Official Virtual Republican National Convention Thread

33,797 Views | 322 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Krugman Is A Moron
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Last night Maher interviewed Trey Gowdy, who was hawking a book, on his show Real Time. At one point Maher asked Trey if in his time as a prosecutor he had ever had a defendant (boss type) that had as many bad actors in his orbit (Russian contacts, pleading guilty, getting convicted, etc) as tRump has had in his and who truthfully had no knowledge of what any of them were up to. Gowdy pivoted, did not answer the question, and then circled the airport a couple of times before landing on the response that tRump "didn't properly vet those in his circle."

If the Conservatives on this board buy that as an explanation, then LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY, I REST MY CASE.

I sh@it you not, below is a screen capture of that f@ucking clown on the show last night (appeared remote, not in person):

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Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Yes, I'm sure history will prove that I was the crazy one and that Trump was a great president.

It will also show that the US having the worst COVID response in the world was a good thing and that having 60 million people lose their jobs at one point or another this summer was great for the economy. That Trump is a great president because people like Golden One said so. That Trump should be revered as another fiscal conservative Republican who cratered our economy and massively escalated the debt - by $4T this year alone! That he managed to reduce illegal immigration by making this country unattractive to come to when building just 5 miles of new wall and locking children in cages didn't work. That is obviously the well-informed and not crazy position to take.

You are a beacon of reason and your thoughtful and well-argued posts are definitely changing hearts and minds.
Your first sentence above is correct! Congratulations! That's the first true comment you've made in a heckuva long time.

The rest of your post is completely untrue, and you know it. And you have the nerve to claim that Trump lies! Look in the mirror.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
There is so much unintentional irony in your posting. To no one's surprise, you have shown yourself to be an extremely poor prognosticator with even worse self-awareness.

Let me remind everyone of some of your zingers from the past few months. If I had more time and the inclination, I could go on.


Your lack of awareness is telling. Large scale testing is now underway. Limiting travel very early in this saga (January 2020) is a key to minimizing the ability of the virus to crossinto our country.

Let me give you a little reminder of history. In 2009 President Obama (your messiah) was faced with a similar crisis due to the H1-N1 virus. Before he took the steps Trump has already taken (including a travel ban), Obama waited 6 months, by which time there were already 20,000 Americans hospitalized and 1,000 Americans dead. Don't led your TDS color your ability to reason and think rationally.


If you think the administration has eschewed expertise on the virus issue, you're either totally ignorant (which I doubt) or you have no idea who is on the team Trump has assembled. It includes the most renown epidemiologists and infectious disease experts in the world. You should try to educate yourself on the composition of the team before you spout off nonsense. And this team is working closely with the WHO, which brings even more experts into the fray.


I agree. I think it's virtually certain at this point that we will have a football season, and it will probably begin on schedule.

Thanks for confirming that all my my posts you noted are true! The only thing I was a little off on was predicting that "the football season will probably begin on schedule". Actually, it will begin a few months late. I'm actually a better prognosticator than I thought!

Liberalism is a mental illness.

I rest my case.
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Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

Category:Trump administration controversies - Wikipedia
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Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

I think we can all agree that Trump's greatest accomplishment was that he made it 3 years before he destroyed Obama's economy. Oh and that he is looking strongly at a number of things. Possibly a record number of things.
You're either totally ignorant or just plain crazy. Maybe both!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Fine words coming from a supposed Cal grad who graduated Tappa-Kegga-Beer from Kips!
Golden One
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Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Yes, I'm sure history will prove that I was the crazy one and that Trump was a great president.

It will also show that the US having the worst COVID response in the world was a good thing and that having 60 million people lose their jobs at one point or another this summer was great for the economy. That Trump is a great president because people like Golden One said so. That Trump should be revered as another fiscal conservative Republican who cratered our economy and massively escalated the debt - by $4T this year alone! That he managed to reduce illegal immigration by making this country unattractive to come to when building just 5 miles of new wall and locking children in cages didn't work. That is obviously the well-informed and not crazy position to take.

You are a beacon of reason and your thoughtful and well-argued posts are definitely changing hearts and minds.
Your first sentence above is correct! Congratulations! That's the first true comment you've made in a heckuva long time.

The rest of your post is completely untrue, and you know it. And you have the nerve to claim that Trump lies! Look in the mirror.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
There is so much unintentional irony in your posting. To no one's surprise, you have shown yourself to be an extremely poor prognosticator with even worse self-awareness.

Let me remind everyone of some of your zingers from the past few months. If I had more time and the inclination, I could go on.


