Chinese Virus is China's curse to the world

31,095 Views | 319 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by hanky1
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bearister said:

The following is from the yellow journalism (but fun) rag sheet the Daily Mail. The info is allegedly from an MIT study.

" The study, which was reported by the Telegraph, found that viral droplets expelled in coughs and sneezes can travel in a moist, warm atmosphere at speeds of between 33 and 100ft per second (ten metres to 100 metres).

AMAZING that MIT is that bad at METRIC conversions

33 feet = 10.05840m
100 feet = 30.48000m
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okaydo said:

Hey hanky: What country did the Spanish flu originate?

Eastern Oregon Bear
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hanky1 said:

okaydo said:

Hey hanky: What country did the Spanish flu originate?

Bzzzzztttt!!! Wrong. Guess again. One clue: This country is frequently referred to as #1.
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China was lying. I'm shocked.
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Looks like Chinese Virus is uniting Democrats and Republicans across the country against a common enemy: China Government.
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GBear4Life said:

OaktownBear said:

GBear4Life said:

What should OakT be lauded for here? Taking a big swing and miss on the topic in addressing differences in cultural practices and values? I can picture Oak peddling this garbage during Nazi Germany like "I'm not condoning the hating of Jews but they grew up in that milieu. You can't say Nazism is a shyte culture, K?"

Of course there are many cultural and subcultural behaviors and values within a country, community, etc, including in America. But you cannot claim to have reverence for certain values domestically and when you see antagonistic values towards them abroad hide behind this bullshyte PC on cultulre. Saudi Arabia is a shyt, backwards culture. Period. End of story. Have a good night. If one cannot bring themselves to observing this out loud, they are either stupid or blinded by their own ideology (e.g. Ezra Klein on IQ). I don't care that there are SOME cultural traits and attitudes that are benign or even virtuous. Yeah they think the same of America (I do too -- so maybe we're all shyt cultures, just varying degees of shyt?). Who gives a f*ck?
1. I specifically criticized specific practices and specifically said doing so was appropriate
2. Nazism isn't a culture. It is a political regime and you are just calling it a culture to try and make a bad point. It is a laughable point that conservatives always make. No one is saying you can't judge nations, practices, political regimes, etc. I would never have condoned Nazism. Again, using the term "culture" wrong.
3. One thing I cannot picture is you sitting in Nazi Germany criticizing Nazi's. I find it easier to picture you goosestepping.
4. The German culture is not a shyte culture.
5. I didn't do anything you said in the second paragraph. I have been very specific that criticizing specific traits is appropriate, often even necessary. I have been very critical of China. You are just being intellectually lazy defining a whole people as bad on the basis of a few traits instead of being willing to speak out on those traits individually. It smears a whole people. The fact that you have substituted culture for race doesn't make it any less prejudiced.

So to sum up. Saying "killing Jews is bad" - good choice. Saying "Germans are shyte" bad choice. I don't know what is hard about that. But please, reference Ezra Klein again.

By the way, since we are bringing up Nazis, it was their ability to convince people that the the Jewish culture was shyte that allowed them to murder millions of them. And it was the refusal of the Allies to define the German culture as shyte that prevented the Allies from lining up men, women and children in Germany and staging mass executions when they easily could have. That is why you don't define cultures as shyte.
Nazi's viewed Jews as genetically inferior. They were less than human. So they could be slaughtered.

The shared and collective behaviors, attitudes and norms that bind a group of people is a "culture". The hating (and killing) of Jews was an innate trait of Nazi culture. This is a silly variable to quibble about. But it does speak volumes.

The culture of apologizing you surely set in your household is an aspect of your household's overall culture. You're being pedantic by holding me to a position that asserts ALL aspects of a culture is "sh*t". I would venture a guess virtually every culture has some number of redeeming values.

They are by definition not the same, and reasonable and fair minds can observe these value systems, and the variables within them, to conclude (and differ about) which values are more important than others to gauge and which value.

My point is you are predictably trying to code language about making conclusions about the factual, observable differences between and within cultures to protect against an conclusion you think will breed from it (e.g. Nazism - you said it yourself). This is precisely the dishonest PC bullsh*t that I'm lamenting.

