BearHunter said:
Once again: "Rigging" an election -- a.k.a. Election Fraud -- is a
You can keep accusing your political opponents of committing election crimes all you want -- but it falls on deaf ears when you have ZERO EVIDENCE of said crimes.
The Trump campaign had 60 different court cases where they were given opportunities to share any evidence that they had. They had no evidence. They had hearsay and affidavits, but
no evidence.
I'm very critical of Joe Biden as a candidate, and he's as corrupt as any politician, but after dozens of recounts, investigations, and court cases, the Trump partisans simply have to accept the reality that Biden won, and Trump lost.
By continuing this election "rigging" fantasy, the Trump followers have become as disconnected and pathetic as Hillary's followers. What they have in common is the inability to acknowledge their loss, admit their failure, and correct the problems that caused them to lose.
Both Hillary in 2016 and Trump in 2020 were flawed & very unpopular candidates who ran horrible campaigns -- which they lost. But instead of taking responsibility for their campaigns and addressing their shortcomings, they blamed -- and continue to blame -- external actors for their losses. Both also have a minority of loyal followers who wholeheartedly believe in the goodness of their candidate, and their candidate's willingness to advocate for them, despite the shocking lack of evidence that their candidate is willing to act in their interests.
No one is immune from propaganda. No one.