Your lack of awareness is telling. Large scale testing is now underway. Limiting travel very early in this saga (January 2020) is a key to minimizing the ability of the virus to crossinto our country.

Let me give you a little reminder of history. In 2009 President Obama (your messiah) was faced with a similar crisis due to the H1-N1 virus. Before he took the steps Trump has already taken (including a travel ban), Obama waited 6 months, by which time there were already 20,000 Americans hospitalized and 1,000 Americans dead. Don't led your TDS color your ability to reason and think rationally.


If you think the administration has eschewed expertise on the virus issue, you're either totally ignorant (which I doubt) or you have no idea who is on the team Trump has assembled. It includes the most renown epidemiologists and infectious disease experts in the world. You should try to educate yourself on the composition of the team before you spout off nonsense. And this team is working closely with the WHO, which brings even more experts into the fray.


I agree. I think it's virtually certain at this point that we will have a football season, and it will probably begin on schedule.

Thanks for confirming that all my my posts you noted are true! The only thing I was a little off on was predicting that "the football season will probably begin on schedule". Actually, it will begin a few months late. I'm actually a better prognosticator than I thought!

Liberalism is a mental illness.

I rest my case.
Me too! QED.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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blungld said:

BearForce2 said:

They're plain crazy because liberalism is a mental illness.
What's really interesting is that the majority of Americans have this "crazy." And, more precisely, the vast majority of educated and expert Americans have this crazy. While the low-information, uneducated seem to agree with everything you say and do not have this crazy. Makes you think, right? Or maybe, not think.

Majority of Americans have this crazy.

Maybe you're right, they helped elect Donald Trump to be your president by voting for him or not voting at all.


And more precisely, the vast majority of educated and expert Americans have this crazy.

No, but the left wing is. This country according to them is systemically racist. You are part of this racist country but you will never personally admit that you're a racist, only others are.


While the low-information, uneducated seem to agree with everything you say and do not have this crazy.

Information doesn't necessarily equate with education, especially if you're receiving bad information and aren't open to others. Likewise, you could say that low info, uneducated would agree with everything you say.


Makes you think, right? Or maybe, not think.
Yes, I think leftists are nuts.

The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Yes, I'm sure history will prove that I was the crazy one and that Trump was a great president.

It will also show that the US having the worst COVID response in the world was a good thing and that having 60 million people lose their jobs at one point or another this summer was great for the economy. That Trump is a great president because people like Golden One said so. That Trump should be revered as another fiscal conservative Republican who cratered our economy and massively escalated the debt - by $4T this year alone! That he managed to reduce illegal immigration by making this country unattractive to come to when building just 5 miles of new wall and locking children in cages didn't work. That is obviously the well-informed and not crazy position to take.

You are a beacon of reason and your thoughtful and well-argued posts are definitely changing hearts and minds.
Your first sentence above is correct! Congratulations! That's the first true comment you've made in a heckuva long time.

The rest of your post is completely untrue, and you know it. And you have the nerve to claim that Trump lies! Look in the mirror.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
There is so much unintentional irony in your posting. To no one's surprise, you have shown yourself to be an extremely poor prognosticator with even worse self-awareness.

Let me remind everyone of some of your zingers from the past few months. If I had more time and the inclination, I could go on.


Your lack of awareness is telling. Large scale testing is now underway. Limiting travel very early in this saga (January 2020) is a key to minimizing the ability of the virus to crossinto our country.

Let me give you a little reminder of history. In 2009 President Obama (your messiah) was faced with a similar crisis due to the H1-N1 virus. Before he took the steps Trump has already taken (including a travel ban), Obama waited 6 months, by which time there were already 20,000 Americans hospitalized and 1,000 Americans dead. Don't led your TDS color your ability to reason and think rationally.


If you think the administration has eschewed expertise on the virus issue, you're either totally ignorant (which I doubt) or you have no idea who is on the team Trump has assembled. It includes the most renown epidemiologists and infectious disease experts in the world. You should try to educate yourself on the composition of the team before you spout off nonsense. And this team is working closely with the WHO, which brings even more experts into the fray.


I agree. I think it's virtually certain at this point that we will have a football season, and it will probably begin on schedule.

Thanks for confirming that all my my posts you noted are true! The only thing I was a little off on was predicting that "the football season will probably begin on schedule". Actually, it will begin a few months late. I'm actually a better prognosticator than I thought!

Liberalism is a mental illness.

