Official Virtual Republican National Convention Thread

33,744 Views | 322 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Krugman Is A Moron
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bearister said:

...and fresh in from the Everything Happens for a Reason, it's All Part of God's Plan Dept.:

She was the aggressor': Former Liberty student alleges sexual encounter with Becki Falwell

Becky Falwell has giant feet!
Golden One
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You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.
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calpoly said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.

Donald Trump sells himself at RNC: Reelect me to fix the problems I created

(Source: USA Today editorial board)

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Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Biden was criticized last week because he delivered a great speech, but he used a teleprompter!

Well, Trump can't even read his teleprompter!

He saw the word "proudly" and thought it looked like "profoundly"

He read the words: "Thanks to advances we have pioneered, the fatality rate has been reduced by 80 percent since April."

And changed it to "Thanks to advancements, we have pioneered the fatality rate."

Look at him. He can't even stand up straight. He has to hug and lean on the podium for dear life. And it's only a 70-minute speech!

And you're telling me he's going to kick Biden's ass during a 90-minute debate, much less three?


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dimitrig said:

calpoly said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.

Donald Trump sells himself at RNC: Reelect me to fix the problems I created

(Source: USA Today editorial board)

Only a fool (Golden Shower) would be dumb enough to buy that pitch!
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Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Lies, lies, and more damn lies.

Apparently there were alternative truths on display at the RNC Convention.

"The 2020 Republican National Convention painted an alternate reality for the country, portraying President Donald Trump as a tolerant, levelheaded leader who acted swiftly to contain COVID-19."
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TDS on full display here in this thread.

The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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" It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now."

Who is nervous? How many times do I have to post here that civil processes do not work against criminals. It is like when your grandma in San Jose filed a lawsuit against the Bonanno Family for selling her shoddy aluminum siding for her house. How did that work out? tRump will "win" the election.

"The cost of A tRump Second Term would be measured in increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, economic devastation and more."
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Susan Glasser

"Americans know Trump pretty well by now, and so it was more than a little discordant to hear him extolled throughout the Convention this week as a family man, promoter of women, friend to African-Americans, champion of religious liberty, and lover of immigrants, who interrupted his own Convention to preside over a White House naturalization ceremony for five lucky new citizens....

... The trolling was as epic as the setting was legally questionable: sitting and listening to Trump were more than a thousand supporters, packed together tightly in white chairs on the White House lawn, and almost none of them were wearing masks. While thus publicly and flagrantly flouting public-health standards, Trump touted his response to the pandemic as one that is focussed exclusively "on the science, the facts, and the data."....

.... Suffice it to say that, by the time Trump's speech was over and the red, white, and blue fireworks spelling out "2020" had been set off over the National Mall, late Thursday night, more than three thousand seven hundred Americans had died of the coronavirus since the start of the Conventionmore than perished on 9/11and a hundred and eighty thousand Americans total had succumbed to the disease, a disease that Trump repeatedly denied was even a threat. His botched handling of the pandemic was the very reason that his Convention was taking place on the White House lawn in the first place....

.... But the real message of the evening was that nothing, not even a deadly plague or a cratering economy, can stop Trump from being Trump. He bragged. He lied. He even ad-libbed a taunt at his critics, using the White House as his prop. "We're here," he said, pointing to the flood-lit mansion behind him, "and they're not."...

...Trump's Presidency, just like that 2016 Convention, has always been a puzzling combination of the incompetent and the dangerous; from the start, it has been equal parts dystopianism and hucksterism, with a strong side of nepotism thrown in....

...another act of invention: pretending that the cataclysm is not happening, or spuriously claiming that the true crisis is not the pandemic or the economic catastrophe or police brutality toward Black people but a plague of illegal aliens and open borders and attacks on law enforcement

With a prime-time lineup heavy on Trump family members and current White House officials, it appeared that Trump was "down to blood relatives and paid staffers," as the late John McCain loved to quip."

The Malign Fantasy of Donald Trump's Convention | The New Yorker
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Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.
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blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.
That's the entire raison d'etre for conservatives these days: just win, baby. The policy goals barely even matter anymore. It's all just about winning. Don't believe me? Listen to the party itself. They didn't even write a policy platform this year.

Never mind that by any objective measure, Trump is NOT winning. He's been trailing in polls consistently for months. There's plenty of delusion at play here too. As long as we act like we're winning, we're winning, Even if Biden wins in a landslide, I expect posts here telling us why Republicans and conservatives are really winning in the long run. You will never get through to this kind of person.
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blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.

Well said.

