New J6 Footage

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Unit2Sucks said:

We're storming the capitol, it's a revolution.
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Former Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund requested National Guard support twice before Jan 6 and was denied both times. Sund was begging for assistance for over 70 minutes before Nancy Pelosi's Sergeant-at-Arms finally approved Sund's request for support.

(Little-known fact: New Jersey state police arrived to assist before the D.C. National Guard.)
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Steve D'Antuono, the FBI chief overseeing the Detroit field office during the Gretchen Whitmer entrapment kidnapping plot where 5 men were acquitted due to FBI entrapment was promoted in Fall 2020 to lead the Washington, D.C. FBI field office…three months before Jan 6.
Lets Go Brandon
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Genocide Joe said:

Even I knew there was likely to be protests during the final days of the Trump administration. It didn't take a rocket scientist to make plans and be prepared for possibly violent demonstrations.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Even I knew there was likely to be protests during the final days of the Trump administration. It didn't take a rocket scientist to make plans and be prepared for possibly violent demonstrations.

You would prepare for a violent demonstration by bringing your daughter there? Hammer time.
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Relive January 6 2021 with 11 hours of Live Broadcast from CBSN as it happened!

Starts with Trump speaking at his rally.
Hosts then cut in to talk about various things like Covid, Warnock winning Georgia, and Trump's ongoing accusations of a stolen election.

1 hour in Pelosi gavels in and Pence takes over to count the electoral votes.

Alabama and Alaska are accepted as valid for Trump.
But then an objection for Arizona is given. The objection is signed by a representative and a senator do Pence gavels out so both chambers could recess to consideration. Ghasts of disapproval are heard. 1:12 in.

1:20. Steve Scalise talks about which entity in each state gets to choose which electors are sent to DC: governor? Secretary of State? State legislature? He claims the democrats are cheating by doing it the wrong way. He claims it should be state legislatures.

1:25 Zoe Lofgren speaks to say that if state legislatures get to select the president then it takes "the vote" from the people and gives it to the select few previously elected. This is not what the constitution instructs.

(Boy, I didn't realize Scalise was such an illegal guy.)

1:30. Coverage cuts over to the Senate where Mitch McConnell talks. He says the constitution gives them a limited role. He is against these Republican shenanigans! He says if they accept the proposed objections the democracy will fall into a death spiral. (He should have pushed for Impeachment when he had the chance, I'm sure he regrets that now!!)

(I look forward to seeing when Hell breaks loose. I was on a long phone call at the time and only looked at the TV when they showed strangers walking through the Rotunda where I used to work. That's not right! I hung up and followed from there.)

1:38 Schumer talks. Counting is a formality, get on with it.

1:47 Ted Cruz: lots of Americans think the election was rigged. He wants to install an electoral commission that would conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the vote.

Meanwhile, cameras begin showing protestors marching up to the Capitol in the streets.

(wow! Ted Cruz should be put in jail. Amazing to think we have insurgents still in power. This democracy is messed up!)

1:50 (my timeline insertion) Trump tweets photo of himself giving the Power Fist sign at his speech, during which he used the word Fight 20 times.

1:53 Sen Amy Klobuchar summarizing how Biden won fair and square. Points out that she didn't see Cruz objecting to fellow Republican congressmen who were just sworn in days ago.

1:58 Sen Toomey of PA opposes Cruz's proposal. Very cogent.

2:03 AZ Sen Sinema claims AZ election was legitimately held.

2:08 Sen Langford of OK.
Cameras cut to thousands on Capitol steps!
Langford opposes Cruz.

Hell breaks loose as he is interrupted, gaveled out, and everyone runs away!!

2:22 Pence evacuated and Building is in lock down. Folks still don't get it in CBSN TV Land.

2:25 Trump's tweet:

Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

2:27 Interruption with camera from inside the rotunda of protestors wandering about. TV finally understanding the threat, states that Pence now has a target on his back.

2:31. Host asks, "can these protesters be arrested?"
Answer: "I don't think they have the police force to do that."

2:46 reports of a gunshot fired and DC into 6pm lockdown curfew.

2:48 CBSN finally gives way to CBS and better reporters Norah O'Donnell, Major Garrett et al.

Hell is in full force.
This is what a disorganized Coup looks like. We are so lucky guns weren't blazing, in either direction.

3:10 Marco Rubio tweet

3:13. Trump tweet:

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

3:20 reel video of "hand to hand combat" from inside the crypt.