I rest my case.
Me too! QED.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
The only case Golden Shower knows about is a case of Schlitz!
Golden One
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calpoly said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

Thanks for confirming that all my my posts you noted are true! The only thing I was a little off on was predicting that "the football season will probably begin on schedule". Actually, it will begin a few months late. I'm actually a better prognosticator than I thought!

Liberalism is a mental illness.

I rest my case.
Me too! QED.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
The only case Golden Shower knows about is a case of Schlitz!
Schlitz is a helluva lot better than the Rolling Rock that you drink!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

You leftists are absolutely hilarious!! You're pulling out every stop to denigrate Trump, his acceptance speech, and the RNC convention. It's pretty obvious that you're very nervous right now. The Republicans pulled off a model convention that completely outshined the technology-challenged Democrat show. Any objective observer (especially Independents) had to be impressed with this week's convention and the diversity of speakers. Average Americans were featured, not life-long politicians. Impressive. Very impressive.

This week has given a big boost to the Trump campaign and dealt a serious blow to Biden. Now Biden has to face up to the question of whether he will debate Trump or not. It's a lose-lose decision for the badly demented Biden. If he decides not to debate, he will be viewed as a coward who doesn't have the courage to be President. If he decides to debate, Trump will absolutely kill him. Poor Biden. He may just roll up in a corner of his basement for weeks.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You keep talking in such childish terms, like this is a sporting contest and you are winning. The things you boast about and that excite you are not good things. They are shameful things. Your team "winning", or you perceiving that they are, does not eradicate the moral and ethical failings you are endorsing.

Yes, of course "we" are afraid that Trump might win. Isn't that clear that we fear for the future of the country and think this is the most dangerous man in our nation's history? Why wouldn't we be worried? What does that prove?

5 years ago if we listed all the things that Trump would do under his presidency, you would have sworn he would never do these things, we are just paranoid. If forced to answer, you would have agreed that the things on hat list were unethical and unAmerican and criminal. Now you are amused by these things. Cheer for them. Celebrate them and attack anyone who sees them for what they really are.

I asked in another thread, but I am asking you directly here. If Trump were offered 50K dead Americans from pandemic but he loses election, or 200K dead American but he wins election, which would he choose. I KNOW, you know the answer to that question. So, how can you support this man and believe he should run the nation?

If Biden were given the same choice, you KNOW how he would answer.

One is a good man, with some policies you might disagree with (but most of the things you would say about him are not true). The other is a corrupt bad man who you might agree with SOME of his policies (but most of the things you would say about him are NOT true). Is there any chance you will ever step back and look at this objectively. Take stock of what you are ACTUALLY supporting? You are not exhibiting loyalty to a political ideology, or set of strongly held ethical beliefs, you are being tricked into believing that that is what you are doing while you enable a deceitful criminal to actually destroy the country. He is actually destroying the country. That isn't a liberal whine or a point for my team, it is literally true. You can't pretend like all the misery and discord and unlawfulness is just magically rising up against him, he is creating all of this. These are the RESULTS of his presidency, not the problems he is solving.

I've probably wasted five minutes trying to reason with you, but this is not a sporting event. I don't think you really understand how bad things are going to get the next four years if he is elected. You literally will not recognize the country and the amount of terror, and fear, and turmoil will keep escalating. The logical conclusion of this man and his world view is not a happier place to live. BIden is perhaps not the greatest candidate in the world, but you don't have to think so to try and stave off the reality that Trump is creating. This isn't an attack on conservatism or the GOP, this is a particular person and movement that is poison. Go back to voting GOP the rest of your life, but see this dictator for who he is before the power is consolidated too far and there is no going back.
You're delusional if you think Biden is a "good" man. He is a life-long politician with a closet full of baggage. Plus is is suffering from Stage 3 dementia. Do you really want a man who is approaching full-blown Alzheimers to be running our country? Is this your way of looking forward to a socialist takeover of our country?

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Obviously, your hold on reality is tenuous at best if you don't think that Biden is a "good" man. Hell, even Republicans who have worked with Biden think he is a "good" man. (See John McCain & Lindsey Grahm) Nobody who has worked with Captain Catastrophe thinks he is a "good" man. (See John McCain, Ted Cruz, & Lindsey Grahm) Captain Catastrophe's speech bore no resemblance to any type of reality facing this country and if you question that see the fact-checking of his acceptance speech where he made 20 false or misleading statements.

What I want is an adult to lead this country not someone who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass. What I want is an adult to lead this country not a narcissistic two-year-old in the middle of a temper tantrum who will damage this country, its foundations, and norms to the point that they may never recover. What I want is an adult who can lead this country and not have multiple members of his inner circle convicted of felonies. There is no one who is reasonable who thinks that Biden is a socialist, not even the left. Most view Biden as a Centrist Democrat and trying to paint him as a socialist is a fool's errand. Finally, I want Republicans to admit that if Democrats were doing what Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots were doing they would view their actions as illegal and a threat to American democracy.

