The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,508 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
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B.A. Bearacus said:

You can read Gourevitch's highlights on his Twitter account.
This whole thing is pretty damning. Shows clear quid-pro-quo and that Trump knew about all of it.

Even aside from that, it shows total confusion and incompetence within the Administration, with one group not knowing what the other one was doing yet both driving policy towards Ukraine. Also, as it turns out, the only "deep state" is the one Rudy Giuliani was trying to build for himself. As usual, when Republicans accuse someone else of doing something bad it's because they themselves are doing it.
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Pretty obvious that everything the whistleblower said was true was true. And we've known this since the transcriptorandum was released.

The republican defenses have shifted from there was no quid pro quo but we agree that would have been bad to there was a QPQ but so what. Seems like our country has two paths it can pursue - number one would be to have a bipartisan reset where we decide we will enforce the constitution on the executive branch. Number two would be to have things dissolve into a partisan state where power is wielded exclusively in favor of the winning constituency, norms, laws, etc. be damned. If you can get away with it, it's de facto acceptable.

Pretty sad to say it's quite obvious we are headed down path two.
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TRUMP: "Fighting worldwide corruption one opposition presidential candidate at a time."

TRUMP: "Putting the mob and secret foreign agents of authoritarian regimes (enemies) to work for us!"

TRUMP: "If you don't like reality, just step into the time machine fantasy of my retrograde criminal lying mind!"

B.A. Bearacus
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We could have an exact parallel (but worse) scenario to Clinton and the GOP would accept it.

We could have a young intern, let's say she is underage, and a blue dress with the male seed of every cabinet member including POTUS and VP on it, a video of them having cocaine fueled sex with this intern on a desk in oval office while talking about how they always have sex in here with underage girls and it is just like how they like to screw the country and the dumb people who vote for them...and then Trump could say to Congress on TV he did not have sex with that woman....he was promoting Feminism, and THAT would be the party line. No impeachment.

Instead we'd get: "The Deep State is so afraid that they will lose the election that they are creating a hoax to drag down this God-chosen president while he makes the country great again and honors the women of the world everywhere."

And a few of our noble parrot posters would be agreeing with and propagating that party line (lie).
Another Bear
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I read Taylor's opening statement. Take aways: BIG fccking problem for Trump and major case of corruption, treason. Neo-cons and hawks will flip on Trump. There's an election coming soon and if they don't flip, they stand to lose. State Dept. staffers already have flipped.

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blungld said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

A significant portion of Trump's Republican supporters are open about their belief in his infallibility: 42 percent of Republicans said there is virtually nothing the president could do to lose their approval. Among Republicans who cited Fox News as their primary news source, this number was even higher, at 55 percent. And Trump's most steadfast supporters are also most likely to condone his behavior: Nearly two-thirds of white evangelicals said Trump has not hurt the dignity of the presidency. By contrast, majorities of all other religious groups said Trump has damaged the image of the office... These numbers reinforce the idea that some of Trump's supporters have come to see American politics as an all-out war.
Modern American Christianity (as do many religions throughout history) undergird the political apparatus and social norms to maintain power and control by the elite in a given society. The "faiths" like Evangelicalism is an indoctrinating brew of culture, class, and cultism that is a training ground for blind obedience. It not only fosters, it encourages and rewards, ignorance and intolerance.

You don't get Trump, and you don't get income inequality, inaction on Climate Change, anti-intellectualism, and FOX news fervor without the way Christianity has evolved in this country and been cynically manipulated by the GOP. There is no honest way you get from the teachings of Jesus to the stamp of approval on the sins of capitalism, and the monolithic voting on abortion and marriage equality (etc) without the intentional, anger-stoking, simplistic propaganda of false faith that is all cover for maintaining a voting base and getting self-serving economic measures out of the masses against their own interest.

It's a farce. It's nothing short of evil.