My half-sister, my brother-in-law her husband, and her father-in-law are minorities (mix of Latin-American, African-American, Native American, Northern European, and Sephardic Jewish) but if you saw them without knowing you might just call them "black" or "Latino." Their adult children have the same dark-skinned appearance. They are religious people who go to church regularly and tithe even at times when things were hard financially. They aren't hardcore MAGA Republicans and they don't even watch Fox News, but they are Republicans who voted for Trump. I am not really sure all the reasons why but I suspect their religion plays a part.

Anyway, it came up in discussion with my mom (who is the Northern European component and who cannot stand Trump) that they support the police, think BLM are a bunch of thugs, and are supporting Trump for re-election. As a result of these beliefs all of their adult children (who also have dark skin) have stopped speaking to them. My mom said that she asked my sister "Don't you remember all of the things we went through as a mixed race family and all of names people called you at school?" My sister claims she doesn't and that she always got along with people of all races. Well, that is true, my sister had mostly white and Latino friends but that doesn't mean that some people didn't say and do some awful things. It's like she has completely blocked that out of her mind. What about what her own kids went through? She refuses to believe them or thinks those are isolated occurrences.

All of this is background to say that I think we as a family are fine that she and her husband vote Republican. That's their right. I think it is a little strange for people in their circumstances, but it's a free country. However, what has really divided us isn't that she is Republican and we aren't. It's that she supports Donald Trump! She got a pass the first time but to vote for him again shows that she hasn't been paying any attention to what is going on in this country.

I don't care what your politics are, Democrat or Republican, people like Trump are dangerous. Trump is actively working to tear this country apart for his own benefit. People never stopped talking to each other because George W. Bush won the election, even though a lot of people were very bitter about that. People never ignored or - worse - gloated at the suffering of fellow Americans. As you said, Trump has been poison to this democracy.

I have a well-educated gun-loving libertarian friend who hates big-government Democrats. While he doesn't fawn over the GOP either, he never resists an opportunity to bash politicians like Feinstein. His hate for Feinstein in particular runs deep. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that this deeply religious card-carrying lifetime NRA member cannot stand Donald Trump. I doubt he will vote for Biden either, but he recognizes Trump for the charlatan that he is. That is what I would have expected of an educated man of principle who loves this country more than he loves his guns. It is too bad there aren't enough of those people in the GOP.

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Conservatism and the GOP no longer exist in any meaningful sense. As has been amply stated elsewhere, you either support Trump or you don't. If you support Trump, you can't take any ideological positions because he has none and his positions change on a moment's notice. That's why the party didn't adopt a platform this year and why Republican politicians won't be tied to any particular agenda item. Some conservatives may disagree with me and claim they still have things they care about, but the proof is in the pudding. Look at how the Trump administration operates. Ask Mitch McConnell what his legislative agenda and priorities are. All Mitch can do is approve judges.

Reed Galen says it better than me:


The Republican party no longer has any guiding or governing philosophy. Today, the GOP is preternaturally incapable, as is Trump, of projecting into the future. Even with three years under their belt, they couldn't come up with a platform on which to run. There's a reason for that: Because the GOP no longer has any core beliefs that exist outside of Trump's whims. So they can't commit to anything ahead of time because they don't know where he might land in the future. As Timothy Snyder notes in On Authoritarianism, cults of personality cannot look into the future, because they can't control it.

Like all good authoritarians, Trump and his collaborators understand that the past is where they plant their flag.

Look at how America used to be, they proclaim. Trump will make it so again.

We must re-elect him or they will take all you've worked for, all you hold dear, your very way of life.

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Golden One
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calpoly said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.
If this is destruction, I'll take a lot more it it!!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Golden One
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calpoly said:

dimitrig said:

calpoly said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.

Donald Trump sells himself at RNC: Reelect me to fix the problems I created

(Source: USA Today editorial board)

Only a fool (Golden Shower) would be dumb enough to buy that pitch!
Only a fool like Cal Poly Dropout would vote for a candidate with Stage 3 Dementia!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Golden One
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BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Lies, lies, and more damn lies.

Apparently there were alternative truths on display at the RNC Convention.

"The 2020 Republican National Convention painted an alternate reality for the country, portraying President Donald Trump as a tolerant, levelheaded leader who acted swiftly to contain COVID-19."

The only lies are coming from the Democrats. They can't stand to acknowledge all of the success of the last 3 1/2 years. Aren't you embarrassed and humiliated?

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Golden One
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bearister said:

" It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now."

Who is nervous? How many times do I have to post here that civil processes do not work against criminals. It is like when your grandma in San Jose filed a lawsuit against the Bonanno Family for selling her shoddy aluminum siding for her house. How did that work out? tRump will "win" the election.

"The cost of A tRump Second Term would be measured in increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, economic devastation and more."
Bearister, you're right that civil processes do not work against criminals. That's exactly why authorities in Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, NYC, etc. need to act more forcibly against the rioters, anarchists, arsonsists, and thugs. Civility doesn't work with them.

