The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,395 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
B.A. Bearacus
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RDATR: Rules Don't Apply To Republicans.

B.A. Bearacus
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BTGCCSN: Business Too Good Can't Close Shop Now.

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Unit2Sucks said:

Pretty obvious that everything the whistleblower said was true was true. And we've known this since the transcriptorandum was released.

The republican defenses have shifted from there was no quid pro quo but we agree that would have been bad to there was a QPQ but so what. Seems like our country has two paths it can pursue - number one would be to have a bipartisan reset where we decide we will enforce the constitution on the executive branch. Number two would be to have things dissolve into a partisan state where power is wielded exclusively in favor of the winning constituency, norms, laws, etc. be damned. If you can get away with it, it's de facto acceptable.

Pretty sad to say it's quite obvious we are headed down path two.

#3 would be to work for and wait until the entire Republican Party dissolves into the air, just like my farts upon them.
The Republican Party is a dying breed. Rural uneducated xenophobic white people. Bye bye.
Sure, there are other factions of the party (those who actually control the party and fool the stupid ones) but they won't be able to do that for much longer.

Time's Up!

Another Bear
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Next week National Security Council staffers are set to testify at the House Intel comm. I think there's going to be three more weeks of fact finding and testimony, just don't know who yet but there's a long line. After that, the Dems have said they'll start public hearings to make things more transparent.

Here's what I gather from this:
A) Continue to own the news cycle, rendering Trump useless.
B) Present Americans with impeachment information, 24/7. Flood the zone.
C) Ride the media circus for all its worth, whip the country into a frenzy,
D) Give Trump enough rope to strangle himself...hoping for another Ukraine admission.

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The Republicans are so useless, so dishonest.
They are complaining that they aren't getting their chance to defend, but they just need to chill out and wait their turn.
They can ask questions in the deposition hearings.
They can vote against all common sense in the Senate.
They can even have some defectors and still not lose the Presidency.

So then why are they complaining about this? Because all the evidence that is coming out makes them look ridiculous.
I saw enough 3 years ago to know that was the case.
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Storming a hearing room is obstruction of justice.
Trying to suppress evidence, witnesses from testifying... it's all obstruction of justice.

And he calls it a "lynching".

Dumbass liar.
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Oh, wait, a black man is president?
That can't be!
That simply CANNOT BE!!!!
I have to do something - get involved - discredit him.

Let's see, I can't besmirch his character, because he's really smart and really well spoken and really well behaved.

I know! His dad is from Africa. That's it! He's not even American.
Fake newspaper report.
Fake birth certificate.
Everyone is lying and I am right.

Only a bunch of stupid ass lemmings fall for this clown.

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Republicans storming the Capitol: DEMS WILL NOT REPLACE US
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Here's a link to a video interview I'd like you to watch:

Baron: Trump seeks to disqualify other arbiters of fact - CNN Video
Editor of the Washington Post Marty Baron says the President tries to discredit the press and other institutions...

Baron: Trump seeks to disqualify other arbiters of fact - CNN Video

And here's the pertinent transcript if the link doesn't work:

SMERCONISH: You referenced the criticism. The president I think just today referred to the media as scum. He calls fake news, he refers to the media as being corrupt. Do you think he does that for political advantage or because that's how upset he is with the coverage?

BARON: I think he does it largely for political advantage, frankly. I think he does it because he knows that it's helpful to have an enemy. He knows that the press is not beloved in the country, and so they make a very convenient enemy. And he wants to position the press as being the opposition party so that the press will not be believed, so that he can undermine the credibility of the press.

And that's what he's trying to do. He's trying to disqualify the press as an arbiter of fact so that there's only one person, one institution that is believed, the White House and himself. So that his -- so that the public will only believe him and believe no one else.

And it's not just disqualifying the press as an arbiter of fact, it's disqualifying the courts as an arbiter of fact, the intelligence agencies as an arbiter of fact, the scientists as an arbiter of fact, historians as an arbiter of fact. Any independent source of information is being disqualified as an arbiter of fact or would be if he had his way.

