bearchamp;842672198 said:
People here say some don't want Sabrina: not my take. The only critical comments are assessments of her based on the championship game. Several comments early on that she is the "key" to Cal getting to the Final Four. Several people here don't see her as that impactful. She certainly can play and would be an asset, but some here don't see her as a game changer.
She'd be a game changer according to me. Don't misinterpret my prior comments, or let me clarify them. I just thought there would be a Steph Curry like performance, due to all the hype.
Very few players in the history of basketball are able to live up to the hype. Even many people are down on Lebron James because he hasn't won more championships. Expectations in life are best kept low, then give an upside surprise.