I'm afraid you're very delusional about Biden. The man is in Stage 3 of dementia, well on his way to fulll-blown Alzheimers. His mental capacity is so badly reduced that he won't subject himself to press conferences or interviews with neutral reporters. He doesn't have the mental capacity to promote his own platform, so he has let socialists like Sanders, AOC, Omar, Pressley, etc. pressure him into adopting their platform. Contemplating him as President is outright scary.

I don't see where Trump has done anything to damage this country. Quite to the contrary, he has strengthened our country, both domestically and internationally. He has created the best economy in over 50 year prior to COVID. The stock market is at or near an all-time high, depending on the index you follow. Unemployment prior to COVID was near historic lows, with historic lows for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. Taxes were lowered. Health insurance costs and drug costs are being lowered. Our borders have been secured, and illegal immigration is at its lowest level in decades. Thousands of MS-13 gang members have been captured and deported. He has stood up to China and imposed tariffs to better level the playing field on trade. He negotiated a new trade deal with Chine. He got rid of NAFTA and negotiated the USMCA. He got NATO countries to finally pay their fair share of NATO's budgets. He has removed our troops from Iraq and is well on the way to removing all our troops from Afghanistan. And perhaps best of all, during his first term he has not gotten us into a war, unlike his immediate predecesors. The above is only a partial list, but I'd say those are all quite significant accomplishments and much more than any President in the past 50 years has accomplished in his first 3 1/2 year. If it weren't for COVID, Biden wouldn't have a chance in hell of winning, and even now, his chances are sinking.

You leftists just hate to acknowledge any of these accomplishments because you are blinded by your severe case of TDS. You focus on his personality and personal traits, which I admit are far from perfect. You've been trying for 4 years to find him guilty of alleged illegal activity or corruption, but have failed at every turn. No President has been investigated as much as him, with absolutely no adverse consequences. You guys need to get real and start seeing things as they are, not as you'd wish them to be. Don't let your severe case of TDS overtake common sense and decency. And you should probably prepare yourself for the likelihood that Trump will win this election.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Again facts don't lie and the fact is that captain catastrophe's own family thinks he morally bankrupt. When your own family drags you, you are not a good man.

Fact, we are in a recession.

Fact, we have had 21 out of 22 months where at least a million people filed for unemployment.

Fact, The national debt has grown to $27 Trillion dollars and is still growing.

Fact, the trade deficit has grown under Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots.

Fact, he didn't build 300 miles of the new wall and Mexico isn't going t pay for it.

You wouldn't know a fact if it smacked you in the face. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the midst of a COVID crisis, which has been the cause of the "recession" and current unemployment numbers. Prior to COVID unemployment was a historic lows and the economy was humming. And 300 miles of new 30-ft high wall HAS been built on our southern border in the past 3 years, and we'll be up to 400 miles by year-end. And if you want to talk about moral bankruptcy, how about Stage 3 Demented Joe Biden? You remember, the guy who goes around smelling women's hair and hovering over them with his hands roaming wild. C'mon man, as old Joe would say. Get a clue!

You poor libs are just in a panic, because you see this election slipping away from you. Calm yourself down and try to accept a Trump second term.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

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Trump to travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday

A cynical move, indeed, to keep the winning law and order narrative going forward. As premeditated as Rand Paul's faux near death experience at the hands of protestors. This election is over now unless the fat f@uck gets the cough, cough, I can't breathe Taint.
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bearister said:

Trump to travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday

A cynical move, indeed, to keep the winning law and order narrative going forward. As premeditated as Rand Paul's faux near death experience at the hands of protestors. This election is over now unless the fat f@uck gets the cough, cough, I can't breathe Taint.

I really haven't seen any evidence that Trump's law and order message has been working for him. I'm sure he thinks it will, but his polls got worse during the Floyd protests, not better.
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bearister said:

Trump to travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday

A cynical move, indeed, to keep the winning law and order narrative going forward. As premeditated as Rand Paul's faux near death experience at the hands of protestors. This election is over now unless the fat f@uck gets the cough, cough, I can't breathe Taint.

Joe Walsh is right. Biden blew it. He had a chance to act presidential and chose instead to hide in his basement.

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Looks like Biden will beat him there by a day.

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bearister said:

Looks like Biden will beat him there by a day.