Barron hits the nail on the head. It's amazing to me how Trump is constantly saying he knows more about this, more about that. As a candidate, he even claimed he knew more about ISIS than "the generals" - what a joke! So many far-fetched claims. How he has the audacity to say the things he does is beyond me, but that's a psych study that will find that "he certainly is the greatest at SOMETHING".
Call it what you want.
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offshorebear said:

Republicans storming the Capitol: DEMS WILL NOT REPLACE US
Where's the meme gif for that?
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The Ministry of Truth is the only arbiter of fact. Didn't you take civics?
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Unit2Sucks said:

The Ministry of Truth is the only arbiter of fact. Didn't you take civics?

Continuing along those lines, how long until tRump's shadow government tries this?

Russia Will Test Its Ability to Disconnect from the Internet - Defense One

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Another Bear
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Walls are closing in...


Judge orders DOJ to release grand jury material from Mueller report to Congress

The Department of Justice (DOJ) must hand over to Congress certain redacted information from Robert Mueller's special counsel report, a federal judge ruled Friday in a major win for House Democrats investigating President Trump.

The judge ruled that House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had proven that they have a justifiable reason for obtaining the records related to Mueller's grand jury now that they're pursuing an impeachment inquiry into the president.

In carrying out the weighty constitutional duty of determining whether impeachment of the President is warranted, Congress need not redo the nearly two years of effort spent on the Special Counsel's investigation, nor risk being misled by witnesses, who may have provided information to the grand jury and the Special Counsel that varies from what they tell [the House Judiciary Committee]," District Court Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee, wrote in her decision.
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GOP worries it's losing impeachment fight | TheHill
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bearister said:

GOP worries it's losing impeachment fight | TheHill
I think they're just not used to the truth mattering and wondering why facts all of a sudden have become so important.
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Unit2Sucks said:

The Ministry of Truth is the only arbiter of fact. Didn't you take civics?

Did you watch last week's Smerconish interview of WashPost Editor in chief Marty Baron? Baron says at the end that Trump is always trying to discredit anyone else from being the arbiter of truth (lawyers, scientists, journalists, media, judges, fed officials, generals...) None of them can present fact - it's all Fake News. Only he can be the arbiter of fact.
It was very good.

EDIT: I see I've boothed myself, just above. Sorry, I've been emailing this to friends and family who get confused.
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Another Bear said:

Walls are closing in...


Judge orders DOJ to release grand jury material from Mueller report to Congress

The Department of Justice (DOJ) must hand over to Congress certain redacted information from Robert Mueller's special counsel report, a federal judge ruled Friday in a major win for House Democrats investigating President Trump.

The judge ruled that House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had proven that they have a justifiable reason for obtaining the records related to Mueller's grand jury now that they're pursuing an impeachment inquiry into the president.

In carrying out the weighty constitutional duty of determining whether impeachment of the President is warranted, Congress need not redo the nearly two years of effort spent on the Special Counsel's investigation, nor risk being misled by witnesses, who may have provided information to the grand jury and the Special Counsel that varies from what they tell [the House Judiciary Committee]," District Court Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee, wrote in her decision.

Isn't the WH just going to ignore all demands for documents, testimony, or other evidence until it goes to the Supreme Court?
Drag out the clock and try to get reelected.
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concordtom said:

Unit2Sucks said:

The Ministry of Truth is the only arbiter of fact. Didn't you take civics?

Did you watch last week's Smerconish interview of WashPost Editor in chief Marty Baron? Baron says at the end that Trump is always trying to discredit anyone else from being the arbiter of truth (lawyers, scientists, journalists, media, judges, fed officials, generals...) None of them can present fact - it's all Fake News. Only he can be the arbiter of fact.
It was very good.

Our side is overlooking the fact that truth telling is not a job requirement when you are perceived by your supporters as the Standard Bearer in the Culture War where the stakes are Good vs Evil, Survival of the Nation vs Destruction and Salvation vs Damnation.

