COVID disappears Nov 4th?

129,008 Views | 1376 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by B.A. Bearacus
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sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

Have you gotten the vaccine?

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you live in N.Y.?

If yes - it's your lucky day.

If no - you're missing out.
No. I don't live in NY. I answered your question. Answer mine. Are you a full of shyte hypocrite who immorally pushes storylines that will kill people just to make what you think is a political point while you have that sweet, sweet COVID vaccine nectar running through your veints, or are you just a complete moron who believes these story lines.

If it is the former, feel free. That story line is killing more Republicans than anyone and especially focusing on the most conservative of them. I'm perfectly fine with natural selection thinning out the conservative voting base.

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions. It's you, the media, and Democrats who are the hypocrites pushing false narratives for political points while being convinced you are better than others as you have that sweet sweet Covid vaccine nectar running through your veins behind the double mask barely covering your nose.
1. What sycasey said.
2. As usual you are using outdated analysis. The vaccine changes everything. The ones who have died at higher rates have been UNVACCINATED elderly, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. A much higher percentage of Democrats are getting vaccinated. Vaccinated people are a tiny percentage of those who are dying now. The increased risk of obesity is real but extremely exaggerated by your lot. Obese and vaccinated die of COVID at a lower rate than not obese and unvaccinated.
3. Answer the question. Do you believe the stupidity you are spouting? Surely if you do, you haven't been vaccinated. I just want to know if you are a complete immoral shytehead or a just a complete moron.

Feel free to keep killing Republicans if you wish. I get all of the benefits and none of the guilt.

0. Death rates for vaccinated people are lower, who said they weren't?
1. You admit you want people who disagree with you to die.
2. If you want them to die so you can "get all the benefits and none of the guilt", why are you so angry?
3. I've never told anyone here to not get the vaccine.
4. Did you ever manage to get that plug out of your orifice?
0. You didn't say they weren't. You just ignored the most salient point and pretended it didn't exist.
1. I didn't say I want them to die. I just don't care if people who are too stupid to take basic measures to protect themselves, and who mostly go out of their way to hurt others happen to die of their own stupidity.
2. I'm not angry at all. You are the one talking about orifices.
3. You post nonstop conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Doing so reduces the likelihood that people will get the vaccine. You know that. You either think they shouldn't and are honestly providing stupid information. Or you don't believe the stupidity and just think that you can score a few cheap political points and you don't care if people die in the process. I'm just trying to find out which it is.
4. You keep avoiding the question. Surely if you believe what you post you haven't gotten the vaccine. People who might take your crap seriously deserve to know. Have you refused the vaccine?

You have to show me where I said I was opposed to taking the vaccine.
So you took the vaccine, then.
I'll answer that part of the question only if Oaktown can prove that I said I opposed taking it and was telling others not to do so.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
In other words, conservatives.

No. Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?

Don't you mean to ask why were more Black Americans dying of COVID on June 26, 2020? Because that is when your article is from.

This is May of 2021. We have a vaccine. Black Americans do have some vaccine hesitancy and that was a problem we needed to overcome, but they now are about average and don't have nearly the same level of hesitancy as Republicans. And while some may listen to some bad information on the risk of vaccines they won't be listening to YOUR bad information.

The assertion was that you, in spreading disinformation about the vaccine, will kill more Republicans. The question was not who is dying of COVID. It certainly was not who was dying of COVID 11 months ago. And it wasn't about subsets of each party. Democrats are almost twice as likely to get vaccinated as Republicans. Those who don't get vaccinated will die at a much higher rate than those who do get vaccinated. Your arguments are not persuasive to Democrats. Because they are idiots, your arguments are persuasive to some Republicans. Therefore, you are killing Republicans.

I happen to think that more Republicans than Democrats will die from this point forward because of the differential in vaccinations, but whether I'm right or wrong about that, more Republicans will die because of your stupid nonsense.

Have you followed your own advice and refused the vaccine? I think people who might take your advice have a right to know.

