The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,531 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
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Can they charge $5000 a piece for front row seats to Rudy's Congressional testimony and donate the proceeds to charity?

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Cal Junkie
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bearister said:

Can they charge $5000 a piece for front row seats to Rudy's Congressional testimony and donate the proceeds to charity?

Greta Thunberg should recommend her favorite charity, if only to generate more exploding heads on a per minute basis.
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okaydo said:

My response to Ken "Hey Kavanaugh, draft me 50 questions about bl@wj@bs" Starr:

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B.A. Bearacus
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Subhuman b@stard:

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Another Bear said:

offshorebear said:

dajo9 said:

offshorebear said:

This board is predictable. This thread in a nutshell...

A handful of normal posters discuss(and even celebrate) the impeachment inquiry into Trump. Here are their names:
Another Bear
B.A. Bearacus

Also, a handful of right wing posters come along and push a set of talking points and reality-bending propaganda. Here are their names:

And then there's prospeCt. Definitely in his own category.

But let's get back to why all of these seemingly coordinated right wing trolls all have the same MOs, same construction of their usernames, and are so consistent in their efforts/jobs to propagandize and argue in bad faith and shift the Overton window here, on BI Off Topic, of all places?
I am the only "normal" poster with a number in my name while all the RWNJ's have a number in their name.

Now I have to rethink my reason for existence. Goodbye BI. Goodbye.

I thought about this. They all have generic bear/cal + number nicknames. Dajo, whatever it means, doesn't fit the formula
The # in the username thing is weird. Is this some kind of RWNJ, Russkie or secret proud boy naming convention?

re: #TrumpImpeachment... man it seems Trump and company are getting trucked on the whole thing. DNI guy says the whistle blower did the right thing and inspector general was right to be concerned. At this pace, mabye things get real, real a holiday surprise?
That's brilliant. When I created my username in 2008 with the introduction of this new site from the old site (where I used the same name), I was actually imagining a RWNJ or Russian code.

With "normal" posters like you, who would want to be normal?
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Pigskin Pete said:

going4roses said:

Impeachment should not the goal the goal should be reprogramming of the people that voted for him/that identity with his narrative.

When people have drug abuse issues that person has to find and identify (w/ help most times) the reason one has fallen into the cycle of abuse.

If he is removed does white nationalism(supremacy) stop ... Nope
And how would you propose to stop it?
It is not about stopping it. It is about not normalizing it.

It is about stopping hatred from both sides, including antisemitism from the far left and especially white nationalism from the far right.

We need to get back to putting decency back into government and demanding decency from ourselves. Anonymity of the internet is no excuse for horrible behavior. Having a criminal, narcissistic idiot in the White House is no excuse either. You are either decent or your are not. While Trump and some of his sycophants are the worst offenders, the left (including the Squad) are almost as bad. Name calling, hyperbole, profanity, and unbalanced characterizations will only harden each party's viewpoint.

As we continue to put one-dimensional vilification of the other side as the way we project our own identity, there is no convincing with logic or argument. Anyone here and elsewhere who think their vilification of the voters on either side is helping, you just need to reassess how we got here and whether you on an individual basis have been able to persuade even a single person with your tactics.
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calbear93 said:

You are either decent or your are not. While Trump and some of his sycophants are the worst offenders, the left (including the Squad) are almost as bad.
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The quality of conspiracy theories generated by Trump and his reflexive defenders has gone way downhill. By comparison, the birther theory is Picasso and they have been reduced to fingerpainting.

Among the worst they've come up with is the false narrative that the whistleblower form recently changed to allow second-hand information to form the basis of a complaint. Not only is that a complete fabrication but it's completely irrelevant given that everything that has come out from the administration has corroborated the whistleblower complaint.

Say what you want about Dick Cheney and Karl Rove but at least they ran a tight ship and knew how to craft a narrative.
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A few years ago, when I thought he was in retirement, Rudy Giuliani spoke at a corporate function we hosted. He joked about the good old days (presumably the 1980s) when you could violate international law and nab somebody in a foreign country and sneak them back to the U.S. to stand trial.

