The Non-Yogi Israel-Palestine war thread

189,266 Views | 2533 Replies | Last: 8 hrs ago by tequila4kapp
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It's hard to kill an idea. Israel's tactics just gave birth to several thousand more fanatics that several years from now will be committing terror attacks throughout Europe and America. They have a long timeline.

I am against terrorism in any form, but missing from this discussion is any mention of what is the nature of the injustice that gives rise to this type of hatred. Margaret Thatcher overlooked the same issue when dealing with the IRA, and murderous b@$tards they were.

Israel has every right to defend itself but IMHO they crossed the line. For those who disagree, do you have a line? Is it 50k dead? 100k? 500k? 1M? No line?

I also think Israel needs to be better than this:

Israel's apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity - Amnesty International

For those countries that say Israel has no right to exist and they intend to execute a strategy to that effect:
Number 1, they are wrong; and Number 2, there are a few missiles on German made submarines circling the oceans that are ready to turn your country into a glass bowl*

*At least until AI figures out a way to track subs and negate them.

Progress in detection tech could render submarines useless by the 2050s. What does it mean for the AUKUS pact?
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tequila4kapp said:

Good post.
The neighboring countries largely care about the Palestinian people but not Hamas / PA / PLO. Those entities have existed in numerous of the countries and been removed. Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria (I think), Kuwait, etc. The populations of the neighboring countries are very sympathetic to the Palestinians and hate Jews/Israel; their governments have the Iran and Shiite/Sunni concerns. It's a complex region.
I disagree. I don't think the neighboring countries really care about the Palestinian people. In the past, the cared about having the Palestinian issue for a variety of geopolitical reason and some domestic political dynamics. Those countries care about their own interests which now dictate closer ties with Israel because of the Shia threat. They've also concluded that the corrupt and culturally immoral Palestinian leadership (lead by Hamas) is toxic and not worth investing in.
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bearister said:

It's hard to kill an idea. Israel's tactics just gave birth to several thousand more fanatics that several years from now will be committing terror attacks throughout Europe and America. They have a long timeline.

I am against terrorism in any form, but missing from this discussion is any mention of what is the nature of the injustice that gives rise to this type of hatred. Margaret Thatcher overlooked the same issue when dealing with the IRA, and murderous b@$tards they were.

Israel has every right to defend itself but IMHO they crossed the line. For those who disagree, do you have a line? Is it 50k dead? 100k? 500k? 1M? No line?

I also think Israel needs to be better than this:

Israel's apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity - Amnesty International

For those countries that say Israel has no right to exist and they intend to execute a strategy to that effect:
Number 1, they are wrong; and Number 2, there are a few missiles on German made submarines circling the oceans that are ready to turn your country into a glass bowl*

*At least until AI figures out a way to track subs and negate them.

Progress in detection tech could render submarines useless by the 2050s. What does it mean for the AUKUS pact?
The line has nothing to do with the number of people killed. You are constructing a fallacy. The line is - what is required to stop Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran from attacking and menacing Israel. Israel is permitted and arguably required to do whatever is required to stop that.

By your metric, the US was at fault in WWII because we killed too many Germans and Japanese civilians (in proportion to US civilian losses).

The statement bolded above is laughable. After Hiroshima, did the US ask that question and seek to negotiate with Japan regarding the "perceived injustices"? After 9/11, did the US negotiate with the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden to discuss their "perceived injustices"? OBL wanted the US out of the middle east (particularly Saudi). Should the US have just capitulated? And, in the case of Israel, what the "perceived injustice" is the the existence of Israel. Should Israel just agree not to exist? What concessions would you have them make? And with whom would you have Israel negotiate?

You have lost all moral compass. The reason for the Israeli restrictions on Palestinians in West Bank/Gaza is the permanent terrorism emanating from those places. The Intifadas and more recently 10/7 show that. Any other country would impose the exact same security measures as Israel has vis-a-vis an adjacent territory controlled by groups like Hamas and with the presence of many other terrorist groups. And in Israel, Palestinian/Arab Israelis have full rights of citizenship including voting and political representation - the furthest thing from apartheid.