What is this spreading disinformation about the vaccine you speak of? (This is more for you and not for me since I already know the answer.) And have you recently thanked President Donald Trump in your dark heart for Operation Warp Speed to bring you vaccine you currently benefit from?
But most importantly, why do you want people to die and why do you think you're a moral person?
1. Operation Warp Speed did squat that wouldn't have gotten done. I thank Trump for doing the absolute bare minimum any president would do in negotiating purchases of vaccines.
2. I also "thank" Trump for doing absolutely nothing to prepare to actually deliver the vaccines when they came available. I thank the Great Spaghetti Monster that I didn't die of Covid in the 2 months my vaccination was delayed due to his incompetence. I thank my local governments that they had sense enough to do the opposite of everything Trump did, thus keeping my community's infection rate at a fraction of the national rate and keeping me and my family as safe as they could be. I thank the people of my community for by and large not being complete asshats and for mostly taking reasonable precautions. And I thank Joe Biden for massively ramping up distribution of the vaccine so I didn't have to wait until September to get it as I would have if Trump were still president and I thank good ol' Joe for the fact that I can safely return to a normal life months ahead of schedule.
3. Don't want them to die. Don't care if they do. I merely stated a fact that I do get some benefits from their death. I never said I'm a moral person. But I don't specifically take actions I know will kill people even when it benefits me.
4. So, look. We all know that you are juiced with the Pfizer or Moderna or the J&J and you are full of shyte. Why don't you just say it? Bottom line is that owning libs is too much fun even if you have to kill Republicans in the process.

So you couldn't find a single post where I said I was opposed to vaccination?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

Have you gotten the vaccine?

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you live in N.Y.?

If yes - it's your lucky day.

If no - you're missing out.
No. I don't live in NY. I answered your question. Answer mine. Are you a full of shyte hypocrite who immorally pushes storylines that will kill people just to make what you think is a political point while you have that sweet, sweet COVID vaccine nectar running through your veints, or are you just a complete moron who believes these story lines.

If it is the former, feel free. That story line is killing more Republicans than anyone and especially focusing on the most conservative of them. I'm perfectly fine with natural selection thinning out the conservative voting base.

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions. It's you, the media, and Democrats who are the hypocrites pushing false narratives for political points while being convinced you are better than others as you have that sweet sweet Covid vaccine nectar running through your veins behind the double mask barely covering your nose.
1. What sycasey said.
2. As usual you are using outdated analysis. The vaccine changes everything. The ones who have died at higher rates have been UNVACCINATED elderly, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. A much higher percentage of Democrats are getting vaccinated. Vaccinated people are a tiny percentage of those who are dying now. The increased risk of obesity is real but extremely exaggerated by your lot. Obese and vaccinated die of COVID at a lower rate than not obese and unvaccinated.
3. Answer the question. Do you believe the stupidity you are spouting? Surely if you do, you haven't been vaccinated. I just want to know if you are a complete immoral shytehead or a just a complete moron.

Feel free to keep killing Republicans if you wish. I get all of the benefits and none of the guilt.

0. Death rates for vaccinated people are lower, who said they weren't?
1. You admit you want people who disagree with you to die.
2. If you want them to die so you can "get all the benefits and none of the guilt", why are you so angry?
3. I've never told anyone here to not get the vaccine.
4. Did you ever manage to get that plug out of your orifice?
0. You didn't say they weren't. You just ignored the most salient point and pretended it didn't exist.
1. I didn't say I want them to die. I just don't care if people who are too stupid to take basic measures to protect themselves, and who mostly go out of their way to hurt others happen to die of their own stupidity.
2. I'm not angry at all. You are the one talking about orifices.
3. You post nonstop conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Doing so reduces the likelihood that people will get the vaccine. You know that. You either think they shouldn't and are honestly providing stupid information. Or you don't believe the stupidity and just think that you can score a few cheap political points and you don't care if people die in the process. I'm just trying to find out which it is.
4. You keep avoiding the question. Surely if you believe what you post you haven't gotten the vaccine. People who might take your crap seriously deserve to know. Have you refused the vaccine?

You have to show me where I said I was opposed to taking the vaccine. That's a good place to start instead of lying.
I never said you said you were opposed to taking the vaccine. You just keep presenting evidence that they shouldn't. I don't think you oppose taking the vaccine. You just want to keep playing into conservative's hatred of Democrats. That actually is the whole point of this conversation. You took the vaccine. You know everyone should take the vaccine. You may even want them to take the vaccine. But what you want more than anything is to keep stoking whatever issue you can to keep conservatives angry with Democrats. You just don't care if you have to kill said conservatives to do it.

I may not tell you to kill yourself, but if I repeatedly send you articles about the benefits of blowing your brains out, I think it is clear I either am trying to get you to blow your brains out or I have another motive and I just don't care that I know my actions are more likely to result in you blowing your brains out. Saying "nah, nah, nah...I never said it" don't play with anyone over six years old.
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BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
In other words, conservatives.

No. Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?

Don't you mean to ask why were more Black Americans dying of COVID on June 26, 2020? Because that is when your article is from.

This is May of 2021. We have a vaccine. Black Americans do have some vaccine hesitancy and that was a problem we needed to overcome, but they now are about average and don't have nearly the same level of hesitancy as Republicans. And while some may listen to some bad information on the risk of vaccines they won't be listening to YOUR bad information.

