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93,450 Views | 842 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by concordtom
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bear2034 said:

calbear93 said:

bear2034 said:

calbear93 said:

bear2034 said:

cb93, I find it interesting that outside of your position on abortion, there's no discernable difference in the content of your posts between you and those on the far left. It seems you continually take pride and subscribe to this notion that you're some kind of centrist or independent and therefore, above the chaotic political climate that we're all trying to navigate through. Nothing could be further from the truth. I understand you're disappointed that Chris Christie didn't make the cut, but Chris Christie is not a centrist, he's just a political hack. At the same time, this makes you somewhat mysterious since I don't know many Christians who are silent about the current regime and all that's been happening the last four years whether in public or in private conversation while being consistently antagonistic not so much towards Trump but against the people who voted for him.

13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Do you feel like Trump or someone else is imposing on your beliefs?

I think you missed the point. It's Christian Nationalists (yes, denying it does not make them go away) and prosperity gospel (surprisingly very popular among the far right and extremely poor) who warped the gospel because of their ignorance or greed. They drag Jesus's name when we are supposed to be light of the world and to care for the weak, the less fortunate and poor without condition because we have been given unconditional love by God first. It is vertical love from God that is spread horizontally by Christians because we have been given everything that matters already - our reconciliation to God and our assurance of eternity with Him.

What about forcing government to establish Christianity as a national religion (whether directly or indirectly) is consistent with the Gospel? If you know the Gospel, there were sects of the Jewish community (obviously not all, since the entire church was founded by members of the Jewish community) who expected the messiah to come as someone who will overturn the Roman government. As such, they went from singing Hosannah to demanding he be crucified when he didn't take over the government. Why didn't Jesus take over the government? Because He was weak or didn't have the power? NO. Christian Nationalists are like those who demanded Jesus be crucified because they make God so small that it becomes about power in this world and about world government. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and Give to God what is God's

Why so judgmental? Haven't you heard others say the same thing to you?

I am sure they have. I am not judging your behavior as a non-believer. I am judging your false representation of Christianity. Nothing you do or say is consistent with the gospel. When there is a debate on Christianity, you refer to politics and misquote or take a quote of bible out of context (like some prosperity gospel preacher once did when he tried to justify why he spends so much of God's money donated by the church - he quoted a verse where the Roman soldiers put purple robe on Jesus - completely ignoring they did so during passion as they whipped him to mock Him - and saying even Jesus wore designer clothes - disgusting).

How would you know how much hope someone places in government? By your reasoning, isn't the non-believer more likely to do this? Why do you feel threatened by views that are counter to your own?

I am not threatened by your views. Most likely, we share common views on finances and personal views on political policies, although I don't demand that this world conform to my religious views, because this world will remain broken because of sin. Where I focus is on seeking justice for those who are underprivileged, whether working with the homeless, working with underprivileged kids, or fighting to protect the lives of those I believe have life and cannot protect themselves from death by those who pretend personal freedom includes ending someone else's life. I also believe in religious liberty for people to practice their faith, and hate that Democrats and liberal cities create such hostile environment for Christians and almost promote discrimination against Christians while being so afraid of insulting other religions T

Isn't there but only one God, the same God of the bible that Joe Biden put his right hand on at his inauguration?

There is only one true God, but there are those who proclaim to believe in God who actually worship politics, a charlatan, money etc. That's their God and not the one true God in three persons. So, who is your God? Does he promote things of this world or is He focus on His Holiness and your sanctification over your comfort and power in this world? If this world was his kingdom, the apostles would have lived comfortable lives. Instead, other than John who was exiled, they were all killed after difficult lives. But they are glorified in eternal life and benefitted from the grace of participating in His will in spreading the Church. Isn't that what the Bible shows? Did Paul ever try to change the government even as a Roman citizen? This world doesn't belong to Christians. The Church and not the government is God's body in this world until Jesus returns. Why do these Christian Nationalists put so much faith in changing the government, even at the risk of dragging Jesus's name through the mud?

Yes, we are all sinners, the Christian and the non-believer. Why do you bring up homosexuality? Is this what this is all about for you personally?

I bring up homosexuality, because fake "Christians" obsess over it as if their own lust, greed, anger, etc. are not equal sins. I bring that up because these Christians act as if they can earn their way to heaven by their works instead of by faith. If anyone had to be sinless to go to heaven, there is no hope for any of us. And that is why the Gospel is the good news. It is impossible for any one of us to earn it. Even one act of sin is offensive to God because it is an act of rebellion and putting ourselves as god. The only one who lived the perfect life we could not was Jesus, and that is why He could pay for the penalty of sin (God's wrath) of the believers that all of us deserved.

