OK, I've backpedaled a couple of times and apologized. If that's not good enough for you, so be it. I'm not going to grovel and lick your boots.TheFiatLux said:You still can't do it. It's right there... I didn't say Dems were crazy I said they were doing crazy stuff. Big difference. AND i started it by saying that the GOP has done the same, and even concluded by giving an example of "insane rhetoric" from the GOP. But all I guess you could see was "oh my god, he said something critical of Democrats" and that was it for you. Seriously, I apparently crossed the Rubicon for you. Can't have that so let's attack.Eastern Oregon Bear said:OK, you're right. You used crazy rather than insane. I apologize for using the wrong word. They are synonyms though.TheFiatLux said:Because you lied about what I said and then took that lie out of context. You should grow a thicker honesty gene, because lying is in fact uncivil.Eastern Oregon Bear said:I don't see why I should apologize for having different opinions than you. You should grow a thicker skin. Not everyone will agree with you and that doesn't make them uncivil.TheFiatLux said:So instead of just apologizing to someone being civil to you in this conversation, you create a strawman. 1) I didn't say Dems were insane 2) I said they're doing crazy things - just like the GOP has done in the past 3) I literally started by calling out past actions of my party (in reply to someone saying it was insane), and then brought up the Dems.Eastern Oregon Bear said:What's civil about saying Democrats are insane?TheFiatLux said:I'm not sure why you feel the need to be snide in reply to a perfectly civil post.Eastern Oregon Bear said:I appreciate you speaking up to tell us what the American people want. Surely a monolithic group like the American people must be of one mind.TheFiatLux said:At this point in time, I'm not sure what insane rhetoric - at the foundational level - you're talking about. To be clear, there have been many times in the past when it was the GOP doing crazy things. Right now, it's the Dems. I honestly can't think of an issue where they're on the right side, and certainly not on the right side with the public. As a Republican, I say keep at it because I know, as my grandfather told me, the worm always turns. But until it does, I want to see things I believe in get instituted. And right now, the people working the hardest to make sure that happens, are the Democrats. Illegal immigration, deporting violent criminals, cutting bloat and waste out of the government, helping Americans before sending money abroad, protecting women's sports and the list goes on and on... aside from abortion (that would actually be an example for you of some insane GOP rhetoric) there doesn't seem to be anything on which the Dems are taking the position the American people want them to.sycasey said:Would you say the same about insane rhetoric from The Right? I'd say that examples abound right now.tequila4kapp said:
It's what I've been saying forever - The Left diminishes its own credibility with their insane rhetoric. It's unbelievably stupid because there is so much meat on the bones for legit criticism.
Regarding the American people. there was an election.
I will admit being in danger of being fired illegally without cause does make me rather snippy and you caught my crossfire.
This is why it's so hard to have honest conversations when people disagree.
In the private sector I've got fired and laid off. It's not fun, so should it happen to you I absolutely empathize with you, but it's part of life.
Lies run rampant on BI. Trump lies constantly. Most politicians do, though not to Trump's extent. I don't see you calling out anyone else out for lying and it's a target rich environment here and all around the country.
The world is too tribal and binary. This exchange (entire thread) is a good example of it.