The assertion was that you, in spreading disinformation about the vaccine, will kill more Republicans. The question was not who is dying of COVID. It certainly was not who was dying of COVID 11 months ago. And it wasn't about subsets of each party. Democrats are almost twice as likely to get vaccinated as Republicans. Those who don't get vaccinated will die at a much higher rate than those who do get vaccinated. Your arguments are not persuasive to Democrats. Because they are idiots, your arguments are persuasive to some Republicans. Therefore, you are killing Republicans.

I happen to think that more Republicans than Democrats will die from this point forward because of the differential in vaccinations, but whether I'm right or wrong about that, more Republicans will die because of your stupid nonsense.

Have you followed your own advice and refused the vaccine? I think people who might take your advice have a right to know.

What is this spreading disinformation about the vaccine you speak of? (This is more for you and not for me since I already know the answer.) And have you recently thanked President Donald Trump in your dark heart for Operation Warp Speed to bring you vaccine you currently benefit from?
But most importantly, why do you want people to die and why do you think you're a moral person?
1. Operation Warp Speed did squat that wouldn't have gotten done. I thank Trump for doing the absolute bare minimum any president would do in negotiating purchases of vaccines.
2. I also "thank" Trump for doing absolutely nothing to prepare to actually deliver the vaccines when they came available. I thank the Great Spaghetti Monster that I didn't die of Covid in the 2 months my vaccination was delayed due to his incompetence. I thank my local governments that they had sense enough to do the opposite of everything Trump did, thus keeping my community's infection rate at a fraction of the national rate and keeping me and my family as safe as they could be. I thank the people of my community for by and large not being complete asshats and for mostly taking reasonable precautions. And I thank Joe Biden for massively ramping up distribution of the vaccine so I didn't have to wait until September to get it as I would have if Trump were still president and I thank good ol' Joe for the fact that I can safely return to a normal life months ahead of schedule.
3. Don't want them to die. Don't care if they do. I merely stated a fact that I do get some benefits from their death. I never said I'm a moral person. But I don't specifically take actions I know will kill people even when it benefits me.
4. So, look. We all know that you are juiced with the Pfizer or Moderna or the J&J and you are full of shyte. Why don't you just say it? Bottom line is that owning libs is too much fun even if you have to kill Republicans in the process.

So you couldn't find a single post where I said I was opposed to vaccination?
98% of people who call themselves BearForce are immature toerags. That is a stat. I may have made it up. I may have borrowed it from someone else who I know made it up. I may know that anyone who believes that stat will think that you are an immature toerag. However, I have not advocated that anyone think that you are an immature toerag.

So you have been vaccinated then.
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OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

Have you gotten the vaccine?

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you live in N.Y.?

If yes - it's your lucky day.

If no - you're missing out.
No. I don't live in NY. I answered your question. Answer mine. Are you a full of shyte hypocrite who immorally pushes storylines that will kill people just to make what you think is a political point while you have that sweet, sweet COVID vaccine nectar running through your veints, or are you just a complete moron who believes these story lines.

If it is the former, feel free. That story line is killing more Republicans than anyone and especially focusing on the most conservative of them. I'm perfectly fine with natural selection thinning out the conservative voting base.

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions. It's you, the media, and Democrats who are the hypocrites pushing false narratives for political points while being convinced you are better than others as you have that sweet sweet Covid vaccine nectar running through your veins behind the double mask barely covering your nose.
1. What sycasey said.
2. As usual you are using outdated analysis. The vaccine changes everything. The ones who have died at higher rates have been UNVACCINATED elderly, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. A much higher percentage of Democrats are getting vaccinated. Vaccinated people are a tiny percentage of those who are dying now. The increased risk of obesity is real but extremely exaggerated by your lot. Obese and vaccinated die of COVID at a lower rate than not obese and unvaccinated.
3. Answer the question. Do you believe the stupidity you are spouting? Surely if you do, you haven't been vaccinated. I just want to know if you are a complete immoral shytehead or a just a complete moron.

Feel free to keep killing Republicans if you wish. I get all of the benefits and none of the guilt.

0. Death rates for vaccinated people are lower, who said they weren't?
1. You admit you want people who disagree with you to die.
2. If you want them to die so you can "get all the benefits and none of the guilt", why are you so angry?
3. I've never told anyone here to not get the vaccine.
4. Did you ever manage to get that plug out of your orifice?
0. You didn't say they weren't. You just ignored the most salient point and pretended it didn't exist.
1. I didn't say I want them to die. I just don't care if people who are too stupid to take basic measures to protect themselves, and who mostly go out of their way to hurt others happen to die of their own stupidity.
2. I'm not angry at all. You are the one talking about orifices.
3. You post nonstop conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Doing so reduces the likelihood that people will get the vaccine. You know that. You either think they shouldn't and are honestly providing stupid information. Or you don't believe the stupidity and just think that you can score a few cheap political points and you don't care if people die in the process. I'm just trying to find out which it is.
4. You keep avoiding the question. Surely if you believe what you post you haven't gotten the vaccine. People who might take your crap seriously deserve to know. Have you refused the vaccine?

