The culture war is a major problem for climate action | The Seattle Times"True, greed is still a major factor in anti-environmentalism. But climate denial has also become a front in the culture wars, with right-wingers rejecting the science in part because they dislike science in general and opposing action against emissions out of visceral opposition to anything liberals support.
……The Heritage Foundation is spearheading an effort called Project 2025 that will probably define the agenda if a Republican wins the White House next year. As The New York Times reports, it calls for "dismantling almost every clean energy program in the federal government and boosting the production of fossil fuels."
What's behind this destructive effort? Well, Project 2025 appears to have been largely devised by the usual suspects fossil-fueled think tanks such as the Heartland Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute that have been crusading against climate science and climate action for many years.
…..About attitudes toward science: As recently as the mid-2000s, Republicans and Democrats had similar levels of trust in the scientific community. Since then, however, Republican trust has plunged as Democratic trust has risen; there's now a 30-point gap between the parties.
…my colleague David Brooks argued that many Republicans dispute the reality of climate change and push for fossil fuels as a way to "offend the elites." He's right."
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