movielover said:
We are a technology leader. How many GOP-lean or toss-up seats, veered Democrat?
First that is fake. Ca certified 30 days after as required by law.
But second
CA sends mail ballots to everyone AND counts ballots that are post marked on election day but which arrive (I believe it is 3) some time afterwards.
About 3 days prior to election (depending on the county and its capacity) a list is run that shows which voters are registered and which ballots have been returned. This is sent to polling places.
At that point after all all ballots arriving by mail are set aside and unopened.
After the election all those ballots are compared to the individual precinct records to ensure that no one has voted twice. I believe the current practice is that if a voter votes at the precinct his/her ballot is destroyed. Only then will the ballots then be checked against signatures on file and opened and counted.
Provisional ballots also add to the "fun" as these can be cast day off and then officials have to resolve the problem. In most cases these reflect moves/record lags and so there is a also a process of resolving those to ensure the voter hasn't voted in 2 precincts.
Now you don't care because the above doesn't fit with your narrative from the bubble but that is why.