You have to show me where I said I was opposed to taking the vaccine. That's a good place to start instead of lying.
I never said you said you were opposed to taking the vaccine. You just keep presenting evidence that they shouldn't. I don't think you oppose taking the vaccine. You just want to keep playing into conservative's hatred of Democrats. That actually is the whole point of this conversation. You took the vaccine. You know everyone should take the vaccine. You may even want them to take the vaccine. But what you want more than anything is to keep stoking whatever issue you can to keep conservatives angry with Democrats. You just don't care if you have to kill said conservatives to do it.

I may not tell you to kill yourself, but if I repeatedly send you articles about the benefits of blowing your brains out, I think it is clear I either am trying to get you to blow your brains out or I have another motive and I just don't care that I know my actions are more likely to result in you blowing your brains out. Saying "nah, nah, nah...I never said it" don't play with anyone over six years old.

Instead of telling me what I've done previously, why don't you share posts where I was "presenting evidence" that they shouldn't take the vaccine and therefore endangering the lives of the two other conservatives on this forum
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Unit2Sucks said:

OaktownBear said:

Unit2Sucks said:

OaktownBear said:

Unit2Sucks said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Hmmm. How did 8 vaccinated Yankees manage to get COVID? One previously had COVID just 6 months ago. If I were unvaccinated (as my kids are) I would still take precautions where the virus is still prevalent.

Guys, we need to start reading what the vaccines do and don't do.

No vaccine stops the virus from entering your body. They work by boosting your immune system's response when the virus does actually enter your body.

So what does "getting COVID" mean? 7 of the 8 players were asymptomatic. Did they really "get COVID"? Or did they test positive for the COVID virus?

If asymptomatically testing postive for the COVID virus means "got COVID" then we are not reading and understanding what the vaccine claims to do.

The J&J vaccine is the least effective of the three, but none of the vaccines stop you from testing positive for COVID and they don't claim to.

1. You have a much lower chance of testing positive for COVID. Not zero. There is actually a pretty significant chance of getting enough of the COVID virus to test positive.

I read about the Israeli study on Pfizer and recall the effectiveness was around 91% for asymptomatic COVID. So it's certainly the case that the vaccines reduce your chance significantly from any COVID infection and not just for serious infection. Sure there is less protection against asymptomatic but it's still supposed to be pretty damn effective. 8 people in a cluster testing positive makes you wonder whether there was some elevated risk to unvaccinated people.

Here's an article from the Lancet:

The J&J vaccine is FAR less effective against symptomatic COVID. It only has a 72% rate of preventing symptomatic or asymptomatic COVID. So think about it. If the team encountered a superspreader situation, there are like 50 people or more, between coaches, players and support staff (most were not players) who are exposed. In that context, 8 is not outlandish at all. You can't use Pfizer stats to analyze J&J. Obviously 91% effectiveness against asymptomatic is much higher than 72%.

Yes but your blanket statement said that the vaccines don't really protect against asymptomatic cases and we know that's not true. There is not a "pretty significant" chance, at least with Pfizer.
You misunderstood what I said. I didn't say they don't protect against asymptomatic cases (I said the opposite in fact). I said they don't stop the virus from entering your body. But I see where the confusion lies. When I said they don't stop it, I meant they don't stop it entirely. I consider 9% a significant chance in context. It is absolutely not surprising at all for some out of the 100 million people who are vaccinated to test positive and that does not say anything about the efficacy because the main goal of the vaccines are to prevent severe Covid. And besides, we were talking about the Yankees and how likely that was and given that they had J&J, it wasn't unlikely at all and the fact that none of them have severe COVID should put people's minds at ease a lot more than the fact that 8 of them tested positive stresses anyone out. That is the vaccine doing its job, not the vaccine failing.
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BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

Have you gotten the vaccine?

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you live in N.Y.?

If yes - it's your lucky day.

If no - you're missing out.
No. I don't live in NY. I answered your question. Answer mine. Are you a full of shyte hypocrite who immorally pushes storylines that will kill people just to make what you think is a political point while you have that sweet, sweet COVID vaccine nectar running through your veints, or are you just a complete moron who believes these story lines.

If it is the former, feel free. That story line is killing more Republicans than anyone and especially focusing on the most conservative of them. I'm perfectly fine with natural selection thinning out the conservative voting base.