And all outrage should be directed at the people willing to use God and sincere faith against the less informed, and not at the critics who point out the malfeasance and moral bankruptcy.
dramatic and sanctimonious. Right on cue.
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Minimizing, partisan, and tone deaf right on cue.
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Evangelical Christians Face a Deepening Crisis - The Atlantic

" But as a starting point, evangelical Christians should acknowledge the profound damage that's being done to their movement by its braided political relationship, it's love affair, to bring us back to the words of Ralph Reed, with a president who is an ethical and moral wreck. Until that is undone, until followers of Jesus are once again willing to speak truth to power rather than act like court pastors, the crisis in American Christianity will only deepen, its public testimony only dim, its effort to be a healing agent in a broken world only weaken."
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blungld said:

Minimizing, partisan, and tone deaf right on cue.
Partisan? lol
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GBear4Life said:

blungld said:

Minimizing, partisan, and tone deaf right on cue.
Partisan? lol
Own who you are
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

GBear4Life said:

blungld said:

Minimizing, partisan, and tone deaf right on cue.
Partisan? lol
Own who you are
Mirror mirror on the wall

Is finding the (partisan and hyperbolic) incessant moral posturing and sanctimonious whining partisan? Then Ok.
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Thank God there are men and women in the U.S. government that know the difference between right and wrong like Ambassador Bill Taylor and Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.
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GBear4Life said:

blungld said:

Minimizing, partisan, and tone deaf right on cue.
Partisan? lol
I'm sorry, but use of the term "nothing burger" is a dead giveaway.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Pretty obvious that everything the whistleblower said was true was true. And we've known this since the transcriptorandum was released.

The republican defenses have shifted from there was no quid pro quo but we agree that would have been bad to there was a QPQ but so what. Seems like our country has two paths it can pursue - number one would be to have a bipartisan reset where we decide we will enforce the constitution on the executive branch. Number two would be to have things dissolve into a partisan state where power is wielded exclusively in favor of the winning constituency, norms, laws, etc. be damned. If you can get away with it, it's de facto acceptable.

Pretty sad to say it's quite obvious we are headed down path two.
There is no option now. Once one party does it, the other party has to follow suit.
B.A. Bearacus
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But if the President doesn't actually say the word "quo" then there was no crime and you must acquit...or something...but if it turns out he did say quo, then he was either joking...or it is a tic...or actually maybe it was the Deep State that said quo...or it's not in the abuse of power is actually a good thing? I don't know. There's got to be some reason that all of this is okay and my blind loyalty and anger at Democrats can continue, right?
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The Republican legislators that stormed the hearing room should have been properly warned and then properly shot. It confirms my belief that they would back a tRump dictatorship rather than lose power.
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Another Bear
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Haha...yeah the snowflakes stormed the House Intel hearing but forgot the torches and pitchforks.
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Another Bear
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So the GOP have dumped personal responsibility, family values, a balanced budget and following standard rules...and now they're spying on congressional hearing. Recording devices are NOT allowed in closed hearings.
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Another Bear said:

So the GOP have dumped personal responsibility, family values, a balanced budget and following standard rules...and now they're spying on congressional hearing. Recording devices are NOT allowed in closed hearings.

It's as true today as it was in the Ronnie Raygun days:

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
B.A. Bearacus
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How soon for the Republicans on here who are still defending this president to start using the T Doctrine ("too dumb to know better") on themselves?

McCarthy just now appeared to excuse GOP members bringing cell phones into the secure area of the SCIF, telling me:

"These are individuals who have never been in Intel Committee before or anywhere else. So it's nothing serious from that matter."

Wait!!? Republicans tried to storm a Secure Classified Information Facility (SCIF) where TOP SECRET +++ information is stored & shared? ITS A TOP SECRET FACILITY RUN BY THE CIA/DOD & GUARDED BY TS/SCI CLEARED ARMED POLICE. This isn't a joke anymore. Charge them with trespass.

Objectively speaking, Republicans violated the SCIF's security rules and took a classified briefing hostage to demand access to which they're not entitled.

The destruction of basic governance norms continues apace.
Another Bear
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AunBear89 said:

Another Bear said:

So the GOP have dumped personal responsibility, family values, a balanced budget and following standard rules...and now they're spying on congressional hearing. Recording devices are NOT allowed in closed hearings.

