The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,405 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
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GBear4Life said:

This board is quite racially biased. Probably lots of self-loathing manifesting itself as tribal virtue signaling.
Cal Punky and Aun Bear are particularly bad. Cal Punky calls people trolls and he has never posted on the pay board. He's a pr**k.
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kelly09 said:

GBear4Life said:

This board is quite racially biased. Probably lots of self-loathing manifesting itself as tribal virtue signaling.
Cal Punky and Aun Bear are particularly bad. Cal Punky calls people trolls and he has never posted on the pay board. He's a pr**k.

You figured out the quote function. Congrats!
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You can't believe your own pesky eyes and ears!
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kelly09 said:

going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.

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So one of the seven dwarfs decides to come clean and admit he was on the call with the Idiot in Chief and the Ukrainian leader. Who in the world is going to believe this ass clown as he tries to represent the United States of America? Pompeo's credibility is shot and his political career after this disaster of a Presidency is gone. Which one of the seven dwarfs is up next?

Putin indicated he heard no pressure being applied by the Idiot in Chief when talking to the Ukrainian leader. When Putin takes your side you know you're in trouble.
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Democrats, 5 more years smellin your own pile of BS.
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Not exactly supporting a second term for Trump, but it might be worth being able to see this again in 2020.

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going4roses said:

And your point is?
[posts video of dumb ignorant teenagers saying dumb things]

See! See! You're racist, everybody's racist!

[posts video of dumb ignorant males actually doing violent dumb illegal things]

What's your point, bro??????

Another Bear
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Reports are Trump is going full ape shtt cray as the Dem ratchet up pressure on impeachment.

In this context, a week into inquiry, here's my questions: Can the Dems break Trump psychologically? Will Trump implode?
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GBear4Life said:

Not exactly supporting a second term for Trump, but it might be worth being able to see this again in 2020.

An appropriate reaction to the day Putin schlonged us....not the weeping for HRC part.
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Another Bear said:

Reports are Trump is going full ape shtt cray as the Dem ratchet up pressure on impeachment.

In this context, a week into inquiry, here's my questions: Can the Dems break Trump psychologically? Will Trump implode?
Trump isn't exactly hiding his crazy these days and I'm not sure how you can break something that was never right in the first place.

If at any point the republicans decide to stand up for their country and end this debacle of an administration, they can do so. The fact that they haven't says all you need to know.

It appears to me that baby boomers are more interested in giving the world on a finger during their ride to hell than they are in actually trying to leave this planet less worse off than their generation otherwise would be leaving it. Trump is the final blasphemy and they seem to be loving every minute of it.
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bearister said:

GBear4Life said:

Not exactly supporting a second term for Trump, but it might be worth being able to see this again in 2020.

An appropriate reaction to the day Putin schlonged us....not the weeping for HRC part.
Not for anybody possessing a full grown pair and a healthy orientation to the outside world.
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I wonder if Trump is the way he is because he's insecure, thus is always in a defensive/offensive posture, or if it's because he's self-deluded.
Another Bear
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Unit2Sucks said:

Another Bear said:

Reports are Trump is going full ape shtt cray as the Dem ratchet up pressure on impeachment.

In this context, a week into inquiry, here's my questions: Can the Dems break Trump psychologically? Will Trump implode?
Trump isn't exactly hiding his crazy these days and I'm not sure how you can break something that was never right in the first place.

If at any point the republicans decide to stand up for their country and end this debacle of an administration, they can do so. The fact that they haven't says all you need to know.

It appears to me that baby boomers are more interested in giving the world on a finger during their ride to hell than they are in actually trying to leave this planet less worse off than their generation otherwise would be leaving it. Trump is the final blasphemy and they seem to be loving every minute of it.
Trump isn't hiding his crazy now and that's the point. His craziness is only going to get worse, much worse.

My take is he'll keep pushing the boundaries, continues pushing efforts to regain control of the news cycle. He is essentially grasping at straws.

