Biden implicated

118,776 Views | 1150 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by bearister
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Has even CNN turned on Biden?
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Don't know where to put this. This board is as good a place as any. This is a brilliant article.
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Zippergate said:

Don't know where to put this. This board is as good a place as any. This is a brilliant article.

From the piece:

"I think we're entering another major offensive from the totalitarians, which I'd date to 2016 when Brexit and Donald Trump convinced the totalitarians they were losing.

These next couple of years will be critical: Will they consolidate their gains and enter a new era of totalitarianism, perhaps as bad as 1300s absolutism in Europe?"

*As I've always said, the best defense is a good offense. Nice try. Bravo!"

*The SF Bay Area has to be the most Progressive area in America. A couple of years back a Progressive DA was recalled in SF. A Progressive DA will most likely get recalled in Alameda County. How is the imposition of the Progessive Totalitarian State going so far? Talk of it sure lathers the Deplorables up enough for them to continue to vote for tRump regardless of what conduct he engages in.
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Talk of it sure lathers the Deplorables up enough for them to continue to vote for tRump regardless of what conduct he engages in.

What is really deplorable is the utter disdain on the Left for the so-called Deplorables. As this article describes, civilization is under assault and it isn't by Trump supporters. We are much closer to a complete breakdown of society than anyone here would dare to imagine and if it happens there will be no place for even smug, elite progressives to hide, especially in their beloved Blue states and cites.
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Zippergate said:

As this article describes, civilization is under assault and it isn't by Trump supporters. We are much closer to a complete breakdown of society than anyone here would dare to imagine and if it happens there will be no place for even smug, elite progressives to hide, especially in their beloved Blue states and cites.

What a complete fiction. Your post and the article. I have no idea what either of you are talking about.
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"As this article describes, civilization is under assault and it isn't by Trump supporters."

….if you don't count the January 6 Insurrection thing….and the Evangelicals trying to turn America into Gilead.

The Far Right and the Far Left are both fascists trying to impose their belief systems on the unwilling. tRump is a fascist openly in love with totalitarian leaders throughout the world. He has a much better chance of bringing his totalitarian soggy dream to fruition than any Progressive on the horizon does and he has his plans all ready to go.

Inside Trump '25: A radical plan for Trump's second term

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Obama declared before the 2008 election, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

He was wrong, he had to wait until his vice president became his puppet in 2020.
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If the Dems were ballers you suggest, tRump would have been buried a sliced driver off the first hole of his golf course by now.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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So far, it looks the Dems are getting everything that they want. They even raided Melania's panty drawers.
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Trump quotes Putin condemning American democracy, praises autocrat Orban
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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bearister said:

Trump quotes Putin condemning American democracy, praises autocrat Orban

Yeah but two gays had sex in a Senate chamber so, checkmate!
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dajo9 said:

Yeah but two gays had sex in a Senate chamber so, checkmate!
It wasn't just any gay guys. It was the 2023 Cal alumnus of the year.
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bear2034 said:

Obama declared before the 2008 election, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

He was wrong, he had to wait until his vice president became his puppet in 2020.

Actually, he was right.
But not in the way he, or his supporters, thought.

Closeted subconscious racism has since swept across America since Obama's election. I mean, what's next, grandchild of a Mexican who crossed illegally decades ago will become President?

Hey, if it happened for Obama, it can happen for Jose, and that just wouldn't be okay, because we know middle America feels entitled, because their ggggg grandfathers (who they don't even know the names of) fought in the Rev War.

Obama's election ignited the latest wave of culture wars.
60's, civil rights movement
Eastern Oregon Bear
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bear2034 said:

dajo9 said:

Yeah but two gays had sex in a Senate chamber so, checkmate!
It wasn't just any gay guys. It was the 2023 Cal alumnus of the year.
I think you owe John C. Mather Ph.D. '74 an apology.
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Closeted subconscious racism has since swept across America since Obama's election. I mean, what's next, grandchild of a Mexican who crossed illegally decades ago will become President?

This is exactly the problem: Leftists fanning the flames of racism for political gain. Now there is a large segment of society which believes that anything wrong that happens in their life is the fault of people of another color. This will not end well.
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Zippergate said:

Closeted subconscious racism has since swept across America since Obama's election. I mean, what's next, grandchild of a Mexican who crossed illegally decades ago will become President?

This is exactly the problem: Leftists fanning the flames of racism for political gain. Now there is a large segment of society which believes that anything wrong that happens in their life is the fault of people of another color. This will not end well.