So, why focus on the sins of a non-believer? How are they worse than believers? How is someone who commits sexual sin worse than someone who commits sin of anger? It's not? Why not focus on Christians who get angry instead of picketing against someone who is not even saved committing sexual sin? The only reason a Chrisitan is spared is 100% because we put our faith in the completed work of Jesus who fully paid for all the believer's past, current and future sins. Nothing that we do earns us a step closer toward heaver Even our faith, as Paul writes in Romans, comes from Him so we cannot even boast about our faith. And only when acts of obedience (even if we will fail often until we die in this world) come from the changing of the heart do these acts mean anything. Not the acts themselves, but the heart that drives it. And those responses to faith are manifested in the "fruits of the Spirits". (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). How much are those are demonstrated by the far right (I already know it's not demonstrated by the far left either but they are not taking the Lord's name in vain). .When someone demonstrates acts of the flesh (idolatry; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness) and not the fruits of Spirit while proclaiming Christian Nationalism (as Trump does), you know they are not Christians because the Bible says so. Relying on the Bible is not judgment. That's not my judgment. All I am doing is reflecting the full context of the scripture back to you.


What part of that do you believe?

Maybe you believe in some form of Christian isolationism. But isn't this contrary to what God called us to do? You were called to be the light of the world and salt of the earth.

I don't believe in Christian isolationism,. I serve on missions, I work as leader of Boys and Girls Club, and I work with the homeless and at shelters for abused families to provide basic needs while sharing my faith. The Great Commission is not spreading hate through far right politics, mocking the poor and the needy, and every hateful thing the far right does while focusing on just sexual sin. The behavior by the far right like Gaetz and MTG and Jordan are not shining God's light. Tell me where in the Bible you could possibly get that. And quote the entire text. No, the way we treat the poor and the needy is how we demonstrate God's light. Don't take my word. Read the Bible and what Jesus says about his heart for the meek and the needy. I hate the liberal policies on government spending on everything because, while I agree with the need to protect the poor, it doesn't help to rob our future generation and take from the back of our children to satisfy our own guilt without any sacrifice from us. Doing good should involve actual sacrifice. When a group of us in our mem's group go to buy food, cook, and serve in shelters, we feel God's love for us. When we provide a safe space for inner city kids to get tutoring, work on STEM projects, play sports and be away from violence, we feel God's love for us. When we go to someplace in Mexico to rebuild a church and we share meals with the local Christians, sing praise, and pray together, we feel God's light and love. When I watch the rhetoric of politics, I feel the hatred of men and women. That's not God's light.

The mob called for Jesus to be crucified. They were influenced by the Jewish religious authorities who were threatened by Jesus because he exposed their hypocrisy. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor overseeing the region, couldn't find anything that Jesus did wrong.

And you don't think Jesus would call out the hypocrisy of the prosperity gospel preachers many on the far right follow or the hypocrisy of people like Cruz, MTG, Jordan who give no comfort to those who are the most poor or needy while proclaiming they are religious?

Which verse?

The verse from Matthews on the narrow road and how that is not based on acting religious but on dying to the world - the verse you quote while talking about far right politics. Actually read the full context of Jesus's warning to us.

Maybe it's you who may have to pay some attention to the plank in your own eye?

See the thing is I am not judging your actions as a non-Christian. I am judging you taking God's name in vain and mispresenting the gospel. I am angered by you using false Christianity to spread hate. Unlike others, I have not attacked you for your behavior other than in the context of religion. However, anything that you add or detract from the Bible is false because us Christians believe that the scripture is sufficient as it lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. It does nothing for the faith and is belittling to the sufficiency of the Word to add the Constitution as appendix to the Bible and charge a ridiculous amount to the public. Might as well be a money changer in the temple. What did Jesus say that? What was His reaction in the Gospel?

Has God recently revealed sin in your life that you weren't aware of? Has anyone recently pointed out your blind spots?

Of course He does. Sanctification is a life-long project in me by Holy Spirit. Thank goodness it's not me who is changing my heart. I am forever completely unworthy on my own to ever approach God. It is only through Jesus that I am saved. I take no pride in my own actions. Even anything good that I do comes from God. Only the failures belong to me, but Jesus even uses that for my own spiritual benefit to reveal my need for Him

It seems your version of the Christian religion is somehow being influenced by your own politics?