Regarding a Trump second term, the main cost will be madness and insanity for those with TDS.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Golden One
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blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.
You're delusional if you think Biden is a "good" man. He is a life-long politician with a closet full of baggage. Plus is is suffering from Stage 3 dementia. Do you really want a man who is approaching full-blown Alzheimers to be running our country? Is this your way of looking forward to a socialist takeover of our country?

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Golden One
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sycasey said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.
That's the entire raison d'etre for conservatives these days: just win, baby. The policy goals barely even matter anymore. It's all just about winning. Don't believe me? Listen to the party itself. They didn't even write a policy platform this year.

Never mind that by any objective measure, Trump is NOT winning. He's been trailing in polls consistently for months. There's plenty of delusion at play here too. As long as we act like we're winning, we're winning, Even if Biden wins in a landslide, I expect posts here telling us why Republicans and conservatives are really winning in the long run. You will never get through to this kind of person.
If you haven't noticed, Biden's lead is slipping. Trump is already overtaking him in the key battleground states. But I'm glad that you think you're winning, because that's motivation for the Republicans.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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Golden One said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.
You're delusional if you think Biden is a "good" man. He is a life-long politician with a closet full of baggage. Plus is is suffering from Stage 3 dementia. Do you really want a man who is approaching full-blown Alzheimers to be running our country? Is this your way of looking forward to a socialist takeover of our country?

Liberalism is a mental illness.
WOW, I gotta admit I always thought you were a big fan of Reagan. Goes to show that you can't stereotype people.

By the way, are you familiar with the glass houses proverb?
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GoldenOnenote is incapable of holding more than one thought in his head at a time. The space is currently occupied by "Libruls r dum!"
Golden One
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dimitrig said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.

Well said.

My half-sister, my brother-in-law her husband, and her father-in-law are minorities (mix of Latin-American, African-American, Native American, Northern European, and Sephardic Jewish) but if you saw them without knowing you might just call them "black" or "Latino." Their adult children have the same dark-skinned appearance. They are religious people who go to church regularly and tithe even at times when things were hard financially. They aren't hardcore MAGA Republicans and they don't even watch Fox News, but they are Republicans who voted for Trump. I am not really sure all the reasons why but I suspect their religion plays a part.

Anyway, it came up in discussion with my mom (who is the Northern European component and who cannot stand Trump) that they support the police, think BLM are a bunch of thugs, and are supporting Trump for re-election. As a result of these beliefs all of their adult children (who also have dark skin) have stopped speaking to them. My mom said that she asked my sister "Don't you remember all of the things we went through as a mixed race family and all of names people called you at school?" My sister claims she doesn't and that she always got along with people of all races. Well, that is true, my sister had mostly white and Latino friends but that doesn't mean that some people didn't say and do some awful things. It's like she has completely blocked that out of her mind. What about what her own kids went through? She refuses to believe them or thinks those are isolated occurrences.

All of this is background to say that I think we as a family are fine that she and her husband vote Republican. That's their right. I think it is a little strange for people in their circumstances, but it's a free country. However, what has really divided us isn't that she is Republican and we aren't. It's that she supports Donald Trump! She got a pass the first time but to vote for him again shows that she hasn't been paying any attention to what is going on in this country.

I don't care what your politics are, Democrat or Republican, people like Trump are dangerous. Trump is actively working to tear this country apart for his own benefit. People never stopped talking to each other because George W. Bush won the election, even though a lot of people were very bitter about that. People never ignored or - worse - gloated at the suffering of fellow Americans. As you said, Trump has been poison to this democracy.

I have a well-educated gun-loving libertarian friend who hates big-government Democrats. While he doesn't fawn over the GOP either, he never resists an opportunity to bash politicians like Feinstein. His hate for Feinstein in particular runs deep. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that this deeply religious card-carrying lifetime NRA member cannot stand Donald Trump. I doubt he will vote for Biden either, but he recognizes Trump for the charlatan that he is. That is what I would have expected of an educated man of principle who loves this country more than he loves his guns. It is too bad there aren't enough of those people in the GOP.

Your half sister and brother-in-law sound very smart. The risk to this country is not Trump, it's Biden, Sanders, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, and their socialist agenda. The Democrats today are not the party of Truman, Kennedy, Humphrey, and Johnson. Believe it or not, I was a Democrat in the days of John F. Kennedy, and I strongly supported and campaigned for him. But as the party took a hard turn to the left, I jumped the ship. Since then, they have moved even further left to the point that socialism is now being openly advocated by many of their leaders. They are the real risk to our country and need to be soundly defeated.

LIberalism is a mental illness.
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You don't have the slightest idea what the word "socialism" means.