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions. It's you, the media, and Democrats who are the hypocrites pushing false narratives for political points while being convinced you are better than others as you have that sweet sweet Covid vaccine nectar running through your veins behind the double mask barely covering your nose.
1. What sycasey said.
2. As usual you are using outdated analysis. The vaccine changes everything. The ones who have died at higher rates have been UNVACCINATED elderly, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. A much higher percentage of Democrats are getting vaccinated. Vaccinated people are a tiny percentage of those who are dying now. The increased risk of obesity is real but extremely exaggerated by your lot. Obese and vaccinated die of COVID at a lower rate than not obese and unvaccinated.
3. Answer the question. Do you believe the stupidity you are spouting? Surely if you do, you haven't been vaccinated. I just want to know if you are a complete immoral shytehead or a just a complete moron.

Feel free to keep killing Republicans if you wish. I get all of the benefits and none of the guilt.

0. Death rates for vaccinated people are lower, who said they weren't?
1. You admit you want people who disagree with you to die.
2. If you want them to die so you can "get all the benefits and none of the guilt", why are you so angry?
3. I've never told anyone here to not get the vaccine.
4. Did you ever manage to get that plug out of your orifice?
0. You didn't say they weren't. You just ignored the most salient point and pretended it didn't exist.
1. I didn't say I want them to die. I just don't care if people who are too stupid to take basic measures to protect themselves, and who mostly go out of their way to hurt others happen to die of their own stupidity.
2. I'm not angry at all. You are the one talking about orifices.
3. You post nonstop conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Doing so reduces the likelihood that people will get the vaccine. You know that. You either think they shouldn't and are honestly providing stupid information. Or you don't believe the stupidity and just think that you can score a few cheap political points and you don't care if people die in the process. I'm just trying to find out which it is.
4. You keep avoiding the question. Surely if you believe what you post you haven't gotten the vaccine. People who might take your crap seriously deserve to know. Have you refused the vaccine?

You have to show me where I said I was opposed to taking the vaccine. That's a good place to start instead of lying.
You have to show me where I said you said you were opposed to taking the vaccine. That's a good place to start instead of lying.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

Have you gotten the vaccine?

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you live in N.Y.?

If yes - it's your lucky day.

If no - you're missing out.
No. I don't live in NY. I answered your question. Answer mine. Are you a full of shyte hypocrite who immorally pushes storylines that will kill people just to make what you think is a political point while you have that sweet, sweet COVID vaccine nectar running through your veints, or are you just a complete moron who believes these story lines.

If it is the former, feel free. That story line is killing more Republicans than anyone and especially focusing on the most conservative of them. I'm perfectly fine with natural selection thinning out the conservative voting base.

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions. It's you, the media, and Democrats who are the hypocrites pushing false narratives for political points while being convinced you are better than others as you have that sweet sweet Covid vaccine nectar running through your veins behind the double mask barely covering your nose.
1. What sycasey said.
2. As usual you are using outdated analysis. The vaccine changes everything. The ones who have died at higher rates have been UNVACCINATED elderly, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. A much higher percentage of Democrats are getting vaccinated. Vaccinated people are a tiny percentage of those who are dying now. The increased risk of obesity is real but extremely exaggerated by your lot. Obese and vaccinated die of COVID at a lower rate than not obese and unvaccinated.
3. Answer the question. Do you believe the stupidity you are spouting? Surely if you do, you haven't been vaccinated. I just want to know if you are a complete immoral shytehead or a just a complete moron.

Feel free to keep killing Republicans if you wish. I get all of the benefits and none of the guilt.

0. Death rates for vaccinated people are lower, who said they weren't?
1. You admit you want people who disagree with you to die.
2. If you want them to die so you can "get all the benefits and none of the guilt", why are you so angry?
3. I've never told anyone here to not get the vaccine.
4. Did you ever manage to get that plug out of your orifice?
0. You didn't say they weren't. You just ignored the most salient point and pretended it didn't exist.
1. I didn't say I want them to die. I just don't care if people who are too stupid to take basic measures to protect themselves, and who mostly go out of their way to hurt others happen to die of their own stupidity.
2. I'm not angry at all. You are the one talking about orifices.
3. You post nonstop conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Doing so reduces the likelihood that people will get the vaccine. You know that. You either think they shouldn't and are honestly providing stupid information. Or you don't believe the stupidity and just think that you can score a few cheap political points and you don't care if people die in the process. I'm just trying to find out which it is.
4. You keep avoiding the question. Surely if you believe what you post you haven't gotten the vaccine. People who might take your crap seriously deserve to know. Have you refused the vaccine?

