The Official Impeach tRump Thread

141,547 Views | 1639 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by bearister
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dajo9 said:

OdontoBear66 said:

bearister said:

OdontoBear66 said:

Tits in a wringer libs. Bad move....Biden & Son go down. Lefties win out, and blown out like Eugene back in the Dark Ages.

You don't have to be liberal to hate tRump and his Crime Family. This is really upsetting to him. It stains him no matter how it turns out. He probably has to throw Rudy under the bus. If Congress impeaches him he will be humiliated testifying at the trial before the Senate because he is too stupid and mentally degraded for any witness prep by an attorney. I don't care if he wins again. His policies favor me financially and f@ucks over much of his base. I always vote against my best financial interests, as does much of his base except those birdbrains don't realize it.

So in the long run do you think this move helps or hurts what is unfolding in the Dem Party? Energizing bases etc. Is this a good move?
This right here exemplifies what is wrong with the current Republican Party and why it is on the verge of a major degradation and its current place in history will be written by the future victors as a scourge of American history. The Republican President has admitted to trying to sell out U.S. foreign policy for domestic political favors. Only stopped by the fact that Ukrainian political oligarchs are more ethical than the current United States President. This is on top of 3 years of other crimes to varying degrees by the President. And the Republicans view this solely from a political angle.

You thought this was the worst comment? I'd go with "tits in a wringer libs."

The politics become more straightforward the more obvious the criminality becomes. At some point, if you DON'T impeach you are depressing enthusiasm with your own base. Voters on the left start to believe you aren't fighting for them. Pelosi was forced to move thanks to Trump's brazenness.

Could it backfire on Democrats? I guess anything is possible, but Trump doesn't seem like a guy who will be able to finesse the politics of it like Clinton did. Does anyone see him calming down and acting like the adult in the room?
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OdontoBear66 said:

bearister said:

OdontoBear66 said:

Tits in a wringer libs. Bad move....Biden & Son go down. Lefties win out, and blown out like Eugene back in the Dark Ages.

You don't have to be liberal to hate tRump and his Crime Family. This is really upsetting to him. It stains him no matter how it turns out. He probably has to throw Rudy under the bus. If Congress impeaches him he will be humiliated testifying at the trial before the Senate because he is too stupid and mentally degraded for any witness prep by an attorney. I don't care if he wins again. His policies favor me financially and f@ucks over much of his base. I always vote against my best financial interests, as does much of his base except those birdbrains don't realize it.

So in the long run do you think this move helps or hurts what is unfolding in the Dem Party? Energizing bases etc. Is this a good move?
Odonto - I think it has gone beyond a political calculation. If you are the opposition party and the President is openly requesting foreign governments to investigate your candidates you have to fight and protect yourself. You hope the public sides with you. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But you can't just sit there like an abused puppy, The democrats haven't wanted to impeach because they want to fight it out at the ballot box, but they can't let this happen.

The Biden thing has been a conspiracy theory for a while. There is nothing there. His son isn't going down. Maybe Trump is able to twist it into something that takes Biden down. I doubt it, but maybe. Maybe it throws the Democratic nomination to Warren as the Democrats don't really like Biden anyway. However, if that is the plan, it is a dangerous gambit by Trump because my guess is that if he convinces some of the swing voters that Biden is guilty, it will be at a cost of smearing himself with other swing voters. And he will have taken a hit without landing anything on Warren (or any other democrat).

edit: I would also point out that there are a lot of Trump voters in key states that like Biden and have for many years. He is one of them and has built up a lot of good will. A lot of those people are going to look beyond spin on this story out of respect for Biden and the facts don't support the conspiracy theory. Timing is all wrong. It is one thing to smear Hillary Clinton. It is another to smear a "good man".
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OaktownBear said:

...If he convinces some of the swing voters that Biden is guilty, it will be at a cost of smearing himself with other swing voters. And he will have taken a hit without landing anything on Warren (or any other democrat).

It would be a glorious patriotic move if Biden ultimately sacrifices himself to take out Trump and usher in a new administration.
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concordtom said:

Use the committees to investigate the F out of this pie-hole. Subpoena his taxes. Force the Supreme Court to rule on 50 shades of grey about this P-rick.
Send him to the guillotine.
Hopefully the democrats are not as emotional as this. Throwing everything up against the wall would be moronic. And everything you don't prove beyond a doubt is a win for him.