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Consider me "human scum".
This could be the rallying cry response to the "Deplorables" comment by Hillary.

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bearister said:

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Disorder and chaos': Trump and Republicans mount furious impeachment fight

"Trump is using the same approach he did to subvert the Mueller report: undermining the legitimacy of the messenger, assigning political motives to those who testify and relying on the Fox News firewall to serve up propaganda to his base," said Kurt Bardella, a former spokesperson and senior adviser for Republicans on the House oversight committee."

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Another Bear
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Shtt just got more real...another career diplomat speaks the truth.


Top State Department official says ousting ambassador to Ukraine was a White House priority

Philip Reeker testified about Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch's removal and withheld military aid in impeachment inquiry hearings Saturday.

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Michael Che during "Weekend Update" (via N.Y. Times' Dave Itzkoff):

"Somehow Giuliani went from the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors."
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Another Bear
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GOP get what they wished for: public hearings. Speaker Pelosi playing Trump and GOP like a fiddle. I sense unmitigated disaster coming, mixed with a lot of stupidity and incompetence.


House Democrats plan 1st formal vote on impeachment inquiry

WASHINGTON (AP) The House will take a vote this week to formalize Democrats' impeachment inquiry amid President Donald Trump's criticism that the probe is "illegitimate." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the step is being taken "to eliminate any doubt" about the process as the administration tries to block witnesses and withhold documents.

In a letter to colleagues on Monday, Pelosi said the resolution will "affirm the ongoing, existing investigation" and lay out procedures for open hearings and the next steps going forward. She dismissed the White House's argument that impeachment isn't happening without a formal vote, saying that "of course, this argument has no merit."
Another Bear
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This guy is a pastor aka man of god.
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Another Bear said:

This guy is a pastor aka man of god.

Bring everything you got, Jethro, we'll be waiting for you.
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B.A. Bearacus
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From above: "Colonel Vindman drafted a memorandum in mid-August that sought to restart security aid that was being withheld from Ukraine, but Mr. Trump refused to sign it, according to documents reviewed by the Times."

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B.A. Bearacus said:

From above: "Colonel Vindman drafted a memorandum in mid-August that sought to restart security aid that was being withheld from Ukraine, but Mr. Trump refused to sign it, according to documents reviewed by the Times."

Another Patriot steps forward to protect the Republic. This is the type of individual that a Democracy needs to survive. This is the type of individual that a corrupt autocrat hates and tries to impugn. This is an individual who believes that country is above party. Thank God for this type of individual.
Another Bear
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Good for Col. Vindman. He joins Amb. Taylor, Amb. Yovanovitch and John Bolton. All credible. Taylor and Yovanovitch are lifelong diplomats with strong reputations and working for the U.S. in a bipartisan manner.

On that note, Steve Bannon is saying he's setting up a separate political operation to take down impeachment, going after impeachment witnesses. Good luck with that Bannon, you fccking drunk Nazi. You guys are grasping at straws. Soon the GOP and Trumpkins will be sitting bricks alone with their brains.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

This guy is a pastor aka man of god.

Bring everything you got, Jethro, we'll be waiting for you.
Wiles looks like Jed Clampett... Matt Gaetz is Jethro.

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Going to be really hard for the fake flag humpers to discredit Vindman personally given his sacrifices for this country and the easily verified nature of his statement but fear not deplorables for nevertheless they will persist.

Look for lots of references to the deep state and never trumpers. And blanket denials and obstruction of course. Heaven forfend the Republicans demand accountability from their leaders.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Going to be really hard for the fake flag humpers to discredit Vindman personally given his sacrifices for this country and the easily verified nature of his statement but fear not deplorables for nevertheless they will persist.

Look for lots of references to the deep state and never trumpers. And blanket denials and obstruction of course. Heaven forfend the Republicans demand accountability from their leaders.

Some People Might Call That Espionage': Fox Panel Questions White House Official Testifying in Impeachment Inquiry
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