You have to show me where I said I was opposed to taking the vaccine.
So you took the vaccine, then.
I'll answer that part of the question only if Oaktown can prove that I said I opposed taking it and was telling others not to do so.
I'll prove that when you prove I said you were opposed to taking it.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
In other words, conservatives.

No. Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?

Don't you mean to ask why were more Black Americans dying of COVID on June 26, 2020? Because that is when your article is from.

This is May of 2021. We have a vaccine. Black Americans do have some vaccine hesitancy and that was a problem we needed to overcome, but they now are about average and don't have nearly the same level of hesitancy as Republicans. And while some may listen to some bad information on the risk of vaccines they won't be listening to YOUR bad information.

The assertion was that you, in spreading disinformation about the vaccine, will kill more Republicans. The question was not who is dying of COVID. It certainly was not who was dying of COVID 11 months ago. And it wasn't about subsets of each party. Democrats are almost twice as likely to get vaccinated as Republicans. Those who don't get vaccinated will die at a much higher rate than those who do get vaccinated. Your arguments are not persuasive to Democrats. Because they are idiots, your arguments are persuasive to some Republicans. Therefore, you are killing Republicans.

I happen to think that more Republicans than Democrats will die from this point forward because of the differential in vaccinations, but whether I'm right or wrong about that, more Republicans will die because of your stupid nonsense.

Have you followed your own advice and refused the vaccine? I think people who might take your advice have a right to know.

What is this spreading disinformation about the vaccine you speak of? (This is more for you and not for me since I already know the answer.) And have you recently thanked President Donald Trump in your dark heart for Operation Warp Speed to bring you vaccine you currently benefit from?
But most importantly, why do you want people to die and why do you think you're a moral person?
1. Operation Warp Speed did squat that wouldn't have gotten done. I thank Trump for doing the absolute bare minimum any president would do in negotiating purchases of vaccines.
2. I also "thank" Trump for doing absolutely nothing to prepare to actually deliver the vaccines when they came available. I thank the Great Spaghetti Monster that I didn't die of Covid in the 2 months my vaccination was delayed due to his incompetence. I thank my local governments that they had sense enough to do the opposite of everything Trump did, thus keeping my community's infection rate at a fraction of the national rate and keeping me and my family as safe as they could be. I thank the people of my community for by and large not being complete asshats and for mostly taking reasonable precautions. And I thank Joe Biden for massively ramping up distribution of the vaccine so I didn't have to wait until September to get it as I would have if Trump were still president and I thank good ol' Joe for the fact that I can safely return to a normal life months ahead of schedule.
3. Don't want them to die. Don't care if they do. I merely stated a fact that I do get some benefits from their death. I never said I'm a moral person. But I don't specifically take actions I know will kill people even when it benefits me.
4. So, look. We all know that you are juiced with the Pfizer or Moderna or the J&J and you are full of shyte. Why don't you just say it? Bottom line is that owning libs is too much fun even if you have to kill Republicans in the process.

So you couldn't find a single post where I said I was opposed to vaccination?
So you've been vaccinated then
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OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

OaktownBear said:

BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

Conservatives aren't the ones dying in large numbers in comparison to Democrats. It's the elderly, obese, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
In other words, conservatives.

No. Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?

Don't you mean to ask why were more Black Americans dying of COVID on June 26, 2020? Because that is when your article is from.

This is May of 2021. We have a vaccine. Black Americans do have some vaccine hesitancy and that was a problem we needed to overcome, but they now are about average and don't have nearly the same level of hesitancy as Republicans. And while some may listen to some bad information on the risk of vaccines they won't be listening to YOUR bad information.

The assertion was that you, in spreading disinformation about the vaccine, will kill more Republicans. The question was not who is dying of COVID. It certainly was not who was dying of COVID 11 months ago. And it wasn't about subsets of each party. Democrats are almost twice as likely to get vaccinated as Republicans. Those who don't get vaccinated will die at a much higher rate than those who do get vaccinated. Your arguments are not persuasive to Democrats. Because they are idiots, your arguments are persuasive to some Republicans. Therefore, you are killing Republicans.

I happen to think that more Republicans than Democrats will die from this point forward because of the differential in vaccinations, but whether I'm right or wrong about that, more Republicans will die because of your stupid nonsense.

Have you followed your own advice and refused the vaccine? I think people who might take your advice have a right to know.