I found it distasteful though he laughed about it. I know he was talking about criminals. I guess I just value the rule of law too much. I think government officials tasked with enforcing the law should take the law seriously.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
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Unit2Sucks said:

The quality of conspiracy theories generated by Trump and his reflexive defenders has gone way downhill. By comparison, the birther theory is Picasso and they have been reduced to fingerpainting.

I think you're right. Birtherism also never made any sense to me!!

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Unit2Sucks said:

Say what you want about Dick Cheney and Karl Rove but at least they ran a tight ship and knew how to craft a narrative.

Now they just yell and make chit up.

Another Bear
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What we're seeing right now with the GOP and the Trumpo crime family is what happens when you rely on chaos, lies, deception, corruption and crying wolf, when da shtt gets serious. They're out of ammo, grasping at straws but mostly no one is listening.

The mainstream media is no longer giving Trump the break as the rainmaker pulling in billions in ad revenues, driving viewers. Instead the media's new RED MEAT is the dumping of Trump. Impeachment is going to draw in more than 3 years of Trump.

Impeachment is the new reality show on TV and they're going for broke on ratings.

After Trumpo's threat to the Whistleblower and declaration there will be a civil war if he's impeached...where does he go from there? Full fascism, locking people up, sending out the secret police...or asking Putin to do something?

Trump has lost control of the news cycle and without it as an offense, he has no defense. The harder he pumps the spin machine...the less it works. I think he's toast.

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This is out of control with reports of the Idiot in Chief & A.G. Barr contacting foreign governments to get help with investigations in 2016 regarding the Russians and Mueller's report. The Idiot in Chief is attempting to help A. G. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that the Idiot in Chief hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation.

Barr will be subpoenaed next.
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going4roses said:

Pigskin Pete said:

going4roses said:

The short or long version?
Your choice

Stop teaching the younger generation the BS

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And your point is?
Another Bear
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So...shall we pull out the U.S. history books?
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going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.
B.A. Bearacus
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The book Jane Austen named after T was not Sense and Sensibility.
B.A. Bearacus
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kelly09 said:

going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
Cal Junkie
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AunBear89 said:

kelly09 said:

going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.

He's a racist and I think he's a troll, not a Cal fan.Meanwhile the white Nazis shoot up churches, concerts, schools and from him = crickets. FK him.
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Cal Junkie said:

AunBear89 said:

kelly09 said:

going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.

He's a racist and I think he's a troll, not a Cal fan.Meanwhile the white Nazis shoot up churches, concerts, schools and from him = crickets. FK him.
Call me what you will. I went to Cal;.So did both of my kids. I'll bet I have seen more Cal games, at home and on the road, than anyone on this board.
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kelly09 said:

Cal Junkie said:

AunBear89 said:

kelly09 said:

going4roses said:

And your point is?
My point was a response to the preceding but I regret doing it. I am truly sorry that I posted that video. It was stupid of me to do that.

He's a racist and I think he's a troll, not a Cal fan.Meanwhile the white Nazis shoot up churches, concerts, schools and from him = crickets. FK him.
Call me what you will. I went to Cal;.So did both of my kids. I'll bet I have seen more Cal games, at home and on the road, than anyone on this board.
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If you did attend Cal, then you may want to consider not treating your political party like your school's teams. In other words, politicians don't deserve blind support.
B.A. Bearacus
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Coup Coup president.

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B.A. Bearacus said:

Coup coup president.

One constant with Trump is that he always projects his own disgusting motivations onto his perceived enemies.

He whines about witch hunts because that's what he likes to do (Obama's birth, Hillary's emails, lock her up), so that is what his enemies must be doing.

He fumes about fake news because he makes stuff up all the time and passes it off as reality, so he assumes his enemies use the same tactics.

