AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
I thought you were going to show pictures of people burning cities and looting like Democrats do.
AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
What cities have been burning? Significant sized areas of cities, not just a couple of buildings that the right wing media blows way out of proportion.bear2034 said:AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
I thought you were going to show pictures of people burning cities and looting like Democrats do.
Eastern Oregon Bear said:What cities have been burning? Significant sized areas of cities, not just a couple of buildings that the right wing media blows way out of proportion.bear2034 said:AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
I thought you were going to show pictures of people burning cities and looting like Democrats do.
I see. You don't know either.bear2034 said:Eastern Oregon Bear said:What cities have been burning? Significant sized areas of cities, not just a couple of buildings that the right wing media blows way out of proportion.bear2034 said:AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
I thought you were going to show pictures of people burning cities and looting like Democrats do.
Take a wild guess. And what's right-wing media?
bear2034 said:Eastern Oregon Bear said:What cities have been burning? Significant sized areas of cities, not just a couple of buildings that the right wing media blows way out of proportion.bear2034 said:AunBear89 said:
Yup. Not a single one of them is triggered or unhinged.
I thought you were going to show pictures of people burning cities and looting like Democrats do.
Take a wild guess. And what's right-wing media?
Mr. Gaetz. We'll move on. In 2019, did you drop your laptop off at a repair4
The Witness. Not that I remember, no.6
Mr. Gaetz. Did you have a laptop in 2019?7
The Witness. I've had many laptops.8
Mr. Gaetz. Did you typically keep a separate laptop for work and personal, or9
was it usually one laptop you operated with?10
The Witness. I don't know. I don't think there was a distinction between11
necessarily work and personal.12
Mr. Gaetz. Do you recall ever having dropped off a laptop at a repair shop?13
Mr. Lowell. He asked and answered that, Mr. Gaetz,14
Mr. Gaetz. No, Mr. Lowell, I asked if he recalled that in 2019. Now I'm asking if15
he ever recalls doing it.16
Mr. Lowell. I'll point out that, as I said, that there are litigation about this issue.17
And I'll give you some leeway, but one of the things I discussed with staff is that we18
weren't going to get into the claims in litigation by the people that are both suing Mr.19
Biden and vice versa, but ask your next question.20
Mr. Gaetz. Mr. Lowell, I'll tell you what. If I ask a question that you believe21
you've negotiated the scope out of, just indicate such.22
Mr. Lowell. Well, it depends where you go next.
Mr. Gaetz. Did you ever drop a laptop off at a repair shop?
The Witness. I dropped a laptop off at the Apple repair shop that was literally
three blocks from my office in Washington, D.C. If I was ever going to repair one, I1
would have walked up the street and dropped it there.2
Mr. Gaetz. Did you ever drop off a laptop in Delaware?
The Witness. The Apple store in Georgetown.
Mr. Gaetz. Yeah. My question is about Delaware. Did you ever drop off a5
laptop in Delaware?6
The Witness. The largest Apple store in America is the -- the highest grossing7
and largest Apple store in America is at the Christiana Mall. If I was going to drop off a8
laptop -- I don't ever remember doing that, but if I was going to drop off a laptop, I would9
have gone to the Apple store, which was 7 minutes from my parents' home there.10
Mr. Gaetz. Do you recall ever leaving a laptop at a repair shop?11
The Witness. I do not.12
Mr. Gaetz. On your laptop, did you have any sort of login credential?13
The Witness. Just the typical like -- you know, like when you log into your --14
Mr. Gaetz. Yeah.15
The Witness. Of course.16
Mr. Gaetz. Did you have two-factor authentication?17
The Witness. I don't know.18
Mr. Gaetz. Did anyone else have access to your laptop?19
Mr. Lowell. Legally or illegally?20
Mr. Gaetz. I'm just asking the question in the broadest term, Mr. Lowell.21
The Witness. I do not know if anybody else had access. And what do you mean22
by "access"? Did they have access to my passwords, or did they have actual23
physical access to my laptop?24
Mr. Gaetz. Did anyone else use your laptop?