Absolutely not. The only way I participate in politics is what I view as policies that will protect the weak and needy. And not just spending money we don't have and burdening future generations. And not just taxing others (while I believe we need higher taxes not to go on a spending spree but to bridge the deficit to protect our kids' futures)

God has entrusted me with meaningful wealth, and I view it as God's money. While it is tempting to see people flaunt their wealth knowing I could do so myself, I refrain because my treasure is not here. Instead, I constantly pray that I can serve His will in the way I deploy what He entrusted to me. That's my politics. I may have conservative views, but my contribution isn't to seek power or comfort through politics. I rarely get involved in politics, and I only contribute money when I see the other side spreading hate.

Today, President Biden declares this Easter, March 31, 'Transgender Day of Visibility'. The government will celebrate genital mutilation and pornography in school libraries on Christianity's holiest day. Do you support this with your silence? Or do you feel by speaking out against it, you are somehow behaving like, according to the left, a 'Christian nationalist'?

For someone who's very judgmental towards others, why so silent about Joe Biden's Catholicism?

Because I am not a catholic and don't believe in works based salvation, deifying a pope or Mary or believe in immaculate conception where Mary was also made sinless. I don't believe in adding to the scripture.

As I mentioned, discussion on religion takes you back to politics because you know the scripture has no support for what you believe.

And your retort is that while you and Trump are not really Christians but are really Christians in name only, Biden is not really a Christian either. I never said he was, and he doesn't use religion to justify his non-faithful political life and drag Jesus's name for his politics.

For Christians, today is a glorious day since our Lord is risen. So I will leave it here and hope you actually one day read the New Testament and find saving faith. Will let you have the last word which I know will be based on what you worship - far right rhetoric. Happy Easter.
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S&P 500 ends Q1 on a high note as rally keeps going
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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Household Net Worth Up $10.9 Trillion since Dec. 1st, 2023.

2023 ended with a record $156.2 Trillion in Household Net Worth.

The value of equities held directly or indirectly through mutual funds, life insurance policies or retirement accounts rose by $4.7 trillion to $47.6 trillion from $42.9 trillion, the Fed said.

Wealth of the Top 1% hit a record $44 Trillion at end of Q4. That number will obviously be dramatically even higher come end of Q1

This is where all of the consumer spending is coming from. Even with continued high nominal interest rates.

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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Joe Biden's economy has been so strong that even Trump has finally become a billionaire (until the stock of his worthless business starts to match the fundamentals).
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DiabloWags said:

Household Net Worth Up $10.9 Trillion since Dec. 1st, 2023.

2023 ended with a record $156.2 Trillion in Household Net Worth.

The value of equities held directly or indirectly through mutual funds, life insurance policies or retirement accounts rose by $4.7 trillion to $47.6 trillion from $42.9 trillion, the Fed said.

Wealth of the Top 1% hit a record $44 Trillion at end of Q4. That number will obviously be dramatically even higher come end of Q1

This is where all of the consumer spending is coming from. Even with continued high nominal interest rates.

Our leaders are terrible at communism
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calbear93 said:

bear2034 said:

calbear93 said:

bear2034 said:

calbear93 said:

bear2034 said:

cb93, I find it interesting that outside of your position on abortion, there's no discernable difference in the content of your posts between you and those on the far left. It seems you continually take pride and subscribe to this notion that you're some kind of centrist or independent and therefore, above the chaotic political climate that we're all trying to navigate through. Nothing could be further from the truth. I understand you're disappointed that Chris Christie didn't make the cut, but Chris Christie is not a centrist, he's just a political hack. At the same time, this makes you somewhat mysterious since I don't know many Christians who are silent about the current regime and all that's been happening the last four years whether in public or in private conversation while being consistently antagonistic not so much towards Trump but against the people who voted for him.

13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Do you feel like Trump or someone else is imposing on your beliefs?

I think you missed the point. It's Christian Nationalists (yes, denying it does not make them go away) and prosperity gospel (surprisingly very popular among the far right and extremely poor) who warped the gospel because of their ignorance or greed. They drag Jesus's name when we are supposed to be light of the world and to care for the weak, the less fortunate and poor without condition because we have been given unconditional love by God first. It is vertical love from God that is spread horizontally by Christians because we have been given everything that matters already - our reconciliation to God and our assurance of eternity with Him.

What about forcing government to establish Christianity as a national religion (whether directly or indirectly) is consistent with the Gospel? If you know the Gospel, there were sects of the Jewish community (obviously not all, since the entire church was founded by members of the Jewish community) who expected the messiah to come as someone who will overturn the Roman government. As such, they went from singing Hosannah to demanding he be crucified when he didn't take over the government. Why didn't Jesus take over the government? Because He was weak or didn't have the power? NO. Christian Nationalists are like those who demanded Jesus be crucified because they make God so small that it becomes about power in this world and about world government. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and Give to God what is God's

Why so judgmental? Haven't you heard others say the same thing to you?