And he calls a legitimate and justified impeachment process, which will of course result in "total exoneration" from his sycophants in the Senate, a COUP because well... a coup is along the lines of what he would consider trying himself if he is eventually voted out.

And a significant subset of the nation follows this guy like a cult figure, any criticism only strengthening their Taliban-like resolve.

We are so F'd.
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OneKeg said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Coup coup president.

One constant with Trump is that he always projects his own disgusting motivations onto his perceived enemies.

He whines about witch hunts because that's what he likes to do (Obama's birth, Hillary's emails, lock her up), so that is what his enemies must be doing.

He fumes about fake news because he makes stuff up all the time and passes it off as reality, so he assumes his enemies use the same tactics.

And he calls a legitimate and justified impeachment process, which will of course result in "total exoneration" from his sycophants in the Senate, a COUP because well... a coup is along the lines of what he would consider trying himself if he is eventually voted out.

And a significant subset of the nation follows this guy like a cult figure, any criticism only strengthening their Taliban-like resolve.

We are so F'd.

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OneKeg said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Coup coup president.

One constant with Trump is that he always projects his own disgusting motivations onto his perceived enemies.

He whines about witch hunts because that's what he likes to do (Obama's birth, Hillary's emails, lock her up), so that is what his enemies must be doing.

He fumes about fake news because he makes stuff up all the time and passes it off as reality, so he assumes his enemies use the same tactics.

And he calls a legitimate and justified impeachment process, which will of course result in "total exoneration" from his sycophants in the Senate, a COUP because well... a coup is along the lines of what he would consider trying himself if he is eventually voted out.

And a significant subset of the nation follows this guy like a cult figure, any criticism only strengthening their Taliban-like resolve.

We are so F'd.up

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There is reporting that a State Dept. IG has requested an urgent briefing concerning the Ukraine. The IG wants to brief several senate and house committees.There is some question as to what he has to show or tell members of Congress. Meanwhile Pompeo is trying his best to block the testimony of Volker and the prior ambassador who was booted out of her position by the Idiot in Chief and one of the seven dwarfs who might be named Pompeo.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Coup Coup president.

Maybe he's trying to signal to his radical right wing that they should get their riffles ready and head to the streets.
But maybe what will happen is at the moment that there is the face off, and he announces to them to fire, they will all turn towards him and blow his ****ing head off, ha ha ha ha.

One of my all-time favorite cartoons:

"Shoot me now, shoot me now!"

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Or put another way:

Trump is Luther, and his WH/Hill Henchmen are the rest of The Rogues gang.
Trump moves in to waste the Warriors in the final act, but instead, the Gramercy Riffs, whom Luther thought he was fooling the entire time to serve as his muscle, move in to declare that they've found who they are looking for, and that the Warriors are the good guys, and free to go.

Poor Luther...

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This board is quite racially biased. Probably lots of self-loathing manifesting itself as tribal virtue signaling.
Another Bear
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Trump can't control news cycle

He has no organized counter strategy, like Clinton's impeachment war room.

Allies not defending Trump - but attacking opposition, very telling.

Trump made a massive, tremendous, ginormous mistake releasing the Ukraine phone transcript.

Trump digging himself deeper with crazy twitter, civil war, bad map, general stupidity.

Scandal might be bigger than previously thought: Australia, Pompeo (might be impeached), Giuliani...and more.

Destruction of any requested document, to be treated as contempt of congress.

Rumors McConnell will toss Trump under the bus. "McConnell is hibernating on Trump impeachability: signs the political calculus has changed."

Polls moving fast for pro-impeach. 20 pt swing in some polls.
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"Don't be stupid be a smarty come and join the Republican Party." (Nod to Mel Brooks)

"Just 4 in 10 Republicans say they think President Trump discussed an investigation into Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden during a phone call with Ukraine's president, despite Trump acknowledging having done so, according to a new Monmouth University poll." The Hill
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