Speaking of which - spare me the Amnesty International "reports." They have nothing to say about real apartheid in places like Gaza/Lebanon/Syria or any number of other countries (including the Vatican). They only have things to say about Israel in the "occupied territories." There are Muslim atrocities throughout the world that AI gives virtually no attention to. Like you, AI holds Israel to a different standard than any other country which is one of the definitions of antisemitism.

Iran is the biggest problem here. Iran has for 45 years EXPRESSLY sought to end the existence of the "Zionist entity" - again, that is the "perceived grievance." Iran has supported Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and any other anti-Israel group they could find. It has been a soft/cold war perpetuated by Iran - not Israel. Yet here you are blaming Israel for fighting back and suggesting Israel should address the perceived grievances of Iran and its proxies. It is idiotic.

One final point - the Palestinians and Lebanese civilians are also victims of Iran. As recent events have shown, the Mullahs will fight until the last dead Palestinian and Lebanese. If you really cared about these people, you'd be less focusses on Israel and more focused on countering Iran (and Biden/Harris/Obama who propped Iran up in a failed policy that defies explanation).

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BearGoggles said:

bearister said:

It's hard to kill an idea. Israel's tactics just gave birth to several thousand more fanatics that several years from now will be committing terror attacks throughout Europe and America. They have a long timeline.

I am against terrorism in any form, but missing from this discussion is any mention of what is the nature of the injustice that gives rise to this type of hatred. Margaret Thatcher overlooked the same issue when dealing with the IRA, and murderous b@$tards they were.

Israel has every right to defend itself but IMHO they crossed the line. For those who disagree, do you have a line? Is it 50k dead? 100k? 500k? 1M? No line?

I also think Israel needs to be better than this:

Israel's apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity - Amnesty International

For those countries that say Israel has no right to exist and they intend to execute a strategy to that effect:
Number 1, they are wrong; and Number 2, there are a few missiles on German made submarines circling the oceans that are ready to turn your country into a glass bowl*

*At least until AI figures out a way to track subs and negate them.

Progress in detection tech could render submarines useless by the 2050s. What does it mean for the AUKUS pact?
The line has nothing to do with the number of people killed. You are constructing a fallacy. The line is - what is required to stop Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran from attacking and menacing Israel. Israel is permitted and arguably required to do whatever is required to stop that.

By your metric, the US was at fault in WWII because we killed too many Germans and Japanese civilians (in proportion to US civilian losses).

The statement bolded above is laughable. After Hiroshima, did the US ask that question and seek to negotiate with Japan regarding the "perceived injustices"? After 9/11, did the US negotiate with the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden to discuss their "perceived injustices"? OBL wanted the US out of the middle east (particularly Saudi). Should the US have just capitulated? And, in the case of Israel, what the "perceived injustice" is the the existence of Israel. Should Israel just agree not to exist? What concessions would you have them make? And with whom would you have Israel negotiate?

You have lost all moral compass. The reason for the Israeli restrictions on Palestinians in West Bank/Gaza is the permanent terrorism emanating from those places. The Intifadas and more recently 10/7 show that. Any other country would impose the exact same security measures as Israel has vis-a-vis an adjacent territory controlled by groups like Hamas and with the presence of many other terrorist groups. And in Israel, Palestinian/Arab Israelis have full rights of citizenship including voting and political representation - the furthest thing from apartheid.

Speaking of which - spare me the Amnesty International "reports." They have nothing to say about real apartheid in places like Gaza/Lebanon/Syria or any number of other countries (including the Vatican). They only have things to say about Israel in the "occupied territories." There are Muslim atrocities throughout the world that AI gives virtually no attention to. Like you, AI holds Israel to a different standard than any other country which is one of the definitions of antisemitism.