I wonder if citing blacks commit 50% of homicides will lead to dumb white racists committing hate crimes? Maybe. I don't know. It's irrelevant. Or that whites drive drunk more than other race groups. Will that spur anti-white sentiment. Don't know. Don't really care.

This is about YOU and others LIKE YOU flapping your lips when the values (many of which you find virtuous) you find are lacking in other cultures. You will denigrate American culture for not upholding certain values but these folks cannot do the same looking around the globe, or at groups they don't feel "compassion" for.
You have no idea when you have been completely outclassed in an argument. Sometimes just stop and say those are really good points and reconsider your position instead of more blah, blah, blah.
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That is not an argument. Nor are your posts where you sprinkle bloated, emotive words like "compassion" . These are not traits of supporting a perspective.

I can count on Oak and others to pontificate about culture because that puts the onus on individuals, households and communities.

Oak was so preoccupied with all "sh*t" cultures being painted as 100% "sh*t", a strawman indeed, that he couldn't acknowledge basic definitions and variables of culture.
Big C
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Well, my "hero" Bill Maher seems to be on hanky1's side now, so I guess I have to reconsider my position.
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GBear4Life said:

That is not an argument. Nor are your posts where you sprinkle bloated, emotive words like "compassion" . These are not traits of supporting a perspective.

I can count on Oak and others to pontificate about culture because that puts the onus on individuals, households and communities.

Oak was so preoccupied with all "sh*t" cultures being painted as 100% "sh*t", a strawman indeed, that he couldn't acknowledge basic definitions and variables of culture.
I don't know what we'd do without you explaining the real meanings of words, who gets to use them and how, and what each poster's true intentions are.
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Maher's New Rules monologue tonight was about how it should be called the Chinese Virus.
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bearister said:

Maher's New Rules monologue tonight was about how it should be called the Chinese Virus.

Maher seems to be the only one of the "stay at home late night hosts" to figure out that the monologues sound super weird without a laugh track.
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GBear4Life said:

That is not an argument. Nor are your posts where you sprinkle bloated, emotive words like "compassion" . These are not traits of supporting a perspective.

I can count on Oak and others to pontificate about culture because that puts the onus on individuals, households and communities.

Oak was so preoccupied with all "sh*t" cultures being painted as 100% "sh*t", a strawman indeed, that he couldn't acknowledge basic definitions and variables of culture.

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blungld said:

GBear4Life said:

That is not an argument. Nor are your posts where you sprinkle bloated, emotive words like "compassion" . These are not traits of supporting a perspective.

I can count on Oak and others to pontificate about culture because that puts the onus on individuals, households and communities.

Oak was so preoccupied with all "sh*t" cultures being painted as 100% "sh*t", a strawman indeed, that he couldn't acknowledge basic definitions and variables of culture.
I don't know what we'd do without you explaining the real meanings of words, who gets to use them and how, and what each poster's true intentions are.
You mean like in this thread when I cited the actual dictionary definition of culture? LMAO
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bearister said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
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BearForce2 said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Are you serious? A plague that starts in Jackson, Mississippi is going to be referred around the world as the Jacksonian or Mississippian virus, not the American virus?

Wuhan is by definition Chinese. A Jacksonian is by definition American.
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GBear4Life said:

BearForce2 said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Are you serious? A plague that starts in Jackson, Mississippi is going to be referred around the world as the Jacksonian or Mississippian virus, not the American virus?

Wuhan is by definition Chinese. A Jacksonian is by definition American.
Don't know, based on Maher's rant, Lyme disease was just that and not the American disease.
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China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
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BearForce2 said:

bearister said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Two days and little push back on this one. Maher is absolutely right about PC cr*p.
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OdontoBear66 said:

BearForce2 said:

bearister said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Two days and little push back on this one. Maher is absolutely right about PC cr*p.
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OdontoBear66 said:

BearForce2 said:

bearister said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Two days and little push back on this one. Maher is absolutely right about PC cr*p.
I haven't bothered pushing back because I think the points raised in it have already been addressed. But to sum up my opinion on it:

1. In theory I have no issue with naming a new virus after the place it's from, as this certainly has been done in the past. It's not automatically racist to do so.