It's as true today as it was in the Ronnie Raygun days:

This is true but the scale and magnitude of Trump era GOP dumping their values, morals and legal standing is way off the charts. They've abandoned all their values, including being the law and order party. The Ukraine stuff is a lot more than lying about deficit spending.
Another Bear
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B.A. Bearacus said:

How soon for the Republicans on here who are still defending this president to start using the T Doctrine ("too dumb to know better") on themselves?

McCarthy just now appeared to excuse GOP members bringing cell phones into the secure area of the SCIF, telling me:

"These are individuals who have never been in Intel Committee before or anywhere else. So it's nothing serious from that matter."

Wait!!? Republicans tried to storm a Secure Classified Information Facility (SCIF) where TOP SECRET +++ information is stored & shared? ITS A TOP SECRET FACILITY RUN BY THE CIA/DOD & GUARDED BY TS/SCI CLEARED ARMED POLICE. This isn't a joke anymore. Charge them with trespass.

Objectively speaking, Republicans violated the SCIF's security rules and took a classified briefing hostage to demand access to which they're not entitled.

The destruction of basic governance norms continues apace.

The current GOP are basically lemmings in an authoritarian regime. Gaetz and company have proven to be a numbskull of the highest magnitude. On the plus side, it appears they're going down in a flaming pile of dog crap.

I suspect the conservatives on here will show who they are shortly...unless they've gone into hiding like much of the GOP.
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okaydo said:

I thought melon head Matt Whitaker was too busy editing fake testimonials in support of bogus products and services to be opining on political matters.
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bearister said:

okaydo said:

I thought melon head Matt Whitaker was too busy editing fake testimonials in support of bogus products and services to be opining on political matters.

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okaydo said:

Time for the lads to secure a refund plus interest.

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B.A. Bearacus
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The WSJ applying the T Doctrine that he was too dumb to have known better or to have successfully achieved his corrupt goal.

Another Bear
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What a bunch of dumb****s.

12 Republicans who stormed closed-door impeachment proceedings already had permission to attend

  • Many of the House Republicans who stormed a closed-door hearing as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump were allowed to go inside, if they had wanted.
  • More than 30 Republicans forced their way into the hearing on Wednesday, delaying it for around five hours. They now face allegations of risking national security.
  • 12 were already able to attend the meeting as they sit on relevant committees, but they said they entered to protest its secrecy.
  • Longstanding rules mean that witnesses are supposed to be interviewed in a classified setting. Democrats say they will hold open hearings once their initial investigation is done.
B.A. Bearacus
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Now the Idiot in Chief and his merry band of cronies are going after Bill Taylor a man who served this country for 50 years in the U.S. military while Colonel Bone Spur had his dad purchase a Dr.'s note to get him out of going to Vietnam. Who is believable in this instance, a man who fought in Vietnam and returned to war to serve his country and fellow soldiers for half a century or a man who sits on a golden toilet, has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3 wives, has slept with porn stars, and has betrayed and left 2 million Kurdish women, children, and men who fought on behalf of the U.S. to their own devices to guard against ethnic cleansing? Who would you stand behind and trust with your life, and who do you think would cut and run?
Cal Junkie
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B.A. Bearacus said:

One may recall the Bill Clinton impeachment discussions were held behind the GOP's closed doors. They also closed the doors for the Kava-rape nomination discussions.
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BearNIt said:

Now the Idiot in Chief and his merry band of cronies are going after Bill Taylor a man who served this country for 50 years in the U.S. military while Colonel Bone Spur had his dad purchase a Dr.'s note to get him out of going to Vietnam. Who is believable in this instance, a man who fought in Vietnam and returned to war to serve his country and fellow soldiers for half a century or a man who sits on a golden toilet, has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3 wives, has slept with porn stars, and has betrayed and left 2 million Kurdish women, children, and men who fought on behalf of the U.S. to their own devices to guard against ethnic cleansing? Who would you stand behind and trust with your life, and who do you think would cut and run?

Say it with me, everyone:

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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