You, and pinhead shyte stains like you, are the real threat to this country. Willfully stupid voters who are easily duped by Hannity and Tucker and the rest of the sycophants at Faux News.
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Golden One said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.
You're delusional if you think Biden is a "good" man. He is a life-long politician with a closet full of baggage. Plus is is suffering from Stage 3 dementia. Do you really want a man who is approaching full-blown Alzheimers to be running our country? Is this your way of looking forward to a socialist takeover of our country?

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Obviously, your hold on reality is tenuous at best if you don't think that Biden is a "good" man. Hell, even Republicans who have worked with Biden think he is a "good" man. (See John McCain & Lindsey Grahm) Nobody who has worked with Captain Catastrophe thinks he is a "good" man. (See John McCain, Ted Cruz, & Lindsey Grahm) Captain Catastrophe's speech bore no resemblance to any type of reality facing this country and if you question that see the fact-checking of his acceptance speech where he made 20 false or misleading statements.

What I want is an adult to lead this country not someone who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass. What I want is an adult to lead this country not a narcissistic two-year-old in the middle of a temper tantrum who will damage this country, its foundations, and norms to the point that they may never recover. What I want is an adult who can lead this country and not have multiple members of his inner circle convicted of felonies. There is no one who is reasonable who thinks that Biden is a socialist, not even the left. Most view Biden as a Centrist Democrat and trying to paint him as a socialist is a fool's errand. Finally, I want Republicans to admit that if Democrats were doing what Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots were doing they would view their actions as illegal and a threat to American democracy.
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Golden One said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.
That's the entire raison d'etre for conservatives these days: just win, baby. The policy goals barely even matter anymore. It's all just about winning. Don't believe me? Listen to the party itself. They didn't even write a policy platform this year.

Never mind that by any objective measure, Trump is NOT winning. He's been trailing in polls consistently for months. There's plenty of delusion at play here too. As long as we act like we're winning, we're winning, Even if Biden wins in a landslide, I expect posts here telling us why Republicans and conservatives are really winning in the long run. You will never get through to this kind of person.
If you haven't noticed, Biden's lead is slipping. Trump is already overtaking him in the key battleground states. But I'm glad that you think you're winning, because that's motivation for the Republicans.
Michigan average: Biden +7.3

Wisconsin average: Biden +6.2

Pennsylvania average: Biden +5.8

Florida average: Biden +5.6

Arizona average: Biden +4.3

These margins have tightened slightly from their peak, but are all still within a point or two of where they've been for about 2 months now and well ahead of where they were in May or earlier. Most of the tightening seems to come from people coming back to Trump who had abandoned him during the worst of COVID and the Floyd protests. Biden's number hasn't budged much, hovering around the 50-49 range (in MI/WI/PA) since mid-June, indicating that he hasn't lost much support during that time.

There is still time for Trump to come back, but by no measure is he ahead right now.
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I think it this point it should be obvious, but perhaps it bears repeating. Engaging with posters like G1 is like an opportunity to interact with wild animals in a safe environment. You should think of it more of an opportunity to learn about a species (in this case people who believe Trump, Carlson, Hannity) and less about what that individual means or says.

I find it fascinating that people like G1, htp1, bearlyamazing and others still exist and what their thought process are. I'm not offended or outraged by them individually. I don't think they are capable of changing.
Big C
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sycasey said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.
That's the entire raison d'etre for conservatives these days: just win, baby. The policy goals barely even matter anymore. It's all just about winning. Don't believe me? Listen to the party itself. They didn't even write a policy platform this year.

Never mind that by any objective measure, Trump is NOT winning. He's been trailing in polls consistently for months. There's plenty of delusion at play here too. As long as we act like we're winning, we're winning, Even if Biden wins in a landslide, I expect posts here telling us why Republicans and conservatives are really winning in the long run. You will never get through to this kind of person.

"Owning the libs and pissing off the media... that's what we believe in now. There's really not much more to it."

Hey, they CLEARLY stand for more than that: What about "enriching ourselves in the short-term"? What about "keeping people who are not like us down and as far away as possible"? Haven't Trump and his supporters been solidly consistent on that? There, that's FOUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES, not just two!
B.A. Bearacus
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Trump always gets his way. Trump is unable to not get his way.

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Golden One said:

calpoly said:

dimitrig said:

calpoly said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Hey Golden Shower, no one has to denigrate tRump...he does it himself. Four years of destroying a great nation and you are willing to sign up for four more years.

Donald Trump sells himself at RNC: Reelect me to fix the problems I created

(Source: USA Today editorial board)

Only a fool (Golden Shower) would be dumb enough to buy that pitch!
Only a fool like Cal Poly Dropout would vote for a candidate with Stage 3 Dementia!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Thats true. That's why I am voting for Joe Biden!
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