The Witness. Well, I had at the time three daughters and all teenagers. I had a1
niece, nephew.2
Mr. Gaetz. Did they use your laptop?3
The Witness. I'm certain at some point.4
Mr. Gaetz. Did they have separate logins, or did they know your login?5
The Witness. They would have had separate logins, I believe. I don't6
remember, anyway.7
Mr. Gaetz. Have you seen -- you've seen coverage of this laptop that purports to8
be yours that was dropped off in Delaware, right?9
The Witness. Yes, yes. I've seen coverage.10
Mr. Gaetz. In any of that coverage, have you seen any correspondence or other11
material that you know to be fabricated or false?12
The Witness. Yes, I do.13
Mr. Gaetz. What?14
The Witness. And I can tell you, in particular, there is a fabricated conversation15
between me and a supposed Secret Service agent in a hotel room in Los Angeles. That16
Secret Service agent was -- has sworn an affidavit and attempted to sue The Daily Mail17
and The New York Post over the fact that he has never met me, he has never had any18
conversation with me, that he had never involvement with me, that we have never had19
any association whatsoever. And he swears --20
Mr. Gaetz. Other than that conversation, are there any others that you recall?21
The Witness. Yeah. There are many others. I can't go through them all right22
now. But, yes, there are many different things in there that are either -- that are either23
fabricated, hacked, stolen, or manipulated 100 percent.24
Mr. Gaetz. Just list them for me.
The Witness. I got to list you all of the --1
Mr. Lowell. We'll refer you to the litigation in Delaware where that can be2
found, including Mr. Costello and Mr. Giuliani's statements that that's exactly what they3
The Witness. Yes. And all of those things that you have are in those5
Zippergate said:
That's a cool story bro. Too bad the 50+ intelligence experts admitted the laptop was real.
Here's a pretty good NBC News piece about the entire laptop saga and Russian disinformation campaign.Unit2Sucks said:
One thing that the media hasn't covered much is that in his deposition, Hunter claimed he never dropped any laptop off at the blind guy's shop in Delaware and that a lot of the publicized info from the laptop was not real. He said he would have dropped it at an apple store (which makes more sense).
Congressional Republicans were quick to downplay the impact that the indictment would have on their ongoing impeachment inquiry, even though numerous leading Republicans had repeatedly pointed to bribery allegations against the Bidens that originated from Smirnov as a major linchpin of their investigation.
House Republicans even threatened to hold the director of the FBI in contempt last year to force the bureau to show them the underlying documents, which were eventually released, sparking breathless headlines in conservative media outlets about the false allegations that Biden and his son Hunter were paid $5 million in bribes.
Just weeks ago, one of the leaders of the impeachment inquiry even pointed to Smirnov's alleged lies to the FBI as their strongest evidence.
"That to me is really the heart of this matter," Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump and one of the architects of the impeachment push said in a Jan. 11 appearance on Fox News, referring to the FBI FD-1023 confidential human source form containing false allegations from the now-indicted former FBI informant. "The most corroborating evidence we have is the 1023 form from this highly credible confidential human source."
Now, after the source of those allegations has been federally charged, House Republicans say that it wasn't the "heart" of their inquiry after all
The saga all began last May, when Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, publicly declared that a "whistleblower" had come forward to allege that the FBI possessed an FD-1023 form documenting "an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions."
In May, the FBI rejected Comer's requests to see the document, saying that policy "strictly limits when and how confidential human source information can be provided outside of the FBI."
The FBI cautioned at the time that reports like the one at issue simply document information given to the bureau and did "not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information verified by the FBI," warning that such unsubstantiated information could "unfairly violate privacy or reputations."
Unit2Sucks said:Here's a pretty good NBC News piece about the entire laptop saga and Russian disinformation campaign.Unit2Sucks said:
One thing that the media hasn't covered much is that in his deposition, Hunter claimed he never dropped any laptop off at the blind guy's shop in Delaware and that a lot of the publicized info from the laptop was not real. He said he would have dropped it at an apple store (which makes more sense).
Smirnov, the Russian agent, laundered bogus claims from Russian intelligence to the FBI. Same sort of stuff Rudy G was after when he went to Ukraine and met with Derkach. The same sort of garbage that made it into a computer that was given to a blind computer repair person (how convenient) and which contained a mix of real and fabricated information. Biden is suing over this right now and the case is pending.
Now if you remember, the old GOP claim was that Biden corruptly hid the Smirnov claims and that formed the cornerstone of their investigation. They pretended that it was evidence of corruption plus a cover-up, similar to things Trump did, but this time with Biden.
Of course, as we now know, the FBI determination that the claims were bogus was accurate. Smirnov was working with Russian intelligence to help Trump get elected. The GOP overlooked all of that in its zeal to corruptly assist Trump, leveraging congressional investigatory powers and misleading the American people the entire time. The democrats called them out every step of the way and wanted everything to be public but the GOP continued to prosecute their case behind close doors and by lying to the media.
And the media is mostly still giving them a pass for it.Quote:
Congressional Republicans were quick to downplay the impact that the indictment would have on their ongoing impeachment inquiry, even though numerous leading Republicans had repeatedly pointed to bribery allegations against the Bidens that originated from Smirnov as a major linchpin of their investigation.