2. For this new disease, it really was NOT known as the "Chinese virus" from the beginning as far as I can remember. I always only knew it as the "coronavirus" or "COVID-19."

3. That means it seems like the only reason to start calling it the Chinese virus is because the Trump Administration and/or the right wing wants to make a political issue out of it. This seems generally unhelpful to me and probably not the right thing to putting our government's energy towards.
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sycasey said:

OdontoBear66 said:

BearForce2 said:

bearister said:

I get both sides but no one is making the subtle point, China is a big place, if we narrow it down and just call it the Wuhan virus, no problem.
Two days and little push back on this one. Maher is absolutely right about PC cr*p.
I haven't bothered pushing back because I think the points raised in it have already been addressed. But to sum up my opinion on it:

1. In theory I have no issue with naming a new virus after the place it's from, as this certainly has been done in the past. It's not automatically racist to do so.

2. For this new disease, it really was NOT known as the "Chinese virus" from the beginning as far as I can remember. I always only knew it as the "coronavirus" or "COVID-19."

3. That means it seems like the only reason to start calling it the Chinese virus is because the Trump Administration and/or the right wing wants to make a political issue out of it. This seems generally unhelpful to me and probably not the right thing to putting our government's energy towards.
Agree entirely with #2,3....No need to press it, no need to avoid it. My bigger point was the way Maher spoke on the topic of being PC. Loved it.
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sycasey said:

That means it seems like the only reason to START calling it the Chinese virus is because the Trump Administration and/or the right wing wants to make a political issue out of it. This seems generally unhelpful to me and probably not the right thing to putting our government's energy towards.
That is entirely the issue and the self-identified non-PCers will not speak to the truth of this (except that OdontoBear66 did right above this post!).

There is no issue with identifying the virus by a location or year, it is the timing and intent behind it. When everyone on the planet was calling it COVID-19 to try and rebrand it speaks to your intent, and that intent is not good. Trying to make it about "PC" or deny that it is the renaming that is the political act, not the reaction against the renaming is straight gaslighting.

But these conversations never go anywhere because there is a swath of the right that literally will say anything and take on any position without any logical coherence, set value system, or self-awareness just to be outraged and because The Card Says Moops.
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Why is calling it the Chinese virus inherently political? It's just inferring an intent and meaning that fits what you want to infer about it -- a method of interpretation that IS political.
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Since we technically can't silence speech -- or rather, with so many platforms it's difficult to -- the next best mechanism is to project a nonfalsifiable intent and meaning to the speech to discredit the message of the speech or the person delivering the speech. So PC warriors of all ideologies have resorted to tactics like reputation destruction, deplatforming, and career destruction. In essence, the equivalent of how 15 year old girls handle disagreement with each other.

What's alarming is there are still people who defend this.
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blungld said:

sycasey said:

That means it seems like the only reason to START calling it the Chinese virus is because the Trump Administration and/or the right wing wants to make a political issue out of it. This seems generally unhelpful to me and probably not the right thing to putting our government's energy towards.
That is entirely the issue and the self-identified non-PCers will not speak to the truth of this (except that OdontoBear66 did right above this post!).

There is no issue with identifying the virus by a location or year, it is the timing and intent behind it. When everyone on the planet was calling it COVID-19 to try and rebrand it speaks to your intent, and that intent is not good. Trying to make it about "PC" or deny that it is the renaming that is the political act, not the reaction against the renaming is straight gaslighting.