LOL looks like he grew a pair of testicles after seeing Trump's planned trip and reading about all the criticism about him hiding in the basement. Good for him.
Golden One
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BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
The truth hurts doesn't it Golden Shower. When confronted with the truth you attack the messenger like the true snowflake that you are.
Golden One
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calpoly said:

Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
The truth hurts doesn't it Golden Shower. When confronted with the truth you attack the messenger like the true snowflake that you are.
You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you in the arse.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
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The big difference between the RNC and the DNC?

DNC had a bunch of politicians speaking.

RNC had a bunch of normal people speaking. Farmers, teachers, factory workers, etc.
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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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hanky1 said:

The big difference between the RNC and the DNC?

DNC had a bunch of politicians speaking.

RNC had a bunch of normal people speaking. Farmers, teachers, factory workers, etc.

Trump gave 5 valuable speaking slots to his 4 kids and his firstborn's girlfriend, who doesn't even know Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

Biden gave his children and his childrens' significant others approximately 0 speaking slots, opting instead to feature them and his grandkids in a video.

But, yes, Trump's kids are "normal people."

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Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You are living in a world of alternative facts when confronted with the truth. You have no facts to back up what you posted. If you disagree with what I posted then provide the facts that counter what I posted but you can't because facts are facts, they're neither Republican nor Democrat, they're neither liberal nor conservative, they're just facts and you can't refute them so you attack the person supplying the facts making your attempt to argue even weaker.

Captain Catastrophe didn't cause the fires or the hurricanes or the pandemic but he is responsible for the federal response to such events and so far he has been an unmitigated failure so far especially regarding the pandemic. He failed the 182,000 people who died in the pandemic, he failed the people of Puerto Rico and U.S. territories in the Caribbean regarding the hurricanes, and he failed California regarding the fires. Hell if he had his choice he wouldn't provide help to Democratic states. If you can provide facts that counter what I have said, I'll be more than happy to listen to them.
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Republican Party = Party of Deception

No wonder so many here are easily deceived.

Krugman Is A Moron
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hanky1 said:

The big difference between the RNC and the DNC?

DNC had a bunch of politicians speaking.

RNC had a bunch of normal people speaking. Farmers, teachers, factory workers, etc.
And that part with the normal people speaking was the part that worked.
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Golden One said:

blungld said:

Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Yes, I'm sure history will prove that I was the crazy one and that Trump was a great president.
Your first sentence above is correct! Congratulations! That's the first true comment you've made in a heckuva long time.
Hand on the Bible, do you really believe that or you just doing the back and forth arguing? You really believe that Trump will be considered a great president and that he has not only accomplished a lot, but that what he has accomplished is good, and that there are things he has done that improved the country that are not just ongoing trends of the nation that he had little to do with and would have been true no matter the president? I really want to know your answer to that. Do you REALLY think Trump is a great president and will be considered so in the future?

Yes, I really believe what I've posted. I never said that Trump would be considered a great President. I'm not sure that we've had a great President in the last 50 years, except possibly Reagan. I do think Trump has done a good job against consistent and vocal obstructionism from the Democrats. There have been a lot of fake attacks lodged against , like Russia collusion and the whole Mueller investigation, which was a complete ruse. I've detailed many of Trump's accomplishments during his first 3 1/2 years (as have other posters), and I won't repeat them here.

From where I sit, I can't see a single policy that has been good for the nation or a single result that has improved the country that he gets credit for. There have been some things done by Congress--that he actually was forced to support, and a lot of riding the economy left to him by Obama.

Please read the detailed list of accomplishments posted by me and others in prior posts.

The only thing I see that perhaps he gets credit is a spike in the stock market, but that was at a tremendous cost to the overall economic health of the country, benefitted a few, benefited him and his donors, and was artificially stimulated through corporate socialism and criminal de-regulation and speculation on an inflated and roller-coastering market (can you say insider trading?). The stock market did not rise on the tremendous health of the overall economy and a rise in innovation and expansion of consumer wealth and health of the middle class, this was a gambit by the donor-class.

The phenomenal rise in the stock market doesn't affect a few, it affects anyone with a 401K Plan or a pension plan. That means it benefits most Americans. It doesn't help Democrats on welfare or the permanent jobless, which are in the Democrat base.

So I really have no clue what it is you celebrate about him and why you think he would be seen as a great president. Instead I see a known criminal, an unindicted co-conspirator, an impeached president, who has not accomplished anything, who lies to his people, who uses propaganda and force to control his people, who breaks laws, who is self serving, favors cronyism and nepotism, whose incompetence has cost the lives of over 100K Americans, who destroys allies and stands with dictators, and has brought the country to hatred of one another in a tribal society. This is not name calling, this is an accurate description.How do you stand with this?