3:22 Major Garrett: "to all those who wear those Make America Great Again hats, they might ask themselves, 'Is this American greatness?'
It is not."

3:26 live images of people scaling with ropes:

3:25:45 Kevin McCarthy talks live with Norah O'Donnell condemning it all. Listen to his 11 minute long full-throated rebuke, which he later flipped on, incredibly!!!

3:43 CBS reports Pence's tweet:

3:45. CBS uses word "Coup" for first time. WH correspondent Nancy Cordes, referring to Trump's instruction to pence to flip the result: "If this isn't an attempt at a coup, I don't know what is."
She also claimed that Republican congressmen have privately called Trump a "madman" to her.

3:47 into the initial video link at top:
Reel video of shot and killed female protester.
VA and MD governors are sending their guard units. (Supposedly)
Pelosi and Schumer joint statement calling on it to end.

3:51 video from inside the chamber as representatives hide behind seats.

4:03 Major Garrett points out that at ANY time, a President can flip a switch and immediately address the nation to send an urgent message. Trump has not.
Then, Biden, as President-Elect, does just that.

At 4:19 in, Trump releases a video msg from the Rose Garden. It took multiple takes as they had to cut certain worse things he had said. And that's apparently why he didn't give the message in the west wing press room where cameras are always at the ready.

That was more than 2 hours since Langford was rushed out of the Senate chamber.

5:22 Republican Congressman from NE Milwaukee call with CBS stops just short of calling this an insurrection and "traitors" and voted against impeachment (according to Kinzinger, later, only because he feared reelection) yet 2.5 years later votes FOR impeachment inquiry of Biden. What an idiot. If you listen to his Live J6 words, it's stunning.

All of trump's tweets for the day:
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Scavino was the only guy who would tweet on Trump's account and when the "this is what happens, Pence" tweet, people came to him and asked "what the hell are you doing?"
Scavino was just as mystified.
When Scavino told Trump that Pence was in danger, Trump responded:

"So what."
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Remember the pipe bombs at the Capitol, 80,000 or more hours of video and they can't find the culprit?

Some argue those were an FBI insurance policy in case citizens didn't buy into the well-orchestrated entrapment plan.
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Trending Politics News: A Little-Noticed Part of Pelosi Daughter's Video Raises Serious Questions of J6 Collusion"

By Kyle BeckerJanuary 6, 2024

"I hope he [President Trump] comes, I want to punch him out," Nancy Pelosi remarks.[Jan 6th]

"I've been waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds," she [Pelosi] went on. "I'm going to punch him out and I'm going to go to jail and I'm going to be happy."

"...There are some very important things to point out about this particular exchange. First of all, Pelosi's officer and staff were coordinating with the Secret Service during the J6 riots."

"...Why does this matter? Because the texts and call transcripts of Secret Service agents on January 6 have now gone "missing."

As reported by the New York Intelligencer in July 2022:

"A raft of Secret Service text messages sent on January 5 and January 6, 2021, have been deleted, according to a letter from the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security."

"...Instead, according to later-fired Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, his repeated requests for more security, including National Guard troops, made to Speaker Pelosi went unheeded."

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movielover said:

Remember the pipe bombs at the Capitol, 80,000 or more hours of video and they can't find the culprit?

Some argue those were an FBI insurance policy in case citizens didn't buy into the well-orchestrated entrapment plan.

Somehow, the FBI is able to identify thousands of protestors in and around the Capitol that day, many of whom didn't even breach the secure areas but for some reason the pipe bomber's identity is still unknown.

Also, Ray Epps would not have been charged if not for independent media reporting from people like Darren Beattie. No thanks to the mainstream, corporate media who has shown zero interest in finding out the truth.
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Now has a minor misdemeanor charge. CIA or FBI plant?
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Do you guys have an address for a January 6 Patriot Innocence Project? I need to make a hefty contribution to get our brothers and sisters new trials.

*One of the commenters here sent me a PM stating that one address is January 6 Patriot Innocence Project c/o Donald J. tRump, The Mar-a-Lago Club,1100 South Ocean Boulevard. Palm Beach, Florida 33480
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bearister said:

Do you guys have an address for a January 6 Patriot Innocence Project? I need to make a hefty contribution to get our brothers and sisters new trials.

*One of the commenters here sent me a PM stating that one address is January 6 Patriot Innocence Project c/o Donald J. tRump, The Mar-a-Lago Club,1100 South Ocean Boulevard. Palm Beach, Florida 33480

ShipwreckedCrew, a UCLA alum who served 20+ years in the DOJ, is now representing dozens of J6

He ocassionally writes for RedState and substack. I believe he's the Shaman's second attorney, after the first performed disastrously.

