The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,566 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
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Cave Bear said:

Why is it that so many Trump associates score so low on the integrity meter? It's a mystery to "conservatives" and no one else.
I don't think it's a mystery to "conservatives." They believe that everyone who associates with Trump is an apostle until the day they eventually have a falling out (and eventually everyone does with Trump) at which point they become demons who were losers who took advantage of Trump's kindness. The fact that 36 months into his presidency if you look back a few years you would now believe that at least half of Trump's then-associates are losers doesn't seem to be a problem for conservatives.
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" Rudy Giuliani went on Laura Ingraham's prime-time Fox News show last night and tried to distance himself from close associate Lev Parnas, who has gone on camera to say President Trump authorized shenanigans in Ukraine:

"Lev is someone I'm I was close to. Obviously, I was misled by him. I feel very bad. I was godfather to his child and spent a lot of time ... I still feel sorry for him."
"I'm not going to respond to him for each and every one of the misrepresentations he's made, because there are so many. If I'm called as a witness, I'm prepared to do it."
"I will not be sucked into a point-by-point response which I am ready to give in great detail in front of Congress or a court, in which it will turn out that he lied multiple times." Axios

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bearister said:

" Rudy Giuliani went on Laura Ingraham's prime-time Fox News show last night and tried to distance himself from close associate Lev Parnas, who has gone on camera to say President Trump authorized shenanigans in Ukraine:

"Lev is someone I'm I was close to. Obviously, I was misled by him. I feel very bad. I was godfather to his child and spent a lot of time ... I still feel sorry for him."
"I'm not going to respond to him for each and every one of the misrepresentations he's made, because there are so many. If I'm called as a witness, I'm prepared to do it."
"I will not be sucked into a point-by-point response which I am ready to give in great detail in front of Congress or a court, in which it will turn out that he lied multiple times." Axios

Given that Lev has turned against Trump, hard to imagine how the DOJ will continue to prosecute him for his crimes. As much as I would love to see a public trial with Parnas and Rudy going head to head as witnesses, it is hard to imagine it not being incredibly damaging for Trump and others in his orbit (like AG Barr) which is why I don't think it will ever happen.
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B.A. Bearacus
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A news network, allegedly.
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Every Republican should hang their head in shame and embarrassment after witnessing the neutered, mediocre, and morally and ethically compromised attorneys that tRump sent to the Senate podium today with wheelbarrows full of Gish Gallop in his defense.

* (CNN)Mitch McConnell said in 1999 he believed the Senate was entitled to witnesses in President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial and added that he would have voted to give House impeachment managers "whatever" they wanted.

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B.A. Bearacus
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Like most, I could only check in from time to time, but each time Schiff was on he was extremely competent and sometimes simply brilliant (for instance, when he responded to Bondi about 20 minutes ago). I'm so thankful that he is Lead Impeachment Manager.

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After Schiff just gave his A+ riff at the podium Chief Justice Roberts delivered a horseshi@t false equivalency "both sides are getting out of line here" warning. I wanted Schiff to get up and go FULL AL PACINO!

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B.A. Bearacus
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Republicans out there, give me your best shot:

What is your explanation for why it is fair, balanced and ethical to prevent Chief Justice Roberts from deciding what witnesses are relevant and can be subpoenaed to testify (even though the Senate can vote to overrule the Chief Justice).

Mitch McConnell is cynically undermining any notion of an honest impeachment trial

" The sad reality is that Trump's politics of constitutional defiance are less an idiosyncratic aspect of his demagogic leadership and more a feature of recent Republican politics. In this, McConnell has been the master strategist. Recall his stunning refusal to grant a hearing to Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee to the supreme court to fill the vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia's death. In a 150-year span from 1866 to 2016 the Senate never once prevented a president from ultimately filling a supreme court vacancy. McConnell's refusal to consider Obama's choice was more than a break with precedent. It was an act of constitutional nullification.

To this we can add McConnell's refusal, before the 2016 election, to sign a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference. Well before the election, the Obama administration shared intelligence documenting Russian interference with Congressional leaders; while then-House leader Paul Ryan agreed to sign the statement, McConnell refused. Indeed, McConnell went one step further, threatening to accuse Obama of trying to influence the outcome for Clinton should the administration issue a statement of condemnation. In this way, he recklessly torpedoed a bipartisan effort to protect the integrity of a presidential election."
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bearister said:

Republicans out there, give me your best shot:

What is your explanation for
Ok, this is just begging for a barrage of goofy memes.

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If they were honest they would say, I don't care if we cheat, as long as Republicans are in control legislating taxes and morality (our version of both), I don't care how unfair it is or how we need to lie and manipulate the system to get it.

And that is the great disadvantage of Democrats, we break laws too, but we TRY to live to the ideals and standards of American Democracy and fairness. We don't break laws as a whole because we want the ends so badly we care not about the means. To use a sports analogy, its the difference between the crwod who say they want a Rose Bowl/National Championship and could care less if it needs to be vacated late because of recruiting violations, and those who would rather play by the rules even if everyone else is cheating and to suffer the losses but hold our head up high with pride. Call those a sucker, but that is my crowd.

So as much as the Republicans have tried to claim the high road as the party of religion, patriotism, and is all words and symbols...and power taken by whatever method necessary. While the Democrats actually are the ones fighting for this country and her ideals.

But again, they won't admit that. Just blast some illogical arguments, propaganda, misinformation, and vitriol. Listening to Republicans under Trump is just one long rambling inarticulate spiral into untruth and dystopian loyalty. There is almost never a sincere argument made, just positions held to argue or annoy. Not real convictions or honest effort to communicate or find solutions that match to any democratic value system. It's trolling at a national level. It's the Card Says Moops with the power of office and unholy conviction behind it. And it's what takes down every great country, and will now take down this one because of headstrong ego and out of control tribalism.
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blungld said:

If they were honest they would say, I don't care if we cheat, as long as Republicans are in control legislating taxes and morality (our version of both), I don't care how unfair it is or how we need to lie and manipulate the system to get it.