Iran is the biggest problem here. Iran has for 45 years EXPRESSLY sought to end the existence of the "Zionist entity" - again, that is the "perceived grievance." Iran has supported Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and any other anti-Israel group they could find. It has been a soft/cold war perpetuated by Iran - not Israel. Yet here you are blaming Israel for fighting back and suggesting Israel should address the perceived grievances of Iran and its proxies. It is idiotic.

One final point - the Palestinians and Lebanese civilians are also victims of Iran. As recent events have shown, the Mullahs will fight until the last dead Palestinian and Lebanese. If you really cared about these people, you'd be less focusses on Israel and more focused on countering Iran (and Biden/Harris/Obama who propped Iran up in a failed policy that defies explanation).

Nearly everything you wrote here boils down to "hasbara", or pro-Israel propaganda.

Israel is an apartheid state, according to many neutral observers like Carter, Bishop Tutu or Mearsheimer and Sachs. The latter two have also stated unequivocally that Israel is currently conducting a genocide on the Palestinians.

Israel has been engaged in a long ethnic cleansing project that has substantially accelerated the last year, they intend to take over northern Gaza and further concentrate its inhabitants in an even smaller area. They covet their land and offshore gas resources.

Israel today is run by religious fanatics who view the whole Levant, entire swath of land between the Nile and Euphrates. as their God-given land, and its inhabitants as lesser humans that need to be cleared out.

Israel is the only country in the world that doesn't have defined borders, because it is an ongoing expansionary project.

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Bush/Cheney are exclusively responsible for Iran's ascendancy when they needlessly destroyed the only effective counterweight in the region with a pretextual invasion.

Cal88 wrote:
"They [Israel] covet their land and offshore gas resources."

As do tRump/Kushner who have both commented on the development potential of beachfront properties in Gaza and Lebanon. Both will be getting their beaks soaking wet in that action at the earliest opportunity and Bibi will get a generous cut.
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Yes indeed, Kushner did mention waterfront developments in Gaza, creepy. Kushner's quid pro quo funding schemes from Gulf sheikdoms while on official diplomatic missions there is illegal and a bona fide line of prosecution on Trump.

Wish you'd also call out the Biden clan's financial involvement in Ukraine.
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"Wish you'd also call out the Biden clan's financial involvement in Ukraine."

Provide a source more credible than Catturd, Amuse, Substack hacks, and all the other ridiculous sources the Right Wing trolls on this site provide links to and I will read and digest. No need for anything on Hunter. I presume it's true.

BTW, never was a Biden fan. He gift wrapped Clarence Thomas and gave him to this country as a "gift until Thomas' death" because he was too weak to allow a mountain of corroborating evidence into the Confirmation Hearing which would have relegated that guy to the dustbin of history.
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bearister said:

"Wish you'd also call out the Biden clan's financial involvement in Ukraine."

Provide a source more credible than Catturd, Amuse, Substack hacks, and all the other ridiculous sources the Right Wing trolls on this site provide links to and I will read and digest. No need for anything on Hunter. I presume it's true.

BTW, never was a Biden fan. He gift wrapped Clarence Thomas and gave him to this country as a "gift until Thomas' death" because he was too weak to allow a mountain of corroborating evidence into the Confirmation Hearing which would have relegated that guy to the dustbin of history.

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There are articles from multiple sources on this but it's easier to use Wikipedia and read the citation notes:
" A joint investigation by two Republican Senate committees released in September 2020 found no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. A sweeping Republican House committee investigation of the Biden family has found no wrongdoing by December 2023.[1]

BidenUkraine conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
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BTW, never was a Biden fan. He gift wrapped Clarence Thomas and gave him to this country as a "gift until Thomas' death" because he was too weak to allow a mountain of corroborating evidence into the Confirmation Hearing which would have relegated that guy to the dustbin of history.

