Matt Taibbi and his current army of Anti anti tRumpers think moderate Democrats are the biggest evil of all because they keep making the country creep Right.
He and his crew hate moderates so much that they have joined forces with the tRumpists but for an interesting reason: They figure another tRump win is a suitable punishment for not letting Bernie control the party. If there is ever another free election after tRump Redux, the reasoning goes that all the moderates will go running into the arms of the Leftists to guide the party to victory.
Taibbi: There Are No More Political Moderates also explained his philosophy towards moderates with this statement about voting for the "lesser of two evils":
"The next little thing about this vote for the lesser evil trick, of course and this is no secret to anyone anymore is that it drives all the "serious" candidates toward what is commonly referred to as the "moderate center," even if these serious candidates aren't, in fact, moderate or centrist in any meaningful sense and the so called center moves further to the right with each election cycle. For nearly two decades now this process has been steadily advancing on the Democratic side, as liberals are trained to accept the idea that the national majority will never accept a true labor party, or any candidate perceived as "soft" on defense."
*What Matt never factors into his reasoning is that just as many people hate smug pr@icks like him as hate tRump…..but if Bernie was running against tRump, I would vote for Bernie. Taibbi will vote for tRump but he'll deny it….and he wrote a lot of articles in 2016 about how insane tRump is.
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