And that is the great disadvantage of Democrats, we break laws too, but we TRY to live to the ideals and standards of American Democracy and fairness. We don't break laws as a whole because we want the ends so badly we care not about the means. To use a sports analogy, its the difference between the crwod who say they want a Rose Bowl/National Championship and could care less if it needs to be vacated late because of recruiting violations, and those who would rather play by the rules even if everyone else is cheating and to suffer the losses but hold our head up high with pride. Call those a sucker, but that is my crowd.

So as much as the Republicans have tried to claim the high road as the party of religion, patriotism, and is all words and symbols...and power taken by whatever method necessary. While the Democrats actually are the ones fighting for this country and her ideals.

But again, they won't admit that. Just blast some illogical arguments, propaganda, misinformation, and vitriol. Listening to Republicans under Trump is just one long rambling inarticulate spiral into untruth and dystopian loyalty. There is almost never a sincere argument made, just positions held to argue or annoy. Not real convictions or honest effort to communicate or find solutions that match to any democratic value system. It's trolling at a national level. It's the Card Says Moops with the power of office and unholy conviction behind it. And it's what takes down every great country, and will now take down this one because of headstrong ego and out of control tribalism.
Thank you for putting my feelings into words.
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One of tRump's tells is how often his statements are the polar opposite of the truth. Most recent example:

" Before leaving the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump said he favored a long trial with witnesses and testimony.

That contradicted his lawyers' request that the Senate "swiftly reject" the charges. Under the framework McConnell designed, the trial would be the fastest in history with no guarantee of witnesses later in the process." The Guardian

The 180 degree lie play is right out of Roy Cohn's playbook as is the "accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of" ploy:

" He called Schiff a "corrupt politician" and the House judiciary chair, Jerry Nadler, a "sleaze bag". Axios

Republican Senators May Save Trump, but Trump has Already F*cked Them

" The GOP will be judged harshly by history because they know better. Republican senators, despite the pressure from Trump and McConnell, know exactly who Trump is. They know what Trump is. They know he's a con man, a criminal, a character of the weakest and loosest moral fiber. They know he's a faithless, feckless, foolish man driven by ego, spite, and avarice."
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B.A. Bearacus
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bearup said:

Thank you for putting my feelings into words.
I'm glad you think so. I wish the the Trump apologists on the board would be moved by pleas for truth like this too and stop saying thongs I know they don't really believe (or worse they DO believe it and are not ashamed to admit it).
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blungld said:

bearup said:

Thank you for putting my feelings into words.
I'm glad you think so. I wish the the Trump apologists on the board would be moved by pleas for truth like this too and stop saying thongs I know they don't really believe (or worse they DO believe it and are not ashamed to admit it).

The kinds of people who could be moved by such things probably are not Trump supporters in the first place.
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....and Breitbart headlines use the term "Pencil Neck" in place of his name. That is the kind of country we are living in today. When the dictatorship comes, I am eyeballing Canada or Ireland....if we can even get out.
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Lindsey Graham Pals With Adam Schiff Post-Senate Trial
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The amount of evidence that has been obtained despite the Herculean effort by the Idiot in Chief and his minions to keep documents and witnesses from being heard should tell you everything about the guilt of the people in question. If the evidence exonerated the Idiot in Chief and his minions they wouldn't hesitate to make documents and witnesses available. Innocent people don't hide in the dark or use tricks to prevent the disclosure of documents and witnesses. Innocent people relish the opportunity to shine a light on the TRUTH. Which side is pushing for the TRUTH and which side seeks to keep the TRUTH hidden in the darkness? There is a lot of wasted time and energy keeping the facts hidden from the public. Not only do the facts support the charges, but the Idiot in Chief's own words, "We have all of it" supports the charge of Obstruction.
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Republican Senators Are Literally Playing With Kids' Toys During The Impeachment Trial | The Daily Caller
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B.A. Bearacus
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Lindsay leaves the room shortly before video of him is played. I guess he just needed to go to the bathroom.

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I base all my opinions of the impeachment proceeding strictly on those of the chief legal analyst at Fox News:

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump's Senate impeachment trial -- What does it take to remove a president? | Fox News

" What is required for removal of the president? A demonstration of presidential commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, of which in Trump's case the evidence is ample and uncontradicted."
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B.A. Bearacus said:

"And this is why he needs to be removed. Donald Trump chose Rudy Giuliani over his own intelligence agencies." He goes on to say, "That makes him dangerous to us, to our country." Rep. Schiff concludes by saying, "It doesn't matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn't matter how brilliant the framers were if right doesn't matter, we're lost. If truth doesn't matter, we're lost. The framers couldn't protect us from ourselves if right and truth don't matter."
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Mississippi State must be right proud of one of its own:

*What was the reason again why we didn't let the South secede?
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BearForce2 said:

" What is required for removal of the president? A demonstration of presidential commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, of which in Trump's case the evidence is ample and uncontradicted." Judge Napolitano, Chief Legal Analyst for Fox News, Official Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party.
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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

BearForce2 said:

" What is required for removal of the president? A demonstration of presidential commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, of which in Trump's case the evidence is ample and uncontradicted." Judge Napolitano, Chief Legal Analyst for Fox News, Official Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party.
This applies to 90% of all politicians in DC, Republicans and Democrats, Schiff included.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I invite people I don't know to my kid's birthday parties, doesn't everyone?
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