House Republicans even threatened to hold the director of the FBI in contempt last year to force the bureau to show them the underlying documents, which were eventually released, sparking breathless headlines in conservative media outlets about the false allegations that Biden and his son Hunter were paid $5 million in bribes.
Just weeks ago, one of the leaders of the impeachment inquiry even pointed to Smirnov's alleged lies to the FBI as their strongest evidence.
"That to me is really the heart of this matter," Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump and one of the architects of the impeachment push said in a Jan. 11 appearance on Fox News, referring to the FBI FD-1023 confidential human source form containing false allegations from the now-indicted former FBI informant. "The most corroborating evidence we have is the 1023 form from this highly credible confidential human source."
Now, after the source of those allegations has been federally charged, House Republicans say that it wasn't the "heart" of their inquiry after allQuote:
The saga all began last May, when Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, publicly declared that a "whistleblower" had come forward to allege that the FBI possessed an FD-1023 form documenting "an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions."
In May, the FBI rejected Comer's requests to see the document, saying that policy "strictly limits when and how confidential human source information can be provided outside of the FBI."
The FBI cautioned at the time that reports like the one at issue simply document information given to the bureau and did "not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information verified by the FBI," warning that such unsubstantiated information could "unfairly violate privacy or reputations."
Zippergate said:
That's a cool story bro. Too bad the 50+ intelligence experts admitted the laptop was real.
If you read the letter, it's pretty clear they were right. The deplorables and liars like to focus on things that the experts didn't say, for a variety of reasons.dajo9 said:
The 50+ intelligence experts have been completely vindicated that Russia has been involved in the Hunter op
Here's an NBC article about the letter following the recent revelations.Quote:
It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US poli<cal scene of emails
purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden's son Hunter, much of it related to his <me
serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a
Russian information.
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by
President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have
evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the
Russian government played a significant role in this case.
If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this elec8on, and we
believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.
There are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.
Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently
by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen
political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and
thereby help the candidacy of President Trump.
I'm sure given that we have very serious conservatives concerned about legitimate corruption, they will continue to focus on Hunter's hog and stuff that has nothing to do with Joe Biden, as they have been for several years.Quote:
"This has always been an ugly political game from the beginning," Sipher said. "Anyone who actually bothered to read the letter would realize that the focus was on warning about Russian subversive efforts prior to the 2020 election."
He added, "The recent revelations show that we were prescient. While I would love to gloat, the important issue remains the same foreign interference in American democracy, and unethical, cynical and faithless behavior by members of Congress entrusted to provide oversight of our important institutions."
American intelligence agencies were not spying on Giuliani, but on the people with whom he was talking, including Andrii Derkach, who had been identified by the Treasury Department as a Russian agent. In the process, the U.S. spy agencies learned that Derkach and other Russian operatives were in touch with Giuliani, and wanted to feed him information in an attempt to discredit Joe Biden.
In that context, the emergence of the laptop around the same time raised suspicions, especially because the New York Post reported that it obtained the material from Giuliani, who got it from the owner of a Delaware computer repair shop. The shop owner said Hunter Biden brought it in and never picked it up.
NBC News has reported that the bribery allegations had been investigated and debunked by the Justice Department during the Trump administration. But they had become part of the push by House Republicans to impeach Joe Biden. And the prosecutor who investigated, former Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady, testified to the House Judiciary Committee in October that the FBI viewed the informant as a "trusted source."
It's not clear when and why that changed. In a filing this week seeking to revoke Smirnov's bail, prosecutors said he had repeatedly "lied to his FBI Handler after a 10-year relationship where the two spoke nearly every day" and that he had "extensive" contacts with Russian operatives. The FBI did not respond to a request for comment. A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment. Hunter Biden's lawyers said in a filing that the informant's alleged lies have irreparably tainted the cases against him.
"Smirnov's contacts with Russian officials who are affiliated with Russian intelligence services are not benign," the filing says, adding that his "efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States continues. … What this shows is that the misinformation he is spreading is not confined to 2020. He is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November."
Unit2Sucks said:
I'm sure given that we have very serious conservatives concerned about legitimate corruption, they will continue to focus on Hunter's hog and stuff that has nothing to do with Joe Biden, as they have been for several years.
Unit2Sucks said:
As more comes out about the hearing, it just confirms what an absolute debacle this is for the do nothing, know nothing GOP.