Clinton was impeached legitimately. Trump was impeached falsely in a 100% partisan effort without merit. Regarding nepotism, see Biden (Joe and Hunter). The current societal conflict has largely been created by the widespread Trump Derangement Syndrome conceived and perpetuated by Democrats, especially Pelosi and Schumer. It actually started by Hillary Clinton, when she referred to Trump supporters as "deplorables". And cut out that cra*p about Trump costing the lives of over 100K Americans. You know well that those deaths were caused by the COVID-19 virus, which Trump did not create or cause. In fact, if Trump had followed the path recommended by leading Democrats, including Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer, the loss of lives would have been much greater. They strongly criticized him and called him xenophobic when he quickly shutdown travel from China and Europe. Those moves saved countless lives. Trump has actually done quite a good job dealing with the virus. If he deserves any criticism it's for following too blindly the advice of Fauci and other so-called experts, who changed their recommendations with alarming frequency.

You want to act like his response to COVID doesn't count, but that was the test of his presidency. He failed. He made it worse. He owns the economic collapse and the deaths, because a better response from him mitigates all of that.This isn't about Obama, but as an example, he was handed the worst economic collapse since Great Depression and he SOLVED it. He didn't make it worse or say that doesn't count.Where he started and where he ended was miles apart on a huge upward swing. Trump started up and is ending down, but that doesn't count? He has no responsibility?

You're completely wrong about COVID. If you want to see a poor response to the virus, look at New York and New Jersey--both run by Democrat governors. Cuomo, especially, did a terrible job. He is directly responsible for thousands of deaths by sending infected people into nursing homes. Cuomo, who is no supporter of Trump, actually commended and thanked Trump more than once for his COVID response that saved the state of New York from a real disaster. So did the Democrat governor of New Jersey and Gavin Newsom. The way Trump responded with fully-staffed hospital ships, construction of temporary hospital capacity, manufacture of ventilators, production and distribution of PPE, and Operation Warp Speed (which will result in one or more vaccines in record time) are all phenomenal achievements that only the most blind of leftists would even try to denigrate. Trump gets an "A" for his COVID response.

I 100% believe that if your mind was blanked, and you just opened your eyes today and there were not such things as political parties, you would see Trump exactly as I see him and only do not see him clearly because the R next to his name and the indoctrination of your news sources.

I assure you that my mind is wide open. As a former Democrat, I don't follow political labels. I adhere to a political philosophy that promotes freedom, liberty, individual initiative and responsibility, and respect for others of all races, ethnicities and creeds. I recognize that that philosophy runs afoul of the beliefs of most leftists. That's their problem, not mine.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Thank you for the civil response. There is no real point in responding to your individual points. We are dealing with two different sets of facts.

That said, I have to editorialize on one assumption. I honestly do not understand how you can believe what you you wrote about Trump's response to COVID. I don't follow the logic that if you can identify a Democrat governor (why are you always fishing for party?) who you think did something wrong with the virus, then it exonerates Trump for not having a national coordinated response like every other first world country. I assure you if Clinton were president there would have been a science-driven response, an organized national effort, and the number of deaths here would look a lot more like the rest of the world. We are an outlier in our results, because we have an outlier leader who took no responsibility, did NOT have a national response, downplayed if not disregarded the science, and treated the pandemic as a political threat rather than a public health emergency.

May I please make a suggestion, or request? Can you stop calling people who disagree with you lefties and saying we suffer from TDS and that our beliefs are a mental illness? Ultimately it does not matter what you say, but you are one small part of a larger problem that is dividing the country.

You can see that I am an articulate person. I am not a total fool. I am a successful American who has a family and runs businesses. I went to Cal a university you love. I had to have some intelligence to be accepted there. And these things are true of all the people you debate here. So how about you teat us with respect? Feel free to advocate for your opinions, but that doesn't mean simply mock other people. That is not an actual position. What you have here are a lot of very smart and accomplished people who have come to different conclusions and analysis than you. That doesn't mean we are crazy, or sick, or have a syndrome, it means that thoughtful people can disagree. It might also be a signal to you that there is something to what we are saying that is worth considering. Calling someone else crazy is a lazy form of debate, but more importantly what it says about you is that opposition opinion is threatening and if you treated it as equal it might be persuasive and so the emotional shortcut is to call it crazy so that you are justified in ignoring it.