But these conversations never go anywhere because there is a swath of the right that literally will say anything and take on any position without any logical coherence, set value system, or self-awareness just to be outraged and because The Card Says Moops.
For the record, as those who disagree love to infer what one thinks, I have always referred to the mess we are now in as being caused by the coronavirus, or more often COVID-19. At the same time I despise PC restriction of speech in general. At the same time there is no need for anyone to be mean spirited in speech or behavior (as your President so often is). Maher struck a chord that was easy to agree with.
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OdontoBear66 said:

For the record, as those who disagree love to infer what one thinks, I have always referred to the mess we are now in as being caused by the coronavirus, or more often COVID-19. At the same time I despise PC restriction of speech in general. At the same time there is no need for anyone to be mean spirited in speech or behavior (as your President so often is). Maher struck a chord that was easy to agree with.
Simple and fair enough to a reasonable man, but SJW PC culture is on a mission and they know giving ground will slowly discredit their objectives.
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GBear4Life said:

Simple and fair enough to a reasonable man, but SJW PC culture is on a mission and they know giving ground will slowly discredit their objectives.
You're just plain weird how you see the world.
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blungld said:

GBear4Life said:

Simple and fair enough to a reasonable man, but SJW PC culture is on a mission and they know giving ground will slowly discredit their objectives.
You're just plain weird how you see the world.
What do you mean? Feel free to expound on that thought.
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China's virus death toll revised up sharply after review
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China started it but American ingenuity made it number 1, so why not hybridize- Chop Suey Flu
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Anarchistbear said:

China started it but American ingenuity made it number 1, so why not hybridize- Chop Suey Flu

FCF - Fortune Cookie Flu
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GBear4Life said:

blungld said:

GBear4Life said:

SJW PC culture is on a mission and they know giving ground will slowly discredit their objectives.
You're just plain weird how you see the world.
What do you mean? Feel free to expound on that thought.
You use such programmed language that is coded and militaristic. It's the language of paranoia and obsession and disassociation with reality, but mostly projection. It's language that says I am so far down a discussion or ideology that I no longer see things in actual human terms and can no longer discuss things without both framing the opposition in enemy terms and abstracting the talking points to absurdity and meaninglessness.

There are not meetings where the SJW PC formulates their culture, and agrees on missions, and yells angrily at one another to not give an inch or THEY will get us. For the most part, Liberals are kinda peaceniks who get upset when they see people, anyone being treated unfairly. It takes a lot to get them irrational and angry in a militaristic sense. And when they do it is 99% standing up for the weak and vulnerable. It's noble. They may hold positions you disagree with but they are for the most part caring and good people who want good things and with whom you probably share many values. But to hear you speak they are some monolithic set of imbeciles dead-set on evil, or so stupid and fooled (though they are in fact the more educated demographic) that they unknowingly leave a wake of social disaster (though most of the the improvements in our society come from them).

The person not giving an inch is you. It's black and white thinking. No credit or understanding or empathy to those who post something that in any way challenges you or hits a nerve of standing with what you oppose.

I've quoted this way too often but I agree with the characterization that the ethical framework of the Liberal is based on what they see as fair and just, while the ethical framework of the Conservative is based on what they see as deserved and hierarchical. You judge PC culture, as you put it, through the lens of your different framework (not theirs) and so you are in fact not judging it in the terms that it actually acts and for that reason you assess it incorrectly and see it as an "other" and project onto it your intentions and what their actions would mean if you were doing them. You quite simply are unqualified to speak for Liberals, and you'd do well to listen and understand them instead. You'd both learn something and have an actual productive discussion instead of your recurrent tone deaf screeds and sarcasms.

But this is all just stupid blathering that you can wipe away by labeling it "virtue signaling."
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blungld said:

But this is all just stupid blathering that you can wipe away by labeling it "virtue signaling."

Don't forget "equivocating!"
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blungld said:

But this is all just stupid blathering that you can wipe away by labeling it "virtue signaling."
Yes, it's stupid blathering. Not because it's virtue signaling. But because it's stupid. All radical ideologues congregate. Doesn't matter where on the political spectrum they lie. You're triggered by a facetious, general statement because you identify with the characteristics I'm mocking. If you're not a PC SJW, or LWNJ, or aren't favorable to some of their aims, it wouldn't trigger you to defend them.

You represent all the characteristics you lament in your diatribe. Rigid, lack of empathy for people who disagree with you, sweeping generalizations about character strengths and weaknesses based on ideology of people you don't know.

We both think the other is guilty of all these undesirable characteristics. Not the first time, won't be the last for either of us.
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