The Ukraine issue is simple and understandable. There is a transcript. They should go all in on this and this ALONE. Force the whistleblower report out. Investigate why the aid to Ukraine that he was legally bound to provide was delayed. Make the argument about why you do not seek aid from foreign governments to investigate your political rivals.

if you want to get him on the other stuff, you get him voted out of office (I have no confidence in the Republicans convicting him on an impeachment if he walked onto the Senate floor and blew McConnell's brains out). Let the DOJ do it's work if it is warranted. Muddying the political waters at this point would be a disaster.
Another Bear
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I'm telling y'all, Nancy Pelosi just played the GOP like a fiddle. She did the calculus and she knows she can win this thing. This is not a 400 page report, taking years to slog through. This is simple corruption that is months old with intel people, who should be credible.

The House will pass impeachment articles...and then Nancy Pelosi will hand the whole freakin' hot mess over to Moscow Mitch and it will be his bag of shtt to deal with. Make no bones about it, Moscow Mitch doesn't want that bag of shtt, not in an election year but he'll be up to his turtle neck in it. Nancy Pelosi boxed in the GOP in an election year.

What I find hilarious is the GOP brand of law and order is now done. The GOP are the crime party, and they're going to spend the next 5-6 months protecting a criminal. All the crap Trump has on the table is out. He has to focus on impeachment.

Word is, Trump is already climbing the wall... Make this will send him over the edge. One can hope.

Bottom Line: "The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law." - Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Another Bear
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Dang me...she was right all along.
B.A. Bearacus
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Let me put it simply: fuuck anyone who still thinks he should not be impeached for his attempt at interfering with the 2020 election with Ukraine.
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OaktownBear said:

concordtom said:

Use the committees to investigate the F out of this pie-hole. Subpoena his taxes. Force the Supreme Court to rule on 50 shades of grey about this P-rick.
Send him to the guillotine.
Hopefully the democrats are not as emotional as this. Throwing everything up against the wall would be moronic. And everything you don't prove beyond a doubt is a win for him.

The Ukraine issue is simple and understandable. There is a transcript. They should go all in on this and this ALONE. Force the whistleblower report out. Investigate why the aid to Ukraine that he was legally bound to provide was delayed. Make the argument about why you do not seek aid from foreign governments to investigate your political rivals.

if you want to get him on the other stuff, you get him voted out of office (I have no confidence in the Republicans convicting him on an impeachment if he walked onto the Senate floor and blew McConnell's brains out). Let the DOJ do it's work if it is warranted. Muddying the political waters at this point would be a disaster.
Okay, I will defer to your reasonability.
But after it's all over, I want to go medieval on him.
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B.A. Bearacus
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From DailyKos - a leftist site.
I usually don't buy much they throw out there, but on this I totally agree.
Reason being - the Trump administration is full of lies and I don't believe ANYTHING they submit to the public. Just listen to Corey Lewindowski - who has no obligation to be honest unless under oath. They all lie, all the time, without reservation. NOTHING trustworthy about the GOP.

Here's the two exerpts, right on the first page, that invalidate the rest:

Notetakers: The White House SituationRoom

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation. (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

This is crucial this is NOT a recording. This is not a stenographer's notes. This isn't even someone's notebook shorthand of the meeting.
This is a pure fabrication intended to cover the president's ass and minimize damage in case more comes out later.
Indeed the whole thing reads like an endless stream of praise towards Trump and way more than a normal 'diplomatic' meeting in the age of Trump.
Seriously: "You are absolutely right Mr. Presideht. We did win big and we worked hard for this. We worked a lot but I would like to confess to you that I had an opportunity to learn from you."
None of this even smells even a little like truth or like the usual lies someone would say to Trump to placate him.
This sounds like exactly what it is folks in the situation room playing a mixed game of telephone with what they remember, and mashing it together with full-on trolling and praising Trump.
Of course, they know that folks are going to be interviewed afterwards not only the whistleblower, but others they can't control but what we have here remains just plain garbage from a trustworthy authorship perspective. It's worse than false it's complete bull****, academically speaking. Less real than a 'reality show' after all the editing.
If anyone tries to use this as an excuse to ask for LESS well-sourced evidence, they're insane, or worse.
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Another Bear said:

I'm telling y'all, Nancy Pelosi just played the GOP like a fiddle. She did the calculus and she knows she can win this thing. This is not a 400 page report, taking years to slog through. This is simple corruption that is months old with intel people, who should be credible.

The House will pass impeachment articles...and then Nancy Pelosi will hand the whole freakin' hot mess over to Moscow Mitch and it will be his bag of shtt to deal with. Make no bones about it, Moscow Mitch doesn't want that bag of shtt, not in an election year but he'll be up to his turtle neck in it. Nancy Pelosi boxed in the GOP in an election year.