I am sure they have. I am not judging your behavior as a non-believer. I am judging your false representation of Christianity. Nothing you do or say is consistent with the gospel. When there is a debate on Christianity, you refer to politics and misquote or take a quote of bible out of context (like some prosperity gospel preacher once did when he tried to justify why he spends so much of God's money donated by the church - he quoted a verse where the Roman soldiers put purple robe on Jesus - completely ignoring they did so during passion as they whipped him to mock Him - and saying even Jesus wore designer clothes - disgusting).

How would you know how much hope someone places in government? By your reasoning, isn't the non-believer more likely to do this? Why do you feel threatened by views that are counter to your own?

I am not threatened by your views. Most likely, we share common views on finances and personal views on political policies, although I don't demand that this world conform to my religious views, because this world will remain broken because of sin. Where I focus is on seeking justice for those who are underprivileged, whether working with the homeless, working with underprivileged kids, or fighting to protect the lives of those I believe have life and cannot protect themselves from death by those who pretend personal freedom includes ending someone else's life. I also believe in religious liberty for people to practice their faith, and hate that Democrats and liberal cities create such hostile environment for Christians and almost promote discrimination against Christians while being so afraid of insulting other religions T

Isn't there but only one God, the same God of the bible that Joe Biden put his right hand on at his inauguration?

There is only one true God, but there are those who proclaim to believe in God who actually worship politics, a charlatan, money etc. That's their God and not the one true God in three persons. So, who is your God? Does he promote things of this world or is He focus on His Holiness and your sanctification over your comfort and power in this world? If this world was his kingdom, the apostles would have lived comfortable lives. Instead, other than John who was exiled, they were all killed after difficult lives. But they are glorified in eternal life and benefitted from the grace of participating in His will in spreading the Church. Isn't that what the Bible shows? Did Paul ever try to change the government even as a Roman citizen? This world doesn't belong to Christians. The Church and not the government is God's body in this world until Jesus returns. Why do these Christian Nationalists put so much faith in changing the government, even at the risk of dragging Jesus's name through the mud?

Yes, we are all sinners, the Christian and the non-believer. Why do you bring up homosexuality? Is this what this is all about for you personally?

I bring up homosexuality, because fake "Christians" obsess over it as if their own lust, greed, anger, etc. are not equal sins. I bring that up because these Christians act as if they can earn their way to heaven by their works instead of by faith. If anyone had to be sinless to go to heaven, there is no hope for any of us. And that is why the Gospel is the good news. It is impossible for any one of us to earn it. Even one act of sin is offensive to God because it is an act of rebellion and putting ourselves as god. The only one who lived the perfect life we could not was Jesus, and that is why He could pay for the penalty of sin (God's wrath) of the believers that all of us deserved.

So, why focus on the sins of a non-believer? How are they worse than believers? How is someone who commits sexual sin worse than someone who commits sin of anger? It's not? Why not focus on Christians who get angry instead of picketing against someone who is not even saved committing sexual sin? The only reason a Chrisitan is spared is 100% because we put our faith in the completed work of Jesus who fully paid for all the believer's past, current and future sins. Nothing that we do earns us a step closer toward heaver Even our faith, as Paul writes in Romans, comes from Him so we cannot even boast about our faith. And only when acts of obedience (even if we will fail often until we die in this world) come from the changing of the heart do these acts mean anything. Not the acts themselves, but the heart that drives it. And those responses to faith are manifested in the "fruits of the Spirits". (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). How much are those are demonstrated by the far right (I already know it's not demonstrated by the far left either but they are not taking the Lord's name in vain). .When someone demonstrates acts of the flesh (idolatry; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness) and not the fruits of Spirit while proclaiming Christian Nationalism (as Trump does), you know they are not Christians because the Bible says so. Relying on the Bible is not judgment. That's not my judgment. All I am doing is reflecting the full context of the scripture back to you.


What part of that do you believe?

Maybe you believe in some form of Christian isolationism. But isn't this contrary to what God called us to do? You were called to be the light of the world and salt of the earth.