Has anyone ever seen this "mountain" of corroborating evidence or is that just more BS from Joe BIden, serial liar? Seems like your inclination is to only believe sexual harassment claims if they are made against conservatives. Tara Reade was a heckuva lot more credible than Anita Hill.
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Zippergate said:

Tara Reade was a heckuva lot more credible than Anita Hill.
LOL no.
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"…..or is that just more BS from Joe BIden, serial liar?"

Do you have reading comprehension problems? Biden helped that Uncle Tom and his "hi tech lynching" bullsh@it by keeping the testimony of other women at his job that he harassed out of the hearing. The habit/custom evidence they kept out regarding Thomas' serial harasser behavior was of the type that sinks defendants in sex harassment cases.

Do the research yourself. Why should I waste 2 seconds of my time doing research for a guy like you that thinks he can rebut a think tank White Paper with a flippant remark or just a "TDS."

I think it is so predicable that being a Clarence Thomas defender is part of your bundled belief system. He is objectively the most corrupt justice in the history of the SCOTUS and he perjured himself during the Confirmation Hearing.

I admit, you had me going when you restricted your comments to the Covid vaccination thread because you write well and you have an extremely strong line of bullsh@t in that thread. The problem is, once you started posting in all the threads favored by the resident Right Wing trolls, and your beliefs and opinions were consistent with theirs, you lost all credibility.

At least we know Yogi is just jerking you guys around for his own purposes and doesn't really believe any of your nonsense either. It is a temporary alliance for him.

*Well, since it takes me the same amount of time to find this as it does for you to type "TDS":

Joe Biden's 'Anita Hill' problem - POLITICO

There are literally hundreds of articles on the corruption of the Thomas Hearing. His present corruption issues regarding financial wrongdoing and conflicts of interest so perfectly fill out the personality profile he hid at the hearing.
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Corruption? In light of lawfare 2024, this is rich, even for you. High tech lynching. Figures that the man you hate more than anyone except Trump is the black conservative. So predictable.
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Lawfare only works if you are dumb enough to actually commit the crime and there is enough evidence for a unanimous jury to convict you.

Are you against the jury system? tRump is when it involves filing unsupported criminal charges against his enemies. He has expressed a preference for military tribunals.
I think he prefers juries for his own cases but he needs lawyers that don't f@uck up and waive his right to a jury.

*" And from my standpoint as a black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. …. U.S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree."
-Clarence Thomas*
*Playing the role of the righteous Black man.
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Elica brilliantly destroys the mentally challenged leftist ideology of supporting terrorist movments under the guise of liberation. A lot of left wing American academia is nothing more than shilling for terror.

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bearister said:

Bush/Cheney are exclusively responsible for Iran's ascendancy when they needlessly destroyed the only effective counterweight in the region with a pretextual invasion.

Cal88 wrote:
"They [Israel] covet their land and offshore gas resources."

As do tRump/Kushner who have both commented on the development potential of beachfront properties in Gaza and Lebanon. Both will be getting their beaks soaking wet in that action at the earliest opportunity and Bibi will get a generous cut.

You are really discrediting and revealing yourself with this one.

Bush/Cheney did empower Iran by weakening Iraq (and empowering the Shia w/i Iraq). But exclusively? Did history end in 2008? Because I can point to a Billions of things ($$) Obama/Biden/Harris did to empower Iran that were much more impactful to the current situation.

In terms of Israel "coveting" Gaza and its resources, that is both preposterous and laughable. Israel left Gaza. It didn't have to. Israel has its own beaches and resorts. It also has its own gas resources which are greater than Gaza's.

In June 2023, it appeared there was finally a pathway for the Palestinians to develop their natural gas rights after 20+ years of disputes and political concerns. But then Hamas decided 10/7 was more important than securing economic prosperity and energy independence. Just another example of Hamas choosing to spend money on war and terrorism rather than improving the lives of Palestinians.

After adopting Cal88's nonsense propaganda posts in making the above claims, just a few posts later you acknowledge how unreliable his "sources" are. You reject them for Ukraine, but accept them for Israel?