What I find hilarious is the GOP brand of law and order is now done. The GOP are the crime party, and they're going to spend the next 5-6 months protecting a criminal. All the crap Trump has on the table is out. He has to focus on impeachment.

Word is, Trump is already climbing the wall... Maybe this will send him over the edge. One can hope.

Bottom Line: "The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law." - Speaker Nancy Pelosi
My goodness. That was so well presented.
I, I... I think I just came!!!
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I need to find an IMPEACH with BACKFLIPS gif.
B.A. Bearacus
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Republican spine.

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Another Bear
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concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

I'm telling y'all, Nancy Pelosi just played the GOP like a fiddle. She did the calculus and she knows she can win this thing. This is not a 400 page report, taking years to slog through. This is simple corruption that is months old with intel people, who should be credible.

The House will pass impeachment articles...and then Nancy Pelosi will hand the whole freakin' hot mess over to Moscow Mitch and it will be his bag of shtt to deal with. Make no bones about it, Moscow Mitch doesn't want that bag of shtt, not in an election year but he'll be up to his turtle neck in it. Nancy Pelosi boxed in the GOP in an election year.

What I find hilarious is the GOP brand of law and order is now done. The GOP are the crime party, and they're going to spend the next 5-6 months protecting a criminal. All the crap Trump has on the table is out. He has to focus on impeachment.

Word is, Trump is already climbing the wall... Maybe this will send him over the edge. One can hope.

Bottom Line: "The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law." - Speaker Nancy Pelosi
My goodness. That was so well presented.
I, I... I think I just came!!!
Dude...aim for Melania, she'd appreciate it as her tits are in wringer...while Donald's little todger is in meat grinder controlled by Putin.
Another Bear
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sycasey said:


Incompetence, stupidity and arrogance are a very bad combo.
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The nation should all suddenly re-register to vote, as Democrats, so that the entire nation will be able to select the next President of the United States.
Trump is mud.
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Another Bear said:

concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

I'm telling y'all, Nancy Pelosi just played the GOP like a fiddle. She did the calculus and she knows she can win this thing. This is not a 400 page report, taking years to slog through. This is simple corruption that is months old with intel people, who should be credible.

The House will pass impeachment articles...and then Nancy Pelosi will hand the whole freakin' hot mess over to Moscow Mitch and it will be his bag of shtt to deal with. Make no bones about it, Moscow Mitch doesn't want that bag of shtt, not in an election year but he'll be up to his turtle neck in it. Nancy Pelosi boxed in the GOP in an election year.

What I find hilarious is the GOP brand of law and order is now done. The GOP are the crime party, and they're going to spend the next 5-6 months protecting a criminal. All the crap Trump has on the table is out. He has to focus on impeachment.

Word is, Trump is already climbing the wall... Maybe this will send him over the edge. One can hope.

Bottom Line: "The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law." - Speaker Nancy Pelosi
My goodness. That was so well presented.
I, I... I think I just came!!!
Dude...aim for Melania, she'd appreciate it as her tits are in wringer...while Donald's little todger is in meat grinder controlled by Putin.
She's a s!ut. I'm a one woman man.
I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.
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sycasey said:

dajo9 said:

OdontoBear66 said:

bearister said:

OdontoBear66 said:

Tits in a wringer libs. Bad move....Biden & Son go down. Lefties win out, and blown out like Eugene back in the Dark Ages.

You don't have to be liberal to hate tRump and his Crime Family. This is really upsetting to him. It stains him no matter how it turns out. He probably has to throw Rudy under the bus. If Congress impeaches him he will be humiliated testifying at the trial before the Senate because he is too stupid and mentally degraded for any witness prep by an attorney. I don't care if he wins again. His policies favor me financially and f@ucks over much of his base. I always vote against my best financial interests, as does much of his base except those birdbrains don't realize it.

So in the long run do you think this move helps or hurts what is unfolding in the Dem Party? Energizing bases etc. Is this a good move?
This right here exemplifies what is wrong with the current Republican Party and why it is on the verge of a major degradation and its current place in history will be written by the future victors as a scourge of American history. The Republican President has admitted to trying to sell out U.S. foreign policy for domestic political favors. Only stopped by the fact that Ukrainian political oligarchs are more ethical than the current United States President. This is on top of 3 years of other crimes to varying degrees by the President. And the Republicans view this solely from a political angle.