I don't believe in Christian isolationism,. I serve on missions, I work as leader of Boys and Girls Club, and I work with the homeless and at shelters for abused families to provide basic needs while sharing my faith. The Great Commission is not spreading hate through far right politics, mocking the poor and the needy, and every hateful thing the far right does while focusing on just sexual sin. The behavior by the far right like Gaetz and MTG and Jordan are not shining God's light. Tell me where in the Bible you could possibly get that. And quote the entire text. No, the way we treat the poor and the needy is how we demonstrate God's light. Don't take my word. Read the Bible and what Jesus says about his heart for the meek and the needy. I hate the liberal policies on government spending on everything because, while I agree with the need to protect the poor, it doesn't help to rob our future generation and take from the back of our children to satisfy our own guilt without any sacrifice from us. Doing good should involve actual sacrifice. When a group of us in our mem's group go to buy food, cook, and serve in shelters, we feel God's love for us. When we provide a safe space for inner city kids to get tutoring, work on STEM projects, play sports and be away from violence, we feel God's love for us. When we go to someplace in Mexico to rebuild a church and we share meals with the local Christians, sing praise, and pray together, we feel God's light and love. When I watch the rhetoric of politics, I feel the hatred of men and women. That's not God's light.

The mob called for Jesus to be crucified. They were influenced by the Jewish religious authorities who were threatened by Jesus because he exposed their hypocrisy. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor overseeing the region, couldn't find anything that Jesus did wrong.

And you don't think Jesus would call out the hypocrisy of the prosperity gospel preachers many on the far right follow or the hypocrisy of people like Cruz, MTG, Jordan who give no comfort to those who are the most poor or needy while proclaiming they are religious?

Which verse?

The verse from Matthews on the narrow road and how that is not based on acting religious but on dying to the world - the verse you quote while talking about far right politics. Actually read the full context of Jesus's warning to us.

Maybe it's you who may have to pay some attention to the plank in your own eye?

See the thing is I am not judging your actions as a non-Christian. I am judging you taking God's name in vain and mispresenting the gospel. I am angered by you using false Christianity to spread hate. Unlike others, I have not attacked you for your behavior other than in the context of religion. However, anything that you add or detract from the Bible is false because us Christians believe that the scripture is sufficient as it lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. It does nothing for the faith and is belittling to the sufficiency of the Word to add the Constitution as appendix to the Bible and charge a ridiculous amount to the public. Might as well be a money changer in the temple. What did Jesus say that? What was His reaction in the Gospel?

Has God recently revealed sin in your life that you weren't aware of? Has anyone recently pointed out your blind spots?

Of course He does. Sanctification is a life-long project in me by Holy Spirit. Thank goodness it's not me who is changing my heart. I am forever completely unworthy on my own to ever approach God. It is only through Jesus that I am saved. I take no pride in my own actions. Even anything good that I do comes from God. Only the failures belong to me, but Jesus even uses that for my own spiritual benefit to reveal my need for Him

It seems your version of the Christian religion is somehow being influenced by your own politics?

Absolutely not. The only way I participate in politics is what I view as policies that will protect the weak and needy. And not just spending money we don't have and burdening future generations. And not just taxing others (while I believe we need higher taxes not to go on a spending spree but to bridge the deficit to protect our kids' futures)

God has entrusted me with meaningful wealth, and I view it as God's money. While it is tempting to see people flaunt their wealth knowing I could do so myself, I refrain because my treasure is not here. Instead, I constantly pray that I can serve His will in the way I deploy what He entrusted to me. That's my politics. I may have conservative views, but my contribution isn't to seek power or comfort through politics. I rarely get involved in politics, and I only contribute money when I see the other side spreading hate.

Today, President Biden declares this Easter, March 31, 'Transgender Day of Visibility'. The government will celebrate genital mutilation and pornography in school libraries on Christianity's holiest day. Do you support this with your silence? Or do you feel by speaking out against it, you are somehow behaving like, according to the left, a 'Christian nationalist'?

For someone who's very judgmental towards others, why so silent about Joe Biden's Catholicism?

Because I am not a catholic and don't believe in works based salvation, deifying a pope or Mary or believe in immaculate conception where Mary was also made sinless. I don't believe in adding to the scripture.

As I mentioned, discussion on religion takes you back to politics because you know the scripture has no support for what you believe.

And your retort is that while you and Trump are not really Christians but are really Christians in name only, Biden is not really a Christian either. I never said he was, and he doesn't use religion to justify his non-faithful political life and drag Jesus's name for his politics.

For Christians, today is a glorious day since our Lord is risen. So I will leave it here and hope you actually one day read the New Testament and find saving faith. Will let you have the last word which I know will be based on what you worship - far right rhetoric. Happy Easter.