Lemme guess, you're white, right?
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bearister said:

Trump quotes Putin condemning American democracy, praises autocrat Orban

Orban is not an "autocrat", he is the head of the party that swept the last two Hungarian elections. He is far more popular at home than the leaders of just about any other European country.

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How is this relevant? Sad that we can have an honest discussion on topics like this.
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concordtom said:

Closeted subconscious racism has since swept across America since Obama's election. I mean, what's next, grandchild of a Mexican who crossed illegally decades ago will become President?

How would you know if closeted subconscious racism has swept across America since Obama's election if the racism is closeted and subconscious?

Racism is quite open and conscious these days. See the pandering to blacks and open hostility to Jews from American left wingers.
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Media in Hungary is controlled by the government and private sector allies
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Viktor Orban: Hungary 'autocracy' verdict from EU correct, say activists - BBC News

"The lengthy report criticised Hungary for a host of restrictions on human rights and democratic practices, including attacks on:

The independence of judiciary
Press freedom
LGBT rights
Academic freedom
Minorities and asylum seekers"

Hungary Enters a New Era of Autocracy - Carnegie Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Why Conservatives Around the World Have Embraced Hungary's Viktor Orbn | The New Yorker
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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Zippergate said:

How is this relevant? Sad that we can have an honest discussion on topics like this.

Honest discussion???
Hahaha. Thx for the laugh - at your expense.
I've read your posts here - honest discussion??? Hahaha!!
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bear2034 said:

concordtom said:

Closeted subconscious racism has since swept across America since Obama's election. I mean, what's next, grandchild of a Mexican who crossed illegally decades ago will become President?

How would you know if closeted subconscious racism has swept across America since Obama's election if the racism is closeted and subconscious?

Racism is quite open and conscious these days. See the pandering to blacks and open hostility to Jews from American left wingers.

How many millions of votes did trump get?

Sure, we see the Ahmaud Arbery killings and the Charlottesville rallies. Those ARE out in the open.
But it's the millions of quiet folks who check the box that I was referring to.
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bearister said:

Viktor Orban: Hungary 'autocracy' verdict from EU correct, say activists - BBC News

"The lengthy report criticised Hungary for a host of restrictions on human rights and democratic practices, including attacks on:

The independence of judiciary
Press freedom
LGBT rights
Academic freedom
Minorities and asylum seekers"

Hungary Enters a New Era of Autocracy - Carnegie Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Why Conservatives Around the World Have Embraced Hungary's Viktor Orbn | The New Yorker

Coming from the country that imprisoned Julian Assange, and that jails people for silently praying or posting social media content that goes against the government position.

80%-90% of Hungarians don't want open borders or LGBT content and sex ed for young children in their schools. That's pretty much true across most of the planet, it doesn't mean that these countries are "autocratic".


Media in Hungary is controlled by the government and private sector allies

That is very much the case in many western countries, including France, Canada, and the US as well, if you understand that both sides of the isle work together on most important issues including foreign policy/forever wars, protecting oligarch interests etc.
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How many millions of votes did trump get?

Actually tens of millions, including millions of votes from POC despite running as a Republican, a toxic label generally for minority voters.

And he's polling very well.

I think you better get out there and set all these millions of racist minorities straight.

Sure, we see the Ahmaud Arbery killings and the Charlottesville rallies. Those ARE out in the open.
But it's the millions of quiet folks who check the box that I was referring to.

Ugly incidents for sure. But if you're going to use Trump's out-of-context comment on Charlottesville as an example of his racism, save it for an ignorant CNN viewer. And ff you want to play the racially motivated crime anecdote game, we can go there but I don't think you will like the results. So instead, how about you supply us with some numbers to support your claim that racism (by which you, of course, me white racism because according to the progressive Left there is no other kind) is on the rise?

(Btw, my preference for president in order is Vivek...Desantis,Scott, RFKJr, ................Trump,........Putin (one can dream lol)............................Biden......Kamala.....and Newsom)
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Who Voted for Hitler? | Wilson Quarterly
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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"If you don't vote for me, you aint black." - Joe Biden
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bearister said:

Who Voted for Hitler? | Wilson Quarterly

This is excellent. Thank you.

Basically, the vote for the Nazi Party was normal, happens everywhere all the time, and that is that when the economic **** hits the fan, people vote in self-interested ways for what they perceive will be to their own benefit.

The researchers also conclude that the best way to combat Naziism is to run economic policies that work for the masses.

Uh, gee, thanks. That's inspiring.