What is this spreading disinformation about the vaccine you speak of? (This is more for you and not for me since I already know the answer.) And have you recently thanked President Donald Trump in your dark heart for Operation Warp Speed to bring you vaccine you currently benefit from?
But most importantly, why do you want people to die and why do you think you're a moral person?
1. Operation Warp Speed did squat that wouldn't have gotten done. I thank Trump for doing the absolute bare minimum any president would do in negotiating purchases of vaccines.
2. I also "thank" Trump for doing absolutely nothing to prepare to actually deliver the vaccines when they came available. I thank the Great Spaghetti Monster that I didn't die of Covid in the 2 months my vaccination was delayed due to his incompetence. I thank my local governments that they had sense enough to do the opposite of everything Trump did, thus keeping my community's infection rate at a fraction of the national rate and keeping me and my family as safe as they could be. I thank the people of my community for by and large not being complete asshats and for mostly taking reasonable precautions. And I thank Joe Biden for massively ramping up distribution of the vaccine so I didn't have to wait until September to get it as I would have if Trump were still president and I thank good ol' Joe for the fact that I can safely return to a normal life months ahead of schedule.
3. Don't want them to die. Don't care if they do. I merely stated a fact that I do get some benefits from their death. I never said I'm a moral person. But I don't specifically take actions I know will kill people even when it benefits me.
4. So, look. We all know that you are juiced with the Pfizer or Moderna or the J&J and you are full of shyte. Why don't you just say it? Bottom line is that owning libs is too much fun even if you have to kill Republicans in the process.

So you couldn't find a single post where I said I was opposed to vaccination?
So you've been vaccinated then
So you couldn't present any evidence that I was presenting evidence to tell others they shouldn't take vaccine. then.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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I can find 6,339 pieces of evidence that prove you are know-nothing Right wing shill without an original thought in your empty head.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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OaktownBear said:

If yes - shut up.

If no - hurry up and die already.

Do you realize you are an authoritarian hypocrite to the likes we've never seen?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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6,348 pieces of evidence and counting. Your Internet diarrhea knows no bounds.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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"Like Modi and Putin, Trump minimized the seriousness of the pandemic and spread misinformation about it. Trump officials ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to downplay its severity. He declined to get vaccinated publicly and was noticeably absent from a public service announcement on vaccination that featured all other living former presidents."

Republican Covid lies follow foreign strongmen's lead and are deadly for it
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Coronavirus vaccine boosters could be necessary in the U.S. as soon as the fall - Axios

Data: CSSE Johns Hopkins University. Map: Andrew Witherspoon/Axios

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Herd mentality.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Vax the sheeple, thin the herd.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Pelosi a 'Nazi' over House mask mandates

I back MTG on this one. Based on Dr. Fauci's statements that the vaccinated are safe even around the maskless unvaccinated, eliminating the mask rule in Congress is a great way to thin the herd of traitors. MTG, for example, with her system compromised by PEDs, is Covid road kill.
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The death of the office market was greatly exaggerated - Axios
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blungld said:

Like Trump himself, it has become a pattern with right media and posters to pronounce antagonistic one-liners that either just dissipate with time or become replaced by the next talking point when the first is shown to be either a lie or falsehood. Just move onto the next smug signal of tribalism without ever acknowledging they were wrong. No introspection about why their information sources are incorrect so often or why they repeat inaccurate information.

So, I'd like to revisit one of these mantras and NOT have it just slip away. For the past six months many posters here backed the president's claim that COVID was no worse than the flu, was essentially a hoax or political act by Dems to take down the president, and the specific proof of this was that COVID would disappear on Nov 4th.

Now that we are close to that date, who is willing to clearly make that assertion now and then return to this thread after the election and say either "I told you so" or "I was wrong"?

I will go one better. I will say on record that COVID will not disappear on Nov 4th, that it will get worse after Nov 4th, that the lame duck Trump will do very little to combat the virus, and that the transitional Congress and President-elect will start to take clear and decisive action at the Federal level to help flatten the curve of this non-hoax worse than the flu disease. Oh, and the economy and our "freedoms" will take a temporary hit as we Americans finally act responsibly with a national coordinated response owing to having to clean up Trump's mess and Biden will be attacked for doing the right and necessary short term things that will lead us to faster recovery long term. Grown ups are about to be in charge again, and maybe we will all take some pride in civic responsibility and caring for one another?

Why did the media lie about the the origins of Covid? Why did the Democrats and tech try to squash any conversation about the Wuhan lab? Why are your statements so dramatic and full of BS?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Democrats, the self-proclaimed party of science believed Covid came from a wet market, bats in particular because Wuhan people eat weird food.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BI nutjobs
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

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Maher's show, Real Time, was not in production the last two Friday's because of Covid issues, including Bill's (and he is fully vaxed).

I wonder if their will be blowback from the PGA Championship, because you know damn well none of those tRump voting South Carolinian b@stards are vaxed.
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hanky1 said:

AunBear89 said:

I mean, who among us can argue with Steak-umm?
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sycasey said:

hanky1 said:

AunBear89 said:

I mean, who among us can argue with Steak-umm?
Steak-umm is correct, not Neil Tyson.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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If that's the case, then why do your panties get in such a tight knot when the CDC changes it guidelines based on the evolving science.