But then he'll snap and do something profoundly stupid, even stupider than releasing his own impeachment docs, like the transcript to Ukraine. I think there's a long way still to go in discovering how crazy Trump is.

p.s. while Trump is a boomer, it's more about the 1% screwing everyone.
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GBear4Life said:

I wonder if Trump is the way he is because he's insecure, thus is always in a defensive/offensive posture, or if it's because he's self-deluded.

I am reposting this from earlier in the thread because it is responsive to your questions:

"People like Donald Trump who have severe narcissistic disturbances can't tolerate being criticized," says Dodes, "so the more they are challenged in this essential way, the more out of control they become. They change reality to suit themselves in their own mind." And, as Dodes explains, it creates a vicious cycle: The more out of control Trump becomes, the more reason others have to challenge him, which only makes him more out of control. When he tells a rally crowd that America will become "a third-world country" if he gets impeached, that's this defensive/delusional coupling playing out in real time.
According to Gartner, as the pressure mounts as it likely will with a Democratic House investigating the Trump syndicate the situation will only continue to deteriorate. "The more desperate he is, the more aggressively and the more recklessly he's going to lash out and not just lash out on Twitter, but really lash out in ways that are destructive to the bones of our institutions. So, he'll try to declare criminal investigations on his enemies or anyone who criticizes him. He'll fire everyone involved in the Mueller investigations. He'll fire Sessions" which, of course, he actually did last Wednesday. "He'll ramp up his attack on civil liberties and the rule of law. He'll escalate his incitement to violence, whether it's supporting white nationalists or demonizing minority populations. Things that we think, 'Oh, he could never do that, because that would be so outrageous,' he can and he will. There's no restraints here. There's nothing he won't do. And if it's enormously destructive, that's not actually a negative for him, that's a positive." Rolling Stone, November, 2018

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Unit2Sucks said:

If at any point the republicans decide to stand up for their country and end this debacle of an administration, they can do so. The fact that they haven't says all you need to know.
Are you seriously equating Republicans not impeaching their own president at this point in time with not "standing up for their country"?

As far as I can tell the TDS, and the virtue signaling and moral posturing over it, is manifested from an inability to comprehend how other people don't subscribe to the armageddon caricature of Trump, or otherwise genuinely prefer him to others. It's like their pea brains can't compute this paradigm and are lashing out incessantly and belligerently under the pretense of some morally guided superiority complex.
golden sloth
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GBear4Life said:

Unit2Sucks said:

If at any point the republicans decide to stand up for their country and end this debacle of an administration, they can do so. The fact that they haven't says all you need to know.
Are you seriously equating Republicans not impeaching their own president at this point in time with not "standing up for their country"?

As far as I can tell the TDS, and the virtue signaling and moral posturing over it, is manifested from an inability to comprehend how other people don't subscribe to the armageddon caricature of Trump, or otherwise genuinely prefer him to others. It's like their pea brains can't compute this paradigm and are lashing out incessantly and belligerently under the pretense of some morally guided superiority complex.
No, Trump should be removed from office for his abuse of power, aka using the office of the president and control over the United States' foreign policy to not serve the country's National Interest, but to coerce foreign governments to undermine his political opponents within the US. This is the core issue, and this should not be forgotten. It really is that simple. If you do not impeach on this charge, then you believe this is acceptable for all Presidents from here to eternity.
Cal Junkie
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kelly09 said:

GBear4Life said:

This board is quite racially biased. Probably lots of self-loathing manifesting itself as tribal virtue signaling.
Cal Punky and Aun Bear are particularly bad. Cal Punky calls people trolls and he has never posted on the pay board. He's a pr**k.
Whatever blows your skirt up, sister.
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golden sloth said:

No, Trump should be removed from office for his abuse of power, aka using the office of the president and control over the United States' foreign policy to not serve the country's National Interest, but to coerce foreign governments to undermine his political opponents within the US. This is the core issue, and this should not be forgotten. It really is that simple. If you do not impeach on this charge, then you believe this is acceptable for all Presidents from here to eternity.
I think you are speaking in aspirational terms. It's like saying that if a mafia boss doesn't think other people should steal from him, he shouldn't steal from other people.