Its remarkable that your infirm mind has managed to intertwine your antisemitism with your TDS to somehow make these weird allegations about Israel and Trump/Kushner. This is bat poop crazy and supported only by the delusions in your paranoid head.
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bearister said:

Lawfare only works if you are dumb enough to actually commit the crime and there is enough evidence for a unanimous jury to convict you.

Are you against the jury system? tRump is when it involves filing unsupported criminal charges against his enemies. He has expressed a preference for military tribunals.
I think he prefers juries for his own cases but he needs lawyers that don't f@uck up and waive his right to a jury.

*" And from my standpoint as a black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. …. U.S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree."
-Clarence Thomas*
*Playing the role of the righteous Black man.
You're an attorney Do you actually believe this?

The NY state court proceedings were a mockery, particular because partisan judges hated Trump. The DC judges were not much better. Trump has already won all of his appeals (at least the initial appeals) and is going to win the NY cases on appeal . . . but the Lawfare will still have worked in terms of affecting the election and preventing him from campaigning (not to mention the financial costs).

Part of the point of the Lawfare is to punish your opponents even when they're innocent. They are financially ruined, which sends a powerful message to your other political opponents.

If Trump wins and he decides to do what Biden and the dems have done (i.e., pursue cases against his political opponents, often using novel theories of liability that don't hold up on appeal), I suspect you'll be singing a different tune. Biden and his family will be the first targets (FARA). Perhaps Kamala's family too since there are rumors her brother in law is dirty.

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BearGoggles said:

bearister said:

Bush/Cheney are exclusively responsible for Iran's ascendancy when they needlessly destroyed the only effective counterweight in the region with a pretextual invasion.

Cal88 wrote:
"They [Israel] covet their land and offshore gas resources."

As do tRump/Kushner who have both commented on the development potential of beachfront properties in Gaza and Lebanon. Both will be getting their beaks soaking wet in that action at the earliest opportunity and Bibi will get a generous cut.

You are really discrediting and revealing yourself with this one.

Bush/Cheney did empower Iran by weakening Iraq (and empowering the Shia w/i Iraq). But exclusively? Did history end in 2008? Because I can point to a Billions of things ($$) Obama/Biden/Harris did to empower Iran that were much more impactful to the current situation.

In terms of Israel "coveting" Gaza and its resources, that is both preposterous and laughable. Israel left Gaza. It didn't have to. Israel has its own beaches and resorts. It also has its own gas resources which are greater than Gaza's.

In June 2023, it appeared there was finally a pathway for the Palestinians to develop their natural gas rights after 20+ years of disputes and political concerns. But then Hamas decided 10/7 was more important than securing economic prosperity and energy independence. Just another example of Hamas choosing to spend money on war and terrorism rather than improving the lives of Palestinians.

After adopting Cal88's nonsense propaganda posts in making the above claims, just a few posts later you acknowledge how unreliable his "sources" are. You reject them for Ukraine, but accept them for Israel?

Its remarkable that your infirm mind has managed to intertwine your antisemitism with your TDS to somehow make these weird allegations about Israel and Trump/Kushner. This is bat poop crazy and supported only by the delusions in your paranoid head.

You wouldn't have resorted to those kinds of aggressive, over-the-top invectives if what I've said wasn't true, truth hurts...

From the horse's mouth:

Israel has been bombing Gaza for decades now, you want to portray Israel as the victim, which works for people who are grossly unfamiliar with the region, an unfortunately large segment of the public, but that is once again very far from the truth.

when Israel regularly "mowed the lawn" in Gaza, a zionist euphemism for going on killing sprees against the Palestinian population:

This is before October 7 2023:

Chomsky on the recent history of Gaza:
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Israel is taking a beating on the front in Lebanon, their incursions having been stymied, and now they're also taking losses behind the frontlines as Hezbollah hit Israeli army barracks in Haifa and elsewhere:

So they have been lashing out on civilians in Gaza, ratcheting up their level of violence on the population from insane to bat**** genocidal:

Note that Hezbollah has been exclusively targeting military sites, while Israel has been levelling densely populated city blocks in Lebanon, killing several thousand civilians already. It's as if the body count in Gaza wasn't enough for them.
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Cal88 said:

Israel is taking a beating on the front in Lebanon, their incursions having been stymied, and now they're also taking losses behind the frontlines as Hezbollah hit Israeli army barracks in Haifa and elsewhere:

So they have been lashing out on civilians in Gaza, ratcheting up their level of violence on the population from insane to bat**** genocidal:

Note that Hezbollah has been exclusively targeting military sites, while Israel has been levelling densely populated city blocks in Lebanon, killing several thousand civilians already. It's as if the body count in Gaza wasn't enough for them.

Does Hezbollah have identified military barracks that can be targeted or is their military mingled with their population?
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oski003 said:

Cal88 said:

Israel is taking a beating on the front in Lebanon, their incursions having been stymied, and now they're also taking losses behind the frontlines as Hezbollah hit Israeli army barracks in Haifa and elsewhere:

So they have been lashing out on civilians in Gaza, ratcheting up their level of violence on the population from insane to bat**** genocidal:

Note that Hezbollah has been exclusively targeting military sites, while Israel has been levelling densely populated city blocks in Lebanon, killing several thousand civilians already. It's as if the body count in Gaza wasn't enough for them.

Does Hezbollah have identified military barracks that can be targeted or is their military mingled with their population?

They have units stationed in southern Lebanon that are currently fighting Israeli troops "straight up".

I tell you where Hezbollah isn't in Lebanon, they aren't in churches or fire stations, or any of the 100+ first aid workers that have been bombed so far by Israel.

They've been dropping napalm and white phosphorus on villages to burn entire regions, bombing fire stations ensures that job is properly done.

Remember the early stages of the Gaza mass slaughter where you were arguing about the first hospital being bombed being a secret Hamas base with tunnels, or being hit by Hamas rockets? That didn't age well 30+ bombed hospitals later...

Israel has since pulverized dozens of other hospitals, and has last night firebombed hospital yard tents full of overflow patients.

These are the people you support.

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Cal88 said:

No, but there are 10s of thousands of displaced Israeli's - removed from their homes because Hezbollah was indiscriminately bombing them. Not to mention the soccer field with the 12 (?) kids who were killed. But sure, they only attack military targets.
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Evidence that Hamas beats civilians who try to flee N. Gaza. But I am sure that is Israel's fault...because Democratic Israel is evil and terrorist Hamas is pure and clean and good and awesome.

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tequila4kapp said:

Cal88 said:

No, but there are 10s of thousands of displaced Israeli's - removed from their homes because Hezbollah was indiscriminately bombing them. Not to mention the soccer field with the 12 (?) kids who were killed. But sure, they only attack military targets.

1- The kids killed in the Israeli occupied Golan Heights were Arab kids, and they were killed by an Israeli anti-air missile landing there. Israeli officials who went there for their photo ops were promptly chased out by the locals.

2- Hezbollah targets military sites in northern Israel, while Israel bombs Lebanese churches, hospitals, dense residential neighborhoods in cities, and uses white phosphorous on over a dozen Lebanese towns.

You can't conduct a mass slaughter killing civilians by the tens of thousands while starving them, dropping the equivalent of over 4 Hiroshima bombs over a densely populated open-air ghetto and not expect blowback from your neighbors and on top of all this, keep playing the victim.
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BearGoggles said:

bearister said:

Bush/Cheney are exclusively responsible for Iran's ascendancy when they needlessly destroyed the only effective counterweight in the region with a pretextual invasion.

Cal88 wrote:
"They [Israel] covet their land and offshore gas resources."

As do tRump/Kushner who have both commented on the development potential of beachfront properties in Gaza and Lebanon. Both will be getting their beaks soaking wet in that action at the earliest opportunity and Bibi will get a generous cut.