Maybe Joe Biden doesn't think you're a Christian in the same way you don't think he's one?
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DJT filing this morning: Trump may sell up to 36 million of his shares at any time after April 25th.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Joe Biden's economy has been so strong that even Trump has finally become a billionaire (until the stock of his worthless business starts to match the fundamentals).
I might have to revisit my assumption that people would be propping DJT stock up to help Trump. Apparently in response to a new filing which would not be news to any investor who has spent even 5 minutes reading about the business, the stock is down almost 25% today.

What I hadn't learned until this morning was that there were already a number of these anti-woke scam businesses that went public by SPAC and have floundered.


Trump's media company isn't the first conservative outfit to go public via SPAC in recent years and try to make money off of right-leaning consumers and investors. Its predecessors have not done so hot. Rumble, a Peter Thiel-backed YouTube for the right, rose by some 40% on its first day of trading in September 2022 and has been hanging well below that ever since. Both Black Rifle Coffee, a Starbucks for Republicans, and Public Square, the GOP's supposed alternative to Amazon, have followed similar trajectories: a stock pop early on, then sitting under $10 ever since. None of them have achieved sustained profitability, though Black Rifle says it's on the path to it.

I still think DJT will sustain an elevated valuation (any valuation above $0 is elevated) for quite some time, the only question is how much and for low long since we all know how it will eventually end.
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Thought this was pretty interesting. What say the macro investors of BI?

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Unit2Sucks said:

Thought this was pretty interesting. What say the macro investors of BI?

Not a good sign for the economy when both the money supply and commercial bank credit both decrease. Makes sense somewhat when you take into account the mindboggling increase in money supply recently when availability of supply did not increase and the historic spike in debt with banks now having to be a bit more discerning. This would generally indicate that belt tightening will follow, with increase in unemployment and potentially a recession.

What I will say is that these cycles, including any future recessions, are all part of a healthy national economy, and the only type of investor to be is a long-term, non-marketing timing investor.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Thought this was pretty interesting. What say the macro investors of BI?

Non-economist question: wouldn't this be a not-crazy approach for ratcheting down inflation, assuming inflation was made worse by excess covid money in the system?
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tequila4kapp said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Thought this was pretty interesting. What say the macro investors of BI?

Non-economist question: wouldn't this be a not-crazy approach for ratcheting down inflation, assuming inflation was made worse by excess covid money in the system?
Higher interest rate, tightening of the credit market, and reducing the money supply are the key measures for ratcheting down inflation. It's just that when the money supply trend turns negative together with reduced lending supply historically, pretty big recessions typically followed. Reducing inflation to 2 to 3% without recession (i.e., soft landing) is extremely difficult.
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Great say for EXAS!
Terrific news out.
"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.
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oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.

So many Trump associates in and out of jail we don't even talk about it anymore. Peter Navarro sitting in federal prison right now.
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oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.
To be fair, these were not associates of Trump.

These were slimy VCs who were invited to invest in the SPAC and serve on the board of the SPAC.

Don't know why anyone would invest in a blank-check company or ever invest in a crap company like DJT, but at least this one is not on Trump.

But who are the idiots still buying DJT shares? Who thinks this won't crash further even if Trump becomes president?
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dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.

So many Trump associates in and out of jail we don't even talk about it anymore. Peter Navarro sitting in federal prison right now.

You don't talk about it because you know Peter Navarro doesn't deserve to be in jail.
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calbear93 said:

oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.
To be fair, these were not associates of Trump.

These were slimy VCs who were invited to invest in the SPAC and serve on the board of the SPAC.

Don't know why anyone would invest in a blank-check company or ever invest in a crap company like DJT, but at least this one is not on Trump.

But who are the idiots still buying DJT shares? Who thinks this won't crash further even if Trump becomes president?
It's all in who you know


The Edmonton Police Service claimed Kaos was financed by the Russian mafia, according to a lawsuit that Shvartsman filed against several police officers and the city. That assertion was among more than a dozen "false" and "malicious" allegations that the lawsuit said were put forward by police in communications with their landlord, government authorities and the general public. The lawsuit was dismissed, and the plaintiffs were ordered to pay the police tens of thousands of dollars in costs, according to a spokeswoman for the force.

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calbear93 said:

But who are the idiots still buying DJT shares? Who thinks this won't crash further even if Trump becomes president?
The funny thing is that some people believe the best "asset" that Truth Social has is Trump's exclusivity agreement. He's agreed as part of a licensing agreement not to post his braindead ramblings anywhere other than Truth Social for 6 hours. That's how he got his shares (or at least some portion of them). I haven't seen the deal but I assume it's been filed publicly.