The republican party has not ever, does not currently and will never condone democrats exhibiting the type of behavior we see daily from Trump. Your argument may be that they should apply the same standards, but they certainly do not and will not. The very first time a democrat does anything remotely like what Trump has done every day in office, we will hear the moral outrage and condemnation. Too many have a win at all costs mentality and don't have any problem with Trump trampling on the constitution, statutes or historical norms as long as he pays lip service to their agenda. We are speaking in generalities of course. There are plenty of fine people (on both sides).

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GBear4Life said:

I wonder if Trump is the way he is because he's insecure, thus is always in a defensive/offensive posture, or if it's because he's self-deluded.
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Another Bear
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What? Ya think Don Trumpo would let his Crime Family members run free to cut their own deals? Nah, he has dirt on every one of his capos and cabbies. No one, and I mean no one, is gonna rat on Don Trumpo as long as he has dirt that can send you to prison. Typical mob boss move.
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Another Bear said:

What? Ya think Don Trumpo would let his Crime Family members run free to cut their own deals? Nah, he has dirt on every one of his capos and cabbies. No one, and I mean no one, is gonna rat on Don Trumpo as long as he has dirt that can send you to prison. Typical mob boss move.

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Another Bear
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I think the Dems just got the majority votes for impeachment. Also former GOP Amash said he will vote for impeachment.


One Of The Last Anti-Impeachment Democrats Now Says He Supports The Inquiry

New York Rep. Max Rose wrote an op-ed just last month warning that impeaching President Trump could tear the country apart.

STATEN ISLAND, New York One of the last Democratic holdouts against impeachment, New York Rep. Max Rose, came out in favor of the inquiry against President Donald Trump Wednesday night.

Rose had resisted supporting impeachment after more than 200 of his Democratic colleagues came out in support of any inquiry into President Donald Trump. He was one of just a dozen Democrats who had not publicly supported the move as of Wednesday. Last month, the freshman Democrat wrote an op-ed arguing against impeachment.
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golden sloth said:

GBear4Life said:

Unit2Sucks said:

If at any point the republicans decide to stand up for their country and end this debacle of an administration, they can do so. The fact that they haven't says all you need to know.
Are you seriously equating Republicans not impeaching their own president at this point in time with not "standing up for their country"?

As far as I can tell the TDS, and the virtue signaling and moral posturing over it, is manifested from an inability to comprehend how other people don't subscribe to the armageddon caricature of Trump, or otherwise genuinely prefer him to others. It's like their pea brains can't compute this paradigm and are lashing out incessantly and belligerently under the pretense of some morally guided superiority complex.
No, Trump should be removed from office for his abuse of power, aka using the office of the president and control over the United States' foreign policy to not serve the country's National Interest, but to coerce foreign governments to undermine his political opponents within the US. This is the core issue, and this should not be forgotten. It really is that simple. If you do not impeach on this charge, then you believe this is acceptable for all Presidents from here to eternity.
I'm generally fine with impeaching a president when there are grounds. Even if they know Senate will kill it, you follow procedure and go for it.

What's silly is the electorate.
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sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I wonder if Trump is the way he is because he's insecure, thus is always in a defensive/offensive posture, or if it's because he's self-deluded.
the latter or the former lol
B.A. Bearacus
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GBear4Life said:

sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I wonder if Trump is the way he is because he's insecure, thus is always in a defensive/offensive posture, or if it's because he's self-deluded.
the latter or the former lol

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can't be both. In the former, he's self aware of both himself and how he's perceived. If the latter, he has no self awareness.
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Insecure people are not always aware of specifically what makes them insecure.
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Next up Volker deposition.
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George Conway: Trump Is Unfit for Office - The Atlantic

"One clinical psychologist told Vanity Fair that he considers Trump such a "classic" pathological narcissist that he is actually "archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there's no better example" of the characteristics of the disorder he displays. "Otherwise," this clinician explained, "I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He's like a dream come true." Another clinical psychologist said that Trump displays "textbook narcissistic personality disorder."
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