Has anyone on BI admitted they were fooled yet? I'm not talking about the MAGAt dead-enders, but our reasonable conservatives who participated in and assumed that the GOP was acting above board in its persecution. Where are the reasonable ones to call it how it is? Should we go through old posts in this thread to shed light on it to remind people of their claims?
DiabloWags said:Unit2Sucks said:
As more comes out about the hearing, it just confirms what an absolute debacle this is for the do nothing, know nothing GOP.
Has anyone on BI admitted they were fooled yet? I'm not talking about the MAGAt dead-enders, but our reasonable conservatives who participated in and assumed that the GOP was acting above board in its persecution. Where are the reasonable ones to call it how it is? Should we go through old posts in this thread to shed light on it to remind people of their claims?
Yes, where is BearGoggles . . .
The guy that doesnt like Trump yet defends him at every turn in the road.
Like the rest of the GOP in America, they will continue to make false claims and never acknowledge that Russia has been helping Trump by interfering in our democracy for years, that they have welcomed it, and that this entire "investigation" of Biden was generated based on fake information provided by Putin's intelligence service and laundered through Rudy G. Rather than oppose Russia's interference, the GOP has criticized democrats and our institutions from trying to protect against the malign influence.DiabloWags said:Unit2Sucks said:
As more comes out about the hearing, it just confirms what an absolute debacle this is for the do nothing, know nothing GOP.
Has anyone on BI admitted they were fooled yet? I'm not talking about the MAGAt dead-enders, but our reasonable conservatives who participated in and assumed that the GOP was acting above board in its persecution. Where are the reasonable ones to call it how it is? Should we go through old posts in this thread to shed light on it to remind people of their claims?
Yes, where is BearGoggles . . .
The guy that doesnt like Trump yet defends him at every turn in the road.
oski003 said:
He probably isn't responding to this because he doesn't post much and certainly doesn't defend trump at every turn in the road. You just posted an ill informed hot take!
DiabloWags said:oski003 said:
He probably isn't responding to this because he doesn't post much and certainly doesn't defend trump at every turn in the road. You just posted an ill informed hot take!
Thank You Concerned Karen.
And good luck finding a single post that shows BearGoggles taking issue with Trump.
I've got $500 that says you cant find one.
Every time BG defends Trump he lets us know he doesn't defend Trump.DiabloWags said:
Thank You Concerned Karen.
And good luck finding a single post that shows BearGoggles taking issue with Trump.
I've got $500 that says you cant find one.
Donald Trump, who I do not support, deserves a second chance in 2024
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) November 1, 2021
Russian war crimes, which I do not support, would not have been necessary if the NATO shitlibs hadn't used M$DNC propaganda to overthrow a democratically elected Ukrainian government, which I did not support, in 2014.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) September 8, 2023
by Glenn Greenwald
It's egregiously hypocritical for Democrats to attack Republicans, who I do not support, for supposedly being soft on slavery, which I do not support, when only 170 years ago the Democrat party was the party of the Confederacy, which I also do not support.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) December 28, 2023
by Glenn Greenwald
The Supreme Court, which I do not support, must grant full immunity to Donald Trump, who I also do not support, if for no other reason than to own the M$DNC shitlibs.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) February 29, 2024
by Glenn Greenwald
oski003 said:
and certainly doesn't defend trump at every turn in the road.
AunBear89 said:oski003 said:
and certainly doesn't defend trump at every turn in the road.
Yeah - that's YOUR job. That, and acting as self anointed board mod/hall monitor/karen.
How do you keep up with it all, while also working as a front line manager at Arby's or Grab and Go or wherever?
AunBear89 said:oski003 said:
and certainly doesn't defend trump at every turn in the road.
Yeah - that's YOUR job. That, and acting as self anointed board mod/hall monitor/karen.
How do you keep up with it all, while also working as a front line manager at Arby's or Grab and Go or wherever?
AunBear89 said:
Two minute delay in responding. Nice. Must be on a break or something.
Break? Heck, you're a manager! You can do whatever you like. So just sit there and wait until I post again. Stalker (way more of a stalker than Diablo's of BG.).
omg they’ve lost their minds 😂😂😂
— Te𝕏asLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) March 7, 2024
Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to swing the natural gas market towards NATO & that’s why he’s untouchable.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) March 21, 2024
“I went to the big guys. I was ready to prostitute myself. They said come back when you’re 40.” - Senator Joe Biden
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) March 27, 2024
It’s been 40 years since President Joe Biden turned 40.
He turned this political prostitution ring into a family business. And now it’s that very foreign policy establishment behind him that runs the highest levels of domestic social media censorship to stop people from opposing him:
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) March 27, 2024