Anyway, if he does become president again, I imagine there is a strong day-zero lawsuit that a public official, especially POTUS, can't agree to sell exclusivity to government-owned communications. All of that would fall under the Presidential Records Act.

Now of course, we know that BG and Trump will claim that the PRA is unconstitutional and that the POTUS can do whatever he wants and that if he wants to sell government records for his own personal gain, he can do so. And, let's be honest, he would never enforce any judgment and would likely have his bought and paid for SCOTUS render him a favorable opinion, but it is what it is.

There is no world in which anyone would approve of Joe Biden striking a multi-billion dollar deal to make a deal like this with Mastodon or Twitter.

This is why business entanglements are a real issue and why everyone else puts their businesses in a blind trust.

So next time someone like BearGoggles gets the vapors over Biden riding a bike or saying something nice to people, remember that none of the people who freak out over meaningless stuff Biden does will ever address any of the massive problems that a corrupt person like Trump presents as a President.
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MinotStateBeav said:

Talk about your all time backfires lol. It's so great to see Dems getting punished for this authoritarian lawfare they've been using.
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bear2034 said:

dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.

So many Trump associates in and out of jail we don't even talk about it anymore. Peter Navarro sitting in federal prison right now.

You don't talk about it because you know Peter Navarro doesn't deserve to be in jail.

Peter Navarro was sentenced to 4 months in prison for his refusal to comply with a subpoena from the House Select Committee. He also didn't provide documents as asked.

He pleaded not guilty.
He claimed that he couldn't be responsive to the Committee's requests because Trump had invoked executive privilege over him and his testimony.

Before going to trial, Navarro's defense attorney Stanley Woodward unsuccessfully argued this point to Judge Mehta, who determined that there was never a formal invocation of executive privilege by the former president over Navarro. To wit, even Trump never supplied Navarro or the court with any evidence that he claimed executive privilege over him.

Deliberations took just 4 hours to convict him of the charges.

Pretty simple.
He broke the law.

But Maggats don't believe that the LAW applies to them.
"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:

bear2034 said:

dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

More Trump associates off to jail, this time for insider trading off his SPAC.

So many Trump associates in and out of jail we don't even talk about it anymore. Peter Navarro sitting in federal prison right now.

You don't talk about it because you know Peter Navarro doesn't deserve to be in jail.

Peter Navarro was sentenced to 4 months in prison for his refusal to comply with a subpoena from the House Select Committee. He also didn't provide documents as asked.

He pleaded not guilty.
He claimed that he couldn't be responsive to the Committee's requests because Trump had invoked executive privilege over him and his testimony.

Before going to trial, Navarro's defense attorney Stanley Woodward unsuccessfully argued this point to Judge Mehta, who determined that there was never a formal invocation of executive privilege by the former president over Navarro. To wit, even Trump never supplied Navarro or the court with any evidence that he claimed executive privilege over him.

Deliberations took just 4 hours to convict him of the charges.

Pretty simple.
He broke the law.

But Maggats don't believe that the LAW applies to them.

And how many Democrats have been sentenced to prison for refusing to comply with a subpoena?
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Barry Diller dunks on Truth Social.


"I think they're dopes," Diller said when asked why people are buying the company's stock.

"I mean, who would buy a company that literally, what does it have, $30 of revenue? Who could put a value on that?" Diller asked.

"They're buying it for other reasons, just like they bought theaters when there was no theater business or bought GameStop, whatever."

"It's stupid. Stupid stuff," he said.

Asked if Trump Media could ever become a bigger business than it is now, particularly if Trump is elected president later this year, Diller flatly replied, "No ... no."

"I mean, it's ridiculous," Diller said on CNBC's "Squawk Box" when asked about Trump Media. "The company has no revenue."

"It's a scam, just like everything he's ever been involved in is some sort of con," he said of Trump.
I think Diller is wrong. Truth Social is better than Bitcoin. I can't think of any reason that the people defending Trump daily on this OT board wouldn't put all of their capital into Truth Social, if they really believed in Trump as a business man. I mean, Bitcoin only has value because people pretend it does. Truth Social is a real business with the best businessman in the world at the top. How could it possibly fail? Plus, the best part is you are buying it at a discount right now. It's down more than 40% since it's high last week. When will you ever find a buy better than that for a premium Trump branded asset? BUY BUY BUY.
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DiabloWags said:

Pretty simple.
He broke the law.

Is this what Peggy Noonan told you?
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bear2034 said:

And how many Democrats have been sentenced to prison for refusing to comply with a subpoena?