He has one or two places to contribute.

22 years as fed. prosecutor; Def. Attorney for 25+ Jan 6 Defs. Donations accepted at
Tweets not legal advice.

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His tweeting style runs a little hot. Nice.
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bear2034 said:

His tweeting style runs completely alt right. Nice.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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I'd rather send my donation to that Nigerian prince that keeps emailing me asking me for my Social Security and bank account numbers.

*My favorite thing about the shirtless shaman: he cried like the little b@itch that he is at the counsel table during his sentencing.
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bear2034 said:

His tweeting style runs a little hot. Nice.

He's very sharp, yet humble. I thought another attorney was sharp until he blasted him. He relayed how Obama / Holder turned the DOJ and FBI hiring practices into an ideological effort. That's when he left DOJ.
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Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr

Happy Fake Insurrection Day!!!

The first ever insurrection with armed tour guides and unarmed participants!

I do hope that it was the start of something real though, where people realize that their government is not what they thought it to be unite to take back their country!!!

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bearister said:

Do you guys have an address for a January 6 Patriot Innocence Project? I need to make a hefty contribution to get our brothers and sisters new trials.

*One of the commenters here sent me a PM stating that one address is January 6 Patriot Innocence Project c/o Donald J. tRump, The Mar-a-Lago Club,1100 South Ocean Boulevard. Palm Beach, Florida 33480

Makes sense. Don't pay for a lawyer - pay for a pardon.
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bearister said:

Do you guys have an address for a January 6 Patriot Innocence Project? I need to make a hefty contribution to get our brothers and sisters new trials.

Not only did Capitol police shoot and kill and an unarmed woman, they also repeatedly assaulted and killed another woman who wasn't resisting.
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I'm thinking of hosting a super bowl party this year. Anyone know the best way to get the national guard there in advance? Do I need to talk to Michael Flynn's brother or Dan Scavino?
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Gun drawn and aimed at Jan6 rioters in lengthy standoff as the chamber evacuates congressmen and women. They eventually evacuated everyone and the rioters entered.

Please tell me again how the cops were inviting and the rioters were simply taking a tour.

You deniers are a joke!
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Unit2Sucks said:

I'm thinking of hosting a super bowl party this year. Anyone know the best way to get the national guard there in advance? Do I need to talk to Michael Flynn's brother or Dan Scavino?

You'd have to ask Biden to authorize the use of the National Guard and have your local mayor or governor request them.
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concordtom said:

Please tell me again how the cops were inviting and the rioters were simply taking a tour.

You deniers are a joke!

There is video evidence everywhere including on this site.
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Ray Epps, the face of the undercover fed psyop on Jan 6, gets zero jail time ignoring guidance from the prosecution. Judge feels sorry for the abuse he received from the right. awwwww, isn't that sweet. They aren't even pretending anymore.
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I suppose if they sent Epps to prison, he would mostly likely spill the beans?
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bear2034 said:

I suppose if they sent Epps to prison, he would mostly likely spill the beans?

He'd go to a Club Fed, have a short sentence, and gave a sweet offshore bonus.

No, not even pretending. I thought they'd at least give him 90 days. Recall, he was originally on the FBIs Most Wanted List. Once they figured out he was possibly a Fed, he was removed.
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movielover said:

bear2034 said:

I suppose if they sent Epps to prison, he would mostly likely spill the beans?
He'd go to a Club Fed, have a short sentence, and gave a sweet offshore bonus.

No, not even pretending. I thought they'd at least give him 90 days. Recall, he was originally on the FBIs Most Wanted List. Once they figured out he was possibly a Fed, he was removed.

Yes, and I believe it was a small news outlet Revolver News, that picked this up. The other main corporate outlets pretended not to notice.
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How much money have you guys donated to an Innocence Project to free your patriotic brothers that got framed by the Deep State on January 6?
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I have a friend from college who's a professor in DC. Loves politics and media.

He was unaware that Ukraine was low on ammunition.

He then said he'd talk to his friend who is a military lobbyist.

You can't make this stuff up.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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movielover said:

You can't make this stuff up.

You (or your overlords) do it multiple times a day.
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movielover said:

You can't make this stuff up.

DiabloWags said he knows a friend who works for the FBI in Oakland and if anyone of us crossed the line here, we would hear from him.
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