust that the vaccines work.

So far all my son has had is a cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever (like 99 degrees). Physically I think we'll be okay. Mentally, from having to keep these kids at home for five days minimum? We'll see.
I know your pain with having your child sacrifice even more school for COVID but I hope that he recovers quickly and that the rest of the family stays safe.

I've done my own research and suggest dabbing just a bit of horse dewormer paste in your 2 year old's diaper and a spritz of HCQ with an apertif after dinner. /s

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sycasey said:

bearister said:

sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
Yeah, we would try to isolate but with kids this young it's not really practical. So if we get it, we get it. Just trust that the vaccines work.

So far all my son has had is a cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever (like 99 degrees). Physically I think we'll be okay. Mentally, from having to keep these kids at home for five days minimum? We'll see.

Wishing your family a speedy recovery. Undoubtedly, your perspective is correct on both counts.
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Unit2Sucks said:

sycasey said:

bearister said:

sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
Yeah, we would try to isolate but with kids this young it's not really practical. So if we get it, we get it. Just trust that the vaccines work.

So far all my son has had is a cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever (like 99 degrees). Physically I think we'll be okay. Mentally, from having to keep these kids at home for five days minimum? We'll see.
I know your pain with having your child sacrifice even more school for COVID but I hope that he recovers quickly and that the rest of the family stays safe.

I was big on the education loss coming from Covid policy, but that was more about making sure school was available to healthy kids. I certainly wouldn't demand that a kid with Covid can go to school in person. Keep them home when they're sick.
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sycasey said:

Unit2Sucks said:

sycasey said:

bearister said:

sycasey said:

Well, looks like my kid has caught COVID. Positive test last night.

I'm not too worried. Why? Because I'm vaxxed and boosted, so is my wife, and my son (6yo) had both shots too. So far, mild symptoms only and no one else tested positive (yet). We do also have a 2-year-old who can't be vaccinated, but I'll trust the evidence here and expect she'll probably be fine, given the low risk to her age group.

Best of luck and I am sure your family will all fair well. My wife and our 30 year old son (both triple vaxxed) contracted Omicron on Christmas Day. Both had moderate head colds and gunk in throat for 5 days and then good to go. No lower respiratory involvement.

Once my wife tested + (after probably being infectious for two days), I slept in a separate room for a few days (you know, like the Royals). Take care.
Yeah, we would try to isolate but with kids this young it's not really practical. So if we get it, we get it. Just trust that the vaccines work.

So far all my son has had is a cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever (like 99 degrees). Physically I think we'll be okay. Mentally, from having to keep these kids at home for five days minimum? We'll see.
I know your pain with having your child sacrifice even more school for COVID but I hope that he recovers quickly and that the rest of the family stays safe.

I was big on the education loss coming from Covid policy, but that was more about making sure school was available to healthy kids. I certainly wouldn't demand that a kid with Covid can go to school in person. Keep them home when they're sick.
Of course, wasn't suggesting otherwise. But having had kids miss school due to a variety of reasons this year, I empathize with what you are going through.
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"Trying to address the urgency that FDA and the White House is hearing from parents … for making these vaccines available for this younger age group," said Jason Schwartz, an assistant professor of health policy at the Yale School

*So the FDA and white house are now taking direction from "parents"? Only 20% of young kids are vaccinated as it is and they think there will be a rush to vaccinate babies?? Something is not right.

"Regulators are reportedly asking for data from a two-dose vaccine regimen, potentially leading to approval within the coming weeks.

A three-dose regimen for children under 5 will likely eventually be recommended, the reports said, but health officials are eager to get vaccinations started as soon as possible to protect from the highly infectious omicron variant.

"We know that two doses isn't enough, and we get that," one unnamed source described as familiar with the situation reportedly told the Post. "The idea is, let's go ahead and start the review of two doses. If the data holds up in the submission, you could start kids on their primary baseline months earlier than if you don't do anything until the third-dose data comes in."

They will actually authorize two shots before data on the third shot, so the two shots can be started immediately in anticipation of the third shot being successful."

*The new scientific method.
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"Deaths are the last number to move, in any wave (Omicron).
The overwhelming majority were unvaccinated people. The risk of dying from COVID is 60x higher for unvaccinated people than it is for people who are vaccinated and boosted, according to CDC data." Axios

United States: COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination status, All ages
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