You are really discrediting and revealing yourself with this one.

…..It's remarkable that your infirm mind has managed to intertwine your antisemitism with your TDS to somehow make these weird allegations about Israel and Trump/Kushner. This is bat poop crazy and supported only by the delusions in your paranoid head.

You have discredited and revealed yourself in every comment you have ever posted on the OT Board.

You are a Right Winger and view every political issue through that filter. I am a moderate, which in your world translates to a radical Leftie.

I'm antisemitic because I am not giving Israel a free pass on its current conduct? There are a lot of Jewish people in Israel, America and around the world that agree with me. Are they antisemitic? Well, I suppose it's possible in light of the fact Stephen Miller is a self loathing Jew that espouses a lot of Nazi principles.
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BearGoggles said:

bearister said:

Lawfare only works if you are dumb enough to actually commit the crime and there is enough evidence for a unanimous jury to convict you.

Are you against the jury system? tRump is when it involves filing unsupported criminal charges against his enemies. He has expressed a preference for military tribunals.
I think he prefers juries for his own cases but he needs lawyers that don't f@uck up and waive his right to a jury.

*" And from my standpoint as a black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. …. U.S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree."
-Clarence Thomas*
*Playing the role of the righteous Black man.
You're an attorney Do you actually believe this?

The NY state court proceedings were a mockery, particular because partisan judges hated Trump. The DC judges were not much better. Trump has already won all of his appeals (at least the initial appeals) and is going to win the NY cases on appeal . . . but the Lawfare will still have worked in terms of affecting the election and preventing him from campaigning (not to mention the financial costs).

Part of the point of the Lawfare is to punish your opponents even when they're innocent. They are financially ruined, which sends a powerful message to your other political opponents.

If Trump wins and he decides to do what Biden and the dems have done (i.e., pursue cases against his political opponents, often using novel theories of liability that don't hold up on appeal), I suspect you'll be singing a different tune. Biden and his family will be the first targets (FARA). Perhaps Kamala's family too since there are rumors her brother in law is dirty.

Please provide a link to "all the appeals" tRump has won.

tRump never testifies in his criminal cases because he would perjure himself. He sinks himself whenever he testifies in a civil case because he always lies.

Let's see how all his trials play out. If he becomes POTUS he will pardon himself in all federal criminal cases.

Yes, tRump can have his stooge AG indict and prosecute his enemies for the sake of revenge but those cases will have no factual basis and will be based solely on imaginary allegations and "alternate facts" which have no place in a court of law. A unanimous jury will never convict even one of tRump's enemies…..and the tax payers will foot the bill for millions, just like they do every time MAGA legislators conduct a Senate or Congressional Investigation to Nowhere that never results in any Democrat being charged.

The only way tRump convicts a political enemy is if he eliminates the right to a jury trial under the Sixth Amendment and can direct the case to a corrupt judge he has appointed or he simply refers his enemies' cases to military tribunals of his appointment, like he has suggested.

Are you ever embarrassed by the school boy nonsense that you believe in?
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^Perhaps you could use one of the dozen plus active Trump threads to talk about Trump, Bearister?

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Keep it up, Israel !!!
Big C
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Chapman_is_Gone said:

Keep it up, Israel !!!

It's not my only reason, or even my #1 reason for supporting Israel, but it sure doesn't hurt their cause that a heckuva lot of Israeli chicks seem pretty hot. Am I some sort of pig for noticing this and valuing it? Maybe...
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Israel flag = blue
Palestinian flag = red
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Cal88 said:

I thought the Dems were moving left. I am so confused.

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dimitrig said:

Cal88 said:

I thought the Dems were moving left. I am so confused.

Left on social issues, neocon right on forever war.

This being said, Trump is definitely not better here, no question.
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Apparently the definition of war has now changed depending on who is President
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Am Israel Chai. All those who seek to destroy us will be eliminated.

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