Typical righteous righty...
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

hanky1 said:

AunBear89 said:

I mean, who among us can argue with Steak-umm?
Steak-umm is correct, not Neil Tyson.

They must have some feud with Tyson Foods and think Neil is behind it.
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AunBear89 said:

If that's the case, then why do your panties get in such a tight knot when the CDC changes it guidelines based on the evolving science.

Typical righteous righty...
CDC's guidelines weren't always based on the science. I think science is telling you to jump off a cliff right about now.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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sycasey said:

BearForce2 said:

sycasey said:

hanky1 said:

AunBear89 said:

I mean, who among us can argue with Steak-umm?
Steak-umm is correct, not Neil Tyson.

They must have some feud with Tyson Foods and think Neil is behind it.
Hah! Everyone knows the genius behind Tyson Foods is Neil's brother Mike Tyson. All the Heavyweight Champions like Mike and George Foreman are industry leading food scientists. Well, except for Leon Spinks and Trevor Berbick. Why do you think Mike bit Holyfield's ear? Ingredient testing!
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Workers matter and government works: eight lessons from the Covid pandemic
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This was a good scientific explainer on why COVID-19 was harder on adults than on kids (something people here found hard to understand at times):

Basically, when you're young your immune system is really agile and able to quickly adapt to new viruses. As you get older it becomes less so, but because you've already faced a bunch of viruses in your life your body is able to draw upon its prior experience in fighting similar ones, so you don't get sick from common colds as often. I might compare this to an athlete, where you actually might have your best speed and agility as a teenager, but you have little experience at playing the game so you make a lot of mistakes. Then you lose physical ability as you age but can use veteran savvy to keep competing. If you're both forced to compete in a brand new game, though, the younger athlete would probably have the advantage.

That's the problem when you introduce a totally new "novel" virus and older immune systems have no experience with it. Old people get destroyed by it, until a vaccine can teach their systems how to fight it. Kids, with their more agile immune systems, are less affected because more of them were able to adapt naturally and fight it off. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be vaccinated, because SOME kids might still get it and be at risk. But it does explain the different responses in age groups.
Big C
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sycasey said:

This was a good scientific explainer on why COVID-19 was harder on adults than on kids (something people here found hard to understand at times):

Basically, when you're young your immune system is really agile and able to quickly adapt to new viruses. As you get older it becomes less so, but because you've already faced a bunch of viruses in your life your body is able to draw upon its prior experience in fighting similar ones, so you don't get sick from common colds as often. I might compare this to an athlete, where you actually might have your best speed and agility as a teenager, but you have little experience at playing the game so you make a lot of mistakes. Then you lose physical ability as you age but can use veteran savvy to keep competing. If you're both forced to compete in a brand new game, though, the younger athlete would probably have the advantage.

That's the problem when you introduce a totally new "novel" virus and older immune systems have no experience with it. Old people get destroyed by it, until a vaccine can teach their systems how to fight it. Kids, with their more agile immune systems, are less affected because more of them were able to adapt naturally and fight it off. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be vaccinated, because SOME kids might still get it and be at risk. But it does explain the different responses in age groups.

Didn't a lot of young people die from the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920? How does this explainer account for that?
(not sure about kids, but pretty sure about younger people, in general)

Just asking. My bad if this was explained deep inside the "explainer".
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Big C said:

sycasey said:

This was a good scientific explainer on why COVID-19 was harder on adults than on kids (something people here found hard to understand at times):

Basically, when you're young your immune system is really agile and able to quickly adapt to new viruses. As you get older it becomes less so, but because you've already faced a bunch of viruses in your life your body is able to draw upon its prior experience in fighting similar ones, so you don't get sick from common colds as often. I might compare this to an athlete, where you actually might have your best speed and agility as a teenager, but you have little experience at playing the game so you make a lot of mistakes. Then you lose physical ability as you age but can use veteran savvy to keep competing. If you're both forced to compete in a brand new game, though, the younger athlete would probably have the advantage.

That's the problem when you introduce a totally new "novel" virus and older immune systems have no experience with it. Old people get destroyed by it, until a vaccine can teach their systems how to fight it. Kids, with their more agile immune systems, are less affected because more of them were able to adapt naturally and fight it off. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be vaccinated, because SOME kids might still get it and be at risk. But it does explain the different responses in age groups.

Didn't a lot of young people die from the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920? How does this explainer account for that?
(not sure about kids, but pretty sure about younger people, in general)

Just asking. My bad if this was explained deep inside the "explainer".

It doesn't talk about Spanish Flu. That's a good question.
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