More "whataboutism" from the resident Troll who posted 20X yesterday and clearly has no life.

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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Here's a riddle for the dumb Trump fanboys on this board. If Truth Social drops 33% every 3 days how long until it hits zero?
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dajo9 said:

Here's a riddle for the dumb Trump fanboys on this board. If Truth Social drops 33% every 3 days how long until it hits zero?
I'm more a Trump hater but I like riddles.

The answer is it never goes to zero.
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calbear93 said:

dajo9 said:

Here's a riddle for the dumb Trump fanboys on this board. If Truth Social drops 33% every 3 days how long until it hits zero?
I'm more a Trump hater but I like riddles.

The answer is it never goes to zero.
Zeno's dichotomy paradox.
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The GS Long/Short HIgh Beta Momentum Index recently reached 32% above its 200 DMA, a level only exceeded twice in the last 15 years. It was up 36% on the quarter.

Since the inception of this index, it has only been 30+% for a quarter twice.
Q2 of 2008 and Q1 of 2020.

The following quarters it was -22% and -23% respectively.

Time for a momentum unwind in April.
"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:

bear2034 said:

And how many Democrats have been sentenced to prison for refusing to comply with a subpoena?

More "whataboutism" from the resident Troll who posted 20X yesterday and clearly has no life.

What can I say, had some very productive days after the Trans Day of Visibility.
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Gold outperforming S&P 500 year to date.
Bitcoin outperforming both.
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Corporate Buybacks continue to surge in Q1 as the Dow notches the longest win streak of the Year.
7 days up in a row!

So far, $181.2 Billion of shares have been bought back in Q1.
This is +16% from the year ago quarter.

On Friday, Apple announced that it plans to buy back a whopping $110 BILLION of its own stock.

In all, 443 companies have announced a buyback plan this year, up from 378 a year earlier.

Major tech companies have been among the largest buyers of their own stock, but they are ALSO spending big in other areas. Meta, and Google's parent (Alphabet) both initiated a dividend for the first time this year.

5 of the Magnificent Seven now pay a dividend.

Of course, this is on top of the billions of dollars that many large tech companies say they plan to spend on artificial intelligence capabilities.

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:

Corporate Buybacks continue to surge in Q1 as the Dow notches the longest win streak of the Year.
7 days up in a row!

So far, $181.2 Billion of shares have been bought back in Q1.
This is +16% from the year ago quarter.

On Friday, Apple announced that it plans to buy back a whopping $110 BILLION of its own stock.

In all, 443 companies have announced a buyback plan this year, up from 378 a year earlier.

Major tech companies have been among the largest buyers of their own stock, but they are ALSO spending big in other areas. Meta, and Google's parent (Alphabet) both initiated a dividend for the first time this year.

5 of the Magnificent Seven now pay a dividend.

Of course, this is on top of the billions of dollars that many large tech companies say they plan to spend on artificial intelligence capabilities.

I think that's to be expected with the hostile M&A market and general sentiment that tech companies are not maximizing their profits (mainly as a result of over-inflated R&D and SGA expenses)

You and I know that there are only few ways a company can reallocate their capital, including from their retained earnings.

They can allocate their capital to acquisitions. It is the most tax efficient and long-term value generating method for shareholders. However, it is becoming more and more hostile environment to engage in acquisitions with HSR process becoming more involved and FTC and DOJ becoming more hostile. And multiples to EBITDA are still inflated for prime assets.

Companies can use revenue (which will be treated as operating expense) for R&D but, as we saw with all the waste by tech companies, internal development can often be wasteful when you can instead purchase start-ups with proven technology. Think of all the money wasted by Meta and Alphabet.

Companies can use capital to engage in stock repurchase. But that is viewed equally as evil by those not familiar, there is a tax hit to companies with recent 1% tax on net stock repurchase. But companies do this often because it is a way to reduce dilution from equity grants and to enhance the EPS.

Finally, companies can pay dividends. That is the most tax inefficient method. Tax to the companies for the earnings and tax again to the owners when paid (assuming public company and, therefore, not a pass through entity).

Some will argue that the money should be used for betterment of the public and pay wages higher than market. That would be as ethical as someone you hire to manage your business or property using your money to fund their political and social values and pay their direct reports more and more money from your business.
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calbear93 said:

dajo9 said:

Here's a riddle for the dumb Trump fanboys on this board. If Truth Social drops 33% every 3 days how long until it hits zero?
I'm more a Trump hater but I like riddles.

The answer is it never goes to zero.
1 penny works!
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