There is no such thing as TDS. There is no virus infecting over 50% of Americans brains. You can disagree with the sentiment or have a different opinion, but the anger you see are regular Americans feeling that one man is getting away with lying and cheating and corrupting the country and they are angry about it. You disagree. But if you did think those things wouldn't you be angry too? And wouldn't you be more angry if instead of being heard, other people patronized you and said your anger is just you being crazy?

So when in Berkeley we had the Free Speech Movement, agree or disagree, but they were angry about Vietnam and injustice, they didn't have War Derangement Syndrome. They had something legitimate to be angry about and they expressed it to get attention and marshal change. When the Civil rights movement happened they didn't have White Power Derangement Syndrome, they wanted racial justice. Women's suffragettes were not "hysterical" they wanted equality. It has always been the norm that those who stand against protest or changes in society try to dismiss the protests as illegitimate and crazy. This is what is happening now too.

So, as I have said, have your own opinions. State them as opinions and not facts. Don't speak for others and say what they believe or what they want to do (you miss characterize what BLM is and what Liberals want in almost every post). We are smart, we can tell you what we want or what we stand for if you ask us and then you can disagree if you want and say what it is you think and believe.

But the repeated pattern here is you make extreme statements that mock the opposition and say what they believe and who they are without asking first and without really stating who you are or what you believe. Then when others try and clarify their actual position, you either change the subject, mock that response, name call, don't respond, or try and turn it around and accuse them of calling you names or telling you what to think. Yes, that is a pretty broad generalized description, but you get the point.

The easy response to this post would be to search through my words and find something hypocritical in them. I am sure there are hypocrisies so I am already conceding that. I am also conceding that Democrats are not perfect. That our actions don't always match with our ideals. And that every poster on BI has at some point done the very things I am describing as unproductive. And that you are called names on these boards. I call you OneNote for example (I will however point out that the names directed at you came AFTER many many posts by you of name calling others and OneNote is not exactly a viscous attack) But, all hypocrisy you can find aside, I am making this request of YOU. I am asking YOU if you are willing to take responsibility for what you post and try and change the tenor of the discourse, not for you to find someone else (myself included) who has been discourteous so therefore you can be too.

It is my OPINION (see it's not a fact, it's what I think which might be interesting for you to consider that someone thinks this) that you are one of the most unfair antagonistic posters on the board. I think you pick fights and name call rather than share insights that might change other's opinions by the weight of their logic or cogency. Most of your posts simply mock people for thinking something different than you (but you are not the worst offender). I don't believe that you really would act this way to people in person. And I don't think you really want to just "win" debates because you were able to shut the other person up or not hear something you disagree with or might make you think. I don't think you really think shouting down opposition is winning.

So please, as a gesture of trying to make the OT boards a better place and some small gesture of de-participating in the tribalism and fracture of the country, would you please remove the footer saying liberalism is a mental illness and stop calling us lefties, and not use terms like TDS? I guarantee you will receive the same treatment in response if you make these changes and also change your tone. Thank you.
Krugman Is A Moron
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BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You are living in a world of alternative facts when confronted with the truth.
I find it hard to take seriously someone who complains about sexual abuse who planned on voting for Biden in the primary before everybody dropped out. You have no issue with sexual abusers. In fact, you're quite happy to vote for them.

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Golden One said:

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also.
We will say it agin, NO ONE BLAMES TRUMP FOR COVID. Separate out these two things: a problem and then the actions to solve a problem. WE BLAME TRUMP FOR HIS LACK OF ACTION IN RESPONSE TO COVID.

Okay? Get it? Now, you can stop saying that over and over again and we can discuss his RESPONSE to COVID.

If this were Cal football, you would probably be all about wanting the team to reveal its character in how they responded to adversity. I think most of the "liberals" on this board would have been swayed to being surprised and in support oof the president if from the beginning he would have stopped being a partisan, political creature. If he would have said "Here's the deal Americans, there is a really bad pandemic but we are going to beat this thing by all pulling together, forget party, we are Americans and we are save as many of us by caring for another. We are all going to wear masks, and here are the criteria for shutting down the nation and then re-opening. Here's the plan..."

If he did anything like this I would be on his side and he would have saved over 100K Americans and we would be re-opening, having football, and with a much much better economy. He blew it. Period. That is not just a failure, it is criminal negligence and dereliction of duty.

Everything he did was a false note: will disappear in a few days, not wear masks, silence scientists, discourage testing and public knowledge, Chinese virus, etc etc was the wrong move because he only wanted to look strong and in charge and did not care about the actual results for the country.