You thought this was the worst comment? I'd go with "tits in a wringer libs."

Yes, but I'm all for posts that serve no purpose except to reveal the character of the writer
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On that last note, a very disgusting thought.
If there could be an app, that was accurate and all-knowing, that was like 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon - except it could be 6 Degrees of Donald Trump Sexually.

Map everyone who has ever had sex with anyone else, and so on and so on and so on. And then people could see how they have had sex with Donald Trump.
That's just DISGUSTING!!!!
Another Bear
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This makes sense. Use the useful idiot, get what you want, then dump him when the going gets rough.
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The Ukrainian President is in a joint appearance with the Idiot in Chief and is getting asked questions about the calls with the Idiot in Chief. The Ukrainian leader is trying to keep out of the 2020 U.S. election and still get the military aid that his country was promised and needs to keep Russia at bay. Congress did approve the aid if I'm not mistaken. The poor guy looks like a United States serviceman in prison at the Hanoi Hilton paraded before the cameras who is being forced to give a statement, and while reading the prepared statement he is sending morse code via his eyes that says, "HELP ME, I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE"! The Ukrainian leader also says that he can't force Ukrainian investigators to investigate because they are independent due to the elections in his country.

The Idiot in Chief then goes on and starts to rail against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, making unsubstantiated statements about getting money from the Chinese and the Ukrainians. If Republicans thought Biden had done anything wrong they would have referred the matter to the FBI for investigation which they never have done. The Idiot in Chief then returns to one of his greatest hits, Hilary Clinton's emails. He wants the emails. The Clinton Derangement Syndrome was front and center once again. Why is the Idiot in Chief asking a foreign country to investigate something that should be investigated by the FBI? The Idiot in Chief went on to say that Pelosi doesn't care about gun legislation and is no longer the Speaker of the House???? Trump then basically insinuates that he wants the Ukraine to fight corruption meaning they should investigate the Bidens and Clinton, and that the Ukraine should work out its problems with Putin and Russia on their own.

There is a special place in hell for a person that is risking the well-being of millions of people who are looking at Russia at their front door ready to kick it in and take what ever they want. This not only puts the Ukraine at risk, this puts our European allies at risk under the NATO agreement, and as a result puts the United States at risk.

I can see Moscow Mitch throwing the Idiot in Chief under the bus and then backing up over him to save his own skin.
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Looks like the DNI threatened to resign as he was told he could not testify. The administration backed down so it appears that the full complaint of the whistleblower as well as full testimony from the DNI will be obtained. The whistleblower complaint should be received within the next hour.

The DNI has released a statement indicating that he did not threaten to quit
B.A. Bearacus
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We all about this: Ukraine in the membrane, Ukraine in the brain.

Another Bear
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Loving this thread.
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concordtom said:

..If there could be an app, that was accurate and all-knowing, that was like 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon ...

I'm 2 degrees from most of the legendary stars in Hollywood due to my non speaking, non credited role in this TV movie:

Fugitive Family (TV Movie 1980) - IMDb

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The Ukrainian leader looked and sounded like this poor shmuck as he sat there with the Idiot in Chief as he tried to get some protection against Putin & Russia.

Another Bear
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Methinks the media tide has turned. Yes it's MSNBC but they're cutting from Trump because he's LYING. The media will make bank off the Trump impeachment but I don't think they're cutting him any slack going forward.

Once Trump loses his ability to control the news cycle...that's it. He's lost one of the few weapons he has beside confusion, chaos and incompetence.
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Why do they keep calling notes taken by government officials of a phone conversation and put into memo form a transcript? Why didn't Nixon just release memos of his tapes?
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Another Bear said:

Methinks the media tide has turned. Yes it's MSNBC but they're cutting from Trump because he's LYING. The media will make bank off the Trump impeachment but I don't think they're cutting him any slack going forward.

Once Trump loses his ability to control the news cycle...that's it. He's lost one of the few weapons he has beside confusion, chaos and incompetence.

But not Fox News. Tucker Carlson had Joe diGeneva on his show and he called Judge Napolitano, the network's chief judicial analyst, a fool because he opined tRump broke the law. Yes, the same Joe diGeneva that tRump interviewed during the Mueller investigation (along with Joe's attorney wife, Victoria Toensing) to be part of his legal team but he rejected because tRump found them to be disheveled and "smelly."
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Another Bear
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True, Fox is still Fox but they've even been on the outs with a degree. However, when Fox turns, we'll know it's over or they threw Trump under the bus.
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