So, when doo doo happens for reasons that have nothing to do with government set economic policies, like say the ice caps melt, a global virus pandemic hits out of nowhere, or a madman terrorist from the other side of the world decides to blow some **** up, it's normal human behavior to go extreme on their neighbor in order to save themselves.

Right. Now that's what I call Hopeful!

Strap on, gents. It's going to get bumpy.
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Zippergate said:

Sure, we see the Ahmaud Arbery killings and the Charlottesville rallies. Those ARE out in the open.
But it's the millions of quiet folks who check the box that I was referring to.

Ugly incidents for sure. But if you're going to use Trump's out-of-context comment on Charlottesville as an example of his racism, save it for an ignorant CNN viewer.

Evidence of Trump's racism goes FAR beyond the Charlottesville comments. It began with the judge who said he and his father incorporated it into his business, continued to his "call for death" attack on the (innocent) Central Park Five youth (for which he never apologized)….and here's a video snippet of other offensive comments.

Here, look at this one: said just on Saturday in Durham NH. Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.
That's not racist?????
You've got to be kidding me.

Then there's the Vermin comments,

And I like this response by Maggie Hassan:

You know, Zipper… I have a large house, and my children are almost all out of the house now. I think I'd consider housing and hiding some illegal immigrants from Trump's roundup deportation gestapo forces when the time comes.
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concordtom said:

bearister said:

Who Voted for Hitler? | Wilson Quarterly

This is excellent. Thank you.

Basically, the vote for the Nazi Party was normal, happens everywhere all the time, and that is that when the economic **** hits the fan, people vote in self-interested ways for what they perceive will be to their own benefit.

The researchers also conclude that the best way to combat Naziism is to run economic policies that work for the masses.

Uh, gee, thanks. That's inspiring.

So, when doo doo happens for reasons that have nothing to do with government set economic policies, like say the ice caps melt, a global virus pandemic hits out of nowhere, or a madman terrorist from the other side of the world decides to blow some **** up, it's normal human behavior to go extreme on their neighbor in order to save themselves.

Right. Now that's what I call Hopeful!

Strap on, gents. It's going to get bumpy.
But there is more to the story right now. Biden's polling deterioration in recent months coincides with economic improvement. Inflation is down massively, unemployment is fine, real wages are rising and Biden's popularity is declining. I believe what is going on is oligarchy. The oligarchy controls the message that gets out. The unrelenting message from most media is that things are terrible. This is not grounded in facts, it is grounded in messaging.

I'm not even talking about the right wing media ecosystem that completely envelopes half of political America. The media that doesn't even mention Kate Cox, who had to flee Texas to get the healthcare her doctor told her she needs. I'm also not talking about social media which is even more dangerous, because it hides opinion from global oligarchs using massive bot farms behind the personas of seeming real Americans. I'm talking about organizations like the NY Times. Do not be fooled into thinking organizations like the NY Times are liberal (CNN is not even up for debate, having been taken over by right wingers a couple years ago).

The NY Times leadership would clearly prefer establishment conservative governance. The kind that would protect their tax breaks and wealth. The NY Times gave us Judith Miller pushing the Iraq War, daily front page coverage of the bogus Hillary email scandal, phony exonerations of Trump investigations days before the election. Sure, the NY Times would prefer Mitt Romney over Trump. Sure the NY Times will cover titillating scandal about Trump. But the NY Times is terrified of a real liberal movement that would tax wealth and give voice to people earning less than $100k. For the NY Times, center-left social policy is good for debate from both sides (which drives revenue) and center-left economic policy is questionable and presented with right wing framing.

There is no substantive liberal media in America. I have said before, the saddest day I ever saw on any corporate news was on MSNBC the day it looked like Bernie Sanders had won the Democratic nomination in 2016. I didn't even support Bernie Sanders and I was appalled at what I was seeing. But it should be no surprise when half the day's coverage from MSNBC is from former Republicans who turned against Trump. That isn't exactly liberal. The oligarchy is making its move to entrench it's own rule.
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Here is a great example of what I am talking about
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dajo9 said:

But there is more to the story right now. Biden's polling deterioration in recent months coincides with economic improvement. Inflation is down massively, unemployment is fine, real wages are rising and Biden's popularity is declining. I believe what is going on is oligarchy.

High prices, rising debt, soaring bankruptcies.
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And more examples of what I am talking about
Biden Sucks 7
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dajo9 said:

And more examples of what I am talking about

Here's an example of what I'm talking about
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dajo9 said:

And more examples of what I am talking about
Biden will again have a massive edge with young voters. I think this gap will only widen when Biden starts campaigning.

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