I will say it again, you know that if he could have 200K dead Americans and win re-election he would take it over 10K dead Americans and does not win election. You KNOW that is true. And if that is true then everything I say about him and his character and his priorities is true and he does not deserve to be president.

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The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.

Sometimes it is fun to feed the trolls, but recognize them for what they are.

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dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.

Sometimes it is fun to feed the trolls, but recognize them for what they are.

Yup. If you are expecting an intelligent exchange of ideas or any sudden changes of heart, you're going to be disappointed.
Krugman Is A Moron
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dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.
That right there is bullshyt. Maybe 5% of what goes on in this forum can be called a discussion and exchange of information.
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sycasey said:

dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.

Sometimes it is fun to feed the trolls, but recognize them for what they are.

Yup. If you are expecting an intelligent exchange of ideas or any sudden changes of heart, you're going to be disappointed.
I been disappointed for 4 years now. I am Charlie Brown to their Lucy.
Big C
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Matthew Patel said:

dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.
That right there is bullshyt. Maybe 5% of what goes on in this forum can be called a discussion and exchange of information.

too many of us are too set in our views, too often (and that's before even mentioning the childish name calling)
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Big C said:

Matthew Patel said:

dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.
That right there is bullshyt. Maybe 5% of what goes on in this forum can be called a discussion and exchange of information.

too many of us are too set in our views, too often (and that's before even mentioning the childish name calling)
Maybe you should speak for yourself rather than speak for others.
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calpoly said:

Big C said:

Matthew Patel said:

dimitrig said:

The Right Wing Nut Jobs who post here are for the most part just trolling, whereas the rest of us are actually trying to have discussions and exchange information.
That right there is bullshyt. Maybe 5% of what goes on in this forum can be called a discussion and exchange of information.

too many of us are too set in our views, too often (and that's before even mentioning the childish name calling)
Maybe you should speak for yourself rather than speak for others.

Childish name caller answers summons.
Golden One
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BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.

You are living in a world of alternative facts when confronted with the truth. You have no facts to back up what you posted. If you disagree with what I posted then provide the facts that counter what I posted but you can't because facts are facts, they're neither Republican nor Democrat, they're neither liberal nor conservative, they're just facts and you can't refute them so you attack the person supplying the facts making your attempt to argue even weaker.

Captain Catastrophe didn't cause the fires or the hurricanes or the pandemic but he is responsible for the federal response to such events and so far he has been an unmitigated failure so far especially regarding the pandemic. He failed the 182,000 people who died in the pandemic, he failed the people of Puerto Rico and U.S. territories in the Caribbean regarding the hurricanes, and he failed California regarding the fires. Hell if he had his choice he wouldn't provide help to Democratic states. If you can provide facts that counter what I have said, I'll be more than happy to listen to them.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
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Matthew Patel said:

BearNIt said:

Golden One said:

BearNIt said:

In case you didn't realize if it happens on your watch you are responsible for it and responsible for fixing it. Stop making excuses for the Captain Catastrophe and his Merry Band of Idiots. If I remember correctly didn't Captain Catastrophe say "Only I can fix it"?

Stop with your alternative facts and do the research to know the truth. The Idiot in Chief failed at his big promise while one of his henchmen defrauded his supporters who donated money for a wall and is now under indictment.

Per the San Antonio Express-News:

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built [url=][/url]

The federal government has completed 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls, but only 5 new miles of the 30-foot high steel bollard fencing where none existed before, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Express-News.

You can't be freakin serious, are you actually trying to compare Biden's interactions with women compared to Mr. Grab 'em by the *****, Mr. I Slept with a porn star while I was married, Mr. 27 Women have accused me of sexual abuse, and Mr. I slept with a Playboy model while I was married?

Get your facts straight and stop trying to mold them to fit the Criminal in Chief's narrative. Time is ticking away and the people will be heard and this nightmare will be over never to be repeated again.

With the above post, you've lost what little credibility you had. I suppose Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California also. Completely laughable.

You leftists are really stretching to find negative things to pin on Trump. C'mon, man, get off the drugs and get real!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
You are living in a world of alternative facts when confronted with the truth.
I find it hard to take seriously someone who complains about sexual abuse who planned on voting for Biden in the primary before everybody dropped out. You have no issue with sexual abusers. In fact, you're quite happy to vote for them.

I find it hard to take someone seriously who hides and post behind multiple names and won't divulge who he will vote for. You are a bomb-thrower who seeks to instigate but offers no choice or solutions much like Captain Catastrophe. I'm not trying to be cute with my postings, I make no secret of who I will vote for or my standings on issues, how about you?
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