bearister said:
I'm not even talking about the move backwards. They do it laterally mostly.
as for the block/charge call, it's a misconception that the defender can't be moving. they need to be in proper defensive position, and once that is established, can go sideways, backwards, etc. to maintain proper defensive position
as for the sidestep. If a player catches the ball and then takes two steps back and shoots, it could be a legal play, depending on several factors. But the way I understood it a little better was it's really no different that taking two steps forward for a layup.
I'm still a little confused by when a player dribbles, stops, and then changes their pivot foot for an underhanded shot. Always looks like a travel to me, but depending on how the player does it, is legal
the other difficult to judge issue when a player shoots a layup, and it's unclear whether they take 2 or 3 steps. This is complicated from the 'gather step'
bottom line, is there are some nuances that are often misunderstood, mis-interpreted, and usually difficult to make the right call as a ref (or a fan)